Summary: Examining the story of Mephibosheth shows us the danger of being consumbed by our circumstances and the situations we find ourselves in, what would it be like if you could change your perspective, you can if you remember who you are and If you want to kno

Good Morning, I’m excited to be able to kick off this series called BIOGRAPHY:


Historically, individual names were believed to be a person’s private property. As such, they were not to be spoken too often. So, back in the day, people began using "extra" names to call or refer to each other. Today we call them Nicknames.

I have always been fascinated by nicknames. They are everywhere. Always have been, always will be. (IMAGES?)

o Elvis Presley was known as The King

o Harrit Tubman was known as Moses

o Wilton Champerlon was known as Wilt the Stilt

o William Booney was known as Billy the Kid



My son was born when my daughter was just 14 months old, as they grew up we would often ask him, “Where’s sissy” and he would run to find her.

As he began to learn how to talk it was difficult for him to say Melanie so he simply called her “SISSY.” somehow in that process both my wife and I also started referring to her as “Sissy”

• and even though she is now seven, we still sometimes call her “sissy”


When my son, Matt was just a toddler he had this habit

• Often when he was tired

• or cranky

• to woddle around like most toddlers with his blanked and go “hoo hoo hoo hoo”

• He would do this sometime for hours without actually crying. It was not long and we started to call him BO BO, nnow that he is older we still call him “BO”


• How many of you have a nickname?

• How many of you have a nickname that you wouldn’t mind sharing Let’s take just a moment, stand up and introduce yourself to someone next to you using your nickname.

• If you don’t have one, or don’t have one that you are comfortable sharing, make one up.

This morning I am going to tell you THE story of a man named MEPHEBOSHETH. Now there’s a name for you. Let’s say that together, Mephibosheth.

As someone who enjoys nicknames and because Mephibosheth is hard to pronounce I thought about giving him a nickname for today.

• I thought about just calling him “M” – but that seemed to short

• Then I thought about “FIB” but didn’t think that would work

• “Sheth” Didn’t do much for me

• “BO” sound pretty good but only for a few minutes

So then I did what every self respecting, bible school graduating pastor does I went and looked up what Mephibosheth means in Hebrew and found that it means

• “Scatters Shame” or

• “From the mouth of the shameful thing”.

The more I thought about it I finally came to the conclusion that with a with a name like Mephibosheth….

• You probably don’t deserve a nickname.

So even though it’s a bit of a tongue twister, today we are going to call Mephibosheth……Mephibosheth.

The story of Mephibosheth is a story about the distress that is experience by change. It is a story about an invitation that was accepted. It is a story about friendship, promises, grace, love, compassion, forgiveness and hope.


A young salesman lands a job selling new windows door to door. On his first day of the job he comes across this sweet older lady who agrees to purchase a beautiful new window in her living room. A few days after the job was completed the salesmen gets a call from the lady informing him that she is not happy with the view from her new window.

Wanting to make a good impression at his new job the young salesmen works with the lady and replaces the window with a much larger one at no additional cost.

A few days pass and he once again gets a call from the lady saying that she is not happy with the view from her window; once again the salesman doubles the size of the window at no additional cost.

As predicted a few days pass and the lady calls him again letting him know that she is not happy with the view from her new window. The young salesman explains to the woman that he has just installed

• the newest

• most efficient

• Largest window that the company sells and asks her what the problem is with the window.

The lady responds that every time she looks out the large new window she can still see the ugly old oak tree in her front yard.

What do you see as you look out your window of life?

• What do you see as you look at your marriage

• What do you see as you look at your relationship with your children

• What do you see as you look at your finances

• What do you see as you look at your health

• What do you see as you look at your circumstances

• What do you see as you look at your relationship with Christ?

We all have a window, a lens, a filter through which we view the world around us.

• Are you 100 percent satisfied with what you see?

If not today, I am going to share with you how you can change what you see when you look out your window of life.


If you have your bibles with you this morning please open with me to the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 9, 2nd Samuel chapter 9.

The text today focuses on two main characters:

The First is David. Many of you are familiar with and have heard of King David.

The second character is Mephibosheth.

• Mephibosheth is the son of Jonathan and the Grandson of King Saul.

Let’s take a look at what has already happened up to this point. Earlier in Samuel we see a very beautiful friendship between Jonathan – Mephibosheth dad and David.

We know that they were close because the scripture lets us know that they loved each other as if they were their own souls.

David and Jonathan were very loyal to one another. They were so close that David and Jonathan made a covenant or a promise of friendship to each other. Promising that whoever survived or outlived each other would look after each others families.

Tragically, Jonathan is killed in battle when Mephibosheth is only five years old.

Let’s read 2nd Samuel Chapter 9 beginning in verse one. (Read 1-13)

1 One day David asked, "Is there anyone left of Saul’s family? If so, I’d like to show him some kindness in honor of Jonathan."

2 It happened that a servant from Saul’s household named Ziba was there. They called him into David’s presence. The king asked him, "Are you Ziba?" "Yes sir," he replied.

3 The king asked, "Is there anyone left from the family of Saul to whom I can show some godly kindness?"

Ziba told the king, "Yes, there is Jonathan’s son, lame in both feet."

4 "Where is he?"

"He’s living at the home of Makir son of Ammiel in Lo Debar."

5 King David didn’t lose a minute. He sent and got him from the home of Makir son of Ammiel in Lo Debar.

6 When Mephibosheth son of Jonathan (who was the son of Saul), came before David, he bowed deeply, abasing himself, honoring David.

David spoke his name: "Mephibosheth."

"Yes sir?"

7 "Don’t be frightened," said David. "I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table."

8 Shuffling and stammering, not looking him in the eye, Mephibosheth said, "Who am I that you pay attention to a stray dog like me?"

9-10 David then called in Ziba, Saul’s right-hand man, and told him, "Everything that belonged to Saul and his family, I’ve handed over to your master’s grandson. You and your sons and your servants will work his land and bring in the produce, provisions for your master’s grandson. Mephibosheth himself, your master’s grandson, from now on will take all his meals at my table." Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

11-12 "All that my master the king has ordered his servant," answered Ziba, "your servant will surely do."

And Mephibosheth ate at David’s table, just like one of the royal family. Mephibosheth also had a small son named Mica. All who were part of Ziba’s household were now the servants of Mephibosheth.

13 Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, taking all his meals at the king’s table. He was lame in both feet.


Verse three and thirteen tells us that Mephibosheth is crippled or lame in both feet.

How did this happen?

Mephibosheth’s father, Jonathan and his Grandfather Saul are both killed in a battle when Mephibosheth is only five years old. As you can imagine this is a chaotic and uncertain time. Not only the king but also the Prince have been killed in battle. Surrounded by this uncertainty Mephibosheth is picked up by his nurse and while running for their lives, drops him.

Now as an adult, Mephibosheth finds himself crippled

• for the rest of his life.

Many of us find ourselves in the same place as Mephibosheth,

• we have been wounded,

• we have been dropped by people

o who might have had good intentions

o Might have had good desires

o but yet we find ourselves crippled.

• Crippled by despair

• Crippled by death of loved ones

• Crippled by disease

• Crippled by things from our past

• Crippled by fear of the future

• Crippled by Alcoholism

• Crippled

o by no fault of our own.

In the same way, all of us, the human race is crippled because of Sin and the fall of Adam. We are all crippled

• Morally,

• Physically

• and Spiritually.

We are crippled morally –

• We cannot live up to the perfect standards of God

We are crippled physically –

• We all face pain and sickness and death

We are crippled Spiritually –

• We cannot make ourselves righteous enough to approach God.


2nd Samuel Chapter 9 verse 4

4 "Where is he?"

"He’s living at the home of Makir son of Ammiel in Lo Debar."

It would be east to read through this verse and not give it much of a second look. But it is an important part of the passage because it tells us were Mephibosheth is living.

Where is Lo’Debar? – (Images of Lo’Debar Begin on Screen)

Lo Debars was a city east of the Jordan River. East side of the Jordan River is the Non-promise side. Lo Debars was a city that was characterized by THREE THINGS:

• its bareness,

• its waste lands

• And its devastation.

The word Lo’Debar comes from two Hebrew words; Lo, which means No, And Debar which means Pasture. When you put them together, we get the word pastureless or no Pasture or Barren.

Often we say that the grass is always greener on the other side. How would you like to live in a town that means “GRASS AIENT GREENER HERE”. This is a place that no one is longing to move to.

In Lo Debar Mephibosheth is surely not eating at the table of the prince of Israel let alone living the life that the grandson of the king.

Mephibosheth went

• From living in the palace to hiding out with a family friend.

• He went from the prince to the servant

• he went from powerful to afraid.

In Lo’Debar, Mephibosheth

• lost his rank,

• lost his prestige,

• lost his respectability,

• lost his reputation,

• lost his superiority,

• Lost his self-will.



There was once a lady who complained about everything and everybody. Finally, her minister found something that she couldn’t complain about. The lady’s crop of potatoes was the finest for miles around.

He said to her, “For once you must be pleased. Everyone is saying how splendid your potatoes are this year.”

The lady glared at him and said, “THEY ARE splendid, BUT WHERE ARE THE ROTTEN ONES FOR THE PIGS?”

Instead of being grateful,

• She was grouchy.

Instead of realizing her great blessing,

• She took it for granted...

Instead of seeing the positive of her situation

• She saw the negative

Have you ever been the recipient of something that just overwhelmed you? I’m not only talking about spiritual things, but just things.

2nd Samuel Chapter 9 Verse 7: (IMAGE OF KINGS TABLE APPEARS WHILE READING SCRIPTURE on opposite screen)

7 "Don’t be frightened," said David. "I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table."

8 Shuffling and stammering, not looking him in the eye, Mephibosheth said, "Who am I that you pay attention to a stray dog like me?"

For Mephibosheth this most have been like opening your door and seeing Ed McMan, with a big fat publishers clearing house check.

The new King, King David tells him that he is going to return to him all the land of his grandfather, and if that was not enough

• he is also going to bring him to the Palace

• And give him a seat at the kings table.

Mephibosheth was consumed by his surroundings in Lo’Debar and it’s in those surroundings and circumstances that he forgot Who he was.

If you want to know who you are you need to know whose you are. If you want to know who you are you need to know whose you are.

Mephibosheth had forgotten that he was the Grandson of Saul,

• the Son of Jonathan

• the heir of a covenant a promise.

If he had remembered. If he knew who he was, if he knew whose he was …. he would not have referred to himself as a stray DOG.

Mephibosheth was indeed physically crippled –

• But that was not Whose he was?

He was infact living on the non-promise side of the River –

• But that was not whose he was.

He was the victim of horrible circumstances –

• But that was not whose he was.

Whose are You? Do you know who you are? Do you know whose you are?



Lo’Debar is a real place and you might find yourself there but

• just because that is where you are now t

• That does not mean that’s where you are staying.

I know that because the same God who sent David to restore Mephibosheth and rescue him from Lo’Debar,

The same God who took Mephibosheth and gave him a seat at the kings table …

the same God

• Sent his son Jesus to restore you

• to bring you out of Lo’Debar

• To bring you to the kings place…

• “Therefore I go to prepare a place for you)

What do you do with a God who love you that much?

You could be a Christian this morning that is living in fear because you feel condemned. You feel condemned because you have not drawn close enough to God in your entire Christian life to truly know the joy of trusting him and following him in obedience.

In Lo’Debar you feel condemned – but that’s now who you are – God’s word tells you that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1

You might also be someone who does not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. You may be living in fear.

Fear is dangerous.. Fear causes us to lay down right where we are and to feel as if there is no hope, and we feel as though we are dead.

In Lo’Debar you feel yourself surrounded by and living in fear – but that’s not who you are – God word tells you that God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2nd Timithy 1:7

If you want to know who you are you need to know whose you are.

In Lo’Debar you may feel alone and abandoned – But that’s not who you are - But God’s word says that you will never be alone because God will never leave nor forsake you (Joshua 1:5)

In Lo’Debar you may feel like you have no friends - But that’s not who you are – God’s word says that you are Jesus’ friend (Ephesians 2:10)

In Lo’Debar you may feel like no one knows you – but that’s not who you are - God’s word tells you you are known by God (Galatians 4:9)

In Lo’Debar you may feel like a worthless pile of trash – but that’s not who you are - God’s word tells you… you are God’s Masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)

If you want to know who you are you need to know whose you are.

Inside of your bulletin this morning you will find several sticky notes. They are all identical.

On that sticky note is a short list of 7seven scriptures to remind you who you are.

• To remind you whose you are.

I’d like to challenge you to take those sticky notes and place them in several places where you will see them each day.

• Maybe put one on your mirror,

• one in your car,

• next to your computer screen,

• On your bible.

Throughout the week take a few minutes each day to read the statements, outloud at times and look up the scriptures.

This is important because when you know whose you are you begin to understand who you are

• And when you know who you are the lens through which you view the realities around you changes.

That ugly oak tree might still be in your front yard

• but your view,

• your perspective is different

• because you know who you are,

• Because you know whose you are.

You might still be in Lo’Debar surrounded by a barren land but it looks differently when you know who’s you are and what he has for you.

Your perspective, your reality is eternally changed.

As you listen to the words of this song. I want you to consider what the view might be like from your new window. What are you going to see as you look at?

• your marriage

• your relationship with your children

• at your finances

• your circumstances

What would it be like if we all new who we are?

What would it be like if we knew whose we are?

When you know who you are,

When you know whose you are you are


• A Brand New Woman

• and nothing

• NOTHING will ever be the same.


Prayer - Dismiss