Summary: This morning I want to begin with the question: Who is your god / God? That’s a question that we may initially begin to answer quickly… but then may find ourselves realizing it’s more dynamic than simply providing a statement… the answer is reflect

This morning we’re continuing in our series “The Call” … focused on seeking to capture or

recapture the dynamic of God’s Call to our lives. I believe…

The Call of God seeks to penetrate our independence and isolation.

This morning I want to begin with the question: Who is your god / God?

That’s a question that we may initially begin to answer quickly… but then may find

ourselves realizing it’s more dynamic than simply providing a statement… the answer is

reflected in what governs and guides us….

And God knows, quite literally, that there is a lot of competition.

After humankind was tempted into a state of life apart from God… the human condition

devolved into one now ruled by gods and kings.

Every group of people began to fashion their ideas of gods… often born of fears and a

desire to appease and control. Often they began to worship idols that represented the

various creatures of earth. Soon the masses of earth were bowing to the very elements

that they had been given stewardship of…. even sacrificing themselves and their

children to these gods fashioned in fear. And soon the leaders of many developing

nations began to claim to be gods themselves… and ruthlessly subjecting the masses into

their service.

As one nation would overcome another… the conquered people who survived would be

subjected to both the gods and king who now ruled the land.

That is where the Call of God comes to claim us…. In the midst of a world of gods and


That is the world in which God first penetrated the life of Abraham. The Call of God comes as

the call of a king… only not just another king… but the return of the true King… the living


He has come to reclaim us from the one we surrendered ourselves to. We are now told that

behind the oppressive powers on earth is a spiritual entity who sought to rule over

humankind… he is referred to as the ‘prince of this world’… a king whose only reign is one

of deception, destruction, and ultimately death… a work merely being manifest in the

various gods and kings of this world. It is into this reality that the true and living God was

returning with the restoration of truth, life and hope.

That is still the choice before humankind. It is a choice of kingdoms… a choice in whose

sovereignty we come under.

The greatest deception we live under… may be that of thinking that we are

merely free people who don’t serve anyone… we may even believe that if we

choose to acknowledge any god… they are lucky to have us join their religion.

Yet we remain fascinated by evil and where it comes from… and sometimes wonder why it

prevails among us who have progressed so much outwardly.

The truth is that there has always been a Creator… and for a longer time than we

know… some form of competitor… and corrupter.

If we could see clearly… we are at best more like prisoners of war… who willingly chose

our captor.

(Ilust – Narnia – Edmund… warned of the white witch… but so drawn by her sweets… only

later to realize what he’s done. But then comes the announcement… Aslan the true king is

returning to the land… he’s on the move.)

When the king returns it is the greatest public announcement the world has ever known.

It is an opportunity to join up in allegiance.

Allegiance is what we discover in the response of Abraham … the first one to enter the

Call of God… and then further made known in Christ. It is an allegiance to the one true king

and God…. It’s this allegiance that calls each of us out of our independence and


The most unique dynamic of all… is that what is being sought is RELATIONSHIP.

At the core of all the ideas of spiritual beings behind the physical world… was that of

control and appeasement…. precocious gods whose petty fighting and insecurities

merely used men and were playing game with them… or something of impersonal

alignment with forces nearly wholly disinterested in the real lives of men and women.

It’s into this world of gods and kings that Abraham is engaged by the true and

living God… who comes seeking him to be His… and to create a relationship

that restores blessing. It is clear that this is the God who knows him… who has

been watching him… who has been with him… and who holds history in His

hands … and in His hands alone.

He is the sovereign who comes to restore the very dignity of His image into the unique life

form He created… the King who invites humankind back to the table of his court to reign with

Him… and ultimately, the servant King who would give His life to make it possible.

The fundamental response to the recognition of God is one of allegiance… an

intimate allegiance.

• For Abraham would later be described as “a friend of God.” (Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23)

• Jesus would finally tell his disciples, “I no longer call you servants but friends.” (John


So it is that… The Call of God begins with intimate allegiance.

How is such allegiance expressed?

I want to touch upon three ways that define and declare our allegiance. They are

part of what defines us as people… and also as a Westside Vineyard community.

1. Intimate Allegiance involves WORSHIP

• Worship has come to be associated with nice songs… lifted feelings… but what lies

within the act of worship is far more dynamic…

• When Abraham declared his allegiance to God as the one true sovereign he was making a

declaration that would set his entire life apart from all other kings and gods on earth.

Worship is a defiant declaration

What we bow to is what we are submitting to… what we worship is what we are

ascribing to be central and sovereign.

In any way that our worship is declaring the reign and rule of the true God and

the Lordship of His Son… and welcome their mercy to save and restore us… we

are defying all the powers that seek to rule this world. It is a declaration of trust

… of a trusting allegiance.

When God sets apart His people… He begins with a call to bow to no other…

Exodus 20:1-5 (NLT)

Then God gave the people all these instructions: “I am the Lord your God, who

rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. “You must not have any

other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind … You must not

bow down to them or worship them…”

It was out of this decisive choice that…

• Mordecai refused to bow to the king.

• Daniel and his three friends refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s image (Dan. 3).

• And the culmination of Jesus’ in his preparatory 40 days in the wilderness…refusing to

bow to Satan when offered power and provision.

Every act of worship is both a refusal of one sovereign claim… and a submission to


This becomes even clearer when we consider the first response of Abraham was that of

declaring his tithe… When he gave a tithe… he was declaring that this was the God he

would trust and honor as his sovereign protector and provider.

The reality is that we are all under a king… some source which we recognize as sovereign

ruler…protector… provision. At times this may be our parents, government… employers.

Most often the king of today is ourselves.

Reference only - [Genesis 14:20 – Abraham is subjecting himself to a king – priest who he understood to represent

- “…And blessed be God Most High, who has helped you conquer your enemies." Then Abram gave Melchizedek a

tenth of all the goods he had recovered. (Genesis 14:20 -NLT)]

There are various reasons for giving our resources for God’s use… generosity, gratitude,

or simply communal responsibility… but as modern Americans we can miss the most

significant and fundamental dynamic that lies beneath our giving. In Old Testament times

the tithe was the king’s portion. After a king conquered and subjugated the people, the

people would render to him a tithe (a tenth of the produce of their land). Abraham was

declaring that God was now his king… his sovereign.

This is reflected again in Jacob…

Genesis 28:20-22

“Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me and will watch over

…. then the Lord will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will

be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.’”

No commands had yet been given by God… this wasn’t simply following the laws of the Old

Testament … but rather a fundamental declaration of allegiance… one’s recognition of who

was heir king… the sovereign ruler…protector.. provider.

This is why when we bring our tithes and offerings… we’ve come to understand it is a

part of our worship…. in terms of a declaration… our offering is the most defiant

spiritual declaration that we make… fitting as the culmination of our worship.

What is at hand is not merely one’s mouth or money… but how they express a

fundamental declaration of trust. If we really understand what is at hand… every

time we sing… every time we give… we are subversively refusing to bow to

other gods.

If worship has become just a religious duty… may we be awakened that it is a

spiritual declaration.

It is out of such a declaration of trust… that God’s presence naturally dwells.

Worship invites the dwelling of God’s presence

Ps. 22:3 (NIV) “You are … enthroned upon the praises of Israel.”

Psalms 22:3 (AMP)

You …dwell in the place where …praises... are offered.”

“Yashab” (Sit down, remain, settle, dwell, abide)

The pneumas of God - This is a theological term that means the manifest presence of

God. It means His presence comes and fills a place (Atmosphere filled with His Presence,

warmth, thickness in air, peace, etc.) That’s what we need to experience on a regular basis!

Heb. 10:21-22 “And since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw

near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean

from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”

That’s what experiencing God’s presence does! It sprinkles our hearts clean from an evil

conscience! It softens us again to Him, lost, broken, hurting, etc.

That’s why it’s so vital!

A central Vineyard belief is this: Worship accomplishes a work in our hearts that

nothing else can.

Worship becomes defining of who we are

It’s been said we become what we worship... what we give our hearts and focus to.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

"The gods we worship write their names on our faces, be sure of that. And a

man will worship something - have no doubt about that, either. That which

dominates will determine his life and character. Therefore, it behooves us to be

careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming."

Dallas Willard states….

A popular saying is "Take time to smell the roses." What does this mean? To enjoy the rose it

is necessary to focus on it and bring the rose as fully before our senses and mind as possible.

To smell a rose you must get close, and you must linger. When we do so, we delight in it. We

love it.

This is to be done in such a way that love for and delight in God will be elicited and established

as the pervasive orientation of the whole self. It will fill the mind of the willing soul and progress

toward an easy and delightful governance of the entire personality.

(From The Divine Conspiracy, pp. 321-326 edited)

As the Westside Vineyard we give a high priority to worshipping God with all of

our hearts … to becoming increasingly centered and satisfied in God; that all we

do might rise in response to His deep love.

Finally… not to be missed…

Worship is deserved

“Worship” comes from the old English word “worthship”…that refers to ascribing worth… it

declares the proper worth of it’s recipient.

Psalms 96:5-8

… the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty

are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary…. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due

his name…”.

It’s about recognizing that all that is good.. all majestry and strength and glory… flow from

Him… and the joy of sharing in that goodness…comes from declaring it.

It’s about drawing around all He is.

It’s about returning something to it’s rightful source… “the glory due His name.”

John Wimber…

“He gives us everything… worship is simply what He gets back.”

How vital it is to remember that worship is about Him.

We live in a unique time… so centered in ourselves… so consumeristic… that even the

worship of God can be reduced to what we like and feel.

Now I believe that worship is intended to be a blessing to us… but only as the byproduct.

We are called to worship… not only when we feel like it… God is always worthy...God is the

same yesterday, today and forever. At it’s essence, worship is not about us… how it makes us

feel… but it is about HIM.

2. Intimate Allegiance involves the WORD of God

Perhaps you can imagine one of those scenes where a group of knights bow down before their

true king… and after bowing.. as they rise… we hear those fisrt words, “My Lord, your wish is

our command”… speak and we will obey.

So it is that our allegiance turns to hear what God is calling for.

Ex of Scripture

One of the great tragedies of how many of us have come to approach God’s words… or the

Bible… is that we see it as the restriction of freedom… the burden of a weight.

But ours is a story of a liberating Word.

In a world of false gods and kings… who have laid their oppression upon

humankind… exploiting us for their ends… being reclaimed by the true and

benevolent God is a work of liberation.

For Israel… the Word of God is defining and dignifying. It is that which restores their true

humanity. Far from repressing life… it is LIFE GVING.

Any reflection upon the 10 Commandments can reveal this. In the restriction lies


There is a simple and profound truth that is often missed in our independent culture… and that

is the simple fact that the expectations of another upon is what expresses their belief in us.

Rabbi Loy -

"In a life in which there is no demand there is no meaning. If no demand is put

on you, then you are in a sense excluded… from life itself. If someone expects,

demands something of you, it means he takes you seriously." - Rabbi Loy (The

Young Unicorns, by Madeleine L’Engle, p. 155)

What liberates the human soul is not freedom from expectations… but entering

into the right expectations… those we were designed for.

This becomes even more passionately clear when Jesus comes as the “Living Word.”

When the Messiah… savior… enters the scene… his contentions arise towards the religious

leaders. Why? Because they had allowed the Word to alienate rather than liberate.

Jesus was first understood as a rabbinic authority… one who offered an interpretation of the

Torah… of how to truly walk out the life God intended.

He came as the “Living Word”… the interpretive Word… not to change the law but to fulfill

it’s intentions.

Matthew 11:28-30 (AMP)

”Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened…Take My

yoke upon you and learn of Me… and you will find relief for your souls. For My yoke is

wholesome and My burden is light.”

When Jesus called disciples from among the uneducated drop outs … he was bringing the

true life giving power to redeem and restore human life in the way righteousness… or “right


John 10:10 (MSG)

“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”

So as the Westside Vineyard,

• We honor the Scriptures as God’s Living Word to govern and guide our faith and


• We want to understand them properly in terms of their original culture, context, and

language… to properly grasp God’s timeless and living call today.

• We understand the Bible through Christ… as the interpretive fulfillment of the Story

of God we are a part of. The Bible reveals the grand story… the God Story… that finds

it’s fulfillment in Christ.

• We understand the Scriptures not merely as representing truth which seeks our

agreement… but as the Divine Story which we are summoned to enter… the

announcing of a Kingdom being inaugurated that calls us to join it’s King in His reign of

mercy and restoration.

The Word of God… then is life giving… and also immovable.

It is like the night a battleship was out at sea… sees another light in the darkness…and

begins to send warnings to change course… finally declares that it is a battleship and the

other must change course. To which it receives the return message, “I am a lighthouse.

Suggest you change course immediately.” How easily we can become like battleships

engaged with the immovable Lighthouse established to govern our lives.

As Cecil B. deMille observed of the principles contained in his monumental movie, "The Ten

Commandments," It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves

against the law."

It is that which we understand will not change. The question is never can we get it to conform

to our desires… but will we bring ourselves to conform to it?

Which leads to the last part and point….

3. Intimate Allegiance leads us into the WORKS AND WALK of God.

Ultimately… allegiance leads to imitation… representation… those who embody the heart

of the One whose image they bear.

There is a natural part of this process… The more time we spend with Him the more that we

will look and be like Him. Intimate allegiance in worship and word… will naturally lead to a life

of works and walk with God.

But there is also an intentional process. Following one’s patterns mean reshaping our own

patterns and perspectives. This is the process of discipleship… it’s a process we share in


All formation involves intent, discipline, and community. All the gatherings and

groups that flow as part of the life of the Westside Vineyard…. can serve our

development as disciples.

Closing: I want to conclude by simply asking us again: Who is your god / God?

The answer to that question cannot be made by anyone else… it lies within your choice.

What I believe the Lord wants us to understand… is that the answer lies in intimate

allegiance… involving worship, Word, and walk.

Maybe it’s become too much a religious professions.. duty… may we capture afresh

that intimate allegiance that truly defines our lives.

The reality is that we are all under a king…

The choice is not ‘if’ but ‘who’…. and it is the most defining and definitive choice that

lies within each of us.