Summary: In Christ my sin has been judged – past, present, future!

1. What a RELIEF. We are not condemned IN CHRIST!

• That’s a great place to be isn’t it? IN CHRIST! Where…

Romans 3:24 – We’ve been justified freely.

Romans 6:11 – I am dead to sin! It doesn’t have the same strength or power over my life any more!

Romans 6:23 – I have eternal life in Christ, the hope of heaven!

Romans 8:39 – I will never be separated from God’s Love!

Romans 12:5 – I’m in a body of believers. We all have Jesus in common!

Romans 15:8 – I have hope in Him.

Romans 15:17 – I have reason to glory in Christ! I have a reason to live, to serve, to live life to the fullest!

1 Corinthians 1:2 – I am sanctified. God is changing my life!

2 Corinthians 5:17 – I’m a new person, old things have passed away!

In Christ my sin has been judged – past, present, future!

Isaiah says…

Isaiah 44:22 (NKJV) 22 I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, And like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”

David says…

Psalm 103:10-11 (NKJV) 10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities. 11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;

It’s glorious!!

Romans 8:1 (NKJV) 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

YET there is a constant plaguing shadow in my life… MY PAST!

• It follows me, taunts me, pulls on me, condemns me!

• You have the same problem. Everyone has a past.

• Now you’re past may not be as bad as mine, but I’m certain that each of you has something in it that you wish you could wipe it clean… make it disappear… erase it permanently.

• And that’s where Romans 8:1 explodes into our lives…

• Right now, right here, IN CHRIST, there is NO condemnation!

So then Pastor Ed, what do I do with my past? What do I do with the pasts of those that are in my life? 3 Things… ready.

#1 – FORGET YOUR PAST – Philippians 3:12-14

• OK, now you’re just being too simplistic. Forget my past?

• I don’t think that’s possible. You don’t know what I did.

• Turn over to Philippians 3:12-14

NOTE: We forget it by RELEASING THE PAST and REACHING FOR THE FUTURE! Did you hear that?

• Can’t reach for the future if we’re still hanging on to the past.

• Paul says I forget those things in the past & press on and press toward the goal. JOT NEXT TO IT: ‘run swiftly after’.

• That’s what Paul did, he ran swiftly AWAY from his past and swiftly TOWARD the goal of Jesus Christ!

NOTE: You have to forget the past gang.

• But I can’t Pastor Ed, I just can’t. But in Christ you can…

• I know, I’ve been right where you are. Remember, I have a past.

• I’ve found the only times I can’t forget my past is when I choose to dwell in it and hang around with it…

• I let it drown me in sorrow and grief… you play it over and over again in your mind until it just buries you!

• If it was an argument you think of all the things you should have said or would have said…

• But you can’t say those things, because it’s done.

THE REALITY is that those who choose not to forget, tend to stay in one place their entire lives pitifully unwilling to move forward.

• They tend to whine, complain and be miserable tainting every new and every old relationship they have.

• There are even people in their lives who have forgotten and chose to move beyond it… but the trap of the enemy been set.

APP: Listen… please. I know I’m speaking to some of you right now and you’re thinking, YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND.

• I mean, if you could you jump up in your seat and scream out loud what you’re screaming on the inside.

It’s true, the root of condemnation in the believer’s life is right here: LOOKING BACK.

• You can’t be condemned when you’re looking forward.

• The enemy loves for you to look back into your past, to keep your eyes right there focused on the sin… yours or someone else’s

• Satan knows that if he can get someone to look back into their past, he knows that most of them will stay right there!

NOTE: Sincerely from my heart, are you going to stay in your past?

• Do you know how many people stay in their past, live in their past, and never discover their future?

• The future is just a few feet up ahead…. But they won’t go.

• They won’t budge. But IN CHRIST… you are free.

#2 – FORGIVE YOUR PAST – Luke 15:11ff

• Forgiveness is a key to a healthy, vibrant life in Jesus!

• Let’s read through…

NOTE: What did the son do exactly? By asking for his inheritance early, he was saying in effect, I wish you were dead dad.

• When you die I get all this but I want it right now.

• His dad gives it to him and what does he do? Live sinfully!

• He leaves Israel. He leaves his home. He leaves his senses!

NOTE: Some of you are praying for prodigal sons in your life today. The prayer becomes… WHATEVER IT TAKES LORD.

V20 The son comes to his senses and goes back home!

• Here comes the father, running toward his repentant son!

• But not everyone is so willing to forgive are they? The older brother.

• Condemnation… its rooted in unforgiveness.

• If you’re condemned, then you’re not receiving the forgiveness that is so readily given to you in Jesus.

• If you’re condemning others (older brother) you’re not extending the forgiveness.

It’s a sad twisted way to live life… that passes to quickly!

• If I’m in the son’s place, coming back to daddy, I can’t bring the past with me, I need to live in my Father’s Favor!

The FATHER FORGIVES the repentant! Isn’t that wonderful!?!?!

• You wouldn’t be repentant if it wasn’t for the Spirit of God working in your heart.

• The very fact that you want to say you’re sorry is His Spirit is convicting you and calling you and drawing you into the future!

• The day that you say, “I’m so sick of my sin, I just hate it.”

• God is working in you, convicting, drawing.

• But realize there will always be a BIG BROTHER that will try to pull you back and knock you back down… don’t listen to him!

YOU KNOW there are always those that want to focus on the bad, on the negative…

• You know we have offering boxes throughout the sanctuary.

• They are there for you to give of your tithes, offerings, prayer requests… BUT

• Some people think they are complaint boxes!

• And so after the glorious time of worship, our time in God’s Word, seeing new life take place… I don’t like this carpet!

• WHAT? You don’t like what? The enemy is slick isn’t he?

Forget the Past… Forgive the Past…

#3 – FORSAKE THE PAST – Psalm 103:1-14

• FORSAKE, the word literally means, “let sink, or drop”

• Isn’t that great. Over and over the Bible says that God will not forsake you, that Jesus will never leave or forsake you.

• He’ll never let you sink… won’t let you drop!

KEY IN on v8-14… The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy… He doesn’t treat us as our sin deserves!

• I forgive you, I’ll throw it, I’ll cast it, I’ll drive it away… that’s what the word REMOVE means in v12

• As far as the east is from the west… that’s FAR!

FORSAKE Your PAST… let it sink into the sea of forgetfulness, let it drop, let it go… it’s back there, and you are right here!

• There is therefore NOW, NOW, RIGHT NOW, no condemnation!

• For those who walk according to the Spirit… not the flesh.

• The Spirit walk is forward, progressive, spiritually alive.

• The flesh walk is backward, regressive, spiritually dead.

But it’s just impossible Ed. It’s not going to happen. Great stuff for a sermon with the 3 points and all… BUT I CAN’T!

• Hey, I know you know by now I’m going to give you the truth, lay it before you, encourage u, exhort u… if you’ll act on it, radical, crazy, wonderful changes will take place… you’ll be free!

• Filp over to Luke 6:6 real quick…

Whenever I start to think I can’t, the Holy Spirit takes reminds me of a man with a withered hand…

NOTE: In those times when your hope has withered up…

• When you are paralyzed & struggling, know this:

• As Jesus enters in, He is always drawn toward the one who is hurting the most. His love draws near.

• He’s always on the lookout for the one hurting the most.

• Here… He found the man with a withered hand.

V8-10 – Stretch out your hand.

• This guys, was an absolute impossibility.

• He just didn’t have the capacity on his own to do this.

• He had sent this signal from the brain to his hand a million times before wanting it to move.

• He could have said NO WAY Jesus, you don’t understand I can’t!

• But friends, because God’s commands are His enablements, the moment he DECIDED to obey, he was ABLE to obey!

• As you purpose in your heart to obey the Lord and love with the very love poured out lavishly in your heart… you will!

• Those who walk in the Spirit, embowered by His Spirit.

Let’s close with James 2:25-26…

NOTE: I wondered about this: You know as you read v25, do you think she’ll be known as Rahab the Harlot in heaven?

• Some churches are like that. Some families are like that.

• Some believers are like that… always holding the past up today!

• You’re always known by your failures. There’s so and so.

• Psst… there is you know who that DID you know what!

• Look, that’s not how the Lord Jesus Christ sees you!

• It’s not Thomas the Doubter… he’s not doubting anymore.

• It’s not Peter the Denier… NO WAY.

In the eyes of God we are seen perfect in Christ.

• I’m a new creature, you are a new creature in Jesus Christ.

• You’re whole & pure & righteous & good…

• You’re perfect, accepted, beloved and complete in Him.

Jesus has freed you & given you life gang… His liberty will cause us not to have a DEAD faith, or a USELESS faith, or a LIFELESS faith.

• But one that brings great glory & honor to our heavenly Father.

Matthew 5.16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

So what do I do with my past? Forget It. Forgive It. Forsake It!