Summary: A man is infinitely superior to a woman at being a man and a woman is infinitely superior to a man at being a woman! God made us completely different so that He might make man and woman ONE! Caution: let no one but God define your marriage and sexuality!

I’m told that an angel came to Adam before Eve was created and said, “I have a proposition for you Adam. We are going to create for you an individual like you, but a little different – a female!” So Adam said, “Well what will she be all about? What will she do?” The angel told Adam, “She will take such good care of you, smell so sweet, love and respect you 24/7, and she will look so beautiful!” To that Adam said, “Well, this sounds great, but what will she cost me?” The angel responded, “She’s going to cost an arm and a leg!” Finally Adam said, “What do you think I can get for a rib?”

Question – whose better, the man or the woman? The answer is YES! A man is infinitely superior to a woman at being a man and a woman is infinitely superior to a man at being a woman!

God made us completely different so that He might make man and woman ONE! Caution: let no one but God define your marriage and sexuality!

Genesis 2:19-25

Adam has dominion over all the animals but yet wasn’t satisfied; none of the animals could satisfy and supply all his needs. Then God makes Eve - and Adam proclaimed, “This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh!”

So immediately we now know human sexuality is established for all generations!

So let’s look at the wonderful differences that unite us in marriage.

(In generalities):

1. The Beauty And The Beast.

Generally women are weaker than men!

1 Peter 3:7 “Husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”

God created Adam stronger than Eve for 2 purposes, not so he could abuse her, dominate her, or control her live.

• To be a provider

• To be a protector

Eve = life giver, the root word of “woman” in Hebrew is to be soft. She is created softer, cuddlier, but not inferior to Adam.

Here’s an example, silk is weaker than canvas, but not inferior to it. Porcelain is weaker than steel but not inferior to it. You can’t drink tea from a sledge hammer!

Did you know?

• 40% of a man’s body is muscle and 25% of a woman’s body is muscle.

• There are 1½ gallons of blood in a man’s body. There is 4/5 of a gallon of blood in a woman’s body. A woman doesn’t have as many capillaries carrying blood to the skin service, that’s why they get so much colder than men.

Who is superior? Neither - celebrate the difference!

2. The Tortoise And The Hare.

We all know the story! Men are like the rabbit and women are like the tortoise. Men have more energy but she has a lot more stamina and durability! How do we know this? Women have a black belt in shopping!

We would do good to learn the weaknesses and strength of our spouse!

3. The Romantic And The Mechanic.

Men we have a job to get done – dress the garden! Hard outer shell

Women are the caressers, child bearers. Romance doesn’t always come easy for men! We’re wired differently!

Women, your husband may never be as romantic as you – he may have been before you got married, but soon after he had a brain transplant!

Notice the book or magazines women and men look at:

Women: “How To Develop Closeness With Your Mate”, “Harmony in Marriage”, “How To Achieve Intimacy”, “How To Kiss Better”

Men: “How To Be A Champion Bass Fisherman”, “How Not To Get Hooked”

On T.V. – “Man vs. Wild” and the “Hallmark Channel”!

Go to any school campus and watch how girls carry their books – like their carrying a baby! A boy just swings them around if he has any at all! Give a girl a few dollars and she’ll buy a Barbie, give a boy a few dollars and he’ll buy a lizard!

4. The Radar And The Computer.

Men are the computer and women are the radar!

A USA Today article called, “Two Minds” describes the differences between the brains of men and women. Scientifically they are now showing us what we’ve known all along – most men use the left side of their brain and women use both sides of their brain! Men we really do have half a brain!

The left side: logical, reasoning

The right side: creativity, sympathy and emotions

Did you know this fact: a women’s brain is larger on average than a man’s? Autopsies show this! Maybe this explains a woman’s intuition!

A Harvard Medical Researcher studied preschoolers playing on the playground. He noticed that girls completed more sentences and communicated more then boys. He noticed that the boys made more sounds…

Most women have better sensitivity and communication skills while many men have better reason and analytical skills! That’s why men and women often times struggle to see eye to eye on certain issues! This may be the source of a lot of disagreements in your marriage!

Remember, women use in one day about 6000 more words than men. The trouble is, when I get home, Jill is not even winding down her communicating and so I have to be a better listener at that point!

I don’t know coined this phrase, “Generally speaking, women are generally speaking!” I wonder if he lived long after saying it the first time!

But this is also why men cry less then women – we’ve got a disconnect up here! This is why women are affected greater by an argument and why we men can go right on to the next subject – we’ve got a disconnect up here!

God made us differently so we might be one! Celebrate the differences!

Ladies – your minds are like radar, sweeping the room taking in everything! Women see and hear things that we men don’t always see and hear! Ever watch women in a room sitting around a table? They can be talking, and know exactly what’s being said over at the other table and say, “No, no, no, that’s not what happened!” And then get right back to her conversation at her table!

We men tend to be a little more analytical and logical while women are mixing together emotion and facts together – it’s amazing!

Women are more what I call “spider web thinkers”.

Prom picture…

Jill will ask me how my day went and I’ll have an answer in less than a minute in detail. Then when I ask her about her day and she’ll tell everything, and I mean everything!

So many times I’ll talk with my dad and she’ll want every little detail.

Careful men, this is a hard area for us because many times our wives can think that we are being evasive, secretive and even shutting her out!

I’m amazed how that radar works for women… sweeping across the room and what they can pick up is incredible, hurt feelings, bad moods, etc. That radar blows my mind!

Men, I think all we’ve got is a pair of rabbit ears!

Ever notice a woman will say at a table, “I’ve got to go to the restroom, who wants to go?” And they all get up! I’ve never hear a man say, “How many want to go with me to the restroom?”

I just don’t understand it! But which is better the radar or the computer? Neither - thank God for the difference!

5. The Code Speaker And The Reporter.

LifePoint: Women use language to dispense emotion, while men use language to dispense facts. Women share, men report!

Billy Graham once said “Don’t listen to what a woman says, listen to what she means.”

Guys we can learn a lot from that that!

Here’s an example: You come home from work and see your wife is all tense and it shows all over her face and you say to her, “Is something wrong?” and she says, “Nothing.” Her code is: “Everything is wrong!”

Example: Your wife says, “Do I look alright in this dress?” How you answer that will determine how long you live! Her code is: “Am I still #1 in your parade?” or “Am I still a 10 in your eyes?”

6. The Lover And The Achiever.

Ephesians 5:33 “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself and let the wife see she respects her husband.”

• Men, what is the deepest need of a woman? To be loved.

• Women, what is the deepest need of a man? To be respected.

So many of our arguments are connected to these 2 facts! Men, when we do not love, it damages the deepest part of a woman.

There’s a new movie coming to the big screen on September 26 staring Kirk Cameron called, “Fireproof”. It’s a wonderful story of the heroism of a firefighter and 2 people overcoming a broken marriage.

VIDEO From the movie "Fireproof"

Jill gets blessing when I work at being more tender with her! I get a blessing when she really show respect for my achievements! One time I can remember asking her one Sunday, “How many great preachers do you think there are in the world? She said, “One less than your think!”

Men and women’s self esteems are connected to this fact also!

When the Golden Gate Bridge was built, all of the parts were intertwined. Every part was vital to it all working together. In a one mile span of the bridge, it will sway as much as 20 feet in the center, so that it can be flexible and even more durable.

But there are 2 great and massive pillars that make up that bridge that go down to the solid earth below and all those miles of cables connect to those 2 great pillars. Question, what keeps that bridge from collapsing? 2 things: It’s foundation and it’s flexibility!

Some of this info in this sermon comes from Dr. Adrian Rodger.