Summary: 4th in series: Following Jesus in how we as Christians and as a church can and are to make a difference in our communities through practical applications of love that bring Christ glory!


Fourth in Series: “Love In Action”

Rev. Todd G. Leupold Perth Bible Church July 20, 2008 AM


Important News Flash:

VIDEO: “What Does It Take To Be A Superhero?” (BluefishTv) – 51.8 secs

Last week we learned to better understand the radical love Christ desires of us from a portion of His Sermon on the Mount as recorded by Matthew. This week, we are going to pick up from there in Luke’s account and see that in order for our radical love to be genuine, God-honoring and M.A.D. (something that Makes A Difference), it needs to be something that flows from our heart and then abundantly pours out in self-less and practical action!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:31-38



A.) The Rule Is Simply Golden v. 31

This “golden rule” that Jesus presents is nothing new. It is a simple, summary re-statement of the Ten Commandments. Which one(s)? ALL of them!

Matthew 22:36-40

Jesus’ words that we call ’the golden rule’ are just another way of His commanding us to “love (y)our neighbors.” And, loving our neighbor is – in turn – simply a practical application of how we are to tangibly “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind!”

Or, as we paraphrase it in our purpose statement: “Loving God absolutely and Loving Others Sacrificially.”

It is also an action-producing attitude that the LORD Himself demonstrates throughout Scripture.

B.) Flowing From The Heart vv. 32-34

It’s not about WHEN we love, but WHO and HOW!

Even and especially “the ungrateful and evil” who are undeserving!

Illustration: contrasting personal accounts

+ Christian Fellowship friends sticking with me, even when I mocked or embarrassed them

+ leading different people in the missions field. Attitude of Portland Youth (“Spring Break for free and it looks good”) vs. Toni Frusteri (“I’m 76, have no talents or abilities, all I can do is laugh and love”).

Mary Beeke, in her book The Law of Kindness: Serving With Hearts and Hands, describes:

“The roots of a tree lie unseen in the earth, where they do their work of storing food and

drawing water and nourishment from the soil to help the fruit grow. Likewise, themselves

roots of kindness lie deep within the mind and the soul of a person, giving rise to the fruit

of kindness . . . According to Scripture, a good work is defined not only by the visible

behavior (the fruit), but also by the motive of the heart (the root)” (pg. 23).

When YOU (or I) attempt to exercise “The Golden Rule,” what is our true motivation? Is it truly radical, self-less love, or is at perhaps sometimes the thought that: “Hey, maybe if I do this now, this person will owe me and/or someone else will do the same or even more for me another time”?

C.) Pouring Into Action vv. 35-36

“Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”

How is that?

Father God did not simply feel sorry for us, then look the other way. Wish better for us and hope somebody somewhere someday would do something for us. Or, look down upon our poverty (physical, financial, emotional or spiritual) and determine to figure what is the least He can do for us.

Rather, God felt deeply and determined what was the greatest He can do for us! How can He best save, provide for and bless us beyond even what we could ever deserve and without hesitation! He looked upon us, saw our sin and oppression and then turned to His Son with an unwavering commitment to sacrifice ALL for our sorry, ungrateful and filthy sorry excuses for a creation in His image!

Yes, love flows out from the heart, but then it must also flow TO something else that desperately needs it.


A.) Something Everyone Can Do: Servant Evangelism

That sounds different, certainly not what we’re used to.

Graphic: (8-24-2005)

How IS it that WE ALL can better love God absolutely by seeing, treating, and loving others sacrificially? Regardless of . . . personality . . . ability . . . gifting . . . finances . . .maturity?

With the Sacrificial love of Christ Himself flowing from us!

We SHOW it, so We can SPEAK about Him!

WHAT is Servant Evangelism?

It is demonstrating the love of God by offering to do some act of humble service with no strings attached!

As Pastor Steve Sjogren, the Christian pioneer who has re-birthed and termed this ancient idea for our time and culture explains: “Free service offers a picture of the grace of God, a priceless gift which can never be repaid.”

Servant Evangelism = deeds of love + words of love + adequate time


WHY does Servant Evangelism work?

1.Sharing Christ is not a “one-shot” deal!

2.Anyone can do simple acts of kindness.

3.Sharing His love is “high grace.”

4.Evangelism “hits home” when it begins with acceptance.

5.Evangelism must overcome a credibility gap.

6.An experience of love opens a person’s heart to a message of love!

B.) The Approach

Evangelism? Servant?

Doesn’t that just make people uncomfortable or angry and push them away? Isn’t that just something for especially gifted or rude Christians to do?

Graphic: “Evangelism is NOT a dirty word”

But it can be.

Steve Sjogren refers to 3 types of people when it comes to evangelism (terms he learned from Dudley Lynch & Paul L. Kordis in their book, Strategy of the Dolphin):

1.The Shark

- aggressive, controlling, often hunts alone. Gets a lot done . . . BUT with a painful price.

2.The Carp

- lethargic, watches life pass by, see themselves as victims

3.The Dolphin

- The best of the shark & carp, without the weaknesses!

- Enthusiastic & positive; On a mission, but has fun; Eager, while responsible

This world experiences a few (which is much more than they like) Christian “sharks” and countless “carps.” But far too few, if any, Christian dolphins!

Why can’t WE be God’s representative people who practice servant evangelism like a school of dolphins in our community?

C.) Success = Sacrifice

It might sound harsh, or even unfair, but . . .

Isn’t this the ultimate example of Christ? His sacrifice for our success?

What do we need to sacrifice?


- focus, convenience, pleasure, satisfaction, return and reward

- Steve Sjogren: “I have never heard of a bank that allows a withdrawal before a deposit has been made. This routine of ’Deposit First-Withdraw Later’ is violated continually, by regular church people – and without realizing what they are doing . . . The norm is that we ’bring’ the gospel. We don’t ’send’ the gospel. To bring anything has everything to do with personal connections, relationship, a touch, and . . . ’Incarnation’ . . . We bring the message of Jesus every time we connect with people.”


- Sjogren also suggest that while we often refer to evangelism in terms of wheat, sometimes it is more like growing asparagus. Asparagus, you see, takes three years before it will yield a crop. Sometimes unredeemed souls and needy people are like that too! I know I was!

3.Material Goods

yes, sometimes it even requires giving away something of value to someone who may never understand, appreciate, or take advantage of it and, may even mock or persecute us all the more because of it! Again, wasn’t that what Christ did for us on the cross?


According to a recent Ellison Research Study: “More Americans are acquainted with a gay or lesbian person than an evangelical. . . Only 24% of all Americans who say they are not evangelical know an evangelical person very well, and 40% have never known any evangelicals at all, even casually. Meanwhile, 53% say they know a homosexual person very well, and 20% know such a person casually. . . (Christian Post 6/26/08)

(Graphic: Pie Chart.) At the same time, more than half of the respondents in a 2007 Lifeway Research study of unchurched adults said they never wonder whether they would go to heaven if they died. In addition, only 49% said they would visit in person if they were looking for a church. More than half of unchurched people would follow a recommendation from family, friends, neighbors or colleagues if they were looking for a church, but 24% said they didn’t really see themselves using any of the usual ways of finding a church.

Ed Statzer, director of LifeWay Research, comments: “For several decades we have focused on come and see, invest and invite, bring your friends to church by attracting them with a great program. We call that attractional ministry. Now we are facing the reality that fewer unchurched people are willing to visit a Christian church. This will compel us to embrace a go and tell – or incarnational – approach. . . Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ must happen in relationships, not just at church. Each individual believer, not just church staff, must own the responsibility. . . If we are waiting for them to someday walk into our churches, that someday may never come.”

Scott McConnell, the associate director of LifeWay Research, echoes: “As believers and as churches, we must invest in building relationships with unbelievers and find tangible ways to show the love of Jesus Christ to them in everyday life.”

(“Evangelism must begin beyond the sanctuary,” article by Mark Kelly)

What will it be Perth Bible Church?

will we find ourselves like this: (Graphic: reverendfun (1-02-2006)?

or will people talk about us like this: (Graphic: pic of man, “Man, they’re about serving. They aren’t teaching it, they’re doing it.”)

How can WE do this for OUR Community?