Summary: Being your child’s Hero

“A Child’s Hero…”

6/15/2008 – Marsing, ID

6/18/2009 – Nampa, ID

Prov 23:22

“Oye á tu padre, á aquel que te engendró; Y cuando tu madre envejeciere, no la menosprecies.”

“Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” (NIV)

One of the first voices a child recognizes from even before birth is the voice of a father.


This is the Godly counsel for young and old children alike:

Prov 23:19

“Oye tú, hijo mío, y sé sabio, Y endereza tu corazón al camino.”

“Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way.”

If you learn to listen this is evidence of wisdom. Many are quick to speak but few are quick to listen.

James 1:19-20

“19Por esto, mis amados hermanos, TODO HOMBRE SEA PRONTO PARA OIR, TARDÍO PARA HABLAR, tardío para airarse: 20Porque la ira del hombre no obra la justicia de Dios.”

“19Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”

As wisdom comes by hearing the scripture rightly tells us that “FAITH COMES BY HEARING…”.

As we ought to give respect and reverence to our earthly fathers who were the instruments God used to mold us, HOW MUCH MORE ARE WE TO REVERENCE AND HONOR THE AUTHOR AND CREATOR OF OUR LIVES.

The Bible gives us an example of a great father.

Luke 1:27

“A una virgen desposada con un varón que se llamaba José, de la casa de David: y el nombre de la virgen era María.”

“To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.”

What can you tell me of Joseph? Probably not much, the scriptures are silent about much of Joseph’s life but the little that we do know teaches us much.

1) Joseph was engaged to Mary.

It took courage and faith for Joseph to enter into the relationship that God had planned for Joseph and Mary.

It is not an easy task for a man to marry a woman with children or the other way around. If it is difficult now, it was much more difficult then.

Joseph was willing to enter this relationship which would make him the motive for gossip and even persecution.

Joseph was willing to live a life of faith by obeying the voice of God in his life and doing what God called him to do.

We need fathers who are willing to live by faith.

Father’s like Abraham who taught his son by faith, “God WILL provide!”

We need father’s that will teach their children

Not by emotions, not by pride, not by the standards of this world but God’s Standards.

We need more Josephs.

Joseph was a man who was willing to do what he needed for the protection and well being of his wife and child.

Matt 2:13

“Y partidos ellos, he aquí el ángel del Señor aparece en sueños á José, diciendo: Levántate, y toma al niño y á su madre, y huye á Egipto, y estáte allá hasta que yo te lo diga; porque ha de acontecer, que Herodes buscará al niño para matarlo.”

“And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.”

WE NEED MORE MEN LIKE JOSEPH who are willing to do what they have to for the protection and safety of their families.

Today we face an enemy that will not only seek to destroy our children but is seeking to destroy our families.

The enemy is a worker of division and destruction. God multiplies and satan divides. God adds, satan takes away.

The enemy is seeking to destroy our homes and families like never before.

The enemy is working overtime, on TV, on the radio, on the internet, in schools, everywhere you go the enemy is trying to destroy our lives.

It takes Godly father’s who will protect their children at whatever cost.

If it means you have to take drastic measures as Joseph did, you will do it.


Josh 24:15

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

We need father’s who will stand for the truth.

Against ridicule, against criticism, against the waves of this world.

If people will criticize me for living for Jesus, then let it be.

If people will criticize me for have a Godly home, then let it be.


Psalms 119:9

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”

A father’s desire is to keep his children in God’s care. The only way you will assure that is by putting God in your children’s care.

There are men who can teach you to fish.

There are men who can teach you mechanics.

There are men who can teach you landscaping.

There are men who can teach you so many things.

Father’s you be the men who teach your children to love God.

• Fatherless

There are some of us who don’t know what it is to receive a hug from a dad.

There are some of us who wish we could have woke up this morning to make pancakes for dad and a cup of coffee. (there are those who could have but didn’t - won’t)

God does not forget you or me…

John 14:18

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

We need to pray for those dad’s who haven’t learned to be a Godly father.

We need to pray that God will have mercy on them and that they will come to the feet of Jesus.

Men we need to remember those children around us who do not have a Godly father.

James 1:27

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”


Matt 13:55

“Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?”

Joseph is remembered as a carpenter.

Jesus knew Joseph as a carpenter.

When Jesus grew up, do you want to know what he played with.

It wasn’t GI JOE, it wasn’t Tonka trucks,

It was hammers and tools.

We can only imagine as Joseph would tell the boy Jesus.

“Please son, leave the hammer alone.”

You want to know what Jesus wanted to be when he grew up?

A Carpenter! He wanted to be like his daddy.

When Joseph was creating things with his hands and working where do you think Jesus was?

Jesus was there with dad. When dad went to the market to sell a table or some chairs.

Jesus was with daddy, “mom can I go with dad.”

Can you imagine the proud look of Jesus when the items that Joseph sold were exchanged for money.

We can only imagine the look on Jesus’ face, “That’s my dad!”

We learn from Joseph like many father’s he took the backseat.

Look at families walls, you see pictures of mom and the children but seldom do you see pictures of dad.

Where is dad? It’s dad who is taking the pictures.

When we go to the barbecue everyone sits at the table, where is dad?

Dad’s cooking the meat.

Dad’s often take the backseat.

Joseph took the backseat. Joseph understood his purpose and role in Jesus’ life.

Without Joseph we would have no Jesus.

Without dad’s you and I would not be here.

Yes dad’s take the backseat and many times we want them in the front seat and they are not here anymore.

We need to pray for our dad’s to not only enjoy the backseat but to step up into the front seat of our children’s lives and in the lives of every home.

Why is it that many churches are filled with women. Where’s dad? He’s at home, watching the game.

There will be many “games” but your children have only one childhood.

There will be many “activities” but your teenagers will have only one adolescence.

There will be many “jobs” but your child has only one true Hero, please be your

Child’s true hero…

Minister Ricardo Rodriguez

Mission Possible Ministries