Summary: When we face difficult times in our lives, we will look around at others who aren’t suffering and ask: God, are you REALY fair?

TEXT: Habakkuk 1:12-2:5

TITLE: God, Are You Really Fair?

SERIES: Questions We Ask God

TOPIC: Trusting in God

OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, September 14, 2008

PROP.: When we face difficult times in our lives, we will look around at others who aren’t suffering and ask: God, are you REALY fair?

INTRODUCTION: We are looking at QUESTIONS WE ASK GOD. There are situations and circumstances that each of us will undoubtedly face in our life that will cause us to question God. To question his existence, his plans, his love.

Today, we find ourselves still in the book of Habakkuk. Hopefully you have it bookmarked from last week so you won’t have trouble finding it this week!

The question we pose to God today is: GOD, ARE YOU REALLY FAIR?

We all have an inherent sense of fairness don’t we? Whether it was on the play ground playing kickball and someone wasn’t playing according to the rules; or whether it was observing a more elaborate present our brother or sister received - we want to be treated the same!

This question that we are going to ask of God: Are you really Fair? Is formed because at times, you will face difficult times in life and when you look around, you can see someone who totally isn’t a God-follower and their life is perfect! They aren’t suffering with health issues, or money problems. We want God to treat us the same as He treats others!

Our text takes us to Habakkuk chapter 1 starting in verse 12.

Let me remind you of what has happened so far.

In the beginning of chapter 1, Habakkuk complains to God because of the immorality and violence that is so rampant in Judah.

People were not willing to listen to the message or the messenger. They were not willing to come back to God. And so Habakkuk complains to God about it.

So God tells Habakkuk His plans to bring His people back to Him. Go says, “I’m going to bring in the Babylonian army and there will be a lot of discipline until my people get right!”

Well, here in our text this morning, Habakkuk doesn’t like the sound of God’s plans and so Habakkuk brings forth the question: God, are you really fair? Then why are you allowing this to happen to us? Why are you allowing this season of suffering to come uon me and your people?

First, what we will deal with…

I. Exposing the Wrong Perspective! 1:12 - 1:17

If the truth were known today, you’ve come here and you’ve formed some thoughts about what God is like and how God works and you’ve had some disappointments. Today we’re going to deal with those views of God. And that’s what Habakkuk is doing.

Because until you can have the RIGHT perspective on who God is; you need to identify that you have had a wrong perspective.

Let’s start with verse 12 of our text:

12 O LORD, are you not from everlasting?

My God, my Holy One, we will not die.

One of the things that can cause us to have a wrong perspective of God is:

A. God’s actions vs. God’s nature! Vs. 12a

See, what Habakkuk is doing is he is telling God what he’s like. He’s rehearsing God’s nature to Him. “God, I can’t reconcile what you’re doing with who you are, God.”

We’ve heard this in our culture today: “If God is love, how can he let people suffer?”

Habakkuk gives four descriptions of God:

He calls Him…

1. Lord - Yaweh. This is God’s personal name. God, I know you!

2. God - Elohim. This is a generic term for God referring to him as a

POWERFUL CREATOR. Not destroyer, God. Creator!

3. Holy One - The Hebrew is Ka-desh. God, you are so pure and holy, without

moral blemish. Surely you wouldn’t injure the people you love.

4. My ROCK - You are a rock. You’re stable . You’re unshakable. You’re


And at the end of verse 12, Habakkuk says: “we will not die.”

At the essence of a lot of the trials that we go through, there is a basic comfort in knowing that we are not going to die! You will get through this! But you say, “Wait, I’m facing a terminal illness.” Well still, if you are a follower of Christ, YOU. WILL. NOT. DIE.

You may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but like 2 seconds after you die, you’ll be like, “I’m sooooo out of here. I’m done with medication! I’m done with hospitals. I’m done with pain!”

Christian…take comfort in knowing…WE WILL NOT DIE!

Another thing that can cause us to have the wrong perspective of God is…

B. God’s actions vs. my pain (vs. 12b - 17)

Let’s continue reading our text..vs. 12b - 17

O LORD, you have appointed them to execute judgment;

O Rock, you have ordained them to punish.

Who is “them”? The “them” is the Babylonian army that is marching on the nation of Israel.

--Habakkuk’s pain

You see, things were about to get painful for Habakkuk. Things are about to get difficult for the nation of Israel. And it would seem as though God’s actions and God’s nature aren’t adding up. But notice something else that Habakkuk says in verse 12.

“You have appointed them…” You have put them in a certain place for a certain time!

“You have ordained them…” You have set them in place so that they can not be moved!

When you think about it, there is a lot of comfort in that! God has difficult circumstances planned for each one of his children! And it’s VERY important that we don’t get a wrong perspective on what God is doing or who God is just because we are in difficult times!

Forget ALLOWED! God PLANNED difficult times to come into your life. And some are saying, “God, you’re not fair! Why would you do that?”

The text says why:

1. For judgement

2. For punishment…a better word is discipline!

--My pain

My pain is so personal and so hurtful that sometimes it’s hard to see through the pain. Whatever hurts us, is what our attention is drawn to.

What pain are you dealing with in your life? Is there something that you’re experiencing right now that is causing you to think that God isn’t fair?


I’ll give you a hint: it’s the same reason that God allowed the Babylonian army to come upon the nation of Israel:

For correction…for reproof…for discipline…for YOUR GOOD!

ILLUSTRATION: Pain is good. Listen, I know that pain hurts. But pain is a good thing!

But pain is a blessing! It’s pain that gives you an indication that something is wrong! It’s pain that causes there to be a change in your current behavior. It’s pain that causes you to ask for help!

And too many people have let their personal pain cause them to think that God is not fair!

But just the opposite! Listen to Hebrews 12:7-12

Hebrews 12:7 - 12

7Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! 10Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. 11No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Experiencing a tough time in your life? It’s not because God doesn’t care about you! Just the opposite!

It’s time we understood and grasped onto the truth that…

God doesn’t just want to save us, He wants to change us!

We have to get rid of this idea that my Spiritual journey came to an end when I came to the cross. That when I became a Christian, now I’m done! No way! That wasn’t the end of being a Christian. It’s just the beginning. There is so much more to be done!

We’re going to work now! And throughout your life you begin to see that God ordains and establishes seasons of difficult circumstances!

Well Habakkuk goes on in verses 13 - 17 with his complaint against God. Questioning God’s fairness.

In verses 14 - 17 Habakkuk compares the Babylonians to fishermen. For the Babylonians are going to take captive God’s people. And Habakkuk compares the weapons of the Babylonians to a fishermen’s tools.

And in verse 17, Habakkuk is just about done with his complaint about this time of suffering that is to come.

He writes: Is he to keep on emptying his net destroying nations without mercy?


So as we’ve outlined for you today, Habakkuk’s wrong perspective! He’s been told that he and his people are about to experience a time of suffering and now Habakkuk doesn’t think God is fair. And when you have the wrong perspective on God, you then need to get the RIGHT perspective on God.

Isn’t that how it is? It’s just like

Proverbs 18:17 says:

“17 The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.”

Now we come chapter 2. And God is going to set the record straight. And He’s going to give Habakkuk AND you & Me the RIGHT perspective.


II. Experience the Right Perspective! (2, 3)

Let’s start in verse two.

“Then the Lord replied.”

That by itself is pretty amazing! Habakkuk is about to get a response to his complaints about God’s fairness. Why? Because Habakkuk addressed his complaint to God! If you have yet to get an answer from God, might it be because you haven’t addressed your complaint TO God?

So God first addresses the situation that will bring about difficult times for Habakkuk.

A. God addresses the Revelation! (vs. 2)

Revelation? What revelation? The revelation of difficult circumstances that is going to get you and me back on track!

Listen to me: it’s a tremendous thing when God reveals to WHY you are suffering; when you understand WHY you’re going through it…and when that happens…

1. Write down the revelation.

God says, before we go any further, Habakkuk, did you write down what I told you? No? Well do it! I don’t want you to forget it!

When you are experiencing a tough time in your life, journal it! WRITE IT DOWN! GOD DOESN’T WANT YOU TO FORGET ABOUT IT!

Then God says…

2. Make it plain.

Make it easily understood Habakkuk. When you are writing down a tough circumstance you find yourself in, don’t paint flowery word pictures, keep it simple. Make it complete.

And God says to Habakkuk

3. Make it permanent!

Write it on tablets. Not some parchment paper that you could lose or could be destroyed. Write it on tablets so it will be permanent. Why?

“So that a herald may run with it.” Or…”so that whoever reads it may run”

--It’s important that you write down the bad things that happen to you in life so that you may help those who are experiencing the same situation in their life! Write down how it makes you feel; lessons you’ve learned; everything you can remember so that you may help Christians who are running the race to run well.

B. God confirms His Plans (vs. 3)

God is like, “your complaints haven’t changed my mind. I’m still bringing the Babylonian army upon the nation of Judah.”

Let’s read verse 3:

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;

it speaks of the end

and will not prove false.

Though it linger, wait for it;

it [c] will certainly come and will not delay.

5 different times in verse 3, God said, “What I said is going to happen WILL happen!”

1. God says, “the revelation awaits an appointed time..” It’s ordained by God, it happens the moment it’s supposed to happen.

2. God says, “It speaks of the end” It doesn’t start a minute late, and it doesn’t end a moment early.

3. God says, “It will not prove false.” Whatever God says will happen…WILL happen! It is impossible for God to lie.

4. God says, “it will certainly come” Not maybe. Not hopefully. Not a 65% chance that it might happen…it WILL happen. The appointed season of suffering to teach me will surely come!

5. God says, “it will not delay” Difficult circumstances always happen when God says it will happen!

This whole thing is about TIME, TIME, TIME, TIME. Truth becomes more clear over time. You’re going to understand what God is doing in your life or what He’s all about unless you embrace God’s time schedule! God is not manipulated by ultimatems. He is going to do exactly what He is going to do WHEN He is going to do it!

If it seems slow and it seems confusing, the resolution of the matter, WAIT FOR IT! Some areas of life that are hard to wait on:

--A spouse or family member who is not a Christian and not interested in Godly things! Wait for it! Be patient. Be loving. Be persistent! But wait for it! See what God will do!

--Sudden loss. Someone taken out of your life suddenly can really seem unfair! Where is God’s justice? Why didn’t God heal them or protect them? God knows EXACTLY how you feel. He understands more than you could possibly imagine! His plans may not make sense to us, but this is where faith plays a part of your DAILY life!

The righteous live by faith!! (Habakkuk 2:4!) BELIEVE and put your trust in God!

How do people get through difficult times such as these? I’m telling you how they get through this…they get through this with God’s help. And when God allows a season of suffering, I’m telling you that God will get through this tough time!

What does Habakkuk’s name mean? EMBRACE! EMBRACE what God allows! That is how you will get through it! Recognize that this time of suffering is from God!

We think that God is so far from me because he is allowing this season of suffering to come upon me. And you couldn’t be MORE wrong! God is so close to you because He lovingly and sovereignly appointed a season of suffering to grow me into the son or the daughter He wants me to be!

So how do I correct my perspective from the wrong, to the right?

I understand what I thought about God is wrong. God is fair. God is loving. And I want to change my thinking, so what do I do?

Three things:

1. Offer your thoughts to God!

It’s time to get real with God! It’s time to expose to Him how you’re REALLY feeling! It’s better to tell God your disappointments and struggles in life than to smile but be bitter on the inside! He’s big enough to handle your frustrations!

2. Refuse to give up!

Those who are REALLY observant here this morning may have noticed I skipped over a verse. Habakkuk says in chapter 2 verse 1 this:

“I will stand at my watch and statio myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me and what answer I am to give to this complaint.”

Quitting is the thing that people in difficult circumstances most want to do and most need to make sure they don’t do!


3. Expose your thoughts to the truth!

Romans 10 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! You’ve got to take your mind out and wash all of those false ideas and beliefs off! You do that, by hearing God’s word. By reading God’s word. And then applying it to your life!


So let me summarize everything that we’ve talked about this morning.

We asked the question: GOD, ARE YOU REALLY FAIR?

Here’s God’s answer: Tough times are coming! Get ready! They are appointed for a season, wait for it, they will arrive on time, they will leave on time and at the end of it; you’ll know I’m good!

So the next time you are going through a difficult time, no problem. Bring it on. EMBRACE IT! Because I now understand…you’ve appointed them!