Summary: When we are Being rewarded for our obedience it is easer for us to be obedient, but suffer for our obedience we are usually not willing to do that.

Thesis: Rooted in a sacrificial life

Title: It’s all about Cost!


Let’s read out of Colossians chapter 1 verse 24-29

Vs. 24: Paul say’s he is rejoicing in his suffering. I don’t know about you, but suffering doesn’t sound fun.

When I hear the word suffering, I think of being stuck in a car with my parents and sisters for hours with them screaming and saying….. Now to me that is suffering.

But Paul here is talking about a true suffering. Not just an annoyance or an inconvenience. Some of you girls feel like your suffering when you break a nail or have a bad hair day and you guys aren’t off the hook! You feel like you’re suffering when a girl drops you like a bad habit. That hurts!

But Paul is suffering in prison for the Lords sake and he is glad to do this as a sign of obedience. Some of you would say, what do you mean obedience?

Well Paul was obedient to proclaim his faith no matter what the cost was, even when it meant he would have to suffer.

A lot of the time it is easy to obey the Lord when all is good, but when there may be suffering involved, we want to bail.

Being rewarded for our obedience We’re willing to do, but suffer for our obedience we are usually not willing to do that.

In Acts 9:15-16 the Lord told Ananias that Paul was a chosen vessel and he would suffer for the Lords name sake, and Paul did. I believe we will all, as believers, suffer for standing up for our God and our beliefs. I have and I’m sure you have!

How many of you have suffered for making a stance?

About five years ago I had to………………………………………..

So I believe Paul is saying that suffering is unavoidable but when we suffer, Christ feels it with us. Like Paul’s suffering it can be endured joyfully because it has purpose it changes lives and it can bring people into God’s Kingdom.

“Suffering produces character as we learn through it. Are you willing to suffer for the gospel?” Are we rooted in a sacrificial life?”

Vs. 25 Paul is stating his responsibility. “I was made a minister according to the stewardship of God, for your benefit, so that I may fully carry out the preaching of the Word.

” Paul understood what was given to him, to share the truth. Not his opinion, not his ideas, but the truth, not some variation of it.

But the things that are absolute. Paul was given to preach to the gentiles to bring them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

God has given the truth to you and I and He expects us to be good stewards of it.

What does steward mean? ( Webster says the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care )

Sometimes I’m not a good steward. I hold back out of fear, or out of my own laziness from taking care of what God has given and has entrusted to me.

I can totally relate to some of you that at times we do not feel like conducting ourselves as Christians or we are not comfortable with sharing the gift that has been given to us with others.

It is easy to keep it all to ourselves and not share it with others. But you know just as much as I do, that we are not being good stewards of God’s Word when we keep it to ourselves.

In Mark it tells us that we are to fulfill the great commission. Mark 16:15 says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,"

Not to do it if we feel like it, but as believers we are told to do it.

In High School………………………(tell story)……….

We as individuals, and as a youth group, your youth group, are to reach out to your friends, our schools and, inviting them to this place. Could you imagine…………………….

Then we would be like Paul being a good steward of what God has given us.

We have a great opportunity to reach our community and to change our generation for Christ. Let’s be good stewards!

“Opportunity is birthed in great moments and Christ will give us those moments, let’s take them.”

“Are we rooted in a sacrificial life?”

Verse 26-27 Let’s Read

Those that except and come to know Christ. There is a new understanding and revelation that comes about, they see for the first time what it means to be set free from being a slave to our or their sin.

The light bulb has been turned on and a new creation, a new person, is being developed. This revelation is for everyone.

You see in the Colossian church, there were false teachers that believed and taught that, coming to know spiritual maturity or perfection,

(ie: having that personal relationship)

was a secret and a hidden plan that only a few privileged people could discover.

But Paul was out proclaiming truth, the Word of God, in its’ fullness.

In God’s whole plan, that all will be revealed to the Gentile and Jew alike. You see God’s grace, salvation, and mercy is for all who want it, not for a select few.

“There is only one truth and it is for all, so let’s proclaim it to all!”

“Are we rooted in a sacrificial life?”

Verse 28

Who is it that we preach or share, if we share at all! It should be Christ because He is eternal life and He is the one that gives wisdom, defines it, and is wisdom revealing all truth to each of us who asks. Are we looking for truth this morning or wisdom?

Are you tired of being lied too?

The Apostle Paul continued to share Christ bringing trust against the lies that society tried to convince man to compromise in and that sin is okay.

I’m sure there has been times in your life and I know in mine that we bought into the lies. Some of us right now may have bought in to this.

You see Paul lived what he states to the Colossians.

He spoke the truth bringing warning to every man even though it continually cost him his comfort, his will or even his life.

This was all For the purpose that every man would come to know Christ and present themselves perfect in Christ Jesus.

Perfect meaning complete or mature - to be like Christ. Paul lived a sacrificial life and encourages others to do the same.

“Are we rooted in a sacrificial life?

Verse 29

Here is the real balance of what Christian living is. Paul gave the effort to serve and honor God with every part of himself. He labored for the Lord, pressing forward for the Kingdom.

“Labor” refers to working to the point of exhaustion. Are any of you exhausted in here?

Then he uses the word “striving”, the Greek word for striving gives us the English word “ agonize” and refers to the effort required to compete.

I have a friend named Kombooie…………( share a story Here)……….

We see so many athletes sacrifice their time, body, and comfort to win a race, a game, or a competition where in the end all they have to show for it is a blue ribbon. Why is it so much easier for us to sacrifice for a trophy that passes away, than sacrifice for the things that last for eternity and give eternal life?

Outtro: This morning I plead with you and double dog dare you to be true “laborers” and young people who change a generation, your generation. Are you willing to sacrifice everything to bring our friends, family, and others to Christ no matter the cost.

Let’s bow our heads.