Summary: God opens the windows of heaven on our behalf. He has already done that on two major occasions and some day He is going to open the windows again.

The Windows of Heaven

Malachi 3: 10-12

I LIKE WINDOWS. I wouldn’t live in a house without many of them. I wouldn’t want to work in an office or factory without them. Windows have two primary functions: to let light in and to let those who are inside see out.

When I was a boy in grade school, I always tried to sit near a window. That practice continued all the way through graduate school. I tried to be early so as to get a window seat. Why? When there was a pause, I liked to see what was going on---especially at Asbury Seminary where one could look at the college campus across the street, for it was quite charming. There were always creatures to watch—squirrels and birds.

The Bible has a lot to say about windows.

- In Geneses 7, we see God opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out a flood on the earth as a judgment on wicked, rebellious sinners.

- A few chapters later we see Noah opening up a window of the Ark and sending our a raven and a dove to see if the flood waters were abated.

- In the Book of Joshua, we see Rahab placing a scarlet thread in her window and how she was spared by Joshua’s army.

- Daniel used windows. Three times each day he stood by them facing Jerusalem and prayed.

- In Malachi, God tells us that if we would tithe, He would open the windows of heaven and bless us with a great blessing.

- Over in the New Testament, we read how Paul’s life was in danger once, so his friends helped him escape by letting him down through a window in a basket.

- And what about Eutychus? Remember the night when Paul was preaching in Ephesus and this young man fell asleep and then fell out a window and was killed?

Yes, the bible tells us of many windows. But the main truth is that God opens the windows of heaven on our behalf. He has already done that on two occasions and some great day He is going to open the windows again.

I. God Opened the Windows of Heaven and

Sent Us A Savior

- His name was Jesus, born of a virgin

- God was His Father and Mary His mother

- This was God’s way of getting Him into the world

- He could have sent Him as a full grown man, but He wanted His Son to experience all that a human does---all the joys, grief’s, and troubles of life that He might sympathize with us. And Hebrews 4:14 says that is exactly what happened.

God sent Jesus into this world for three primary reasons:

1. To show us what God is like. We can see some of what God is like in nature: beauty, harmony, order, complexity. But to really understand what God is like as a Person, we need a Person to tell and show us. And when one looks at Jesus he sees a perfect reflection of God--holy, just, loving, merciful---that’s the nature of God!

2. To teach us how to live---how to relate to each other, how to treat our family, our neighbor, our friends, our church, our God, even our world. He taught us by sermons, precept, and example.

Some time ago a pastor made a call on an invalid and asked him if he’d like to become a Christian. He answered, “No, sir, I don’t want anything to do with it. My parents and grandparents said they were Christians. I watched the way they lived—how they treated people—how prejudiced they were and I made up my mind right then and there that I wouldn’t have anything to do with it.” We need to make sure that our lives back up our witness.

3. To save us. It took the last drop of His blood, the last ounce of His energy, the last bit of Himself to save us. Luke 19:10 tells us that “the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

At the close of a service, a stranger walked up to the minister and informed him that he didn’t care for his sermon. He said, “I wish you would stop all this preaching about the cross and the death of Christ. Why don’t you just concentrate on Him as our great teacher and example?” The minister thought for a moment and replied, “Would you be willing to follow Him if I preached that way?” “Yes, I would,” said the stranger. “I would follow in His steps.” “Fine,” said the minister. “Here’s the first step for you to take. It is said of Him that He was without sin (I Peter 2:2). Can you take that first step?” The man looked confused and admitted that he could not. Then the minister went on to describe some other statements that the Bible makes concerning Christ—his humility, lack of material goods and friends, His betrayal, suffering and death. To all of these the stranger only remained silent. Finally, the minister said, “You first need of Christ is not as an example, but as a Savior. You must have His Spirit to guide you before you can walk in His steps.”

In the early days of the American frontier, an Indian chief heard the message of the gospel and was wonderfully saved. Such an indescribable peace flooded his soul that he couldn’t keep from talking about the Lord. Another chief visited and wanted to know who this Jesus was, what He had done, and where He lived. The new convert took some chips of wood, formed a small circle on the ground with them and put a little chipmunk in the center. Then he set the woos on fire. The little creature tried to get out of the ring of fire but there was no way out—no escape. Then suddenly the converted chief lifted the chipmunk out and tenderly set him free. He said to his fellow chief: “That prison of flame is the world and I was just like that chipmunk. The powers of sin and evil surrounded me and I was helpless to save myself. Then the Great Chief, the Lord Christ came down from heaven right into this circle of death, lifted me out of the fire of sin and judgment and set me free.”

That’s why Christ came—to show what God is like, to teach us how to live, and to set us free.

II. God Opened the Windows of Heaven

And Sent Us the Holy Spirit

1. The Spirit convicts us of sin. In order to bring us to Christ and to keep us in Christ. There can be no conversion without a true and vivid sense of our own sinfulness. As Isaiah tells us, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, and with His stripes we are healed.”

A man who was deeply troubled by his sins had a vivid dream in which he saw Jesus being savagely whipped by a soldier. As the cruel scourge came down upon Christ’s back, the dreamer shuddered, for the terrible instrument left gaping wounds upon the bleeding, swollen body of the Savior. When the soldier raised his arm to strike the Lord again, the dreamer rushed forward to stop him. As he did, the one who had the whip turned---and the startled dreamer recognized himself! He awoke in a cold sweat, realizing that his sin had brought this punishment up Christ. This was the work of the Holy Spirit. He convicts of sin.

2. The Spirit puts God’s seal upon us. Ephesians 4:30: “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.” This seal of stamp implies 4 things:

- ownership

- relationship

- protection

- security

3. The Holy Spirit gives us power

- for service

- for witnessing

- victory over temptation, despair, and fear

4. He gives us comfort in sorrow—reminding us of God’s presence and love in the dark night of the soul, providing strength to go on, reminding us of the Scriptures, lifting our fallen and crushed spirits.

5. He gives guidance in life’s choices. James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God that gives to all men liberally, and without reproach ; and it shall be given him.”

III. God Will Open the Windows of Heaven

Again and Send Back His Son

The first time He came as a lowly babe; this time He will come as a conquering warrior.

The first time He came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey; this time He will come on a white horse.

The first time He came as the sacrificial lamb; this time He will come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

The first time He had few friends and only a handful of followers; this time He will come with the army of God and all the hosts of heaven.

The first time He came to suffer; this time He will come to crush His enemies and bring judgment.

What will take place when He comes?

1. Resurrection—“For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (I Thess. 4:16).

2. Rapture—This is the first phase of a two-fold coming. First He comes for His saints, those believers alive to take them out of the world before God’s wrath comes from on high. Then, after the tribulation period, He comes again with His saints to bring judgment and lock the devil up. That’s called “The Revelation.”

3. Reunion—It will be like none on earth we’ve ever been a part of.

4. Revival—We’ll worship like never before. Everyone will turn out. There will be singing and shouting and testimonies and a constant flow of praise to the Lamb.

5. Rejoicing—We shall sit down at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev.19). Jesus is the groom and the church is His bride. The Old Testament saints and the angels are special guests. Just imagine sitting at a table with Moses, Elijah, Noah, Peter, John the Baptist, Paul and King David---and at the head of the table—King Jesus!

6. Reigning—After this celebration, Jesus will come back to earth, bringing all of His saints with Him. He will establish His 1,000 year reign of peace. The saints of God will assist Him. The lion will lie down with the lamb.


God has been so good to us. He opened the windows of heaven and sent us His only begotten Son to rescue us. He opened the windows again and sent the Holy Spirit to purify and empower us. Then some glorious day He will open the windows of heaven again and send His precious Son back to take us to be with Him forever.

Some years ago two young women signed Hollywood movie contracts at the same time. One was named Colleen Townsend and the other was Marilyn Monroe. They were both determined to be great movie stars. A few years later, Colleen Townsend became a born-again Christian and married a minister. You know what happened to Marilyn Monroe. She became a greatstar—a sex symbol, married several times. A few years later these two women met and Marilyn said, “When I signed that contract I was determined to be a star, whatever the cost. My dream has been realized, but I am the most miserable and unhappy person in the world.”

And one night poor Marilyn ended her life while Colleen Townsend went on happily living for Jesus because one say she opened the widow of her heart and let the Savior in. Have you done the same? If not, why not? He longs to enter into your life and give you what He gave to Colleen Townsend—happiness unending.