Summary: How can we witness Christ? I want to give you some personal tips on evangelism.

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Message: Witnessing Christ

Romans1:16 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

God wants us to win souls and make them Disciples of Christ. Matthew 9:37 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. The workers are not pastors or evangelists alone, but the workers are all church going believers. God is telling the harvest is plentiful. There are many who need to come to the salvation grace of Jesus but the believers are not willing to reach out to them.

How can we witness Christ?

I want to give you some personal tips on evangelism.

1. Identify the people in need.

There are so many people around who need Jesus. They are wounded and are in need of a Good Samaritan. Will you stand in the gap? Will you take the call and share the gospel to them and bring them to the Kingdom of God?

2. Let your life speak in the first visit.

Our testimony is great in sharing the gospel. We have to live what we preach and believe only then the people around can see Jesus in our lifestyle. Your talk, your attitude, your prayer must be like a follower of Christ. When people look at you, your blessings, your approach in Christ etc, they will automatically want to know more about Jesus whom we want to share with them.

3. Prayer.

Pray for the people identified by you. When you are with them pray with them and pray for them. God will definitely do some changes in them in order to honor His name and honor you who is the child of God.

4. The next visits speak to them about Jesus. The little you know about Jesus speak to them. Talk to them about your experiences in Christian life. Your belief in prayer, how God delivered you. Introduce them to the church that you attend and make sure you introduce them to the local care cell leader or the church pastor.

5. Follow up.

Don’t ever thing that once you get a person to church your job is done. Do regular follow-ups and see how they are growing in the word and spirit. Guide them. If they fail to attend church invite them but never force them to attend.

The Holy Spirit will guide you in all these steps. These steps are not the only way to bring a person to Christ. As you start doing them God will guide you in many different ways to share the gospel and win a soul. So never quit.

Why Win Souls?

You are rewarded for ever soul you win in heaven. Ph 4:1 1Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends! Here Paul is saying the believers in Philippi are his crown. When we stand before the throne of God Jesus rewards us with a crown for bring others to Christ. 1 Thes. 2:19 19For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Again, the scripture says the souls we lead to Christ are our crown.

Conclusion: Have you ever led anyone to the Lord? Let us take a decision to witness Christ and bring our friends and relatives to Christ. God Bless You.

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