Summary: Be mindful of how we treat others

Armed and Extremely Dangerous

Proverbs 11:30

A serial killer is someone who murders three or more people in three or more separate events over a period of time.[1] Many serial killers suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder and usually not psychosis, and thus appear to be quite normal and often even charming, a state of adaptation which Hervey Cleckley calls the "mask of sanity." There is sometimes a sexual element to the murders. The murders may have been completed/attempted in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common, for example occupation, race, sex, etc. But in most cases they are considered armed and dangerous.

Although the terms "serial killer" and "mass murderer" are often used synonymously, criminologists distinguish the two. The following distinctions are commonly made:

A serial killer is one who commits a number of murders over a long period of time, with the killings separated by often-long periods of apparent normalcy.

A mass murderer, on the other hand, is an individual who kills several people in a single event.

A spree killer kills in a series of closely connected events.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a serial killing as: "[involving] the killing of several victims in three or more separate events.” This definition is especially close to that of a spree killer, and perhaps the primary difference between the two is that a serial killer tends to "lure" victims to their death, whereas a spree killer tends to go "hunting."

Serial killers are often acting on extreme sadistic urges and are often classified as sociopath, lacking any ability to empathize with the suffering of others.

But really, either, or, or all of the above, the common denominator is armed and dangerous.

Understanding the facts behind what a serial or mass murderer or spree killer is allows us to grasp the concept of how it can cause the same disastrous results in the body of Christ. The book of Proverbs gives us instruction on how to achieve a prosperous life as an individual, and how to assist others to prosper. When we remove the pertinent steps indicated in the word, we have found these past few weeks that it is detrimental to our personal spirit man, as well as to those we come in contact with. We spoke about being a Suicidal Saint, comparing it to that of those on the Titanic. Whereas many of the people because of their lack of trust and belief in the proper authorities, their lack of knowledge and understanding about what was going on, and their disobedience they in essence committed suicide. Last week we talked about Homicidal Saints, those who are much like those in slasher movies using the tongue as the weapon, causing gaping wounds that cause others to perish. Not only murdering, but also killing with extensive pain and anguish, causing the highest amount of agony possible. This week as you see we are concluding with serial killer or multiple killer saints. Those who kill repeatedly with specifics on who they will kill based on what they perceive.

We first of all need to understand that those who participate in these type actions, in most cases suffer from the inability of doing what God has commanded us to do. We recite the second and greatest command each Sunday, sometimes with gusto, and sometime haphazardly, but my prayer is after today, we will evaluate this command daily and make it a part of our daily prayer to prohibit us from falling into the trap of the enemy whose desire is for us to become oblivious to the will of God, and instead cling to our own selfish desires. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” The reason a serial killer cannot love others is because they have not learned how to love themselves. The reason why they cannot love themselves, because they really for whatever reason don’t like who they are. Many serial killers according to statistics have been abused, misused, badgered, slandered, by those who should have protected them and kept them safe. Many serial killers go after those people who have the qualities they feel they lack or they feel are as useless as they have been told they are. Some even go after those who fit the same qualities as their abusers, because they can’t ever stand up to the abuser, those whom they kill serve as the proxy. But in all scenerios the one thing that labels them as “killer” is the fact that they take the life of another, so if we comprehend nothing else, understand that they are armed and dangerous.

Many serial killers have trade-marks or gimmicks so to speak. So sliced with knives, some strangled, some left playing cards, some position the victims in specific ways. There are some that kill according to race, others according to gender, and some based on age. Some killed for recognition, others killed for power, all killed to fulfill an emptiness or void. And all were armed and dangerous.

Armed and dangerous, simply means your are equipped with a weapon and have every intent on using it to do harm. Now combine this with a spirit of wanting to do this over and over again, you arrive at a serial, mass, or spree killer.

When I looked at these things I saw three weapons, fool, pride, and hatred. When I thought of the weapon, I thought of the first serial killer….In actuality his first deed was a spree killing – you know his name - Satan – when he got a whole crew of angels kicked out of heaven could be seen as the first mass murderer. He knew that God would not stand for this type of disobedience so instead of going by himself, he took a crew and armed with foolish pride, he killed the opportunities of a slew of angels

Saints, be careful who you align yourself with, because a fool can truly be seen as armed and dangerous. A fool is armed with just enough knowledge to sound convincing, and dangerous because they are unaware how to use it.

Proverbs 13:20

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 14:7

Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.

We must beware of the serial killer, the mass murderer, the spree killer, because they are armed and dangerous.

Another one of Satan’s issues was Pride! The reason he confronted God was because he was extremely full of himself. This is in fact a result from foolishness. Because only a fool thinks he is more than he should be.

Proverbs 16:18 aPride goeth before destruction, and an bhaughty spirit before a fall.

Because of his pride – his spiritual connection, his spiritual security was destroyed! And he FELL! Some of the messes we are in is because we were too proud to ask somebody….. and because we don’t ask, those we love are hurt and affected as well…. Those who look to us for advice and assistance see us to proud to ask, because we are worried about what others may think, so we actually spiritually kill them because they fail to ask when they get into a problem because they are taking notes from you

Satan though highly of himself, gathered some other angels who he convinced he was really all that and a bag of chips, to the point he really had to prove himself. Sometimes we run off at the mouth (fool) and our pride will not allow us to state “I made a mistake” so we push forward with the foolish idea because we are too proud to state “I may need to rethink this” You know how we shout “God told me” when really it wasn’t God, who told us to do anything, it was our friend who called and planted a seed in our mind, we got excited. We dream about it that night, after getting the seed planted, then we drive down the street and see a billboard that says “It’s Yours” and even though it is advertising a house that a builder wants you to buy, you immediately assume God is telling you with the billboard, that the thing Joe told you he thought you should do was from God. You start getting folk together, convincing them you heard from God…. But when you realize perhaps you were merely running on emotions, because we don’t want someone to think we were foolish, we keep on pushing toward the goal not ordained by God to make ourselves look good. Satan may have thought about it before he started talking to God. He may have said to himself, you know, God is really better than me, He created me… but man I can’t back down now…. My boys would think I was a punk…. No, I’m gonna tell God……. And poof, kicked out.

Don’t let pride cause you to destroy others….and yourself.

Pride also causes us to speak out against others, to speak negative about other, because it causes us to become envious and jealous of others who we perceive has more than us and because we think we deserve what they have….

Saul became an enemy to David through pride. He was jealous because crowds of Israelite women were singing that "Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands." (1 Samuel 18:6-8.)

In the story of Saul and David, Saul caused the death of many, plotting to kill David and those who followed him. All out of envy. We may not physically shoot someone, but when we maliciaously speak out against those we are envious of, trying to destroy their character…. When we do this time and time again, we are in essence becoming serial killers using the weapon of pride, making us armed and dangerous

Hatred. Now we know Satan Hates God! And we know Satan Hates us…. So therefore he plots and plans how to take us out. Armed and dangerous. A person who hates is armed and dangerous. Because hatred is manifested within first of all against themselves… and since they hate themselves, they have merely flipped the scripture of love thy neighbor to hate thy neighbor because they do unto others as they do unto themselves.

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. (1 John 4:20)

Those who kill with the weapon of hatred kill by any means possible. Just like Satan. Hatred is birthed out of anger…. That is why God stresses for us to refrain from harboring anger.

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. (James 1:19-20)

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. (Proverbs 29:11)

A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. (Proverbs 15:18)

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother "Raca," is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, "You fool!" will be in danger of the fire of hell. (Matthew 5:22)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. (Ephesians 4:31)

Armed with foolishness, armed with pride, armed with hatred, dangerous to those you associate with. And you are in essence a saint who is inadvertently helping satan attack other saints, putting God’s soldiers in the sick bay, and helping satan to maintain his current army size. Instead become armed and dangerous for God. Armed with the word of God, so that when satan tries to give you the weapon of foolishness, of pride, of hatred, you can tell him, I know the truth, and I have been given power and authority and have the ability to resist your deceit and your lies because I am armed and dangerous. Armed with the wisdom obtained through the knowledge of God. Wise as a serpent, so you can out fox the demons who are trying to outfox you. Because you are armed and dangerous. Armed with salvation, so when satan tries to tell you that God hates you, and will never forgive you… you will not be fooled, you will not become bitter, you will simply state, Jesus has already forgiven me, did it before I even had sense enough to ask for it…did it over 2000 years ago on a hill on a cross – between two thieves, in front of those he had healed who decided they could do better. Jesus has already said I got a new name over in Zion. He said he would stand as my defendant – my slate has been wiped clean by the precious blood of the lamb. Boy I am armed and dangerous with salvation, cause you used to own me = but you don’t know more, because Jesus paid it all! Anybody can get this weapon, and the cost is free! All you have to do is turn your life over to Jesus.