Summary: Let’s take a look at just twenty-one of the pitfalls of sin. Let this message serve as an encouragement to live a holy life.

Twenty-one Reasons Not To Sin (Part 1)

I. Introduction To Sin

Praise the Lord!

Tonight I want to begin a series called 21 Reasons Not To Sin.

To make a long story short, over the next 3 or 4

weeks I’m going to be preaching on sin.

See sin has always been a touchy subject in the


It’s when we preach against it that the Holy Ghost

is most able to bring about conviction to those who

are within ear shot.

And it’s also when people begin to start looking for

a new church or a new pastor. Amen?

They begin looking for a new church because they

don’t like being under conviction.

But I stand here to tell you that conviction brings

about change. Amen?

Too many in the church today just aren’t

interested in that kind of change.

And it’s for that reason that many preachers and

pastors neglect to preach on the subject of sin.

Many ministers simply compromise and say that

God has not called them to preach against sin,

They spend all of their time teaching and

preaching about the blessings of God,

And the goodness of God, And the miracles of God,

and the gifts of God,

And all of the real good feel good things recorded

in the word of God.

But they never preach on the enemy and on the

flesh and on the world and on the law or sin.

And therefore they never really prepare the flock

for the very real and present dangers that surround


And this is the cause that many of our Christian

brothers and sisters fall by the wayside.

It’s not that they don’t have a desire for the things

of God, but they just don’t know how to deal with

the sin that’s in their members.

We need more preachers and teachers today who

aren’t afraid and aren’t ashamed to preach on sin.

I’m not talking about those who preach

condemnation because we’ve got enough

preachers, and lay persons alike,

going around condemning one anothers actions.

But we need real men and real women of God who

are willing to step up and call sin sin and preach

Jesus as the only remedy.

We need comitted leaders in the church to teach

the saints what the word of God says about sin

so that they might be able to deal with it biblically.

I. What Sin Is And What Sin Does

a) What sin is...

So tonight I’m going to preach on sin and I’m going

to start by giving a biblical definition of what sin is

and what it does.

1Jn 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

So here we see that the bible calls sin a

transgression of God’s law.

You say well Pastor I’ve heard many of preachers

use the word transgression, I read my Bible and I

see the word,

But what does it really mean?

Well let me ask you this.

Has anyone in here tonight ever been playing

around or arguing with someone,

And then you said or did something to make that

person say alright you’ve crossed the line.

And then all of a sudden things got very serious?

When they reached that boiling point,

When you crossed that persons line,

Then you transgressed against that persons will.

See transgression means to cross the line.

Webster’s actually defines it as passing over or

beyond a certain limit.

So when we sin we over step God’s law.

I like to look at it like this.

If I go to your house and trespass onto your

property once I cross your property line

I’m actually trampling all over what is rightfully

yours. Amen?

So in the same sense when we trespass or

transgress God’s law we’re treading where we

ought not. Amen?

And we’re trampling under foot the things of God.

If I were to walk up to you in the street and take

your hat off of your head and throw it on the

ground and begin to stomp on it then we’re going

to have some problems. Amen?

There’s going to be some anomosity between us,

Or some bitterness between us, or hatred or anger

between us.

Whatever it is there’s going to be something

between us.

Well that’s what sin does with us and God.

b) What sin does...

It puts something between us.

Sin becomes a wedge between us and the very

presence of God.

It causes a separation. Amen?

Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

The word of God says that He can not even look

upon sin let alone dwell in it’s presence.

So a separation takes place.

God originally created mankind to be in constant

communion and fellowship with Him.

The Bible says that He walked in the Garden with

Adam and Eve.

There was a closeness between God and man.

But God created man with free will.

And Adam and Eve transgressed the command of


They crossed the line when they ate from the tree

of knowledge of good and evil.

And therefore there was a wedge driven between

all of mankind and God.

Because of the first Adam’s sin we are all separated

from God by sin.

You say well what about those who haven’t

reached the age of accountability?

Well they were still born into sin. Amen?

Psa 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

We are born with a wedge already in place between

us and our God.

That wedge then becomes like a canyon that is ever


The canyon is symbolic of falling short.

Something that we can not cross.

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

See sin creates a gap that causes us to come up

short but not only that.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;

You say now hold up Pastor!

I can deal with the wedge, and I can deal with the

canyon, but what’s all this death penalty talk?

I haven’t killed anybody.

I haven’t stolen anything!

So that doesn’t apply to me.

Well I got news for you Church.

Gal 5:9 A little leaven "which is symbolic of sin in

the Bible" leaveneth the whole lump.

It says Just as a little leaven will work its way

through the whole lump of dough

a little bit of sin will work it’s way through your

whole being.

You say well I’m not doing anything that’s really

sinful in the first place.

1 John 5:17 - "All unrighteousness is sin ..."

You say well I don’t want to hear it because I’m not

ready to get saved or quit living in sin.

Well too late.

James 4:17 - "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

Some say I don’t want to hear it because I don’t

believe what the Bible says about sin.

Romans 14:23 - "... for whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

III. Why Do We Sin?

Over the last few moments of your life you’ve

listened to me preach to the choir!

You’ve patiently sat here listening to me preach on

things and quoting scriptures that you’ve all

already heard.

I basically just gave you a refresher course on sin.

But that’s exactly what it was...a refresher course.

You know what that means?

That means that we already knew it!

That means that these facts about sin that I’ve

covered so far are common knowledge to most


Well I got a question for you tonight.

If we already know so much about sin why do we

do it?

If we know that sin is a wedge, or a canyon, or a

death sentence,

Then why do we continue to pursue it?

Why is it that we fall into the same traps over and

over again?

Why is it that we believe the same lies long after

they have been exposed?

Why is it that we make a habit of doing wrong -

even when we desire what is right?

Could it be that we never step back and look at the

lasting consequences of sin?

Could it be that sin tastes so good -

even if it is only for a moment - that we forget how

rotten it makes us feel when we digest it?

Could it be that Satan has done such a good job of

packaging the poison that we drink it because of

the bright shiny label?

Could it be that the beginning of the story is so

alluring, so appealing, so sensual, so seductive that

we are blinded to the horrible, tragic end?

I stand here to tell you that even though we may

have many excuses for sin there is only one reason

why we continue to drink from sins cup.

And that is that we don’t have a proper perspective

of sin.

We don’t see sin the way God sees sin.

God’s word reflects God’s perspective of sin and

time and time again His word fore tells of the

death, destruction, and pitfalls of the sinful life.

Yet most people, Christians alike look at sin

through a different lense.

We make excuses for sin and we sin willingly

without fear of consequence,

But I assure you that to all who continue in sin

cosequences will follow. Amen?




The Bible constantly warns us to avoid lust, and


We are warned about adultery, and fornication, all

types of sexual immorality.

We are warned against pride, and lying, and

cheating, and stealing and we’re even told to watch

our mouth in the Bible.

The list goes on and on and on of the warnings laid

out in the scriptures.

And God didn’t give us all of the thou shalt nots to

try and rob us of the pleasures of life.

He did it because He knew the consequences and

He doesn’t want His children to have to suffer

them. Amen?

It’s like I always tell my daughter.

I don’t make rules to try and make her life


I make rules that protect her and keep her safe.

When we don’t play by God’s rules I tell you the

truth when I say that we’re playing with fire.

Pro 6:27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his

clothes not be burned?

Pro 6:28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?

If you play with fire, you WILL be burned.

If you play with sin, you WILL be destroyed.

It’s NEVER worth it in the end!

The Word of God has given us the anecdote to sin!

We need to apply it. Amen?

There are truths that can save lives from


There are principles that can snatch souls from

Hell’s grasp.


You can burn to death in sight of a fire escape

You can die of a snake bite with the antivenin on a


You can drown within reach of a life preserver


So tonight I want us to begin to look at some

Biblical reasons why we should pursue


Reasons why we should strive to attain holiness,

Reasons why we should want to escape sins grasp.

To make a long story short I want to give you a list

of twenty-one reasons not to sin.

IV. Twenty-One Reasons Not To Sin

1. Sin Does Not Satisfy

Notice I didn’t say Sin does not please the flesh.

I said sin does not satisy it. Amen?

Sin can bring real pleasure - it feels great to sin

That’s why sin is so powerful and addictive

There are godless comedians who are hysterical to


drugs that can make you feel like you own the


and plenty of people who enjoy their immoral

lifestyle of partying

And drugs, and sex, and violence.



Heb 11:25 speaking of Moses who could have had

all the pleasures of this world says that he chose...

Heb 11:25 ...rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

This scripture tells me two things about sin.

1) Sin is pleasurable.

2) Sin’s pleasures are but for a season.

It’s pleasures are temporary.

They aren’t permanently satisfying.

When it’s all said and done we are left with an

empty, unclean, ungratified, hollow, discontent

feeling inside.

That’s why when sinners REALLY meet Jesus,

they gladly abandon their sinful habits in a


Because they want something more.

Something that is going to last.

Something eternal. Amen?

But sin never stops calling to us, reminding us of

those moments we once enjoyed, but failing to

remind us of the hell we went through.

The church needs to expose the fantasy now!

Sin will never satisfy! Sin never keeps its promises!

2. Sin Leads to More Sin

Proverbs 5:22 - The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.

When you sin, you tie yourself up

Instead of the sinner being free to do what he

wants and the believer being "in bondage" to the

laws of God it’s really the reverse!

The believer is free because of his master but the

sinner is enslaved to his master.


Sin says, "You’re really struggling with lust - if you

would just watch that porno flick, you would get

the release you need"

If you would simply satisfy yourself then you could

relieve this uncontrollable urge

But the only thing watching that filth will produce

is a desire and a need to watch another unclean


And then that will graduate to a desire and need

for the real thing.

And then all of a sudden your whole life revolves

around sex, and porn, self satisfaction. Amen?

I’m just using pornography and sex as an example

here tonight.

The same thing is true with any sin.

Take stealing for instance.

You start out shop lifting candy on the candy isle,

And then that sin ensnares you and the next thing

you know you’re stealing cars,

Or robbing banks and then that graduates to other

sins like murder and so forth and so on.

It’s a continual process. Sin leads to more sin!

Little sins turn into big sins, and big sins turn into

even bigger sins. Amen?

Proverbs 27:20 - The eyes of man are never satisfied.



And those flames continue to grow higher and


Every time you sin, it becomes harder for you to

resist and easier to yield.


Tomorrow never comes because when it get’s here

we put it off until the next day!

Now is the time to resist the enemy and the Bible

says he will flee!

3. Sin Leads to Worse Sins

It’s bad enough that sin leads to more sin, but sin

always drags the human character and will DOWN

- sin never lifts us UP.

The child abuser and serial killer were not born

that way!

Sexual immorality provides one of the most vivid

illustrations of the slippery slope of sin!

After awhile, "normal" pornography or sexual

activity become too "soft" or boring.

The flesh cries out for the next step downward,

and then the conscience becomes seared.

Even perversion becomes a necessary ingredient to

life! Sin is treacherous!

You say well Pastor "I’M NOT THAT BAD!"

Pro 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Just because you justify yourself doesn’t mean that

God justifies you!

Just because it seems right to you or not too bad to

you doesn’t mean that God sees it that way. Amen?

Everyone has a stopping point beyond which they

will not go, like people who will watch "R-rated"

movies but not "X-rated" ones.

The problem is that sin constantly works to adjust

our stopping point!

You once thought some of the things you are now

doing were pretty bad - now you congratulate

yourself because that is ALL you do!

How long will it be before you take another

downward fall?

Wake up now, before your conscience becomes


Make an about-face right now!

Walk in the direction TODAY that you want to

walk in FOREVER!

4. Sin Enslaves

Who in here tonight wants to be a slave to


No one wants to be a slave!

Slaves do the will of another, they have no future

and no hope - unless someone can liberate them!

This is one of the great reasons not to play games

with sin - sin shackles!

When you touch it, it holds fast like glue and

swallows like quicksand - it’s easy to step into but

hard to step out of it!




Ask the alcoholic, the compulsive gambler, the

child abuser, ask the adulterer, ask the serial killer!

It’s like an addiction.

Sin enslaves its subjects to itself.

Sin enslaves us to the flesh.

Sin enslaves to demons!


Breathe a sigh of relief and say a prayer of

thanksgiving that you’ve escaped a very deep pit!

Satan only has your destruction in mind - he wants

to bring you down!

He comes only to steal kill and destroy, and he

does this by enslaving us to sin.

If He can just get you hooked then it’s all on you.

He doesn’t even have to tempt or test!

He can step back and watch you destroy yourself...

Handling My Humanity

Twenty-one Reasons Not To Sin (Part 2)

I. Introduction (Recap of last week)

Praise the Lord!

Tonight I want to continue the series that we started last week.

And for those of us who weren’t here I just want to take a few moments to try to catch you up.

Last week we started a series called Handling My Humanity.

And the very first sermon in this series was 21 reasons not to sin.

We only got through the first four last week because I started preaching a little bit,

And when I was done I began to testify a little bit.

But it’s all good in the neighborhood. Amen?

That’s why we call this a series-Because it can just go on and on and on.

Some of you like that because when I start to get long winded you can just say

Save it for next week Pastor. Amen?

Well if you haven’t figured it out yet, despite popular opinion, I’ve been preaching on sin.

And last week my main focus was on what sin is and what sin does!

And I ended up preaching on those two things for so long that I only got to share about four of the twenty one reasons not to sin.

But that’s okay because we’re going to get right into it here in the next few minutes,

But first I want to go over what we covered last week.

We read in scripture that....

1Jn 3:4 says...sin is the transgression of the law.

And that to transgress means to cross the line.

So everytime we sin against God we trespass against His will. Amen?

We covered the fact that we’re all born into sin (Psa 51:5),

And initially that sin acts as a wedge separating us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

And as we grow older that separation becomes a canyon ever widening (Romans 3:23),

And that the canyon is symbolic of falling short.

And without Jesus we will continue to fall short until our sin eventually brings about death (Romans 6:23). Amen?

Now that was not the first four reasons not to sin, but that was simply what sin is and what sin does in a nut shell. Amen?

But before I get into the rest of the message tonight let’s read what Paul had to say about sin.

II. The Law of Sin...

Rom 7:15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

Rom 7:16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

Rom 7:17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

Rom 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

Rom 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

Rom 7:20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

Rom 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

Rom 7:22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:

Rom 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

Rom 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

Romans 7:15-24 (New Living Translation)

15 I don’t understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. 6 I know perfectly well that what I am doing is wrong, and my bad conscience shows that I agree that the law is good. 17 But I can’t help myself, because it is sin inside me that makes me do these evil things.18 I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned. No matter which way I turn, I can’t make myself do right. I want to, but I can’t. 19 When I want to do good, I don’t. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway. 20 But if I am doing what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing it; the sin within me is doing it.21 It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another law at work within me that is at war with my mind. This law wins the fight and makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin?

Paul said that there is a law of sin. Amen?

And that law is that so long as there is flesh there will be sin.

Paul said that sin was within his flesh even though he was a believer.

Even though he was an Apostle of the most high God,

Even though he was God’s chosen instrument to take the Gospel to the Gentiles he was still plagued by sin. Amen?

There have been many opinions formed about sin and the believer.

There are even denominations who’s theology says that the true believer is incapable of sinning.

Well I’ll tell you that that is a lie straight from the pits of Hell.

Though it’s intentions are good, this theology is often used as a tool of the enemy.

The enemy will use this type of theology to discourage those who are dealing with sin and temptation in their lives.

He will make them question their salvation and vocation. Amen?

Believe it or not he’ll even use this theology to make those who believe in it,

Those who believe that they have been entirely sanctified,

Those who believe that they are incapable of sin,

He will make them believe that since they are incapable of sinning then when they are in sin it must not really be sin at all. Amen?

You say well Pastor the Bible says that we are free from sin, and that sin no longer has any dominion over us,

And that the enemy is defeated.

Well I tell you that all of that’s true, Amen?

But even though the victory has been provided for it doesn’t mean that we don’t have to work for it.

You say well Pastor you’re preaching works now.

No I’m not preaching works. Let me explain it to you this way...

If I’ve got a million dollars in the bank that’s good. Amen?

That could be the answer to alot of my financial problems. Amen?

But having that money in the bank is not going to take away my debt.

I have to go down to the bank and make a with drawal to pay my debts off. Amen?

In the same way Jesus’ sacrifice provided all of us a way out!

But if we don’t call upon His name sin can still cause us to experience the second death.

In the same way, even though Satan is defeated He is still very real, and if we don’t go to the spiritual bank

every now and then and with draw another victory he can overcome you.

Paul said that even though he was a believer who delights in the law of God,

The Law of sin is still within him.

Well I stand here before you tonight to tell you that even though you’re saved and filled with the Holy Ghost

Sin is still within your members.

Your Spirit man is still at war with your carnality.

There is still enmity between the flesh and the Spirit.

The Bible says that the Spirit is willing but the flesh is still weak. Amen?

So knowing that I want to help you feed your Spirit man that He might overcome the carnal man.

The first thing I want you to know tonight is the fact that sin is very real.

And that the enemy is very real.

If you choose to remain blind to that fact you’re headed for defeat. Amen?

Now the second thing is this...

Even though there is sin in your members.

Even though sin is real,

Even though temptation will come,

Even though your flesh will turn on you,

You do have dominion over it!

Simply put the law of sin is that so long as there is flesh there will be sin,

But the law of the Spirit is that through Him you can overcome sin before it overcomes you! Amen?

III. Reasons Not To Sin...

Last week I told you that There’s only one reason that we sin and that’s because we don’t see sin as God sees it.

We sin because we don’t have a proper perspective on sin.

Most peoples view on sin is like the drug users view on drugs.

They see the immediate enjoyment and the short-term pleasure but cannot see the long-term damage that they are doing.

The Jerusalem Talmud says that a sinner can be compared to "ONE WHO BEHOLDS OPEN HANDCUFFS AND PLACES HIS HANDS INTO THEM."

When we step into that life style we see only it’s pleasures.

The sinner sees two shiny silver bracelets, but the end thereof is that those bracelets will snap shut and leave you in bondage. Amen?

So the reason I went through the scriptures and came up with these twenty-one reasons not to sin

is so that when the sin that is within our members comes knocking we will be able to use these scriptures to look past the temporary pleasures and see the end result.

Last week we discussed the first four of these reasons and I’m going to breeze over them real quick before we get to number five.

1. Sin Does Not Satisfy

And we talked about how Sin can bring real pleasure,


We read in Heb 11:25 where Moses could have had all the pleasures of this world but he chose...

Heb 11:25 ...rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

1) Sin is pleasurable.

2) Sin’s pleasures are but for a season.

It’s pleasures are temporary.

2. Sin Leads to More Sin

Proverbs 5:22 - The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.

When you sin, you tie yourself up and become the bondservant of sin.

3. Sin Leads to Worse Sins

4. Sin Enslaves

No one wants to be a slave! Amen?

Yet we willingly place our hands in those handcuffs. Amen?

And that brings us to number 5.

5. Sin Degrades and Humiliates

Think about any public figure who has worked for years to gain respect and establish a solid reputation.

What happens when they commit gross sin and are found out?

Everything changes for that person!

You now look at that person differently - because sin stains his life!!

My father and I were talking the other day about a Gospel singer who came out of the closet and revealed that he is a homosexual...

Think of the gifted author who is arrested for beating his wife,

Or the anointed preacher who is addicted to pornography...

What about the Nobel Prize winner caught soliciting boys for sex...

And the President whose sordid affairs are aired before the entire world.

The shame that sin caused in their lives is never worth the temporary pleasures it brought!

Ecc 10:1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.

That says that sin places a stench on the life of those who were once honored.

How many knows that Satan loves to mock the human race?

He loves to see men and women, the pinnacle of God’s creation, putting needles in their arms,

Committing sodomy, shooting and stabbing each other, begging for money for another drink,

Dressing as transvestites, dying of sexually transmitted diseases, tossing and turning in their guilt,

Wallowing in their shame, drowning in their embarrassment.

The devil loves to humiliate us!

We give him pleasure when we allow sin to stink up our reputation. Amen?

And in the eyes of the world when we fall short, when the church suffers a blow like this from the enemy,

And world renowned preachers are publicly accused of gross sin,

It doesn’t just put a stink on that persons reputation it puts a stench on the whole church in the world’s eyes

because after all we are one body. Amen?

Jesus is the exact opposite of the enemy.

Satan loves to humiliate us,

But Jesus loves to shower us with glory and honor!

God wants to make our name great just as he promised Abraham, but we rob Him of His desire when we let sin degrade our name. Amen?

I stand here in front of God and everybody tonight to encourage you not to let Sin humiliate you,

But rather come humbly before Christ and let Him exalt you. Amen?

6. Sin Steals Joy

Too many times in our walk with God we underestimate the importance of joy.

Nehemiah 8:10 - For the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Psalm 16:11 - In thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Proverbs 17:22, NLT - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Proverbs 18:14, NLT - The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the spirit is crushed?

Sin bursts the bubble of joy and breaks communion with God.

A wise man once said that...

"Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God."

And I’ll tell you that it’s true. Amen?

I believe that shouting and dancing and praising the lord are all a direct result of the joy of the Lord,

And that they are an outward manifestation of the Holy Ghost. Amen?

They are an infallible sign of the presence of God within you.

Now I’m not talking about just being emotional but I’m talking about being spiritual.

When someone is walking around with the joy of the Lord you can see that God is doing something in that person. Amen?

And their joy becomes a witnessing tool because others see what they’ve got and they want some of it,

But if you let the devil steal your joy,

If you let sin rob you of your joy,

Now you’re ineffective in ministry.

You used to have a testimony for God and it made people want what you had,

But now instead of a testimony all you’ve got is the moanies.

And I’ll tell you don’t nobody want the moanies.

7. Sin Steals Our Confidence Before God

Sin steals all purity and innocence, making us uneasy with people and uncomfortable with God.

We’re always worried about whether or not we’re going to get found out or not.

Sin makes the once radical Christian become reserved and low-profile because he knows the enemy has something on him. Amen?

How many’s been there?

I remember as a baby Christian being on fire for the Lord and going to a friends house to tell him what Jesus done for me.

But there was alchohol there.

And that used to be one of the tools the enemy used against me.

Notice I said used to be.

See I over came that temptation of alchohol.

The enemy can’t use that tool against me anymore,

But that doesn’t mean he quit tempting,

It just means he found a new tool. Amen?

But back to my testimony...

There was alchohol there and so rather than get my friend saved I ended up drinking with him.

The next few months of my life were pure misery.

I asked the Lord to forgive me and I know that he did,

But I had lost my confidence before Christ.

I thought that I was untouchable because I had so much zeal to serve the Lord,

But when I fell down and skinned my knee I realized I wasn’t untouchable.

So for months I didn’t witness to anyone.

I still read my word, and went to church, but I wasn’t confident in ministry.

Sin had stolen that from me.

At the same time now the enemy had some dirt on me and even though Jesus had forgiven me,

I knew that my friend knew that I had fallen short and I was scared to witness because I was scared

that he would expose my hypocrisy.

I felt alot like Paul who was battling with the sin within his members.

I was saying O wretched man that I am,

But then I thought what if Paul had given up because of the sin in his members?

What if Peter would have given up because he denied Jesus?

We can’t let sin steal our confidence before God!

The key word there is God!

See if you place your confidence in God you won’t have to struggle like I did.

Because my struggle was that I had lost confidence in my ability to live the Christian life,

when I should have never had confidence in myself in the first place.

My confidence should have been in God.

Because in Him is saving power,

and in Him is keeping power, Not in me!

That’s what Paul was saying in our text tonight!

Romans 7:15-24 (New Living Translation)

15 I don’t understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. 6 I know perfectly well that what I am doing is wrong, and my bad conscience shows that I agree that the law is good. 17 But I can’t help myself, because it is sin inside me that makes me do these evil things.18 I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned. No matter which way I turn, I can’t make myself do right. I want to, but I can’t. 19 When I want to do good, I don’t. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway. 20 But if I am doing what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing it; the sin within me is doing it.21 It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another law at work within me that is at war with my mind. This law wins the fight and makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin?

I...I...I..I...I but then he said who will free me?

Well that who is the soul saver himself!

He is the truth and the truth shall set you free!

He is the key to every door that sin has slammed in your face!

He is the one who can break every yoke and pull down every strong hold.

He is the one who can loose every cord that sin has place in your life,

He is the one who can deliver you from the enemy,

He can break the chains of addiction,

And the yoke of poverty,

He can give you back what the enemy stole from you and then some,

He is Jehovah Jireh...My porvider!

When I’m sick He’s Jehovah Rophe....My Healer,

When I’m in need He’s El Shaddai... The Almighty God who is more than enough!

When I’m lonely He is Jehovah Shammah... The God who is always there.

He is Jehovah Nissi... My Banner!

He is Jehovah Shalom.... My Peace, My Comfort, My security when I’m insecure!

He is Immanuel.... God with us!

He is Jehovah Rohi.... My Shepherd and My Companion,

When my righteousness is but a filthy rag He becomes Jehovah Tsidkenu... My Righteousness.

When the god of this world comes against me He is Elohim the God of gods who will deliver me from my enemies.

He is Adonai... My Lord and master....

And He is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!

Paul said who... And I stand before you tonight to tell you God that’s who. Amen?

And you can place your confidence in Him. Amen?


Handling My Humanity Pt. 3 - 21 Reasons Not To Sin Pt. 3

I. The Word Is Your Weapon

Praise the Lord!!!

How many in here have been enjoying this series?

I don’t know about you, but it has truly blessed me!

It has truly been a help meet to me!

And it also serves as a tool in our everyday battles

with the enemy.

See over the past few weeks we’ve covered so many

of the pitfalls that come from sin,

That the enemy doesn’t even want to try and bother

me. Amen?

You say well why is that Pastor?

It’s because he knows that He can’t contend with

the Word of God,

And over the last few weeks we’ve really gotten into

alot of scripture!

We’ve gotten so far into the Word of God,

Especially that portion of scripture which helps us

overcome the temptations of the enemy,

That he doesn’t even want a piece of it. Amen?

But how many knows that he’ll try you anyway?

He knows you’ve got the Word, but He wants to see

if you’ll use it.

Don’t never think that you’re exempt from the

tempting of the enemy.

Don’t ever be blind-sided by one of Satan’s fiery


No matter how strong you are in the Lord don’t

ever let your guard down,

Cause the cords of sin will tie up a strong man.


Satan knows that you’re a born again, bible

believing, child of the Living God,

But he just wants to make sure. Amen?

He prides himself with the ability to lead away the

saints of God with the things of this world,

And though it’s sad, how many knows that he’s

quite often successful?

You say well Pastor I’ve got enough word in me

that I ain’t worried about the enemy.

Well let me ask you a question.

You don’t think Jesus had enough word in Him?

See Satan knew that Jesus had the word, and was

the word made flesh, but he still tried to tempt

Him. Amen?

Jesus wasn’t exempt from temptation,

but He was equipped with the weapon of spiritual


Which is the word of God!

How many knows how to do battle with the


It’s with the word of God. Amen?

Don’t get me wrong we need to be able to put on

the full armor of God.

We need our helmet of salvation,

And our sheild of faith,

And our breastplate of righteousness,

But all of that is part of our armor.

That means all of that is for protection. Amen?

It’s our defense system,

But we don’t engage the enemy with those things.

We don’t engage the enemy with our helmet.

We don’t run head first into battle,

We engage the enemy with prayer,

and the word of God.

As a matter of fact Ephesians says that the Word of

God is our sword,

And that is the weapon of our warfare.

See after Jesus was led by the Spirit into the

wilderness to fast for forty days,

Satan came out to tempt Him. Amen?

And he dared Jesus to make bread from stones,

But Jesus replyed with the word of God.

So Satan engaged Him again only this time he tried

to use the scriptures,

But Jesus knew from years of preparation in the

Word that Satan was distorting the scriptures.

So He countered him again with the Word of God.

Then finally Satan being exposed for what he truly

is, Said Jesus I just want you to bow down and

worship me.

If you’ll do that I’ll give you all the pleasures of this


But Jesus rebuked him again with the word of God

and Satan fled.

Jesus was not only full of the Word,

But He applied the Word to His everyday battles.

I’m glad that each of you are here tonight!

And I’m glad that you’re taking notes,

But my prayer is that you’ll apply this word to your

life. Amen?

My prayer is that you’ll have a sword to swing

when the enemy attacks. Amen?

II. Encouragement For The Battle...

How many knows that temptation is inevitable?

Prepare for it! It’s gonna happen!

But Paul gives us some good news in...

1Co 10:13 He says...There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

This scripture tells me four things that I beleive we

need to take into consideration.

And this is a sermon in and of it’s self, but I’ll try

not to tarry here too long.

1) There hath no temptation taken you but such as

is common to man...

Just know that when you’re going through it that

you’re not alone. Amen?

You may feel like the enemy is just picking on you,

but the truth is no one is exempt. Amen?

Now don’t be discouraged and say well we’re all in

this ship together so we’re all going down together.

As a matter of fact you can be encouraged by that.

Because it brings to light the fact that even though

you’re not the only one who’s been there,

Even though other people had to go through what

you’re going through,

Some of them made it out, and so can you. Amen?

2) God is faithful...

That’s self explanatory!

He always has been, and He always will be faithful.

And if God is faithful that means you can count on

Him to keep His promises,

And how many knows that His word is filled with

His promises.

And Even though times are tough His Word

promises victory to the beleiver. Amen?

3) God will not suffer you to be tempted above that

ye are able...

No matter what may come your way you are more

than able to overcome through Christ who

strengthens you. Amen?

4) God will make a way to escape...

If you will just seek God in prayer,

If you will just apply the Word,

He will provide your way out. Amen?

III. Reasons Not To Sin...

So tonight I want to give you some more word that

will help you to overcome the sins in your life,

Or to overcome the temptation to invite sin into

your life.

And I’m going to start by giving you a recap of the

past few weeks.

We are going to start on number 8 of the 21

Reasons not to sin tonight,

But first let’s look real quick at the first seven and

be encouraged by them to steer free from

temptation. Amen?

1. Sin Does Not Satisfy

Sin can bring real pleasure,


2. Sin Leads to More Sin

Proverbs 27:20 - The eyes of man are never satisfied.

3. Sin Leads to Worse Sins

4. Sin Enslaves

5. Sin Degrades and Humiliates

6. Sin Steals Joy

7. Sin Steals Our Confidence

And that brings us to Number 8 which is one of the

more convincing reasons not to sin.

And that is...

8. The Wages of Sin is Death

You know earlier we read in 1 Corinthians where

Paul said God is faithful.

Well sin is faithful too.

But there is only one way in which sin is faithful -

its reward is always death.

Sin won’t let you down in that aspect.

If you sin you die. Amen?

Unfortunately, sin never shares this secret with


Instead, sin promises riches, fame, pleasure,

fulfillment and power.

And while you may experience some of these along

the way, they are only fleeting, lasting at best just a

few decades.

And then the real payday comes, and the results

are always the same - DEATH, both natural and

spiritual. Amen?



It always kills something in us when we transgress.

It assaults our sensitivity, trashes our conscience,

mauls our willpower, and defiles our soul.

You could almost say that every time we sin,

something in us dies.

Then, at the end of the road, sin pays up with

eternal death.

We often times fail to realize that sin brings about

death because it doesn’t appear to be immediate.

We think that because God doesn’t strike us down

with a lightning bolt everything’s going to be fine.

But it’s not.

That’s a tool of the enemy.

He’ll tell you that sin doesn’t cause death, but it

causes death and so much more. Amen?

The Serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden

and told her that she wouldn’t die if she disobeyed

God, And how many knows that that was a lie.

When Adam and Eve first sinned against God they

died spiritually and they began to die physically

right there at that very moment.

Why? Because sin deserves to be punished. Amen?

9. Sin Will Not Go Unpunished

Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

God has established unchangeable laws of sowing

and reaping, so that everything we do has

consequences for better or for worse.

We reap what we sow! That’s what His Word says.

And that’s in every area of life!

God wants you to prosper and be of good health,

but if you don’t pursue God’s promise,

If you let sin take precedence in your life you’re

going to be rewarded by your sins instead of God.

And not only with death, but your actions here on

Earth also bring about reward here on Earth.

Smoking leads to lung cancer ...

alcoholism leads to cirrhosis of the liver ...

promiscuity leads to STDs ...

obesity leads to heart disease and diabetes ...

the consequences alone should keep us from sin!

There are lots of consequences to our sins, like

prison sentences, broken homes and sick bodies ...

but all those pale in comparison with God’s holy


See God Himself judges sinners as well.

And the Bible says they will be cut down and cast

into the fire!

And that punishment is enescapable unless you call

upon the Name of the Lord and are saved!

God’s judgement is a righteous judgement so who

can stand when his gavel falls?

You say well why would a loving God do such a thing?

Well that brings us to number 10...

10. Sin Hurts the Lord

Maybe the image of an angry, vengeful God doesn’t

mean much to you - after all, you call yourself a


Hell’s flames don’t scare you because you’re saved

from all of that!

But sometimes you still struggle with sin.

Maybe this will encourage you not to sin.

Everytime we sin, we wound our Savior and spit in

His face, making a mockery of His love.

This image alone should stop us from sinning!

Can’t you feel God’s pain?

John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, the

second most read book in the world next to the

Bible said this.

"Sin is the dare of God’s justice, the rape of His

mercy, the jeer of His patience, the slight of His

power, and the contempt of His love."

Sin hurts God.

Ray Boltz who was an anointed gospel singer,

Gave us songs like "The Anchor Holds", and

"Thank You".

He sold 4.5 million Christian albums.

But in September of last year (08) just before he

was scheduled to perform in several Metropolitan

Community Churches,

And if you don’t know what the MCC is it is a

church built just for for lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals,

and transgender men and women.

But just before he was scheduled to perform he

came out of the closet in a magazine article.

In His song "Feel The Nails" which was released in

1994 he sang...

"Does He still feel the nails every time I fail? Can

He hear the crowd cry ’Crucify!’ again? Am I

causing Him pain? Then I know I’ve got to change.

I just can’t bear the thought of hurting Him."

But then in 2008 in an article for The Washington

Blade, which is a magazine published by and for

gay and lesbian readers, he sings an oh so different


He says....“This is what it really comes down to, If

this is the way God made me, then this is the way

I’m going to live.

It’s not like God made me this way and he’ll send

me to hell if I am who he created me to be … I

really feel closer to God because I no longer hate


There’s no more singing of change and the pain his

sin causes God.

Instead I hear the sound of compromise with sin.

He said God won’t send him to Hell so long as he is

who God created him to be,

But I got news for Ray Boltz and Pastor JB and Sis.

Ann, and every person that’s here tonight,

Or listening via tape or CD.

God did not create you to be homosexual.

God did not create you to be an adulterer,

Or a fornicator, or a liar, or a cheat, or a thief.

That’s who we allow ourselves to become when we

let sin enter in.

And I assure you that every time we sin,

Everytime we fornicate, or adulterate.

Everytime we transgress God’s law we hurt God!

He can still feel the pain!

He can still feel the nails!

He can still feel the hurt,

but He’s not the only one sin hurts.

11. Sin Hurts the Sinner

The fact that sin hurts the Lord might help you to

resist temptation when you’re feeling spiritual.

But what about when you’re feeling natural?

What about those times when spiritual thoughts

don’t motivate you in the least?

That’s when you need to remember that SIN


Sin messes everything up.

Sin begins to tear your life apart piece by piece.

And it tears apart the lives of those who are around

you as well. Amen?

12. Sin Hurts Your Family and Friends

Sin never stops with the sinner alone.

There are always wider consequences.

Parents, you can literally make or break your

family by your lifestyle and conduct,

You set an example for your children,

But if it’s not the right one you can sabotage

their lives as well.

You can put them through years of grief,

Or you can point them to a solid Rock.

You can show your family and friends that there

really is a living God just by living for Him,

Or you can live opposite of what your church

preaches, and opposite of what the Bible teaches

and your actions can and will steer them away from

the one true God.

You say well Pastor JB could my example really

influence someone else to backslide?

Well let me tell you this.

Sin is highly infectious!

13. Sin Brings Reproach (to the Sinner, to the Church, and to the name of the Lord)

How many knows that When a Christian sins in

public, it makes the Church as a whole look bad,

It’s just like when a fanatical Muslim blows himself

up to kill others, he makes Islam as a whole look


Our foolishness, our compromise, our hypocrisy,

our worldliness, and our sin make the Church look


Our sin makes JESUS look bad!

He’s the only man that ever walked the face of the

Earth and not sin yet now, because of some of His

followers, He’s associated with sex scandals, greed,

Racism, and the list just goes on and on. Amen?

Jesus lived a sin-free life on this earth,

but we can dirty His perfect reputation by our sin.