Summary: In the Christian life, we will all face times of lose. And with that lose we will grief, but what we do after that grieving period is crucial.

Following In the Footprints of Faith


Genesis 23:1-20

Intro: We have been privileged to walk with Abraham through the peaks and valleys of a life well lived. We have seen him leave his homeland to walk with God by faith. We have witnessed his successes and his failures. We have seen him as he experienced the joy of childbirth and watched as he willingly gave that child up to the will of the Lord. Abraham’s life has been filled with the best and the worst that life can dish out.

Genesis 22 took this man to the pinnacle of faith and obedience. Now in chapter 23 we see Abraham go into the depths of the valley of the shadow of death. Here, as we watch him say goodbye to his wife Sarah, we see a man who has learned to walk by faith as he weathers the storms of life. This morning, I would like for us to watch Abraham in these verses as he teaches us how to live the life of faith even when tragedy enters our view. I want to preach for a while on the thought Standing up from before the Dead.


A. The Sadness Of Separation

• We are told that Abraham’s wife of some 70 years has died.

• This kind of separation is part of everyone’s life, but when it comes, we are never quite prepared for the hurt it brings.

• Thank god, the cruel messenger of death will be done away with forever one day.

B. The Sting Of Sorrow

• When death entered the home of Abraham, it broke his heart.

o The Bible says that he came to "mourn" and to "weep".

o These words mean "to wail" and to "shed tears", respectively.

• By the way, this is a natural reaction to death!

o There are times when we hear people tell us not to weep over our dead, but when they are stripped from our presence, it is impossible not to weep for and miss them.

C. The Strength Of Steadfastness

• The Bible tells us that "Abraham stood up from before his dead".

o This means that when the mourning period was over, Abraham moved on with his life.

• You see, grief is a normal part of living, but there is a time when grief must reach an end.

o Sorrow over death is natural, but sorrow that does not end is unnatural.

o We are told in the Bible, "But we don not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope" 1 Thess. 4:13.

• May we learn to rejoice over our loved ones who, like Sarah, have entered into glory!

o One day, we will join them there!


Abraham has been given all the land by the promise of God. However, He does not own one square inch of the land at this point. He goes to speak to the men of the city to acquire a place to bury the dead.

A. Abraham Declares His Identity (v. 4a)

• He tells the men of the city that he is still a pilgrim among them.

o He has lived here some 62 years at this point, but he has never settled down.

o He says that he is a "newcomer" and is just one "passing through".

o Even after all this time, he has never set down his roots in this world.

• What a lesson to the children of God!

o As long as our roots do not go too deeply in this world, we will not become too entangled in its affairs.

o May we never forget our identity!

o We are pilgrims and strangers, in this world.

o We also should strive to live this way and not settle down, but keep traveling, looking for that city that will be our eternal home!

B. Abraham Demonstrates His Integrity (vv. 4b-16)

• In order to secure a place to bury his wife, Abraham strikes a deal with one of the sons of Heth, a man by the name of Ephron.

o Abraham mentions a certain piece of property and Ephron offers to give it to him, but Abraham refuses, because he does not want to be indebted to any man.

• This is a good lesson for us as well!

o We need to beware that we owe no man anything but love.

o When Ephron sees that he has the advantage over Abraham, he charges him far more than fair price, but instead of standing up for himself, Abraham humbly accepts the offer.

• Having to pay for land that God has promised to give him might have caused many men to stumble, but Abraham was able to see beyond the present into a future where it was all his anyway.

o Even in trials, Abraham was a man of integrity!

o How you conduct yourself when the pressure is on says more about you than how you act when things are good!


The fact that Abraham buried his wife in the cave in Hebron, shows the depths of his faith in the Lord. Of course, Abraham’s faith is well known and documented, even in the New Testament. In Abraham’s life, we can see faith exhibited in three areas.

A. We See His Faith In The Promises Of God

• He was able to buy the cave with confidence seeing that he already owned the land in trust.

o It had been given to him by the precious promise of God.

o He knew that one day, he and his descendants would be buried in this very cave.

o But, he was able, by faith, to see far beyond this.

o He was able to see a day when he would stand with Sarah, in the presence of the Lord in Heaven!

• This same faith dwelled in the heart of Job, during all the trials he faced.

o It should dwell in our hearts as well.

• When we are able to look beyond the present to the things we have been given in promise, by faith, it secures the heart, frees the mind and strengths the hands to work!

o When we know we are going home some day, it makes the trials of this journey bearable!

B. We See His Faith In The Plan Of God

• Abraham knew that even as he buried Sarah here, there would come a day when his descendants would inherit this land and would dwell there.

o Because of this great knowledge, Abraham was able to endure his grief, his pain and his losses.

o He knew that God’s plan is always best.

• If we could ever grasp that truth it would change our lives!

o It would spell the end of our second guessing, our worrying and our "whys?" and "What if’s".

• God has a perfect plan and it is not meant to hurt you, but it is meant to produce His image in your life.

o It is meant to glorify His name and to further His kingdom in this world.

o The best thing we can ever do is to submit humbly and wholly to what the Lord is doing in and around us!

C. We See His Faith In The Power Of God

• Even as he stared death in the face, Abraham was able to walk in victory because he knew that he was serving a God who controlled all the affairs of life and of death!

o He knew that even though his pain was great and his loss was terrible, in the end, he would come out a winner because God resides on the throne!

• Would to God we could remember that tonight!

o We are not going to be in this world with all its pain and heartache forever!

o The day is coming when we will leave this world for a new home in glory.

o When that day comes, we will enjoy the victory!

o The bottom line is this: I have read the conclusion of the book!

o We have already won all there is to win, we must just wait until the victory we already hold by faith is beheld by the eyes!

Closing There are times when we all look at an impossible situation and wonder how much more we can take. Let me tell you now that God’s grace is sufficient for you in everything you will face in this life. He will give you grace to stand up from your dead and to go on for His glory, until the battle is over. I do not know what you might be facing this morning, but I do know that faith is where your victory lies!

What will it take to get you to stand up? Whatever it is, the Lord has it. Come get it.