Summary: Sometimes in life it seems we are faced with a hopeless situation; sometimes it might seems there is no way out, but 6the power of united prayer can change hoplessness to hope. Things change when sincere prayer is made.

First Church of God in Harvey

Sunday morning, September 28th, 2008


This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day...elaborate..

How are you today? Has God been good to you? Do you still love the Lord? Do you intend to make heaven your home? Let’s take time to praise the Lord....

Let us pray

If there is a time we need to pray, it is now. If there is a time we need to seek God’s face, it is now. If there is a time we need to trust God completely, it is now. Our nation is in trouble, and we need to pray to God for our nation. The Bi-ble says in 2 Chronicles 7 verse 14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and

pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will hear their land.

Today we will be using as our to-pic, The power of united prayer, and our scripture will be taken from Acts 12: verses 1 through 17 from the King James Version......Acts 12: 1 through 17, let’s all stand and read together. Please tell someone, prayer can break iron chains.

The power of united prayer can Number One - Brings Deliverance. The power of united prayer can Number Two - Bring Surprise, and the power of united prayer can Number Three - Bring A Testimony.

After 911, it seems people were spending time in prayer, but what has happened over the past seven years? Are we still a praying nation, or do we only pray when problems strike? Prayer has become a very popular topic, but thank God there are people who are truly taking the time to pray. I believe our nation is still what it is because people are taking the time to pray for our nation, and our nation does need prayer.

As a people, when we pray, do we pray sincerely, or do we reduce God; the all wise God as some kind of heavenly Santa Claus whose main function is to give us "what we want when we want it." In our text for today, we find that the Christians in the early church were praying for Simon Peter, but when God answered their prayers they could not

believe it. In our text we find that Herod had just killed James the brother of John, and this pleased the Jews. Because the Jews were so pleased, he decided to arrest Peter with the intention of killing him after the Jewish celebration was ended.

So here we find Peter was in prison, and the Bible says prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. I wonder what was the church praying about? Were they praying for Peter’s release or were they praying for his protection, that God would spare his life? It seems it was a hopeless situation for Peter. Peter was in jail. He was locked up in a jail cell, sleeping between two soldiers, and he was bound with chains. The saints who were praying, knew that God could do anything. They knew that God could release Peter from the jail, because he had done it before. In Acts 5 verse 19 we read, But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth...

Sometimes in life it seems we are faced with a hopeless situation; sometimes it might seems there is no way out, but the power of united prayer can change hopelessness to hope. Maybe you have given up, maybe you have said it is too much to bear, but the power of united prayer can bring about a change....elaborate...

So here we have God’s people praying in earnest for Peter. They were having a round the clock prayer meeting, praying for the one they love. The people of God were united in prayer. Many times we might say it is not the length of the prayer, but the quality of the prayer, that sounds good. The saints here were spending quality time in prayer. As they

prayed, as they called upon God, as they were united in prayer, deliverance came. I want someone to know today, that the power of united prayer will bring deliverance.

Verse 7...(read).. The power of united prayer will break iron chains. Iron chains will fall off when God’s people are united in prayer. Herod might have thought there was no way out for Peter, but maybe did not realize the power of prayer. Prayer knows no distance. Prayer cannot be barred out. When God’s people come together and pray extraordianry

things will take place. In the classroom you are not allowed to pray out loud, but thank God you can whisper a little prayer to the Lord, and he will make things all right. Just have a little talk with Jesus, and he will make things alright....elaborate....

A few days ago I was praying to God about a certain matter. I knew God was going to answer, but I was not sure how and when. On Tuesday as I was in the office working, and I started to check things out, I found out that my prayer was already answered, and I did not even know. There in the office I started to praise God. The Bible says in Isaiah 65

verse 24,.....before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. There is an old song we used to sing that goes like this," Though the night has been long, and my trials severe, and heavy my burden of care, as the the mist of the morn, they will all disappear, when Jesus answers my prayer."

Have you checked things out lately? Maybe God has answered your prayer and you don’t even realize it or maybe God has answered your prayer and you have forgotten to give him thanks. Just something to think about.

If somehow you are bound today, the power of united prayer can set you free. When the saints pray, chains will fall. off. When the saints pray deliverance will come. When the saints pray, when the saints earnestly pray a change will take place...elaborate...

Verse 8 (read) Peter it is time to get dressed, put on your sandals, put on some clothes, deliverance is yours...Don’t worry about the soldiers next to your right and left, Herod will take care of them, all you have to do right now is just follow me. We have heard many times about jail breaks, but here is a jail break that no tools were used, all Peter did was simple obey the angel. Saints it is time for your jail break. Saints it is time for your deliverance. Excuse me soldier, I have to leave. Stay in your chains, but right now I have to leave. I have been touched by an angel, and I have to go...elaborate...

Verse 9 (read) Peter simple obeyed the angel, but thought he was having a dream. According to Peter this just can’t be real. Have God ever done something for you and you wonder is this really happening to me? You might have to pinch yourself to see if you are really alive. I believe many of us here today can testify of what God has done in our lives,

and all we can say is that we thank God for his amazing grace. I believe today God has brought some of us out of some real rough places, and all we can do is to thank God for his amazing grace. I believe some of us should have been dead, but God spared our lives, and all we can do is to thank God for his amazing grace. Some of us here should have been in the jail house, but God rescued us, and all we can do is to thank God for his

amazing grace. I believe we can agree with John Newton who penned these lines," Amnazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost,but now am found, Was blind but now I see."

"When I think of the goodness of Jesus and what he has done for me...... "elaborate

Verse 10 (read) before the angel departed, the angel made sure Peter was safe. You see when there is an escape from prison, when there is a jail break, an alarm will be sounded,and they will come looking. This jail break was so clean, it was so peaceful that the soldiers apparently did not realize what was going on, they were still asleep. When a jail

break takes place the prisoners will try to hide because they don’t want to be caught, but not so with Peter. Look what happen in verse 11 of our text.

Verse 11 (read) In verse 9 Peter thought he was having a vision, but here in verse 11 he realize that this was real. Peter realize that he was really out of prison. He realize that the chains have been broken and that now he was really free.Saints of God the power of united prayer will bring deliverance.

Not only will the power of united prayer brings deliverance, but it will also bring surprise. How many of you like surprises? Someone gives you a gift for your birthday or at Christmas time, and instead of opening the gift you are shaking the gift and asking yourself I wonder what is inside. A few years ago, Bro. Wardell Johnson’s family had a

surprise birthday party for him on his 80th birthday, and I believe he was surprised. On Friday, sister Barbara Johnson’s family had a surprise birthday party for her, and there is no doubt in my mind that she was surprise.

Let’s look at verses 12 through 16 of our text (read) we find that the saints were in prayer meeting and they were in for a big surprise. The power of united prayer will bring about a surprise. When it had dawned on Peter that he was really free, that he was now a free man, in verse 12 of our text we find Peter was headed to the house of Mark’s mother

where they were in a prayer meeting. I asked a few questions earlier on wondering what the church was praying about, if they were praying for Peter’s release or just for his protection? It is quuite possible they were not praying for Peter’s release, or they were praying without expectation.

It seems to be that the saints were praying without ceasing, but were praying without expecting. Why did I say that, because when they saw Peter they were astonished, they were surprise.

Peter was out of prison, he was a free man, and he came knocking at the door where the saints were praying. The saints were engaged in prayer, and so a damsel by the name of Rhoda went to answer the door. Rhoda recognized Peter’s voice, and she was so surprised, instead of opening the door she went back to the prayer meeting. In my own thinking, I believe Rhoda might have said, stop praying, get up off your knees because Peter is outside. The saints who were praying did not believe what they heard, because it appears they were praying without expecting. Many times our prayers goes unanswered because we could be praying without expecting. I want to challenge everyone here today, that when we pray let’s pray believing , exepcting that God will answer our prayer.

There is nothing too hard for God. The bible says in Mark 11 verse 24,"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shal l have them"

On Friday before my very eyes I saw a miracle. Sis. Barbara Johnson’s grandson just a few months ago was in a coma, and she asked the church to be in prayer for him. God brought this young man out of the coma, he is now able to speak, and even start walking. "What a mighty God we serve..." .elaborate....

Look what the praying saints said in verse 15 of our text, child you are mad; you are out of your mind. Don’t you know that Peter is in jail, not only is Peter in jail, but he is chained between two soldiers? Maybe you have seen Peter’s angel, but not our Peter. Rhoda might have said, saints I am sorry, but I know what I know, the man who is outside knocking at the door is truly Peter.

In verse 16 it says Peter continued knocking. Finally the door was opened, and the saints saw Peter, and they were surprised. Are you surprised when God answers your prayer? As saints do we pray expecting God to act? As saints do we pray and when God shows up we say it is not possible? The God whom we serve he does hear, and he does answer

prayer. The God whom we serve perform tasks that appears impossible to us. The God whom we serve can do anything.

Maybe in our minds we are saying what is happening to our nation? Maybe we are saying it appears there is no way out? Maybe we are saying we don’t know what to do with all the problems we aare faced with, nothing seems to go right? Let’s all take our problems to Jesus, he will make a way out of no way.

The power of united prayer can bring deliverance. The power of united prayer can bring surprise, and finally the power of united prayer can bring a testimony. In verse 17 of our text Peter had a testimony. Peter made signs for the saints to be quiet, and then he explained to them how the Lord had delivered him from prison.What has God done for you lately? Oh we talk about what happen 10. 15. 20 years ago, but what has God done

for each of us lately? Oh we talk about what happen to the saints long ago, but what has God done us lately? When God does something for us, then we too will have a testimony.

It is alright to testify that we were sick, and how God touched us. It is alright to testify how we had no job, and God made a way out.. It is alright to testify how we could not see a way out financially, and how God made a way out for us.

A testimony is something personal, it is something that applies to you and to me. It is alright to testify of the person we used to be, and how in loving kindness Jesus came,our soul in mercy to reclaim, and how from the depths of sin and shame, thro’ grace he lifted us. It is alright to testify that a long a dark a gloomy path we groped beneath the shades of death, there was no hope beyond our dying breath, till light

from the Savior came. Now that our lives have been changed, now that we are new creatures in Christ, now that we are heaven bound, we can say with the assutrance, we have found a friend who is all to us, our friend’s love is ever true, we can testify how he lifted us, and what our friend’s grace can do for us. We can testify with the assurance that we are saved by his power divine, we are saved to new life sublime,

we can say life now is sweet and our joy is complete, for we are save, we are saved,we are saved.

As we close, do you have a testimony? Peter had a testimony of how God had delivered him. If you are here today still bound in sin, today you can be set free by accepting Christ as your personal Savior. It does not matter what you are bound up with, it does not matter what you are involved in, Christ Jesus can set you free. The bible says in St. John 8 verse 36," If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." The question is, is there someone here today who wants to be free, set free from sin?...elaborate.....

If you are saved, and today you just want a closer walk with the Lord, wont you come and talk to the Lord.......

Let us stand

Call to discioleship

Closing song/prayer