Summary: An end of year sermon that encourages Christians to make sure they are building on the right foundation - Christ Jesus the Lord

Build on the Rock

Text: Matthew 7:13-27

By: Ken McKinley

(Read Text)

If you have been watching, listening or reading the news then there’s no doubt that you are aware of the situation our economy is in. Automakers, banks, mortgage companies, and everyone else it seems is crying for money. Large industries are going bankrupt and the stock market is on a serious downslide. And I’m sure you’ve heard different sides to the story. Some claim that it is President Bush’s fault, others claim that it’s the cost of the wars we are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, others say that it’s the fault of the industries.

Not I’m not going to say that those things and others did not contribute to our economies woes; I’m not going to say that, but I don’t think that they are the initial cause. They are contributors to our economic crisis, but they are not the initial cause. The initial cause is that our entire financial system is built on a faulty premises. It’s based on an illusion. Here in the U.S. we spend more than we earn, we consume more than we produce, we borrow more than we save, and we fool ourselves that we can do these things forever. And we base this notion on the idea that the Federal Reserve Note (the American dollar); is the glue that holds all of this together. The problem with this is that the Federal Reserve Note is a fiat currency. A fiat currency is one that is basically created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve.

In the last 3 or 4 years the Fed has created around 5 trillion dollars in new money. Money that isn’t based on anything. It’s money created out of thin air and not backed by anything. You history buffs will know that this all started in 1913. Woodrow Wilson was President, and since that time we’ve gone through one Great Depression and several recessions. And its all because our currency is built on a faulty foundation.

Now I’m not here to preach about the economy, I want to talk about something more important… I want to talk about eternity. I simply use our failing economy as an illustration. Jesus is telling us in our text, on this last Sunday of 2008 that there are some, who if they examined their lives, might find that they have built on just as flimsy a foundation as the one our economy is built upon.

He was telling His listeners this, and us as well, in order to distinguish the difference between true and false Christians. He was telling His listeners this, and us as well, so that they and we might look within our own hearts with honesty and assess our own spiritual condition.

So lets listen to what Jesus is saying here. He is talking about two men. Now both men wanted the same thing; both wanted to build a house. No doubt both of them wanted a place they could call home, spend time with their families, and live in security. These two men wanted the same thing.

Now Jesus didn’t distinguish between the two houses, or where they were built, or what materials were used to build them. The only distinguishing feature He mentions are the foundations. So we could assume that from the outside, the two houses looked exactly the same. The same doors, the same windows, the same roof; maybe even the same blueprint was used to build the house.

But one builder was wise and the other builder was foolish.

The Bible tells us that it is the fool who says in his heart that there is no God.

The foolish builder didn’t take the time to build his house on a sure foundation.

You know what? There is no quick and easy road to spiritual maturity. We want an easy to read, and easy to follow, step by step guide to Christian maturity and success. I know this is a fact because Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life has sold more than 20 million copies. (and I wonder what those buyers are thinking now that Mr. Warren is buddying up with the man that many of them voted against).

So instead of growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ by faithful attendance at church, and by a consistent pattern of Bible reading and prayer, and by being doers of God’s Word rather than just hearers only. Many people look for the quick fix, microwaveable maturity.

The foolish builder didn’t stop to consider the possibilities and consequences of building without a foundation. He was short sighted. If this were to day we would say that he was spending more than he earned, we consumed more than he produced, and borrowed more than he saved. He was the average American consumer, CEO, and politician all rolled up into one.

The wise man; on the other hand, is the complete opposite of the foolish man. He wasn’t interested in instant gratification. He wanted to build for the future. He wanted to build something that would last, something that he could pass on to his children, his grandchildren, and maybe even his great grandchildren. He considered the consequences and acted accordingly.

Now like I said, this is the last Sunday of 2008, so what lessons can we take into the New Year from the Lords teaching?

Well; Jesus is reminding us that the most important thing in a person’s life is the foundation. The foundation is something that is overlooked a lot of times because it isn’t visible. But if there is no foundation, then no matter what you build, no matter how beautiful it is, or how elaborate it’s design, one good storm can destroy the whole thing, it may not even take a storm, just the process of time can reveal whether or not you’ve built on a solid foundation, or a faulty foundation.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Where MariJo and I live there is a great deal of sand. (Carl can attest to that). We have a little go-cart that the girls ride around on, and that go-cart has one of those 8 foot fiberglass flags that attaches to it. One day I took that flag and stuck it into the sand. That flag pole went down to the point where all that was visible was about 7 or 8 inches. Now I don’t know about you, but this causes me some concern, especially when you can’t sleep at night and you are lying in bed hearing your house making strange popping noises from underneath the house itself. I hope that the foundation that our house is set upon is secure. Now I don’t have any worries about the house that MariJo’s brother Jake lives in. It’s in the same area, about 80 yards from our house. I’ve been in the basement of that thing. It is built on a solid foundation. It’s not going anywhere unless a tornado comes through.

Well in the same way, the secret to the true Christians faith is the foundation upon which he or she has built upon.

When it comes to our faith and our religion; the true Christian can’t afford to take short cuts. We can’t expect to enter that narrow path unless we go through the gate. Turn with me quickly to John 10:1-10 (Read).

When we look at our text there in Matthew it should cause us some concern, not for yourself if you are a Christian, but for the world. Jesus says that there are MANY who enter into the wide gate and broad path. He says that MANY will say to Him on that day, “Lord, Lord” and that He will tell them He never knew them.

In other words there are MANY who have built their lives on the wrong foundation.

Turn with me to 1st Corinthians chapter 3:10 – 11 (Read).

The Christian band Big Tent Revival says it like this, “Is your life built on the Rock of Christ Jesus, or a sandy foundation you’ve managed to lay?”

And that’s what I want to leave you with today.

During 2008 what foundation were you building on? Parents, during 2008 what was the foundation you were providing for your children? Grandparents, during 2008 what was the foundation you were providing for your grandchildren? Were we building on Christ in 2008 or something else? Was He our starting point this year, or was the foundation of our lives and all that we did materialism, or pleasure, or our work, or sports, or recreation, or relaxation?

Now if you’re sitting there and you’re saying to yourself, “You know what Kenny, I really can’t say if I was building on the right foundation this past year.” Or you’re saying, “I don’t even know if I was or not. I mean, I think I was living my life for the Lord, but I don’t honestly know.” If you’re saying that to yourself, then you’re probably no different than most people. Sometimes we go about our daily routines without ever even considering the reasons and motivations behind them. But one way we can tell is if we are doers of the Word and not hearers only. You notice that Jesus said, “Whoever hears these sayings of mine and DOES them…” That is not working FOR your salvation, that’s working OUT your salvation.

Are you a doer of the Word, or are you a hearer only? Doers are building on the right foundation.

Our time is up, but we will discuss this a little more tonight, I hope to see all of you here. And I’m really going to close with this. The first step to building on the right foundation; is to make sure you’ve got the right foundation. Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?


Heavenly Father, I pray that if there are any here today that do not know your Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that You would draw them unto Yourself, by Your grace O’ Lord. I pray that if there are any here today, who have been saved by your grace and experienced Your mercy, but are not doers of the word, and are not building on the foundation of Christ Jesus that you would show them where they are missing it, and help us all Lord to be doers of your word, so that we might glorify you and be good witnesses in the year to come.

In Jesus Name – Amen.