Summary: Exposition of Acts 16:13-15 about the conversion of Lydia

Text: Acts 16:13-15, Title: A Gospel Encounter, Date/Place: NRBC, 9/21/08, AM

A. Opening illustration: read some of the responses to the blog “why I am not a Christian”

B. Background to passage: Paul and Silas, and now Luke and Timothy have crossed the Aegean Sea from Troas to Neapolis, and more importantly from Asia to Europe. So they went to Philippi because it was a leading city in the colony of Macedonia, and strategically, it was the end of the Egnatian Way. And as Paul’s habit would have been, they were heading for the synagogue on the Sabbath, but in Philippi there was not enough men to have a synagogue, and so God in his providence had provided a way through the government to give Jews the legal right to meet, pray, baptize near bodies of water, and that’s were faithful Jews went to pray.

C. Main thought: this is a text book case of a missionary gospel encounter where salvation takes place.

A. Seeking (v. 13)

1. From the text we know that Lydia was a Gentile woman of means. But the language used is that of those who have forsaken polytheistic ways and embraced Jehovah, but not to the point of becoming a full proselyte. She had used the little light that she had well and God was at work in her heart for she was seeking God.

2. Rom 3:10,

3. Illustration: the many world religions, and even home-grown ones are testimony that man is seeking something bigger, higher, better than himself,

4. There are many today that are still seeking. It may not be Jesus that they know they are seeking, but they are longing for truth, for faith, for something that fills the void. Some of you have found Him, and remember what it was like to be looking and to find. Some of you are seeking today, some of you have not found what you are looking for. Christ is the treasure of greatest worth!

B. Proclaiming (v. 13)

1. The second thing that we note is that there was a person called of God to proclaim the truth of the gospel. And it was a big deal for these women to have a visiting rabbi. But it was a bigger deal for a Pharisee to speak to a women, let alone teach a group of them.

2. Rom 10:14, 1 Cor 9:22,

3. Illustration: Voddie’s interview quote about Palin, women’s position in the church, and scripture,

4. God has ordained to use human means to achieve divine ends. All of you that know Him are apostles, sent ones. For others to be saved, you must tell them the gospel, or at least get them to somewhere where they can hear it. But most don’t want to come here, so you must tell them out there.

C. Listening (v. 14)

1. Thirdly, Lydia was listening. The verb is imperfect meaning that she kept on listening, and possibly even enquiring about Paul’s message.

2. 15X Jesus tell the people, “he who has ears to ear, let him hear”

3. Illustration: as a fifteen year old, I heard the preacher, but didn’t listen to what he said, Waylon not sleepin

4. Did you know that you can hear the words of the preacher, and never listen to the message of the sermon? Some of you are in here week after week, but never listen to what is said in the songs or sermon. Some of you have done that for years. God doesn’t speak just to hear Himself talk. Do you come longing for truth, disciplining yourselves to listen with ears to hear?

D. Opening (v. 14)

1. Fourthly, God was not only working in the beginning sending Paul and preparing Lydia, He was the One who opened her heart to the things of God spoken by Paul.

2. Rom 9:16, 3:27, 2 Cor 4:6, James 1:18, Philip 2:13, John 1:12-13,

3. Illustration: quote from Tozer, MacArthur Comm, p. 95,

4. God is absolutely sovereign in salvation. He is the first and the last. He begins in and completes it. And it that we have no room to boast in anything that we have done to get saved. And no credit or glory goes to anyone but God. Even if you had a little part, you would be giving God help that he needed. If you are saved this is how it happened. And if not, I pray that this happens now! Lord, open eyes, command light!

E. Believing (v. 14)

1. Fifthly, Lydia believed. It is not explicit, but required. She trusted Christ alone, and his finished work on the cross for salvation. This is the flip side of the coin of election. Nobody get saved that is not elected, from a divine perspective; and from a human perspective, nobody gets saved unless they actively put your faith in Christ. This means to trust wholly in Christ, to rest in Him and the cross. To acknowledge your spiritual bankruptcy, and your complete dependence on Christ for salvation. To turn from sin and to Him.

2. John 3:16, 36, 1:12, 6:40, 47, 11:26, Acts 16:31, Rom 5:1-2, 10:9, 1 John 5:13,

3. Illustration: tell the story of Ben Macdonald getting saved,

4. You must repent and believe. You must continue to repent and believe. Have you trusted, repented, and believed? Are you currently trusting, repenting, and believing? I know that is sounds like a narrow-minded way to see things, especially according to the individuals in the blog at the beginning, but the only way for you to get to heaven is to surrender everything, deny yourself, put your faith in Christ, and follow Him for the rest of your days!

F. Evangelizing (v. 15)

1. Sixthly, note about the text that when they were baptized, it was all the household. So we know that one of the first things that Lydia did was to go share the good news with her family. This indicates that she was the head of her home (probably widowed), and she was probably older, since she traveled out of town for business (it is doubtful that she had small children). But she gave them the gospel.

2. 2 Cor 5:11,

3. Illustration: sharing with my Dad and grandfather, and brother

4. A good mark of true conversion is when those individuals immediately have a desire to share with others their new faith. And of course, this command is for all of us. And the burden for family, even though it may be the most difficult to address, should weigh heavy on us. Make sure that your family knows. Don’t let another week go by with uncertainty about a family member. Share your heart, even if it costs you.

G. Baptizing (v. 15)

1. Seventhly, after they all repented and believed, they were baptized. This is the pattern of the NT. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward commitment. It is a public testimony. It does not add to your salvation, nor complete it. But it is the first command of disciples. And it is your first mark of obedience. And the pattern of the NT is also by immersion after salvation, believers only.

2. Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38,

3. Illustration: talk about the Peruvian Catholics and the meaning of baptism, tell about Papaw’s baptism,

4. There is only one unbaptized believer recorded in the NT, and he was on a cross when he believed. You will never progress in your relationship with God until you complete the first step of obedience. In fact, I would warn those who claim to be Christians, but refuse to submit to baptism to examine their commitment to Christ as their Lord. Have you followed Christ? Have you altered baptism? Has the old man/woman really died and been raised to walk in newness of life? Do you need to submit to baptism?

H. Serving (v. 15)

1. Lastly, the third thing that Lydia does (after evangelizing, baptism) that is further evidence of genuine conversion is that she expresses a desire to serve. The text indicates that she had to plead with Paul and his team, and she banked it on her testimony. She immediately began to serve the Kingdom.

2. 2 Cor 5:17,

3. Illustration: tell about serving before and after I got saved,

4. Salvation is not a get out of hell free card. If there is no life in you, you didn’t get it. With genuine faith, there will be a life transformation. For some it is dramatic, for other less so, but desires will transform. But there will be something. If you have no desire for Christ or His kingdom, you may be deceived. Your gifting or desire may not be specifically hospitality (which is required of women and church leaders), but your transformed life will display itself in some sort of kingdom fashion.

A. Closing illustration: tell about Alauna’s dad’s rejection, Leading Darcy, DJ, and Darcy’s Mom to Christ,