Summary: The power of the Holy Spirit and the glory of God does not always lift up, but sometimes brings us to our knees.

Woe is Me: When God’s Glory Brings us Down July 13, 2008

Illus: I was craving some chocolate as I often do. I walked into the house and smelled freshly made brownies. I said “Thank God, someone made brownies.” Becky said I am not thanking God! What was good for me was not so good for her.

If you could experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life, would you be interested? Do we understand what that means? Do we want what that means?

Isaiah 2:19

Everyone will not be happy when God shows up. We love to praise and worship God. We enjoy singing and joyful celebration. Today’s Christians at times almost worship. But the glory of God is not always joyful or celebratory. God’s presence is not just about making us feel good.

The same lighting and thunder that lights up the sky is the same lightning and thunder that sets the forest on fire.

Acts: Review

Our history: a continuation of the work of Jesus – a great cloud of witnesses.

We must wait for the Holy Spirit., but we cannot stand.

We need to be busy with his work, and prayer.

The Holy Spirit gives us power to live and witness for Jesus.

When the Holy Spirit comes, everything changes, nothing will be the same.

Wherever the Holy Spirit is, God receives glory and people come to Jesus.

Response to the power of the Holy Spirit:

Some were amazed and impressed.

Some mocked and resisted.

Illus: A man sued his church for 2.5 million because he when he fell under the Spirit, he hit his head.

Everyone will not be happy when the Holy Spirit comes. The glory and power of God affects people in different ways.

Isaiah 6: Woe is me! What might have seemed like a great event brought fear to a man of God.

We long for revival, we pray for the Holy Spirit, but are we willing to experience the fullness of the Spirit if that means being “undone?” Are we willing to be taken apart by the presence of God?

Isaiah is referring to the Day of the Lord - both for Israel and for us. Acts tells us we are in the last days. So when we pray for the Spirit to fall, we need to be ready for not only the majesty of God, but the terror of the Lord.

Do you want to be blessed? Jacob wrestled with God all night because he wanted a blessing – he got a blessing and walked with a limp the rest of his life. Are we willing to change if being blessed by God’s presence means that everything changes?

2 Cor. 2:16 (NLT) To those who are perishing we are a fearful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?

The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, but He is not weak.

Some people died for lying to the Holy Spirit! Ananias and Sapphira.

Someone said when we were young, we feared not having the Holy Spirit, now young people fear the Holy Spirit. They are afraid of what that means.

We should not make presumptions about what the glory of God means. In other words, we cannot predetermine what the effects of the Holy Spirit will be. Sometimes we pray for the Holy Spirit, but we already

Illus: I have an agenda…what church should look like.

A woman made Elijah hide in a cave. God does not always shout – sometimes a whisper is more effective. Do you ever notice how people try to hear a whisper?

What does it mean to be in God’s presence? What does it mean to worship God?

Job 1:20 When Job lost everything he had, how did he respond? He fell down and worshiped God.

Woodrow Kroll, Back to the Bible: The word for worship throughout the Bible means to fall down. It means to acknowledge someone greater than you. That God is God and we are not – he is in charge.

1 Kings 8:11, 2 Chronicles 5:14 The priests could not stand because of the glory of God.

The wise men fell down and worshiped Jesus.

In Revelation, the elders fall down and worship.

We may not agree with all of their theology, but even the Catholics still bow down.

Some men used to fall down on their face in our church – right in the center of the aisle. That bothered me! But we need some men to fall down!

Scientists have discovered the earth makes sounds – groaning. The rocks will cry out.

Worship or Worth-ship, is not all about feeling good – liking the song. If you don’t like certain songs, worship God anyway. I used to need music to pray and read the Bible, but I matured.

Worship is not a response to feeling good, but to God’s worth.

Being in the presence of God does feel good sometimes, but not all the time. There is more to worship than celebration, be happy, feeling good. Sometimes the fire and conviction of the Holy Spirit can be painful.

Worship is not just what we do for 20 minutes in church – but how we live our lives in surrender to his lordship.

Do we really want the glory of God? Are we willing to fall down? To be humbled, to change?

Perspective is a Priority: The same power and glory

If there are areas of our lives that are not right with God, the power of God might be painful.

But that is okay – God is refining us in the fire of His Spirit.

Our perspective will determine whether God’s glory brings joy or fear.

We have to make some decisions that we are not going to be swayed or discouraged when things seem hard.

The power of God is not just about the good times – but all the time.

3 John 1:1-2 Why are people sick? I pray your health prospers even as your soul prospers.

This is not an excuse for abuse:

Illus: In Lakeland Florida they are having a revival but rarely mention Jesus or salvation.

They are telling people to come get some. That is not what the Holy Spirit is about – just getting our blessing. It is about giving God glory and bringing people to Jesus.

One reason some people are skeptical about the power of the Holy Spirit is that Christians sometimes abuse this power.

Paul corrected the Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 14:23

Our goal is not to have a show or get a blessing, but to give God glory and bring people to Jesus.

How do we respond to their response?

When the people mocked the apostles, Peter did not close down the meeting. He did not move the gathering. He used it as an opportunity to preach the Gospel and save souls.

The same power that causes some to shake or run for the hills is the same power that brings sinners to Jesus.

When the glory and power of God comes, and some people are terrified or resist, we should not give up.

The same storm that you are in is the same storm that may bring great blessing into your life.

There are things we go through that we try to make sense out of, figure out, explain, we just need to get down and worship God – let Him be in charge. If that means we change, praise God!

Surrender to God is a good thing!

Romans 8:28

Some of us are trying to be in charge, control everything, fix everything, and we just need to bow down and say “God, you are God, I am not. You’re in charge.”

God is not mean: God does not want to terrify us or scare us. His power and glory is to bring us to Himself.

How did God respond to Isaiah? Isaiah 6

Revelation 16:9 Until the very end, God is revealing is power and glory so that people will repent and come to Him.

How do you respond to the presence of God?

Do you hide in shame?

Do you jump for joy?

Do you run for the hills?

Or do you bow down in honor?

Illus: A storm is coming: Did you see the black clouds. A young man thought the world was going to end. Even sinners know that. But we don’t have to be afraid.

It takes the terror of God to bring some people to Jesus! What will it take for you to surrender your life fully to Him?

Come to Jesus now while you can. Experience his Spirit and power before it is terrifying.

Come to the Altar – you can pray anywhere. Many people sit in their seats because falling to your knees is awkward – especially in front of everyone.

“Every knee will bow.” You can bow now, or bow later. But you will bow down.