Summary: Biblical principles whereby we may know and understand God’s will and direction for our lives

How to Know God’s Will

Part 1 March 2007

Dr. Russell K. Tardo

I. How to Know God’s Will

Continuing in the series of How To messages, this teaching will help us determine How to Know God’s Will. Previously examined were such topics as "How to Forgive," which covered simple, basic instructions on forgiveness, a subject so fundamental and necessary for all believers. Believers can’t harbor hatred, ill will, animosity or resentment. The Bible is the believer’s instructional source on forgiveness. Another topic dealt with was "How to Pray." Again, this study included basic, simple instructions on prayer. This week’s topic, How to Know God’s Will includes how to hear God’s voice, to know His will, His direction and His purpose. God’s plan for every believer is very important. The Bible sets forth some very simple instructions for each individual to know how God’s will can be discerned.

William Barclay once said that there are two great days in every individual’s life; the day we are born and the day we discover why. Why? Why was I born? Why am I here? What is my purpose here? What is God’s plan for me? What does He want me to do with my life? These are very important issues and something that each person should know about himself. What is life all about? What is the meaning of life? Philosophers have pondered the answers to such questions for millennia.


In order for each person to understand God’s will for his life, three fundamentals will be studied for personal application. First, Psalms 37:23 will help us realize that God does have a plan.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. [Ps. 37:23]

The Hebrew word is that the steps of a good man are ordained by the LORD.... Some versions may translate it established by the LORD, but ordained is the meaning -- the steps of a good man are ordained by the LORD. The Hebrew uses the very same word that’s translated ordered in this verse in Psalms 8, verse 3, in speaking of how God ordained the heavens and set the stars in place.

3When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. 4What is man, that thou art mindful of him? .... [Ps. 8:3-4]

That question was asked by the psalmist David. God ordained the heavens. He ordered them; He established them -- the sun, moon, stars and planets. Each is located exactly where they are by God’s design, by God’s plan. Also to be considered are all the millions, perhaps billions of stars, planets, moons around the planets, distant galaxies and wonders yet to be discovered. It was God who placed them and ordered their course(s) in the heavens. The universe was not laid out haphazardly. The rotation of the earth on its axis, its rotation around the sun, the moon’s rotation around the earth, all were established by God with divine precision. God’s precision is such that one can know exactly where the moon will be not only 24-hours or 24-days from now but also 24-years from now or 2,400 years from now. All creation in God’s universe is precise and in perfect order. That’s the way God planned and laid it out. How can we know these things? Because God has ordained their course(s) in the heavens. The point is this: That very same wisdom, which ordained the courses of the sun, moon, stars and planets, the Bible says has ordained our steps. The steps of a good man are established, ordained, ordered by the LORD.

- God Has a Plan for Our Lives -

That is not just a trite expression, not a cliché; God does have a plan for our lives. He has a plan for your life. He has a plan for everything that He created. God created nothing at random or accidentally. Everything He created, He created with purpose -- earth, moon, stars and angels. God is the master Designer, the master Architect. Everything that happens, whether the rotation of the earth around the sun or the rotation of the earth, the changing of the seasons, etc., was ordained by God. It was His plan that the seasons would change, that winter would become spring, with summer following. It was planned that day would transition into night, light into dark and it occurs every day. We never have to be uncertain about whether or not that will happen. God has ordained it to be so.

An interesting scriptural passage is found in Genesis, chapter 8:

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. [Gen. 8:22]

That was God’s promise to Noah. After having destroyed the earth by water, i.e., by universal flood, God told Noah what the newly cleansed creation would be like. He told Noah that there would be seasons, night and day, and these would not cease for as long as the earth remained. Until Jesus comes again and establishes His kingdom upon the earth, there will be seasons. Forget what Al Gore says, i.e., that the earth is going to become perpetual summer. God is in charge and He says there will always be seasons.

- Man’s Responsibility -

It doesn’t mean however, that man can be irresponsible in his treatment of planet Earth. As believers, we are to be responsible stewards of this earth on which God has placed us. The time will come, however, when God is going to intervene with these cycles, especially during the Great Tribulation period.

God has established a tremendous, precise order for all things.

All things have a purpose. For everything there is a plan. Nothing has been done arbitrarily or aimlessly.

Recently I read of the disappearance of the honeybee in many areas of the American countryside. Many are unaware that one-third of our food supply (every third bite you take) is dependent upon the honeybee’s role in pollinating crops. These small creatures do what no man or machine can do and God has a plan for these small insects. From the flight of the honeybee to the southward migration of the birds in winter, to the rise and fall of the tide(s), nothing is accidental. God has a plan for everything. How absurd to consider that God has a purpose for the honeybee and has no purpose for man, His highest form of creation! It was only man that was made in the likeness, the image of his Creator. Since God gave such careful attention to the planning of His creation, isn’t it reasonable to conclude that God has a plan, a purpose for every life?

The Bible says, The steps of a good man are ordained, established, ordered by the LORD, and he delighteth in his way. God delights in the individual believer’s way and in like manner, we are to delight in His way. When His children serve Him and follow Him, it delights God. It puts me in mind of the parent looking at their little toddler just beginning to walk. There’s the little one with a big smile on his face, drool streaming out of his mouth, two little teeth sticking out of his gums, trying so hard to maintain his balance, but he’s walking. Right about now, the elation and pleasure of the parent just can’t get any better. Just as the loving parent delights in the way of his child, God delights in the way of His children as they walk in His way. God says that our steps are ordained, i.e., they are ordered by God. Then not only does our loving Father delight in our way, but He also promises to guide us.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. [Ps. 32:8]

To whom is that written? It’s written to the believer which includes you and me. Here’s what God said: I will instruct thee.... The world, the lost, the heathen are left to find direction in whatever way they can. They give ear to philosophers, their peers, co-workers, etc. It’s no wonder they lead their lives as they do after following worldly advice and direction. Marriage counsel is sought from someone who has been married and divorced six times. Business and investment advice is solicited from thieves and robbers. Advice on the value of life is gained from some ungodly, heathen philosopher. Here’s what the Bible says to the believer, I will instruct thee, and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. Isn’t that something that we want to know? God is the teacher, instructor, and guidance counselor of every believer. Our problem is that all too often, we’re simply not listening. It’s not only possible, but also highly likely that we become stubborn, oblivious and dull of hearing to what God is trying to tell us. It’s even possible for believers to be mule-headed.

Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. [Ps. 32:9]

How many know that the mule is not an animal known for its brain power? For its intellectual capacity? For its compliance? Has anyone here ever had a mule? I lived with my grandparents and they had a mule. Typical to the species, it was stubborn. That’s the origin of the expression, "mule-headed." In the animal kingdom, the mule is known for its obstinate traits. The animal’s master desires to lead the mule one way, but the mule wants to go another. The mule being the stronger, guess which direction it takes? The mule has to be controlled by sheer strength and force, hence the need for bit and bridle.

Christians can be just like that as well. God wants to take us one way and we want to go another. God says, This is the way, walk ye in it, and what do we do? We say, "We like that way better," and off we go. God says, Come out from among them and be ye separate, and we respond, "We like being among them and being part of their group." Right? God says, Be holy, touch not the unclean thing, but we like the unclean.

The farmer hitches the plow to the mule, but the stubborn mule balks. The animal is mule-headed. If the mule wasn’t forced to comply, it would never serve a useful purpose. Do you have any idea what a mule will do? It will knock down fence(s) and eat your vegetables. That’s what mules are good for unless they are brought under control. Without guidance and domination, the mule has no purpose. It accomplishes nothing with its life, nothing worthwhile ... just destruction.

Now that’s a lot like people. Without guidance and control, it’s possible to waste one’s entire life in pursuit of things that don’t matter. Spending one’s life and energy and focus on things that have no importance in the light of eternity is a popular method of entrapment by the devil. Man can be hard-headed and stubborn, i.e., mule-headed, just like the mule. Stubbornness and self-will are the marks of the mule. Sadly, those traits also characterize some people.

Return to Psalms 32:8. Contained therein is a promise with a three-fold nature where God says to us:

Fundamental #1 - God has a plan for each of us.

- I will instruct thee. -

God Himself says this, and the Hebrew is even more descriptive. Some versions of the Scriptures may even translate it as: I will make thee to understand. That is even more profound than saying, I will instruct you. Why? Because many people have had a lot of instruction and still do not understand. Any teacher can attest to that. It’s possible to instruct kids for weeks, even months, and yet they don’t have an understanding or comprehension of the subject. God says, however, I will make thee to understand. [You will grasp it, you will comprehend it, and you will know.]

- I will teach thee in the way thou shalt go. -

This, too, is a greater promise than many realize. God says, "I’ll teach you what the way is, what way to go, the right way, the blessed way." It is the way of truth, the way of Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The promise goes even further however, in that, "Not only will I teach you what the way is, but I will teach you all along the way." That’s profound. Just as long as we follow Christ, He will continue not only to teach us more, but to also teach us to be more like Him.

God said that He would instruct the believer, that He would give him understanding. For those of us present here today, God has already given us a revelation of who Jesus Christ is. He gave us understanding of the way of salvation, the way of life, and the way of life eternal. He opened our eyes; He opened our hearts. He has made us understand that which we didn’t understand before. He has taught us in the way and continues to do so. He continues to show us, to teach us, to lead and guide us. He revealed to us that Jesus is the way, and that the way of life is following after Jesus. He continues to teach us how to keep the way. Then He says ....

- I will guide thee. -

Unlike human instructors who give directions by pointing to a spot on a map, saying, "Go here, take this road; that road, go there," God says, I will guide you. Do you know what a guide does? He takes you to the place that you want to go. He says, "Follow me, I’ll take you there." That’s a true guide.

What a profound promise! God says that He will make the believer understand. He will personally teach the individual. God gives comprehension, and then, He will personally lead the believer. We don’t have to be lost and wandering for God promises to lead the believer(s). That’s exactly what the Lord does. He leads us through biblical directives and principles. God leads through the example of Christ; He leads by the witness of the Holy Spirit. God is always leading the believer, always speaking to him. If we are not stubborn like the mule, we can hear the voice of God. That is God’s promise. There’s something even better than a teacher and that’s a guide.

Most here are aware that I like to fish. I have had the privilege of fishing with some of the best fishermen in the state, many of whom are considered guides. That’s what they do -- they take people fishing. It’s one thing when I ask someone, "Where can I go to catch some fish?" and they pull out a chart, pointing to this way and that way. There are no signs out in the marsh, directing me to the designated bayou. It’s another thing entirely if the individual is a guide and responds with, "Come on, let me take you there. Get in the boat and let’s go." When the appointed spot is reached, the guide points and says, "Fish right there and use this bait." How much better is that scenario? Even I can catch fish like that!

The Lord says, I will be your guide. And saints, He is our guide; He is our instructor, our teacher, and He is our example. He is the God we follow, the God we serve, the God we trust.

How do I know God’s will? What is God’s plan, what is God’s purpose for my life? It can’t be more simple than this: FOLLOW JESUS. God’s plan is that His children follow Jesus.

Well, what do I do when people hurt me? Follow Jesus, He’s your example. Don’t hurt others in return. Everything we need to know about life can be found in the pages of the Bible. Whatever the subject, i.e., functioning in society, work and what an honest, godly, Christian work ethic is, etc., it’s all contained in the Bible. Every believer can follow Jesus and know what he needs to know about how to make a living and how not to make a living.

- The Bible Has the Answers -

There are some things that we don’t need to pray about because the Bible clearly sets forth what is right and what is wrong. There is simply no need to pray, "Should I do wrong?" "Lord, should I sin?" "Lord, should I date this unsaved person?" "Lord, should I marry this unsaved man?" To pray such prayers is equivalent to praying, "Lord, should I disobey you? Should I disobey the clear teaching of your Word?" Prayers like that are certain to bring false revelation. There are plenty of voices in the unsaved world that quickly say, "Don’t listen to the Lord." The devil is still saying, Hath God said? "Why should you follow the pages of a dusty old book when you can go have fun with your friends?" There’s no need for the Christian to pray, "Should I divorce my wife because there’s a good looking gal that I work with and she likes me." Why not? Because the Bible teaches the sanctity of marriage, that God honors marriage and believers should too.

There are just some things believers don’t pray about. It is my belief that to pray about some things is actually wrong. It’s definitely wicked to pray whether or not to engage in sin. Genuine Christians know better than to pray such prayers. Do you want to know God’s will? Then follow God’s Word and the example of Jesus Christ who did no sin.

...neither was guile found in His mouth. [1 Pe. 2:22]

The fact of the matter is that life is only blessed, happy, complete and fulfilled when we follow Jesus. Taking the path of our own way, we become like the old mule ... mule-headed. Stubbornly and defiantly pulling against the Master does not lead to the path of peace, joy, contentment or happiness.

The Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah, had this to say:

O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

[Jer. 10:23]

If left to himself, man does go astray. Man follows his own will rather than God’s will. Man substitutes his wants for God’s plan. Man chooses to follow another’s plan or direction rather than following Jesus. It’s very easy to do. It’s easy to become angry, upset, and react stupidly by failing to follow the example of Christ. Jeremiah knew that it was God who ordered his steps, that directed his path and led him aright. It’s God that will lead the believer aright. He always leads us into what is true, right, pure and holy.

This is what I frequently tell people who come to me with various concerns and issues. An individual came to me recently saying he was going to begin attending a "different kind" of church. I told him, "That’s not God’s will for your life." I knew the situation and was familiar with the church the individual was planning to attend. I told the person that it was not God’s will for him. I’ll tell you why. God doesn’t lead anyone to drink from a poisoned well. The Bible tells us that God leads us to green pastures. What does a green pasture signify? It suggests good food and a healthy environment conducive to growth. God leads His children beside those clear springs of still waters where we can drink deeply and the water brings no harm. God never leads His people to death. He will never lead one of His into a spiritual desert.

God’s will? We follow Christ, His example. We follow the Word. Remember, God said:

... I will guide thee with mine eye. [Ps. 32:8]

Those who have been married for a while know there is communication between spouses without a word being spoken. All it takes is just the look, the glance, the arching of an eyebrow. This is also true with a mother and child. The mother can communicate with the child without uttering a single word. His little hand is halfway into the cookie jar and one look from his mother, and he knows. Closeness, intimacy can convey wordless communication. Similarly, such communication exists between our Heavenly Father and the child of God who maintains that closeness, that intimacy and is sensitive to the voice of his Father, to His direction. When we become so busy, so into the thoughts and things of the world, it’s more difficult to hear from the Lord. Necessary to maintaining intimacy are time spent in prayer and drawing near to the Lord in fellowship. The praying man or woman, the person(s) of the Book is in a position to be more sensitive to the voice of the Lord.

God does have a plan for our lives, and He has a plan for every person’s life.

Fundamental #2 - God’s plan is a good plan.

God’s plan for our lives is a good plan. He doesn’t plan to do us harm or evil. He doesn’t lead His children to poisoned wells. His plan is good; it’s a plan to bless. If we wisely follow God’s plan, we are assured of blessing, contentment and happiness. God’s plan will please us and by following His plan, we also please Him. We will examine three different translations of what the Scriptures have to say.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. [Jer. 29:11 KJV]

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. [Jer. 29:11, NIV]

...plans for welfare and not calamity, to give you future and a hope. [Jer. 29:11 ASV]

God’s plan for us is a good plan. That’s the point -- it’s something that we can look forward to. Our lives don’t have to be spent wandering in confusion and bewilderment. The interesting thing is that this was spoken to Israel right after they had gone into Babylonian captivity. Think about that!

For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. [Jer. 29:10]

The people of Israel were being forced into Babylon where they would remain captive for years. Yet God told the people that He had good plans for them. It is never wise to doubt that God has a good plan even though the outward circumstances appear otherwise. Consider that these Jews lost all that they had when they were taken captive. Many left loved ones behind, families that they never saw again. They were taken not just into a different country, but also into a different culture, a heathen nation. They were displaced, having to learn to function in a foreign country, a totally unfamiliar and foreign environment.

We might wonder how that could possibly be "a good plan." God told them in chapter 10, that while there they were to build houses, work and function as normally as possible. They were told to be a blessing while there.

Let’s remember that the Jews got themselves into that fix by not following God’s plan to begin with. God had a plan, but they chose not to follow the plan. They were stubborn and mule-headed and through rebellion, defiance and obstinacy against God and God’s Word, they left God’s plan. They mingled with the pagans and followed the way of the heathen. God’s plan was to bless them but those who fail to walk in God’s plan don’t get the blessing. He won’t bless us in spite of our self-will, stubbornness and rebellion. It may seem for a time that we are being blessed, but rest assured that will not last very long.

Fundamental #3 - We can reject God’s plan.

We can do our own thing just like Israel. We can follow our own way because God has given us the freedom to choose. We have a choice; we can trust Jesus or not, follow Him or not. We can obey Jesus or not; we can serve Jesus or not. Israel was given a choice. Choose God’s way, the way of obedience and holiness and submission or go your own way.

The Jews chose their own way, leaving the place of blessing, protection and provision, healing and salvation. Consequently, they found themselves in captivity in Babylon. When we choose the wrong way, we, too can wind up in captivity. Captivity takes the form of becoming hostage to the world, to sin, to addictions, to depression and oppression. How many people are being held prisoner right now because they left God’s way? They continually do wrong, hang with the wrong people and then they want to know why God doesn’t bless them. "Why don’t I have any peace or joy?" they ask. The question to them is, "Why aren’t you listening?"

God’s plan is a good one. God’s plan is that we follow Jesus, not a man, not a church, not a denomination, not a religious organization, and most certainly not a politician. If we wisely follow Jesus, serve Him, obey Him, love and honor Him, we will be blessed, saved and filled with peace, joy and righteousness.

This is what God said to Israel:

But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. [Jer. 7:23]

God had a plan for Israel. It was a good plan and God told them to follow His plan.... walk in my ways and it will be well with you. But it’s possible to reject God’s plan and that’s exactly what they did. They foolishly chose not to follow God’s plan.

But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. [Jer. 7:24]

The Hebrew says: They turned their backs to me, not their faces.

The Israelites chose to go backward and not forward. Rather than turning their faces toward God, they turned their backs to Him. Jeremiah continues:

25Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them. 26Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck, they did worse than their father. 27Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them [preach to them, call them to repentance]; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them; but they will not answer thee. [Jer. 7:25-27]

How would we like to have that kind of ministry? Go preach to people who won’t listen. Go preach to people who won’t see.

28But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: [They won’t stop, they won’t turn, they won’t cease from their sins.] truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth. 29Cut off thine hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath. [Jer. 7:28-29]

He mentioned some of the more grievous abominations and practices that Israel fell into. Choosing not to follow God’s way leads into even deeper sin and farther away from God. That’s what happened to Israel.

God has a way; God has a purpose. God has a plan and it’s a good plan. It’s simply the way of Christ, following Christ and following His Word. Our eyes must remain on nothing other than Christ because that is God’s way. God allows us the liberty, the option to choose a different way. That’s what Israel did and the consequences were disastrous.

30For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. 31And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart. [Jer. 7:30-31]

Some of the most horrible, the most gruesome and grievous practices in the eyes of God were actually embraced by Israel. In Jeremiah, chapter 10, he says:

2...Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3For the customs of the people are vain: .... [Their practices are abominable.] [Jer. 10:2-3]

Sadly, Israel didn’t want to be different from the nations surrounding them. They desired to be just like everyone else. The neighboring nations had a king so Israel wanted a king. The other nations had altars in the groves on the high hills, so Israel wanted altars in the groves on the high hills. Other nations worshipped Molech so Israel worshipped Molech, the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians. Also called Maalcom and Malak-baal, Molech was one of the most horrible deities imaginable. This deity was represented as a large, muscular man with the head of a bull. This monster was either seated, kneeling or standing with arms outstretched. The mid-section of the idol contained a huge bronze furnace where fires were lighted. When the fire began to glow red hot, the people placed their children into the extended arms of Molech where they were roasted alive. (One of the altar locations mentioned in the Bible was at Tophet, in the valley of Hinnom.)

Molech evolved into the Cronus of the Grecians, the Saturn of the Romans, and even today Saturnalia is part of our Christmas custom. People have no idea of the significance of bringing their children and placing them in the lap of Santa Claus. Very few today know the origin of the custom. In ancient times people petitioned these abominable deities and today, we follow the customs of the world giving no thought as to their origin. People today believe it’s just a harmless twentieth century practice, having no concept of the spiritual and religious connotations and the source of these customs, i.e., Molech.

For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. [Jer. 7:30]

That’s how far Israel digressed from God. They resorted to the practice of abominable, heathen rites. They actually carried out these vile heathen rituals in the house of God. God designated that His house was to be a place of prayer, a place of consecration, purity and holiness, sanctified unto His Name.

Saints, these practices are still happening today. We may not sacrifice our children, but we give them up to Molech today to be raised by the world, by the devil and by their peers. We fail to bring them up in the ways of God, the things of God and the truth of God. Our preference is that they just blend in with the world rather than stand out, being different from the world. That’s why parents have no convictions today. We don’t want our children to be different so we allow them to participate in everything the heathen do. That was Israel’s problem and it brought them into captivity. The church today is hostage to the world in this very same way.

If we don’t follow God, we wind up following the example of the heathen nations and this is the consequence:

Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate.

[Jer. 7:34]

Through the mouth of His prophet, Jeremiah, God plainly told the people that He was taking away their peace, their joy, happiness and contentment because of their idolatry. When we refuse to follow the Lord, we can’t think for one moment that we’re going to be blessed.

5Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return. 6I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? [Jer. 8:5-6]

There is no record here of anyone driven to repentance. No one said, What have I done? People today often do the same thing. They rebel against God, His Word and His way. They wind up in their own disasters and captivities. God however, did leave Israel with a blessed promise:

But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. [Jer. 7:23]

Here’s the good news! God has a plan for our lives and it’s still a good plan. The good news is this -- it’s not too late! We can still repent and return and embrace God’s plan. While God’s plan requires that we change direction, it’s not too late. His plan has not changed in that He still desires to bless and prosper His people in all the right ways. His plan for us is still a wonderful plan. He told Israel, even in their captivity:

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. [Jer. 29:11, NIV]

God had that plan in spite of the fact that Israel was going into captivity. He has a plan for each of us. Although we may find ourselves in captivity, bound, vexed and oppressed, God’s plan for us is still good. God doesn’t make "bad" plans for His children.

- What must we do? -

Turn to Christ. We must follow Christ, submit to Him and obey Him. We must believe on Christ and trust Him. He’s the one to follow, the one to serve, the one to obey. He’s the One to live for because that is God’s plan, God’s purpose, God’s design for the believer’s life. Christ is the believer’s hope of glory. He alone is the believer’s hope for blessing in this life and for life evermore. God’s entire plan is summed up in Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to know Him, submit our lives to Him, confess our sins to Him and invite Him into our hearts. The next step is to serve Him, obey Him and follow His example. That’s God’s will and it’s God’s will for each life.

- Closing Prayer -

Father, we pray this morning that you would deliver us from our stubbornness and backsliding. Help us, Lord, to surrender every part of our lives to you. Lord, in every place, in every part of our lives where we have been obstinate and mule-headed, where we have been unyielding, Lord, forgive us and change us. Help us, Lord, to want one thing and that is to do your will. Draw us, Lord, to yourself. We pray in Jesus Name ... amen.