Summary: The editor-in-chief of Bible Study magazine addresses the importance of a Christian’s continued growth in Christ and challenges listeners to embrace God’s plan for their lives and their communities.

We have all at one point or another asked a simple question to ourselves, "Does my life have meaning?" In a mixed up, chaotic world, we wonder, what difference am I making? Am I part of the problem, or am I part of the solution? Is my life relevant? And when it really gets hard we ask the deepest question, "What is the point in me living at all?"

I am here today to tell you that your life does have meaning. In a mixed up, chaotic world, you can make a difference. You can be part of the solution. Your life can be relevant. When it really gets hard, you can look in the face of adversity and say, "There is a point in me living. There is a point to my life."

You may be asking yourself, how can he honestly look at me and say such things. Is he serious? Maybe he is just an idealist. Well, maybe I am just an idealist, but I am most definitely serious. Let me tell you why I believe in you, even though I do not know you. Let me tell you why Jesus believes in you, even though He does know you.

Before I can begin to tell you about you, I must first tell you about us, all of us. All of us live in a mixed up, chaotic world. We all want a faith that is relevant. And we all want our own lives to be relevant. Deep down in everyone, no matter how much they want to fight it, they want to believe. They want to believe in something that is bigger than them. And it is my belief that everyone wants to see change in our world. No one is satisfied with the way it is. However, some people simply ignore it. Others are just numb to it. Whereas others believe there is something else, a life after, and in return they do not feel obligated to this world. And some people, very few people, do feel obligated to this world. They do not only want to see change, they believe that change will occur.

I am one of these people. I believe in change. I believe in an eternal God, who has created a beautiful place for all who believe in Him through Christ Jesus. This place we call heaven. But, unlike many people who claim to believe this, I believe that God will restore this world and will make it like it is in heaven. This is why Jesus’ prayer goes, "May your kingdom come, may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." I believe that the kingdom will come and that God’s will, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. But I also believe that this will occur through God’s people working to restore our world, until the day that God finally brings full restoration. I believe that this is what the kingdom of heaven is really all about.

Jesus said,

The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. (Matthew 13:31-32 ESV)

When I first heard this parable I was surprised, as are many people. Why does Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed? I have recently spent some time learning about mustard seeds. Partly because of Jesus’ parable, but partly because I just really love mustard. Is there anything better than mustard on a hot dog or on a sandwich? I learned many fascinating facts about mustard seed, such as that it has many health benefits and that it is so strong that it can actually create permanent sinus damage if it is used in too large of quantities. Here is a picture of mustard seed next to a penny, look at how small mustard seed is; also take a look at the jar of mustard seed in my hand. Now, here is a picture of mustard plants; look at how thick they are. This really puts Jesus’ parable in perspective for me.

Jesus uses a very down to earth analogy because He wants us to realize how down to earth the idea of the kingdom of heaven really is. Jesus is not speaking about a distant place or a far off galaxy. Jesus is speaking about mustard seed--seed that grows, seed that must be cultivated. This is how our faith must be. It must be growing, not only within us, but among us. This is how the kingdom of heaven must be, it starts small, but the greatest things can come from the smallest of actions.

We cannot just expect people to come to church. We must be growing by means of our branches. Each small action is crucial. Each ministry is a branch. It is the branches that birds dwell in, but for the birds to dwell, the trunk must be strong, The church must be strong. The birds are the people. People want a home, they want a place to belong, let our church be that place. People will come, but you must continue to grow.

There are ministry fields just waiting for seeds to be planted. The fields are ready to expand into a beautiful garden (a garden like Eden), but you must plant the seeds, you must extend your branches. Another interesting thing about mustard trees is that they grow in moist cool climates, kind of like the Northwest, where we live. The climate must be just right in order for mustard trees to grow.

Cultivation of plants takes work; sometimes it even takes climate control. You must look out for those who aim to hurt your mission (your tree); this is climate control. Old churches have deep roots. Old churches have seen many generations of believers in change, otherwise the church would not still be alive. We must believe in change again. After all, Jesus was all about change.

Our culture has changed, but the "good news" of Jesus remains the same. Bring His "good news" to our culture by being true to Jesus and being kind to all people. Our culture now wants honest answers. Our culture is interested in the Christian faith; this is why the Da Vinci Code and the Gospel of Judas are so popular. We should not run from these things, but instead answer questions honestly. There is no need to fear, the Christian faith has stood strong all this time, and it will continue to stand strong. But, one of the primary reasons why it has is that people have been willing to cultivate through change. Be an honest church; no longer hide behind closed doors.

There are so many people just waiting to see what the church will do. People want to hear the voice of God again, even if they do not know it yet. Let it resound from this place. People from all walks of life, from every economic standing, race, and creed are in our city, and we must invite them to meet God in this place. People want honest answers and they want to have fun, and that requires good music, good food, and good coffee, that requires good fellowship.

Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened." (Matthew 13:33 ESV)

In this parable Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to leaven mixed with flour until all of it was leavened. Many of you know what a leavening process is like; in all honesty I had to look into it some. Leavening involves air bubbles forming in a cake or some kind of baked good; these air bubbles are then left in the product to make it nice and soft and full. So what does Jesus mean when He says that the "kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened"? I believe that Jesus meant that the kingdom of heaven is rising up, like the yeast, but we cannot forget what it is mixed with. The kingdom of heaven is meant to rise, but it must be mixed with the triple measure of God and His purpose; in fact it is even mixed by God. It must be mixed with God’s calling for His people at that very moment. And furthermore, the kingdom of heaven takes patience for it to rise into something wonderful. We must wait on the kingdom of heaven. We must be dedicated to taking our ideas given by God and allowing His faithfulness to work them out in fullness. We must all let God pour the flour into His kingdom, but we are the rising agents. We are the yeast at work. The flour is here, but we must be willing to move in order for the bread to leaven.

Speaking of rising, why should we ever be afraid of rising to the occasion? Jesus, who spoke the parable, rose to the greatest, yet most tragic occasion. He accepted death on the cross for the sake of setting us free from the bondage of sin. But, He rose up even from that. Jesus was resurrected from the dead. If Jesus has conquered sin and death, we should not fear anything. We must believe in Him, be saved by His grace, and then look fear in the eyes and believe that He will restore our world. Jesus did not just die so that we may be saved, Jesus also died because He believed in us; Jesus died because He believed in you. He believes your life has relevance and could be used to restore this broken world.

The kingdom of heaven does not guarantee wealth or health. In fact, Jesus does not even mention these things. But, the kingdom of heaven does speak of growth. The kingdom of heaven is made from growth and growth is miraculous. Growth is worth it all, because growth brings restoration. God is moving; He is restoring, will you move and restore with Him?

Jesus has proclaimed what has been hidden from the foundation of the world.

All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world." Matthew 13:34-35 (ESV)

Will you hear such great things and not respond?

There was one man who was so moved by Jesus’ parable about the mustard seed that he responded in a big way. His name was Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. In 1715 in Germany, Nicolaus, an aristocrat, was so inspired by Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed that he founded "The Order of the Mustard Seed." "The Order of the Mustard Seed" was dedicated towards being true to Jesus, being kind to all people, and spreading the "good news" of Jesus Christ. Should we not be like Nicolaus?

I will not hear the words of Jesus and be idle. I will respond. I stand before you today in response to Jesus’ words. I proclaim today that we will once again start "The Order of the Mustard Seed." We will no longer stand by and not be willing to change. We must be dedicated to being true to Jesus, being kind to all people, and spreading the "good news" of Jesus Christ. People from all walks of life, from every race, creed and economic standing (from the poorest to the richest) are waiting for us in our city.

You know your gifts; you know how God can use you. Get involved. I believe that if you are willing to be involved, God will bring many people to place their faith in Jesus and in return God will show His faithfulness to our city. From the richest to the poorest, we will reach all people, no matter what their needs are.

The church is all of you, every single last person who proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior. You are the Church. Together, we are the Church. Stand and be counted, and cultivate our city.

Very few people in their life ever get the chance to be part of something truly extraordinary. Very people in their lifetime ever get a chance to be part of a revolution. This is your chance. Do not pass it up. Hear the voice of God and respond, act on what your heart tells you. Make a commitment to something that truly can make a difference. Believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior and proclaim Him to all people. That is your mission; that is what you must do. Cultivate our city.