Summary: you want to know how to be a loyal Christian friend?

Even Great Faith Needs Godly Fellowship

Job 6-7

PROPOSITION: Because Christ is a friend that “sticketh closer than a brother”, you must be a loyal friend.

I. Intercede for others through showing sympathy!

Job’s appeal to his friends for mercy– show more sympathy!

A. Job desires sympathetic fellowship. 6:1-13

1. The reality of his suffering causes a need for sympathy (6:1-7).

the weight of his suffering (6:1-4).

the weightlessness of his friends counsel (6:5-7).

2. The desire to be faithful causes a desire for death (6:8-13).

The hopelessness of his situation (8-10).

Job’s sense of uselessness (11-13).

B. Job reproves his friends for their unsympathetic attitude! 6:14-30

1. Their need to know and discern the Word (6:14-23)

failing to fulfill their obligations of – loyal kindness (14).

the seriousness of their failure (15-23).

2. Their need to show love and compassion. (6:24-30)

Job accuses his friends of betraying him (24-27)

Job’s accuses his friends impugning his character/faith (28-30).

II. Intercede for others through fervent prayer.

Job’s appeal to God for mercy – lighten his sufferings!

A. He confesses the state of man! 7:1-10

1. The futility of life (7:1-5).

God should leave him alone because life is wretched (1-2).

God should leave him alone because he is suffering (3-6).

2. The brevity of life (7:6-10)

B. He complains about his state to the Lord! 7:11-21

1. Job vents his complaint (11-16).

trusting his cry will be heard (11-14).

the cry of meaningless suffering (15-16).

2. Job requests a reprieve (17-21).

Wonders why all this attention from God (17-18).

Wishes for God’s forgiveness (20-21).