Summary: Motherhood boils down to a series of opportunities. Mom don’t miss the opportunities God has given you.

Intro: The mother of three notorious kids was asked, “If you had to do it all over again would you have children? Sure,” she said, “but not the same ones.”

Admit it there are days when all moms feel this way. However, at the end of the day if you had to do it all over you would have the same disobedient, destructive, yet priceless children.

Some of you are today morning the loss of your mom. Some of you are possibly praying that you could be a mom. Some of you are celebrating with your mom. Some of you don’t like Mother’s day because of an absentee mom.

As a mother you have the opportunity to be a chauffeur, maid, cook, referee, philosopher, doctor, nurse, rescue squad, banker, fast on your feet, anticipating ever possibility, believing the impossible, enduring the unbearable, sometimes loving the difficult. What do we learn from all of this. Being a mom is a series of opportunities.

In motherhood you have the opportunity to build a relationship that will build the character and future of your child.

Why is Timothy where he is being encouraged by the greatest follower of Christ? Timothy is where he is because of the grace of God and the virtue of His mother.

The letter of 2nd Timothy is a letter written by Paul to encourage his young son in the faith. In this letter of encouragement we find the importance of mom not missing her opportunity to impact her child’s life.

I. Don’t miss the opportunity to influence your child for Christ

2 Timothy 1.5 “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice and I am sure that it is in you as well.”

Paul also says of Timothy in Philippians 2.20 “I have no one else like him.”

Paul met Lois and Eunice in Lystra and during His first missionary visit there it is possible that Timothy received Jesus as savior and Lord. Paul experienced their faith. He said it dwelt in them it lived in them.

This is not merely religious activity it is instead a relationship reality. Both grandmother and mother lived a life of faith that had a lasting influence on their grandson and son. It was not a faith that only showed up to impress. It was not a faith that showed up in church. It was a faith that lived in them when people were watching and not.

Moms do you want the opportunity to influence you children? If you do than is your faith living? Is it as real in the dark recesses of you home?

Paul said their faith was sincere. It was without hypocrisy there was not a change in attitude or behavior when the preacher was not around. They had a faith that was founded in Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

For better or worse mom’s, grandma’s, God moms, adoptive moms, you have an influence on your child. Mom you have the opportunity to write on the hearts of you children with the hands of love. When you life is over what message will you leave on your little ones? You can leave love, grace, acceptance, discipline, self-control, right relationships, instill God’s truth in them.

II. Don’t miss the opportunity to instill God’s truth in your child (2 Tim 3.15)

2 Timothy 3.15 “and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Paul is encouraging Timothy to stand on God’s truth as he faces false teachers. This truth was instilled in him from his childhood.”

Why is it so important to instill in your children the truth of God’s word from childhood? Because it gives you wisdom that leads to salvation. The word of God clearly reveals to all that we are sinners separated from God. We need a savior, Jesus Christ is that savior. Even simple bible stories can express this truth. You don’t have to be a scholar, you don’t have to have a Phd, a bible degree or even training to tell you childen the truth of Christ.

A) Purposefully teach them truth

Deuteronomy 4.9, Proverbs 22.6, David through the psalms continually a teaching is going on. It is deliberate to remind the children of Israel and their children and grandchildren to remember the activity of God on their behalf.

Jewish boys begin their training in the scripture at 5. Moms no one will force you to instill God’s truth, no one will report you to DHS, you must of yourself purposefully teach them the word of God.

B) Practically teach them the truth

Winston Churchill “If we want to change our nation begin by enlisting the mothers.”

Remember that children will not become what you tell them to become but what you show them to become.

If your relationship with Christ is real then you will be a walking example of Christ. That is what Paul saw when he spent time with Timothy’s mother and grandmother. Lois and Eunice were living examples of Christ teaching Timothy the truth and the practicality of following Jesus. Prepare your children to face people who say there is no truth.

III. Don’t miss the opportunity to invite your child to Christ

2 Timothy 1.5 “and I am sure that it is in you as well.”

Someone once said parental faith sanctifies a child but personal faith saves the child. Salvation is in and through Christ alone. There is absolutely nothing we can do to attain it but to accept what Christ did on the cross.

However, don’t miss the opportunity to invite you children to a personal faith.

Pray for your children to understand that they are sinful, and that they need a savior. Pray for God to reveal Himself to them in the words of the Bible and the actions of your life.

Four scholars were arguing over Bible translations. One said he preferred the King James Version because of its beauty and eloquent old English. Another said he liked the New American Standard Version for its literalism and how it moves the reader from passage to passage with confident feelings of accuracy from the original text. The third scholar was sold on the New Living Translation for its use of contemporary phrases and idioms that capture the meaning of difficult ideas. After being quiet for a moment, the fourth scholar admitted: “I have personally preferred my mother’s translation.” When the other scholars started laughing, he said, “Yes, she translated the Scriptures. My mom translated each page of the Bible into life. It is the most convincing translation I have ever read.”

IV. Don’t miss the opportunity to inspire you child for Christ

Paul was trying to encourage His son in the faith. He wanted him to stir up the gift that God had planted in him.

A) So that they will not be ashamed of the Gospel (2 Tim 1.8)

What do we let ourselves be ashamed of today? The text is clear do not be ashamed of the gospel. This recurs through this book. We honor Christ when we speak of Him out of the abundance of a relationship with Him. However He is dishonored when we are silent of Him.

Mark 8.38 “Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Encourage you children to not be ashamed of the word, name, and person of Jesus Christ. If Jesus says “fornication is evil” don’t allow so called liberated people to tell you that is outdated thinking. No matter how the world tries to twist and distort the person, work and words of Jesus stand and do not be ashamed.

The gospel glorifies and magnifies God and at the same time humbles men. It is according to Romans 1.16 “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

Don’t be ashamed of the power of God in the Gospel. Inspire, encourage you children to faith, and to proudly share the power of God working in their life.

B) So that they will hear their call from God (2 Tim 1.9)

God calls us all to be in relationship to Him. We are to serve Him and serve others. But the reality is that people will take advantage of you. People will lie to you and mistreat you and say false things about you.

It is a lie to say come to Jesus and everything will be ok. Ultimately yes we win, in Jesus we have total victory. We are saved from the penalty of sin, we are saved from the power of sin and we will be saved from the very presence of sin.

However we are living on a sin cursed world among a sin cursed people. In the reality of the world we live in we are to hear the still small voice of God and respond to His leadings.

Moms you have the great opportunity to encourage your children to hear God’s voice and respond in service and sacrifice for His great Glory.

Conclusion: Mom’s you have an opportunity to form and shape and encourage you children into a relationship with the Living God. However, if he is not living in you, all you will do is encourage your children into a religion without the reality of God.