Summary: This message provides practical advice for how believers can develop a more meaningful and powerful prayer life.

How to Get the Most from Your Prayer Life

Ephesians 6:18

You know…the Apostle Paul really knows how to end a letter with a BANG!

• First, he talks about Family and having healthy relationships. Talk about a much needed topic.

• Second, he teaches believers what they need to do in order to have victory over the attacks of Satan.

When you stop and think about it…these are two topics that believers today still need help with today.

Paul begins by challenging believers to Put On The Whole Armor of God! This armor has SIX pieces to it.

• Truth are to gird your loins.

• The Breastplate of Righteousness.

• Shodded feet with the preparation of Peace.

• Shield of faith.

• Helmet of Salvation

• Sword of the spirit.

Paul uses this illustration of a Roman Soldier to help believers understand that they need to be prepared for a battle…

• And that God provides protection that we can rely on in order to have victory.

But what is interesting is that this chapter doesn’t end here.

• At first reading you might think Paul is anti-climactic when he get’s to verse 18.

Come on Paul…you really had us energized and excited thinking about the Armor that God provides his children….

• It’s cool to talk about the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit.

And the reason he does…is because he wants to teach us another valuable lesson.

I. Understand the Importance of Prayer.

I am sure that wearing all that Armor is truly impressive….

• But the problem is…that if that is all you got…then you ain’t got enough.

You see, the Armor is great for providing protection….

• But we also need “power” in order to be victorious.

• A battle is not just about defense…it is also about offense.

• And the Lord wants to provide the energy we need in order to have Victory.

And that is exactly why we need to pray!

Yesterday I was asked to fill out a survey for my 25 high school reunion. One of the questions was to share some memories of my time at Colerain High. I was really struggling with coming up with something and Melissa said, “Why not share something about playing football. As soon as she said that a memory did surface, but not one that I really want to share. It was my sophomore year and we were playing Moeller. I was playing defensive back….I looked great in my uniform. I had my helmet, shoulder pads, back then we had the pads over our thighs and knees. I had my Armor on and I was ready for the battle…or so I thought. Moeller had a running back name Hiawatha Fransisco. He was a monster back with thighs bigger than my waist. It 3rd down, Moeller’s ball, and they had 24 yards to go for a 1st down. We all knew they would pass but they didn’t….they gave the ball to Hiawatha and he starts right up the middle and get through the line and then through the Line Backer’s. And he starts towards me…I knew I would be alright….after all I had on my helmet and shoulder pads. I was protected from head to toe! So I launched out at him to take him down to china town. Got a hold of him about thigh…..and 30 yards later he finally came down after I got a little help from my friends.

You see, I had was protected from head to toe…but I didn’t have enough power to bring him down!

Prayer is exactly what we need because Prayer is what gives us access to God.

• And access to God is where we get the power we need for the battle.

• And it is God’s empowerment that gives us victory over the spiritual battles that we will engage in.

So let me ask you….HOW IS YOUR PRAYER LIFE?

Do you feel like it is pretty strong? GREAT

Do you feel like it pretty good, but could use some work?

Do you feel like it is almost non-existent?

Regardless of the condition of your prayer life….this message is for you.

You see, Paul not only tells them that they need to pray, but he now gives some suggestions on how they can Prayer more effectively.

II. Instructions for Effective Prayer. 18

Great instructions can make all the difference in the world.

• Clear instructions can be the difference between finding your desired location and wandering around lost for hours at a time.

Yesterday I was the beneficiary of good instructions. My brother had invited me and the fam…to go to Ceasar’s Creek to wake board and tube. I knew I would have to leave early to get back to KY, so I told him to give me directions to the boat dock and I would meet him there. Well Precious Proceeds to give me directions and after a certain point, he stopped using street names or route numbers. Instead he replaced street names with barn’s and stores and advertisements that were along the road. I thought WOW this is going to be fun. But you know…his directions were so detailed without names of streets that I made it to the dock without one wrong turn.

Paul does us a huge favor in this text.

• He provides clear directions regarding prayer.

• So that we might discover the power that we need to experience victory in the heat of battle.

A. Don’t Ever Hang Up on God. “Pray at All Times.”

It is interesting to take note that the “Frequency of our prayers” was a very common theme for Paul.

• Philippians 4:6 “But in everything let your requests be made known to God.”

• Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer.”

• 1 Thess 5:7 “pray without ceasing.”

But for Paul this was not only a theme of his writings…it was part of his life.

But how is it possible to “pray at all times?” Good question… but in order to understand this we have to define the term.

• To pray at all times means that we are God- Conscious.

• That we live in a constant awareness of His Presence.

You see, praying without ceasing is seeing things form God’s viewpoint.

• When we see a hurt….as God to heal it.

• When we notice a problem….turn to God for a solution.

• Basically, it is depending on God through every area of life.

At every waking moment we are either praising God for a blessing

• Or we are interceding for someone in need.

It is living in such a way that we never have to say “Lord, Come into my presence….because we have never left His presence.”

B. Don’t Just Ask….but Tell. “With all Prayer and Petition.”

In five words…Paul reminds us that prayer comes in several shapes.

• Supplication, intercession, thanksgiving…etc….

The believer who only focus’s on one is missing out on blessings.

• For example, if all a person does is ask God for things, then they are going to miss out on the blessings of expressing their love for God in Thanksgiving and the joy of praying for another brother or sister in need.

• Actually, Praise is a great weapon for defeating satan.

• The Bible say’s “That God inhabits the praises of His people.”

• Therefore, if you want to invite God into a problem…start praising Him in the midst of you storm and He will show up.

So begin practicing the various forms of prayer. Take the time to ask, but also…

• Take the time to Thank God for His Blessings.

• Take the Time to Praise Him and acknowledge His Greatness.

• Take the Time to Intercede on behalf of someone else.

As you apply each of these in your prayer life…not only will you spend more time praying.

• But your prayers will develop more depth and substance.

• And you will get off your knees more fulfilled.

C. Stay Alert & Persistent.

Persistent is pretty easy to understand. It basically means to endure.

So when you are applying that to prayer….keep praying to you have an answer.

Just like the man in Luke 11:5-8 who kept banging on his neighbors door to get some bread to feed his unexpected guests.

• This verse reminds us to keep on praying, always persevere, always endure.

• Because that is one thing that God is looking for in our prayers.

• God listens for constant, persistent prayers.

But what does it mean to be alert?

Here is the point…We can’t persevere in prayer and pray intelligently unless we are alert to the things that are going on.

Many of us forget Peters plea (1 Peter 4:7) “be of sound judgement and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.”

• This verse (in my opinion) describes a believer who is alert to their surroundings so they can pray effectively.

Let me ask:

• Do you know what is going on in your home? What about with your wife? Do you pray for her faithfully? Do you pray for her spiritual growth and for God to bless her?

• Do you pray for your husband? Pray that he might be God’s man in every sense of the word? Do you pray that he might make the right decisions and seek to be a spiritual thermostat in the home?

• Do you pray for your kids? Do you pray that God will build them up in the spirit? Do you pray for God to give them godly friends and remove negative influences? Do you pray that God will keep them from the evil one?

• What about your friends and neighbors? The people around you? When someone shares a need do you really pray? Or simply say that you will?

I knew of a man who had stacks of notebooks on his shelves. Within these notebooks were prayer requests that he had made note of over several years. He wrote the request, and also documented the answers. This man has been doing this for about twenty years now and is in his 18 or 19th notebook. Talk about a man who is alert!


Prayer is the power behind the armor!

• Prayer is what enables us to stand firm .

I know some of you this morning are probably feeling like your prayer life is empty and lifeless.

• This morning I don’t want you to be discouraged.

• I want you to be encouraged by the truth that this is a process.

• It takes time, effort, and work to grow in your prayer life.

I remember when Melissa and I first started dating. I really enjoyed being with her. Back then it wasn’t uncommon for us to sing together. We would go to the music building, find a piano and we would sing great songs of the faith. During those early days as we were walking back to her dorm, we would talk, but sometimes there would be an awkward silence in those early days, as we were getting comfortable being with each other.

So many Christians today are not experiencing victory…because they have never gotten beyond the awkward stage with God.

• But the only way to get beyond that stage….is to make the effort.

• To give the time to be still before God, and share not only your requests but your thoughts.

To grow in prayer…you must pray! It is as simple as that.

I hope you can see today, that we have God who desires to know you and have a personal relationship with you.