Summary: Outline exposition of Daniel chapter two

Daniel 2-The Book of Daniel in Capsule Form

I. The King’s Dream (v.1-9)

A. The Dream was Troubling (v.1)

B. The Dream was Demanding (v.2-9)

1. The Dreamer’s Requirements (v.3, 5, 6, 8, 9)

2. The Baffled Chaldean’s/Wise Men (v.2, 4, 7)

II. The Chaldean’s Denial & The King’s Response (v.10-13)

A. Nobody on Earth Can Show/Reveal the Dream (v.10a)

B. Nobody on Earth Would Ask Such Things (v.10b)

C. Nobody but the Gods Can Show/Reveal the Dream (v.11)

D. Everybody/Chaldeans Etc./(w/Daniel) Should Be Slain (v.12, 13)

III. Daniel Responds w/Wisdom of God (v.14-30)

A. Daniel Answers w/Counsel & Wisdom (v.14, 15)

B. Daniel Desires Time w/Promise of Interpretation (v.16)

C. Daniel Obtains Counsel & Corporate Prayer Power (v.17, 18)

D. Daniel Receives Revelation from God (v.19)

E. Daniel Praises the Name of God (v.20-23)

F. Daniel Delivers on His Promise (v.24-45)

1. He Informs the Executioner (v.24)

2. He is Brought in before the King (v.25, 26)

3. He Exalts the God of Heaven (v.27-30)

4. He Tells the Specifics of the Dream (v.30-35)

5. He Tells the Interpretation of the Dream (v.36-45)

VI. The King’s Response (v.46-49)

A. Overwhelmed w/Truth (v.46, 47)

B. Honors The Four Hebrew Captives (v.48, 49)

V. The Dream is All of God (v.23, 28, 44, 45)

A. The Dream is Sent by God (v.28, 45)

B. The Explanation is Sent by God (v.23)

C. The Accomplishment of the Dream is of God (v.44)