Summary: The scriptures do not say, “…become the salt and the light.” Jesus says, “You are the salt…You are the light.” So, what type of salt and light are you, I ask?

What Type of Salt and Light Are You?: Matt. 5:13-16

Introduction: God refers to believers as the “salt” and “light.” Too many Christians fail to appropriate the benefits, privileges, and responsibilities of being salt and light. As a result, millions suffer because they continue to conform to the world and its destructive ways. The following are several benefits of salt and light that need to be realized, reconsidered, and utilized so that others can benefit from who we are in Christ.

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:13-16).

Benefits of Salt:

1. Preserves: We are to preserve whatever we come in contact with. When you are around others who might be less grounded in their faith, do you preserve what faith they have or do you exemplify a behavior that has them to question their faith? Ask God to help you be a better example for others to help preserve them in their faith.

2. Purifies: Just as we are purified through Jesus Christ, we must live as if we are purified. We can purify others in their walk with God by encouragement, involvement, and through the teaching of God’s Word.

3. Flavors: Christianity is not dull and boring. We are to have flavor. Don’t be so dull that when others see you they think, “Why would I want what they have?” We should exemplify a lifestyle that is full of flavor. We have tasted the flavor of the Lord.

4. Penetrates: Salt penetrates 100% of the time. We should also be penetrating 100% of the time. We should not let the secular things of this world penetrate our life, but we should be penetrating our community with the good news of Jesus Christ. Ask God to give you the wisdom of relating with others around you to build a bridge for effective witnessing.

5. Melts Ice: If there is someone who might have gotten cold in there faith, we are to melt that barrier by being the salt of God. We must be careful to not be lukewarm as well. "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold or hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are Lukewarm -- neither hot nor cold -- I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:15-16 NIV). In some situations you will find yourself talking with someone who has a cold heart from their past life. We are to help warm their heart with the love of God.

6. Provides Traction: Many times, we will find ourselves in the presence of people who are living slippery lives. We are to give them traction with the foundation of God’s promises and truths. Do not let their slippery lifestyle slip you up, but give them something to hold onto so they don’t fall.

7. Works Quietly: Just as salt delivers such an impact without making a peep, we too should not make a big deal when we are helping others. We are to do these things unto the Lord and not get caught up in if anyone is noticing us.

8. Creates Thirst: We are to leave people thirsty for more. Live your life as if you are saved. This will make people want to know what you have. Ask the Lord to give you a lifestyle that would make people thirsty to know what hope you have. Give all of the credit to Jesus Christ.

9. Heals: Although we cannot heal anyone, we know the antidote for healing. Dr. Luke tells us in Acts 3:18, “Repent and be converted, so that your sins may be blotted out.”

10. Useful in numerous products: We should not eliminate any person because of race, gender, or lifestyle. God is able to use us in every situation as long as we are willing. Ask God to give you a willing heart and to submit to His agenda, not our own.

11. Inexpensive but valuable: We have the most valuable news that anyone can hear. This is not only valuable, but it will not cost anything that they can’t afford.

12. Works in all temperatures: Do not let people’s attitudes discourage you. Ask the Lord to use you in all instances. Also do not be acquired to working in only the air-conditioned church. Ask God to give you opportunities to serve outside in the community.

13. Created by God: Remember that you are a creation and not the creator. We belong to God. Ask God to use you however, whenever, and wherever.

Benefits of Light:

1. Clarifies: If it is dark enough, we can’t see to far ahead of us. Light clarifies these things, so that we know that they are there and keeps us from running into them. We should clarify the bumps in the road that people will hit with the worldly lifestyles they are living.

2. Inspires: You may have found yourself lost in the dark at some point in life. Once the light clarified your path, it gave you inspiration. We should also inspire people with the message of, “We know where we are going when we die and that they can too.”

3. Reveals: Sometimes people may have a seared vision of life and may not see the whole picture of a situation even if it is right in their face. We should reveal these truths to them and urge them to chose the right path. We can reveal these truths by aligning them with the Word of God.

4. Reflects and Brightens: We should reflect the love and grace of God upon others. When we reflect in our lifestyle what God has done for us it makes a tremendous impact on all of those keeping a keen eye on your every move. People are interested in what Christians have and do. Let’s show them that our joy and hope is in the Lord.

5. Provides Pathways and Guides: Many people in our society today are coming from a verbally abusive home or relationship and they feel as if they have no other path other than to stay living how they are. We are obligated to provide a pathway for them, leading them to faith in Christ.

6. Convicts: Imagine how much mischief we could get away with if there was no light. What if the sun never rose? We would be able to get away with pretty much anything including deceiving ourselves. The light convicts us of how we really look and where we really come from. We are to convict by the teaching of God’s Word.

7. Irritates Those in Darkness: The light irritates those who enjoy the darkness. Ask God to give you the patience of dealing with skeptics.

8. Provides Vision: Just as physical light gives us vision to see, we should also give the spiritually blind a vision. It’s amazing how the blind man in the Bible recognized Jesus from afar, but the Pharisees who could physically see him were spiritually blind.

9. Protects: I will not have my wife walk our dog on her own early in the morning or late in the evening. I am not saying that she could not protect herself, but I am just being precautionary. Darkness is dangerous. No one would see what happens if someone were to grab her. Therefore the light protects her by giving a visual of her to others. We should also shine our light on others to protect them from the evils of spiritual darkness.

10. Reflects What is Missing: It is amazing how light not only clarifies what is actually there, but also reflects what is missing by giving us a shadow. Ask God to allow you to work in others lives to show them what is missing. We will always be searching for that next temporary fulfillment until we accept the ultimate fulfillment of Jesus Christ.

11. Beams to the Most Remote Areas: Just as light beams to every nation on this earth, we are to bring the message of salvation to every nation. There is one key word I would like you to look at in the passage of Matt. 28:19-20. The word “all.” We are to go, make, baptize, and teach….where? “All” nations.

Conclusion: The scriptures do not say, “…become the salt and the light.” Jesus says, “You are the salt…You are the light.” So, what type of salt and light are you, I ask? Do you put a basket over your light? Remember, we are to penetrate 100% of the time. Penetrate the tough hearts and make them tender. Your attitude will determine what type of salt and light you really are.

May we grow in Christ likeness so that we may benefit others with the inherent blessings the Lord Jesus has given us.