Summary: These is sermon 1 in a series of sermons on moments with Master, as Jesus teaches us crucial life lessons. This sermon deals with the need of the transforming touch of Jesus.

Moments with the Master Series

Series Introduction: As one reads the Gospels; it quickly becomes apparent that the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was a people centered ministry. There are two verses that declare, in detail, our Lord’s mission statement. 1.) Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” 2.) Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

Obviously, Jesus came into this world with the cross of Calvary in His heart and on His mind. He was literally born to die! The passage in Mark 10:45 does tells us that Jesus came to “give His life as a ransom for many”, but it also tells us that He came to this earth “to minister”. This word literally means “to serve”.

This attitude of service is seen time and again in the personal encounters Jesus had while He walked in this world. Over the next several Sunday mornings, I would like to take a closer look at a few of the personal encounters of Jesus, as they are recorded in the Gospels. So, today, I want to begin a new series entitled “Moments with the Master”. I want you to see that moments spent with Jesus are powerful, life changing moments. As we observe Jesus and His interactions with the people of His day, we will see how He will interact with anyone who will take the time to spend time with Him.


Mark 1:40-45


This passage finds the Lord Jesus in the midst of a tiring and trying preaching campaign. We are told in verses 21-34 that just the day before, Jesus had taught in the synagogue, vv. 21-22; cast out a demon, vv. 23-28; healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, vv. 29-31; and healed many sick folks and delivered others from demonic possession, vv. 32-34.

You would think that Jesus might need a period of rest after such a frenzied schedule. However, v. 35 finds Jesus up and in the place of prayer well before daylight. When His disciples find Him, He tells them it is time to go into the neighboring cities to preach, for that was the reason He came to the world.

In the midst of His preaching and teaching ministry in Capernaum, He is interrupted by a single man, a leper. It is this personal encounter that I want to focus in on this morning. While there were great crowds there to be healed, helped and taught, one man managed to get a Moment with the Master. Let’s look in on this scene and witness for ourselves A Transforming Moment.


A. His Disease

• We are told that this man, who approached the Lord Jesus, was a leper.

o Of all the diseases and afflictions that devastated the ancient world, none was more feared than leprosy.

o When it was determined that a man had leprosy they would banish him from the village, he was no longer allowed to have communion with other people.

 He had to leave his family; he had to leave his friends.

o It was unlawful for a leper to approach within 50 feet of a clean person.

 If it was a windy day, the rule changed to 200 feet.

o He could not touch his family; he could only see them from a distance.

o Many families brought food and clothing for a while, but after a time, most families had a funeral service and regarded the afflicted person as a dead.

 He had to tear his garments so people would recognize that he was a leper.

 He was to dress as a mourner going to a funeral service: his own funeral service!

o Every time he saw people coming the leper was required, from a distance, to cry, "Unclean! Unclean! Unclean!", and it would warn the people that a leper was on the premises.

• This is a horrible image, and some may say, “Preacher, no one here has leprosy. Why do we need to hear this?”

o Simply this: In the bible, leprosy is far more than a disease.

o It is also a type of sin!

o While no one in this room may be a leper, everyone in this room has problems with sin!

o And, of all the diseases mentioned in the Bible, none pictures sin any more clearly that does the disease called leprosy.

• In Leviticus 13, we are given the regulations for diagnosing and dealing with leprosy.

o Allow me to point out a few similarities between leprosy and sin.

1. Leprosy is deeper than the skin - Lev. 13:3

• So is sin!

• The outward manifestations of sin are merely a window into the heart, Matt. 15:18-19.

• You see, man isn’t a sinner because he sins. Man sins because He is a sinner!

• Quick, external, religious fixes won’t do the job! The lost person needs radical surgery in their hearts!

2. Leprosy starts out small and then it spreads - Lev. 13:7

• Leprosy starts with just a few tiny white spot on the skin, but days later the flesh is consumed by the disease.

o That is a perfect picture of sin!

• Look at David, 2 Sam. 11!

o A little spot of laziness turned into adultery, an unwanted pregnancy, lies and murder! That little drink will turn into a big problem with alcohol.

• A little petting on a date could turn into an unwanted pregnancy.

• Let down the walls a little here, allow a little sin there, and before you know it, your whole life has been ruined and ransacked by the devil!

3. Leprosy defiles everything it touches - Lev. 13:44-46

• When someone was taken with leprosy, they were totally and thoroughly defiled!

o So it is with sin!

o Sin has a way of poisoning a person’s entire life.

 It will poison your family.

 It will poison your relationships.

 It will devastate and ruin everything it touches in your life!

o Ask Achan if a little gold, silver and a garment were worth his life and the lives of his family, Joshua 7.

o Ask David if a few stolen moments with another man’s wife were worth the devastation and calamities that came into his family as a result.

4. Leprosy Isolates - Lev. 13:46

• The leper was isolated from the camp of the clean.

o He was forced to dwell alone on the fringes of society.

• Sin also isolates you as well.

o It drives a wedge between family members and it separates the sinner from God.

5. Leprosy destines things for the fire - Lev. 13:52

• Everything the leper touched was burned!

• So it is with sin!

o It destines those afflicted by it to the fires of eternal torment, Psa. 9:17!

B. His Desire

• So, here is this man.

o His life has been devastated by the scourge of leprosy.

o Perhaps he awoke that morning in the leper colony and heard that a man named Jesus was in town.

o Maybe he heard how this Jesus had healed all sorts of diseases and had even cast out demons.

o Maybe, for the first time in a long time, hope awakened in a heart conditioned to feel only hopelessness.

• You see, most people believed that leprosy was the “stroke of God”.

o That it was the direct judgment of God for sin in the lepers’ life.

o But, that morning, faith awakened in the heart of this leper and he knew he had to get to Jesus.

• Whatever motivated him; this poor, wretched man began to hobble his way to Jesus.

o I just imagine he multitudes in the crowd and the commotion they must have made when they realized a leper was in their midst.

o But this man makes his way through the frightened crowd and stops within arm’s length of Jesus.

o He kneels before the Lord and declared to the Lord his desire.

o What he said to Jesus is very telling of his condition.

1. His words indicate a desire to be free from his disease.

2. His words declare his faith in Christ’s ability.

3. His words reveal his own sense of unworthiness before the Lord.

• These three things are a picture of what should be in the heart of a sinner who wants to come to Jesus to be saved from their sins.

• When we come to the Lord, the devil will tell us “You’re not worthy to come to Jesus!” He’s right!

o But, don’t let that stop you from coming!

o You might not be worthy to come, but God will never turn you away.

o That is the power of God’s amazing grace!

• This old leper has reached the place where he knows he needs a miracle of God to deliver him from his disease.

o Apparently, he is in the last stages, for Luke tells us he was “full of leprosy”.

o So, he came to Jesus.

• Friend, if your life has been wrecked and ruined by sin, let me tell you that you too need divine intervention.

o You need what only Jesus can give you.

o You need a miracle!

o You need to do like this leper and get to the feet of Jesus!


As the crowd watches, this leper falls down before the Lord and asks for a miracle. What will Jesus do? Will he also turn away in disgust? Will he call for the man to be stoned, as many people would have done? No! Jesus does the unthinkable: He shows this man compassion!

A. As Revealed In His Touch

• It has been years since anyone has touched this man.

o It had been years since this man had held his wife or children.

o It had been years since he felt the touch of a human hand upon his.

• To touch a leper made one unclean and was strictly forbidden by the Law.

o Touching a leper could possible cause the one touching to be come infected as well.

o But, what did Jesus do? He touched Him!

• I don’t know what that leper expected.

o Probably to be run off at best and stoned to death at worst.

o But, imagine his surprise when Jesus reached out His hand and touched him!

o He never expected that!

o Can you hear the crowd gasp in surprise and shock as they see Jesus reaching out to touch this unclean man?

o But, oh how glorious that one touch must have felt to this man!

• Others would never have touched a leper out of fear of contracting the disease themselves.

o However, Jesus, the cleanest man in the entire crowd, touched him without fear.

• What was different about this touch?

o The leper did not transmit to Jesus the corruption of his disease.

o Rather, Jesus transmitted to the leper the cleansing power of God!

• Did you know that Jesus is still touching lives today?

o Oh yes, it makes no difference who you are or what you may have done, you are not so bad as to be beyond His glorious touch.

• Have you experienced His touch?

o Do you remember how it felt to be locked in sin’s dark dungeon, helpless and hopelessly lost in your sins?

o Do you remember how good it felt when the Lord reached into the hell of your life and touched you?

 If you do, then you know the glory of His touch.

 If you don’t, you need to know that He will still touch you regardless of who you are, where you have been or what you have done!

B. As Revealed In the Transformation

• As soon as Jesus touched him he is made clean.

o His leprosy instantly departs and his skin is made a new.

o He is literally given a new lease on life.

o He can return to his loved ones.

o He can rejoin society.

o Everything changed when he felt the transforming touch of Jesus on his skin.

• That is what happens spiritually when a sinner feels the saving touch of the Lord Jesus.

o Instantly, the blackness and deadness of sin is replaced with the life and the glory of God.

o The sinner is no longer lost, but found.

• Friend if you’re lost this morning, listen, just as Jesus changed this leper’s life and set him free from the bondage of his disease, Jesus can instantly and eternally change your life as well.

o If you will come to Him, He will transform your life!


Friend, are you like that poor old leper? Are you diseased spiritually and need help getting free? Jesus Christ is still in the life-changing, soul-saving business. If He is dealing with your heart, you need to know that you do not have to live in your sins for one more minute! If you will come to Him right now, like that leper did, believing Him for your soul’s salvation, everything will forever change in your life. If God is calling you and you are ready for a new life, come to Him right now! Whatever your needs may be today, you come to Him and He will take care of you!