Summary: sermon looks at Jesus as the ultimate mentor and how we can throw off distractions and unbelief that keep us off the purpose and Christian race that God has for us


50 Days of Faith Part 4 of 8 – Hebrews 12:1-3

Acknowledgement - Rick Warren

We’re in this series “50- Days of Faith. The Bible tells us we have many mentors, witnesses who lived a life of faith. But the Bible tells us our ultimate witness and mentor is Jesus Christ.

So this morning as we continue our 50 days of faith we want to answer the question how do I keep going? How do I persevere when things are tough?

Hebrews 12:1 says, “We have around us many people (talking about these lives in the Bible) whose lives tell us what faith means so let us run the race that is before us and never give up.”

The Bible tells us that life is like a race, like a marathon. Unfortunately very few people finish the race of life well. We get discouraged, distracted, hurt, and sidelined. We give up. And we end our lives with unrealized dreams and unfulfilled potential.

Why do we give up? Why do we get sidelined? What do we need to remove in order to get going? The Bible tells us there are five things we need to do if we want to finish the race of life well. The first thing is this:

1. Remove all distractions.

One thing we learn about God is everything God starts He finishes.” Every promise of God is guaranteed to be completed. But that is not true of us. Have you ever started something you did not finish? We start something and get tired, bored, distracted, and then move to something else. Our lives are strewn with the rubble of unfinished projects, unfulfilled commitments, and un-kept promises. Because we get discouraged.

Were going to look at how to finish what God calls you to even when you feel like giving up.

The rest of the verse, Hebrews 12:1 says, “Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.” He says remove anything that gets in the way that keeps us from running the race.

God created you for a unique race. Only you can run your race in life. All of us have a different life to live; a different race to run. The problem is other people want you to run their race. As you go through life people well meaning people start putting expectations on you.

Believe me, as your pastor I face all kinds of expectations I cannot meet. I can only live the life God meant me to live. I cannot do what the Holy Spirit is asking me to do by focusing on expectations and distractions. Neither can you.

The Hebrews writer says the key to finishing a good race is to simplify your life. Get rid of the baggage, remove the diversions, eliminate the distractions, the time wasters in your life that keep you from what is best that God wants for your life.

What could distract you from your life mission, the purpose God has for you?

a. Trying to be like others

b. Making wealth your primary goal in life

If wealth is the primary goal of your life obviously God’s purpose is not the primary goal and you are being distracted.

c. Bad habits can distract you from finishing the race.

d. The wrong kind of friends can distract you from what God put you on earth to do.

e. Television.

f. Good things can distract you. The Bible says remove those things.

g. The biggest distraction of all is our past. Your past keeps you from finishing the race. It loads us down.

So many people are loaded down with either guilt over things that we have done wrong or resentment, things that other people have done wrong to us. When you’re carrying guilt, resentment, shame, and bitterness – it’s like trying to run the race carrying a bag of weights on your shoulders. It’s going to slow you down from running the race God meant for you to run.

The apostle Paul had a lot of regrets. Paul was a religious terrorist who killed people. But notice what he says, “Forgetting the past (circle that) and looking forward to what lies ahead I strain to reach the end of the race.” He says I’m not going to let the things in my past keep me stuck. I have a race to run. I’m going to focus on Jesus at the finish line. I will not focus on the hurts that have been done to me or the hurts I’ve done to other people.

I learned something in ministry and life. To be persistent in life, to finish what I start, I have to focus my emotional energy for the future, not for the past. I cannot worry about the past. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 43:18 “Don’t dwell on the past.” Because it will be a distraction.

In the Bible study Bait of Satan were learning to let go of past offenses against other people. We have to let go of offenses and guilt.

You want to finish well? The second thing you and I have to do is:

2. Putt off the sin of unbelief

That is the second thing that gets us off track, the sin of unbelief. Now the Bible says we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. So were all sinners, all in the same boat. Now the Bible is very clear on some issues. There are other things that are not all that clear. Those unclear topics are the things that Bible professors make students write papers on. But you do not need to write a paper on this verse ‘stop lying to one another.’ It is very clear. Lying is a sin and were simply to tell the truth. No need for a long sermon on lying. Just tell the truth. So lying is a sin that gets us off track. That is true. But that is not what the author has in mind when he writes ‘the sin that tangles me up.’

Then what is the sin that tangles us up? Well it is opposite of faith, it is unbelief. This is what the devil uses. He just slowly seduces you away. He is a liar. He is a thief. He comes to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus said he is the father of lies. And he wants to draw you and your household away in unbelief. The writer of Hebrews warns us:

o Hebrews 2:1-3 (TLB)

o Hebrews 3:7-8 (TLB)

So then those are the two things that get us off track. They are the distractions in life and sin of unbelief.

The writer of Hebrews tells us that were in a race. Now when I watched the Olympics runner in Beijing I noticed they all had one common attribute: focus. They were prepared, trained, and had one goal in mind, completing the race. They did not run in any direction they wanted. They could not be focused on that new car they wanted. They could not be focused on mom up in the crowd. They had to be focused on the reward, the medal, on finishing the race.

You cannot run the race well without an eye on the finish line. Jesus is at the finish line. If were going to finish well in life we have to remind ourselves why we do what we do. Otherwise were going to end up thinking, “Why even make the effort?” If we do not have an eternal motivation we will not last. If the “why?” is immediate gratification, you’re going to last for five minutes. If it doesn’t come, you’ll stop. Remember the reward that God has in front of us.

I have been around a lot of churches in the past. I have met people who have given up. Outreach Canada says there are 1 million unchurched Christians in Canada.

Why did they leave the church? There eyes were focused on the wrong things. Their eyes were focused on the pastor, the structure of the church, the style of preaching, and the type of music. And when it doesn’t fit their box they are offended and leave. The local church is not a supermarket. So they leave because they feel their needs are not being met and they leave offended.

Jesus said in the last days ‘many will be offended.’ What is he saying? Their focus is no longer right. Their eyes are on issues and not on Jesus. They have taken their focus off the completion of the race, off Jesus, off the author and perfecter of our faith.

Why are they off track? The devil has them ensnared by pride. Pride is that major cloak that Satan uses to keep them in an offended position. As the scripture says, a person who is offended is held captive by the enemy to do his will (2nd Timothy 2:24-26).’

Soon they begin to withdraw, are not involved, and hold resentment in their heart. They begin to drift away.

What does the author tell us to do so we do not drift away?

3. Fix our eyes on Jesus

This is the third thing we must do in order to finish well. Why do we fix our eyes on Jesus? Because he is the author and perfecter of our faith.

If we fix our eyes on short term or long term satisfaction we will be empty. The only thing that will keep us on track through life is Jesus. The only thing that will keep us through some of the tough things we have to face in life is the eternal reward that God will give.

So when we feel like giving up remember that our faith will be rewarded. The Apostle Paul wrote “I run in such a way so as to get the prize.”

I’ve talked to a lot of people. The idea of a heavenly reward is elusive to them. They worry about “Am I even going to join in on that heavenly reward?”

My original idea is that somehow the good would outweigh the bad and I would get a reward.

God does not reward us based on a balance scale. God rewards us instead based on something called grace. Grace means all the wrong things I’ve done, all the sins I’ve committed God erases and forgives every one of them when I put faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Grace means that every good thing that I do by faith, God rewards.

Everything. Every faith word that I speak God will reward; every faith gift I give God will reward. Every time I forgive in faith God will reward. That’s what you and I have to look forward to. God made us, He fashioned us to look forward to the HIS rewards.

Sometimes we cannot get motivated. We look at ourselves sometimes and think, “Why can’t I get motivated today?” Sometimes the reason is you need a higher motivation. In my life the next paycheck and retirement no longer did it for me. It was not enough to motivate me any more.

In one message about Abraham the Holy Spirit spoke directly to me. The passage was ‘so Abraham left as the Lord had told him.’ God gave me a rhema, a word from Him to me. He said forget about your retirement and go and serve me. When God calls you to obey Him, when He gives you a Rhema, each time you say no you harden your heart a little more.

What will motivate you? We all need the motivation that can come only from God as we are faithful to Him. Not external motivation or internal motivation but the eternal motivation that keeps you going forever.

Hebrews 6:12 “Don’t drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.” Circle “promised”. One of the ways you can focus on God’s reward in eternity is by focusing on God’s promises today. That’s one of the reasons during this 50 Days of Faith we’re doing a different verse, a different promise, from God’s word each week we’re memorizing. These promises help you have hope and faith in tough times. This week’s promise is Galatians 6:9 “Let us not get tired of doing what is right for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.” Could any of you use this verse in your life?

That verse gives us the fourth key of finishing the race of life.

4. Resist all discouragement

If you want to finish what God is calling you to, if you don’t want to get discouraged then remove the distractions. Remember the reward. Resist all discouragement. You don’t give in to it. You fight it. I have to fight it and so do you. I know you well enough to know that many of you get discouraged.

Here are some of the things you get discouraged about:

o Health issues

o Financial issues

o Marriage

o Children

o Work

o Our church

As your pastor I need to be honest with you and tell you that it’s your choice. Nobody’s holding a gun to your head. Nobody is forcing you to feel discouraged. Discouragement is always a choice just like any other attitude. If you’re feeling down, if you feel like quitting, if you feel like giving up it is because you’re choosing to think discouraging thoughts.

If you stay stuck in that rut then the next trap is offense. Many become offended. Many are offended at the church. If you have expectations of a spouse, a pastor or church that only God can meet then offense sets it. Jesus said one of the signs of the last days is that many will be offended. That is what keeps people away – they re offended and are not willing to forgive and move on. Now their eyes are on their perceived offender instead of Jesus.

The Bible says don’t do that. It says to do the opposite. It says fight the discouragement. Resist the discouragement. Forgive the offense. Move against it. Discouragement is Satan’s favorite tool in making you ineffective. His second favorite tool is procrastination. His third favorite tool is offense. If he can get you discouraged, procrastinating, or offended you’re the prisoner. You’re locked up.

D. L. Moody, a famous pastor said, “I have never known God to use a discouraged person.” Why? Because it’s the opposite of faith. You’re looking at the problem with human eyes instead of looking at Jesus with eyes of faith.

I want us to look at this verse in detail, the one we’re memorizing today. Galatians 6:9. “Let us not get tired of doing what is right for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.”

Notice it says don’t get tired of doing what is right. How many of you get tired of doing what is right? We do get tired. Why? Because it is easier to do wrong than right. If doing what is wrong was hard, nobody would do it. It is easier to be undisciplined than disciplined. It is always easier to lie than to tell the truth. It is easier to be selfish than it is to be unselfish. It is easier to be unforgiving than forgiving. It is more difficult and takes more energy to do the right thing. It takes energy to do God’s will, to focus on Jesus in faith, to run the race.

Notice it says don’t get tired of doing what is right “for after a while (circle “after a while”) we will reap a harvest of blessing” if we don’t give up.

The Bible says that Jesus ran the race. How did he run the race? How did he go to the cross? How does Jesus want us to live the Christian life?

1. With joy

Do you have joy in your heart? If you have no joy in your life your focus is on circumstances and not on Jesus. Your thinking pastor ‘you do not know the trouble I have?’ My partner does not believe. You say my son or daughter is a handful. They are not following Jesus. You’re saying you don’t know how I have been mistreated in life? You don’t know how I have been mistreated at work? I went through a terrible divorce and nobody understands me. I am in severe debt. If you were in my shoes you would not have any joy either. OK Pastor, I will admit it, I have no joy. I am empty inside. What should I do? I am glad you asked. Because Jesus just did not go to the cross with joy, he went with endurance.

2. With endurance

Jesus knew the trial would be difficult. He knew he would be crucified. He knew he would be mistreated, misunderstood, spit upon. They thrust a sword into his side. The put spikes in his wrists. They put thorns on his head. Why did he do it? He did it for you. He loves you. He endured in the middle of persecution.

Now supposing Jesus would have said ‘the benefits are too delayed.’ Supposing he would have thought I cannot endure all this pain. There is nothing in it for me. Why should I go through with that – I will not reap all the benefits until way after I die? I need to seek my own way, not the will of God.

Here is one of the principles about life. You do not get all the benefits right away, maybe not even in this life. Remember this God multiplies what we give to Him. When you plant a seed like a kernel of corn you don’t get back one seed. You get lots more than you planted. You get far more seeds back than you put into it. That’s God’s economy. But when you plant a seed, do you instantly get a plant? No. There is always a delay. You plant in one season – springtime – and you harvest in another season – summer or fall. There is always a delay.

The world says something different. You deserve it now. Take it now. Gratify yourself today. So this worldly thinking affects our attitudes.

God is not a vending machine – you put in a prayer and instantly get it. Presto – instant mature pastor. Presto – instant thriving growing church. Presto – instant wife. Presto, instant husband. Presto instant mature children.

Why does God delay our prayers? He delays our prayers because He is stretching our faith. He wants us to be like Jesus, focused on God and his promises.

It’s not, I pray for it and it’s instantly there. There is always a delay – for a while. People will say, I’m going to start following God’s principles of finance. I’m going to start tithing. So they start putting God first and giving ten-percent back to God and they expect the very next day all their financial problems will be cleared up. No. There is a delay between planting (sowing) and reaping. It says, “After a while” we’ll reap. But we must follow God’s promises and the Holy Spirit’s direction. That is keeping our eyes on Jesus.

I want to take a very practical example of stretching our faith. I have spoken with many women whose husbands are not yet Christians. I remember specifically talking to one lady. She said, I have tried everything. She said I tried persuading him. I tried giving him messages to listen to. I tried to bring people into his life. I tried everything. She asked me, what should I do? I said keep praying but stop giving him books, Bibles, messages, and trying to direct people his way. The Bible says not to do that (1 Peter 3:1-2).

She went home and said one thing to her husband. I am not speaking to you anymore about Jesus. I am not giving you any books and messages. You do not have to answer to me but to God. She applied the scriptural principle of silence and godly behavior. Her husband saw the changes in her life and he gave his heart to Jesus. She stood on the promises of God, because God’s promises are true. She had endurance like Jesus. She suffered like Jesus. She looked to Jesus as an example because he completed the work God gave him to do.

When we look to Jesus it will strengthen our faith and:

We will not grow weary.

So what do you when you’ve done the right thing but you haven’t seen the reward yet, what do you do in that after a while time. It says, “… keep on doing what is right.” You keep on doing the right thing. You keep looking to Jesus. You keep standing on the promises of God.

Do you think it was easy for the lady who came to me for help? She was the one who had to pick him up when he was drunk every night. It was her kids who had no food – all the money went to alcohol. What gave her the strength and faith to carry on? It was standing on the promises of God in 1 Peter 3. It was keeping her eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of her faith. It was praying and believing in faith.

She kept on doing what was right and after a while that seed of faith grew. Don’t give up. Look to Jesus and stand on the promises of God even if nothing is changing. You keep on going on.

One of the great tests of faith is how we handle delay. How do you handle setbacks? Right now God is testing my faith. Were not a large church and when the Christians say to me we have sold the house, were moving do you think that is not discouraging. Do you think that is not a test of my faith? Some of you need to make a commitment and say ‘God called us here to pray and do the work and were not moving.’ That would be a faith commitment.

When Diane husband was a drunk and she didn’t see immediate results she did not have a pity party and invite other over. She did not complain. She put herself in the place of blessing. She attended women’s Bible studies, took her young children to Sunday school, and became a prayer warrior. Last fall her and her husband came here. There was Bert the former alcoholic – he prayed for our church and gave finances to the work that would have previously gone to booze.

Diane could have given up. She could have said I’m divorcing him. That is what all her relatives said, ‘kick the bum out.’

The Bible says resist the discouragement. “…keep on doing what is right for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.” Don’t give in without a fight. Did Jesus give up? No, he completed the purpose, the plan of the Father. He suffered and went to the cross.

Anything worthwhile in life takes effort, energy and endurance. This church is going to take a lot of effort, energy and endurance. We must press on.

Do you want to know how many times I’ve gotten discouraged as pastor of this church?

But the Holy Spirit revealed to me that prayer and focus is the answer. The Holy Spirit says do not give up. I’m not real bright sometimes but I have learned this: It’s always too soon to quit. Don’t give up. Hang in there. God is not done with me yet.

If we give up too soon we will miss the blessing of God.

When I was a child we had a huge maple tree in the front. Do you know how that tree got its start? Someone planted a seed and it refused to give its ground. It just didn’t give up and it grew. It is large, strong and beautiful today. God is creating a masterpiece in our lives.

You can count on this: God will test our faith in life and at Calvary. He is testing our commitment right now. He’s not going to test it just once but hundreds of times. Why? Because He wants you to learn to trust Him and not ourselves.

The only way you’re going to know that God is sufficient in every situation is by God taking you through every kind of situation – financially, health wise, relationally. God wants to teach you about you – what’s in your heart – and about Him – what He’s really like.

And the only way your going keep on track with God’s plan for your life is by keeping focused on Jesus.

As your pastor I know you get discouraged, doubt yourself, and God. We start saying things like, “Maybe this serving God isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be!” You start having doubts. Maybe if I let off the pedal a little bit and became a lukewarm Christian – I know I’m going to heaven but I don’t really try to live for God – maybe it would be easier.”

Big, big mistake. Jesus said to the church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:15-16 NIV)

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

What was Jesus saying? Your church makes me sick to my stomach. Wake up – be people of faith. Get on track for me. When was the last time you silently asked Jesus ‘what do you want me to do for you?’ We do not live in a quiet society. Quietness scares us.

What if I said were having no music today? Were having no messages. Were going to sit before God is total silence. If someone walked in and we were doing that it would scare them to death. They’d go, “What do they know that I don’t know?” We don’t like quietness.

Jesus was so focused on the cross the Bible says he was silent before his accusers (Is. 53:7).

Let me give you one of my tips. The more focused I am on Jesus the less stress I am going to have. Five minutes a day will do wonders. You talk to God and let God talk to you through His word.

The Bible says you need to keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. That’s a great cure for depression, stress, discouragement. Just sit before God.

The second thing is to pray Holy Spirit “renew me – give me renewed hope and cheer.” How do we do that? By focusing upon Jesus. When you focus on Jesus it will give you energy. You will not grow weary. You will not be so discouraged. Secondly when you focus on Jesus and not your circumstances you will not give up.

When I focus on Jesus I remember God’s goodness to me in the past. I remember all those times God bailed me out. He is a good God.

Then I remember God’s presence with me today. “God you’re with me now, even if I don’t feel it. You’re with me right now.” Then you remember God’s promise in the future.

When I focus on that then it is impossible to stay discouraged. What causes discouragement is looking at our circumstances. You look at the world you’ll be distressed, you look within, you’ll be depressed, you look at Christ, and you’ll be at rest. What are you looking at?

This is the secret of defeating doubt and discouragement. Change your focus to Jesus and the promises of God’s word. .

Take a little self-evaluation survey right now. Check the boxes on your outline where you need to be more persistent. Some things where you’ve started but haven’t finished. For instance…

o A daily time with God. Probably everybody here has started that at some time in your life but you get discouraged and give up. That’s so typical. Discouragement always comes at the half way mark – half way up the mountain, halfway through the project. That’s when you tend to get discouraged. I read a book called Leading Turnaround Churches. It says when you make major changes in a ministry it takes up to seven years to see the fruit. Were now in year three. If you attended the prayer summit last Sunday you would have seen hope

Today we are half way through the 50 Days of Faith. Some of you are already at the quitting point. Last week many of you stood up in the service. You made a commitment to be in a HOME group, to be baptized, to memorize a verse each week, to start to tithe, or to serve in some ministry. But something happened this week and you’re in a rut again. And the devil has you thinking, “I cannot do it. I hate being inconsistent. So I’m just going to give up on it.” So you stopped memorizing your verses. You say “I don’t want to be inconsistent so I just won’t do it at all.”

Let me show you the foolishness of that logic.

Yesterday I missed lunch. I am a failure at consistent eating. Now that I think about it I missed lunch last Tuesday also. I can’t stand to be inconsistent so I am going to give up eating. If I can’t remember to eat three times a day I’m just going to give up because then I will not be inconsistent.

You know what happens when I miss a meal? I just eat a lot more the next time! I play catch up.

What some of you need to do this afternoon is go home and not watch television. You need to memorize your verses. You need to follow up on that commitment you made to Jesus last week when you stood up. Look to Jesus as an example and get back on track.

What about these other areas? Which area do you need to be more persistent and finish what you start? Is it:

o Praying consistently for your kids

o Praying consistently for your spouse

o Praying consistently for me. How in the world do you expect me to lead this church in a spirit led way if you’re not praying for me?

o Have you prayed for our deacons?

o Is it sharing your faith with a friend who does not know Jesus?

o Is it tithing? You know you need to tithe but your not trusting God. You’re not standing on his promises. You don’t believe he will take care of you. Or you just want to argue about theology

o Is it stopping swearing in the mine?

o Is it to quit looking at those pornographic websites?

If you look to Jesus and stand on God’s word you will have the strength to do what the Holy Spirit is asking you to do.

You may be in a situation right now where you’re thinking, “I can’t take it anymore! I’ve had it. I’m at the quitting point. I’m ready to throw in the towel. I’m at the end of my rope. I’m ready to give up. I can’t take it anymore.”

But you can. You can if you will do this last step.

5. Renew myself daily.

In the race of life you must remove any distractions. You must resist all discouragement. You must remember the reward at the finish line. . And you must renew yourself every day. You must learn the art of spiritual strength. The Apostle Paul wrote ‘the joy of the Lord is my strength.

I want to tell you how Jesus got recharged and refocused on the cross. The Bible says he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prayed in agony to God the Father. He prayed not my will God but yours. Are you willing to pray that prayer? Will you pray that prayer with your lives, your time, your finances, and your future?

“Let us keep our eyes fixed…” on television. No, that’s not what it says. Let us keep our eyes on retirement. No that is not what it says. “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.” He didn’t give up because of the cross. Jesus had to face something far worse than you’re facing yet He didn’t give up. Why? He knew the reason and He knew the rewards. When you keep your eyes on Jesus you will have the power of persistence.

You need more than your own will power to make it in life. You need God’s power. You need Jesus’ power. You need the Holy Spirit’s power, a holy boldness to unreservedly give your life to Christ. You need to depend on Him. You need to rely on Him. You need to trust in Him. That’s called faith. When you focus on Him you receive His power to be persistent.

Some of you are thinking, “It’s too late for me. I’ve already blown it. In fact, there was a period of about five or six years I sat on the sideline and had a picnic with the devil. I’ve wasted so much of my life race. It’s too late!”


God is not through with you and the race is not over. And the truth is it really doesn’t matter how you start the race or how you mess up in the early part. What matters is are you going to finish it? And will you finish it well?

What are you going to do from here on? Are you going to serve Him? Are you going to love Him? Are you going to follow His race? Or are you still going to let the expectations of other people distract you. It’s not how you start the race that matters. It’s how you finish it. And you are never a failure until you quit and it is always too soon to quit.

My hope as your pastor is at the end of your life you will be able to stand before God in heaven and say to Him what the apostle Paul was able to say at the end of his life. “I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” That is my prayer, my desire, my wish for you.

Look to Jesus, look to His promises, and do what Jesus is asking you to do in faith;

don’t doubt any longer. Conclusion.

Closing (Faith And Doubt).

Doubt sees the obstacles.

Faith sees the way!

Doubt sees the darkest night,

Faith sees the day!

Doubt dreads to take a step.

Faith soars on high!

Doubt questions, "Who believes?"

Faith answers, "I!"

Prayer: As we close I’d like to ask you three critical questions about your future. Think about these:

One, what have you felt like giving up on? A dream? A goal? Your marriage? Getting married? A child? Giving up on the Lord? Our church? Whatever it is don’t you do it. Don’t give up. Don’t do it.

Two, what do you need to finish? A commitment you made? A project you started? A promise to keep? A vow or a pledge? You gave your word. It was you who stood up at the service last weekend. Character is seen at the finish line, not at the start of the race. Some of you need to take class 101 Discover your church membership. Some of you need to get baptized? Some of you need to stop procrastinating and commit your life to Christ. You’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Today’s your day.

Three, what’s holding you back? What has distracted you from God’s best? A relationship? A fear? A worry? A job? Materialism? Wrong values? Sports? Why don’t you open your life to Jesus Christ? Say, “I want to run Your race.”

Maybe you’ve gotten hurt or wounded in the race of life. I’m sorry. But you need to get up. Focus on the finish line. Dust yourself off. And start moving again.


Father God I am asking you to strengthen our faith and help us finish the race and complete what we started.

Now, you pray in your heart. Say, “Me too, God. Dear Father in heaven, I want to finish the race that You put me on the earth to run. Forgive me for the times I get distracted and forget what’s most important. Help me to focus on Jesus. Help me to put myself in the place of blessing. When I feel like giving up, help me to focus on the finish line and the reward that You’ve promised. Give me the strength to do what your asking me to do.

Father, thank You for the encouragement of Your word. Help us to act on it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.