Summary: Spirit-filled people live in the power of the Almighty and they are empowered people, though ordinary just like you and me. God and you can do amazing things!

Maximum Satisfaction! God’s ‘way to go!’

Just about every little boy dreams about being a super-hero. So do grown men, but we don’t talk about it!

In my conversations with people, I love to listen for dreams, for clues about a person’s passion. In the fresh years of our youth, we are full of dreams and passion.

∙ When my adult kids are home (they range in age from 27 to 32), I’m infected with their enthusiasm for life, and a little frightened for them, because they are so idealistic! My son, Sean, is bravely starting a new business - in this economy! Our daughter and her husband, are moving to California so he can pursue his Ph.D at Fuller Theological Seminary.

In our youth, we are open about how much we want to live in a way that makes real difference.

∙ In our early 20’s, Bev and I packed up our baby boy in school bus and moved from NJ to Wyoming, full of dreams about making a difference in a town for Christ. The adventure was not at all what we expected, but God used that year to re-make us, to change our whole outlook on life. I don’t know if I would nearly so ready to make that kind of radical move now that I am 30 years older.

As we experience more of life, many of us let our dreams die. We pack up our youthful idealism and settle into life’s routines, grinding away at life- and often, in the process, we start to die by inches. Changing the world seems to fade in importance when there is a mortgage to pay, braces that need to be put on crooked teeth, and deadlines imposed on us by a boss who isn’t too interested in what really makes us tick.

By the time we’re 35 or 40, most of don’t talk about dreams anymore. We’ve been laughed at too many times, told that we were too old, too young, too dumb, too smart, too ‘something’ to think that way. Our passion dies and we stop dancing, becoming plodders, increasingly bent and sometimes, embittered by life as the years pass.

In my talk this morning, I want to preach you a dreamin’ message.... but it is not about living in fantasy land.

It’s about possibilities, but not about the power of positive thinking. I want to take you beyond childish longing for super-hero status and point you toward an empowered life!

One of the things about success that has become so much more clear to me with maturity is the importance of those who lend me their influence, gift me with their resources, and guide me with their wisdom. These people EMPOWER me. I know that is a buzz word, but anyone who desires to make a difference, who wants to experience real joy and effectiveness, must understand the criticality of networking, of linking up with others, in interdependent relationships.

Here’s my premise today.

Spirit-filled people live in the power of the Almighty and they are empowered people, though ordinary just like you and me. God and you can do amazing things!

I want to talk with you about God’s Plan and Power to make your life count for something. I want to help you to capture the dream of being a Christian who breathes the Presence of the Spirit and does ‘signs and wonders’ in the service of the King of heaven.

If you haven’t already figured it out, I am going to talk about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Let’s get a definition. Spiritual gift

∙ A spiritual gift is a divine enablement, an ability given by the Holy Spirit, to a Believer so that he can make his unique contribution to the work of God, contributing his/her unique work to the Body of Christ, the Church. Gifts must not be confused with natural talents or with learned skills.

Dr. John Rea defines a spiritual gift as a

supernatural capacity or power bestowed on a Christian by the Holy Spirit to enable that person to exercise his function in the church.

The Gifts of the Spirit are distinct from the character qualities that the Holy Spirit creates in us. The fruit of the Spirit is to be universally evident in every Believer’s life in increasing measure as they measure in their Christian life. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are proof of the Spirit’s life in us! Unlike the gifts, which are unique and specialized for God’s purpose in us, our community, and our time; the fruit of the Spirit is for all people, all churches, and all eras until the perfection of the Kingdom comes.

In my lifetime I have been exposed to two erroneous ideas about spiritual gifts.

First I was told that there were but nine gifts, those listed in th 12th chapter of 1st Corinthians 12:8-10 - PB 1784


"To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, NIV)

Later I was told that I could discover my spiritual gifts with a simple evaluation tool. Dr. Gordon Fee observes, “There was hardly a church that did not have a conference or seminar that would lead to finding your spiritual gift or gifts.” While there is much good to be gained by understanding our personality types and our ways of relating to one another - it is a serious mistake to think that the supernatural empowering ability of the Spirit can be reduced to a mechanical process!

Toward the end of this message, I will talk about the way we can begin to live in a spiritually gifted way.

Let’s see what several passages of the Word say about Gifts.

Some representative lists of spiritual gifts are found in several passages of Scripture; in addition to 1 Cor. 12: 8-10 which we just read.

∙ Romans 12: 6-8 PB 1764

∙ Ephesians 4:11 PB 1821 This passage refers to the offices of church leadership and implies that gifts accompany calling to those offices.

∙ 1 Peter 4: 8-10 PB 1891

There is one BASIC principle that emerges from each of those passages:

No Lone Rangers!

One fact that is either explicit or implicit in each of these passages is that --

spiritual gifts are functional in the context of the congregation, the gathered group of Christians.

If a disciple expresses a spiritual gift outside of the body of Christ, without the covering of church leaders, simply as an expression of individualism - the gift will become corrupt, the result much less effective than what it might have been otherwise!

Sadly, some Christians are unwilling to join arms with others. Infected with the individualism that is the curse of our culture, they remain fiercely independent, separate, and alone. They think of themselves rather like the ‘Lone Ranger,’ riding in to make things right; then disappearing into the mountains. This kind of Believer is seriously underdeveloped in many areas of his spirituality. Whatever his passion may be, whatever gifts the Spirit gives him, are usually out of balance or even largely unused because others are not partners with him in the full work of the Kingdom of Christ. The individualism so revered in our culture is unknown in the New Testament and foreign to true spirtuality!

∙ If you want to be a spiritually gifted AND effective Christian, the importance of cultivating your relationships with other Christians and your connection with a local church cannot be overstated!

Step on an airplane with me a moment.

Hook up your seat belt; settle back for a flight. The pilot turns on the intercom:

"Welcome to Southeast Airlines! This is your captain speaking. The reason your ticket was so much cheaper is that we have done away with the people you never see - the maintenance men who service the airplane, the navigator who is only needed on foggy nights like tonight, and the air-traffic controller up in the tower. We also didn’t think it was necessary to have those security people checking your baggage. Have a nice flight." You would not want to be on that flight, would you? From the security person, to the ticket agent, to the man who fuels the plane, to the controller, to the pilot.... all have a critical part in getting you to your destination safely. – Russell Brownsworth

The same principle is true in the Church. We each have a differing role to fill. Some of us, like me, get to stand up front and look important. Others do what they do way behind the scenes, but every one of us is critically important to getting the mission accomplished!

The GIFTS lists ILLUSTRATE the wide scope of the work of God.

In the passages that we read a few moments ago, there were 20+ different empowering spiritual gifts mentioned. They illustrate general ways in which God works through us today to bring benefit to this world and to bring honor to Himself through the church.

Let’s take a look through a list compiled from those passages.

Administration, Apostleship, Craftsmanship, Communication, Discernment, Encouragement, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Healing, Hospitality, Intercession, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Miracle working, Prophecy, Serving, Shepherding, Teaching, Speaking in Tongues, Interpreting Tongues, Wisdom.

God is creative and thorough. He wants His Body, the Church, to be fully competent and effective in His work. There are a few gifts not mentioned on that list but that are also mentioned in the Bible. They are the gifts of celibacy, martyrdom, missionary work, exorcism, and voluntary poverty. These gifts are not widely sought, nor in my opinion, are they widely given within the church, but they are part of the array of gifts presented by the New Testament.

Spiritual gifts are critical to the church’s mission, therefore it is important that each Believer seek to be gifted by the Spirit!. Yet, many do not!

I have strong sense that if I asked you to describe the work He has called you to do for Him at this time and/or how He is equipping you to do that work many, maybe even most of you would be speechless!

If that is true, no wonder so many Christians are frustrated, wishing they could sense that they were effective in the work of God, but unsure what it is that they ought to be doing for Him.

There are two words that, to me, are very important in helping us to answer the question of how we best serve God in a way that is effective and empowered.

Discovery and Development!

Every serious Christian wants to know what the will of God is for his life. In my library there are many books that are dedicated to explaining how to find the will of God. Some make their quest for the will of God quite tortuous. His will is not written in some mysterious place hidden far away. His will is written into that person called YOU as you present yourself to Him in obedience.

When we come to Christ through faith, when we receive His as our Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit come sot live in us.

IF we ‘walk in the Spirit,’ that is respond in obedience to the Word and His leading, He will lead us into transformation of character and He will equip us to BE who He is calling us to be.

Discover is a great word.

One writer says, “Gifts are received, not achieved.” Nobody works hard in church and then is rewarded with a spiritual gift. They are not merit badges handed out to especially holy people! Spiritual Gifts are the tools given to people by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work of God.

I’ve seen disciples in process, people who are still dealing with serious character flaws, or with great personal problems, who are lacking in theological knowledge - and yet, because they loving God and His work, they experience the empowering of the Spirit. The Bible is quite clear that gifts are {1 Corinthians 12:11} “the work of one and the same Spirit, and he (God) gives them to each one, just as he determines.” (NIV)

We best discover God’s empowering gifts within the context of service, beginning to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us in daily life! We can begin by serving in ways that fit our present abilities and where we think we can be most effective. The Bible teaches us that we should pray and ask God for gifts! 1 Corinthians 14:1 says Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts . . .

Develop is a second important word.

In Romans 12:11 we are directed to “never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Paul encouraged a young preacher named Timothy with these words: 1 Timothy 4:12-14 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. . .14 Do not neglect your gift.” (NIV) The Message translation says it like this: “that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.”

Our spiritual gifts though inspired by the Spirit of God require constant use. The old adage applies well to spritual gifts, “Practice makes perfect!”

Begin broadly and serve right where you are!

∙ For example, it is very doubtful that call will lead you into cross-cultural evangelism, sharing Christ in some foreign culture, if you can’t share Him effectively with the guy who works in the next cube!

∙ I’ve known many aspiring preachers who want to start in the pulpit without preparation, without practice, without serving humbly in lesser places!

I should mention that few people will find that their spiritual gifts exactly fit the definitions that various teachers create. Most of us have gift mixes that make us unique.

*ill. - my gift mix of teaching, administration, and leadership enable me to serve this church with its unique needs

In the parable of the servants entrusted with the master’s estate that is found in Matthew 25, we are told that the faithful servants applied themselves to investing and putting to use what was entrusted to them with diligence in order to produce gain. Diligence will be required of you in your ministry for Christ.

Unfortunately, some Believers regard spiritual service as a spare time kind of thing. They carefully divide between the prime time business of life and the spare time work for the Lord. If that is you, please take another hard look at your priorities and your understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Your primary purpose in life is to glorify God and to build His Kingdom.

Spiritual empowering is not for those who treat Christ and His Church as a weekend hobby!

Whether you are teacher, a plumber, a counselor, a musician, a real estate agent, a home-maker, or a pastor you are first a servant of Christ. Colossians 3:17 instructs that “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (NIV) When we grasp this fact, the significance of our spiritual gifts becomes evident! Whatever you’re doing each day should reflect the priorities of the kingdom of God. IF you cannot do whatever it is that you do while inviting Christ to be with you, to use you, and to make His Presence known through you, as a Christian it is time that you established His Lordship in that area of life and changed occupations!!

The development of our spiritual gifts needs to be happening everyday. Don’t neglect your gift. Use it! Perfect it! Let God be glorified.

The Benefit of Spiritual Gifts

When Believers get serious about spiritual gifts, several benefits accrue.

1. Those who discover and develop an awareness of the gifts of the Spirit are fulfilled and secure in their walk

with Christ.

Believers who are functioning in areas of giftedness are much more healthy and satisfied members of the church. They spend less time criticizing others or protecting their turf. They are more faithful in service and ready to rejoice in the success of others. They are content to be who God calls them to be without envy or inferiority. In other words, they are filled with humility.

2. Those who are aware that the Spirit will empower them with His gifts are excited about being effective, productive members of the Church who are consistently ‘on the grow’ with God.

Most importantly-

3. People who are receiving the gifts of the Spirit live to HONOR their Lord.

In 1 Peter 4:10-11 we are told.... “Each one should use whatever gift he has received . . . so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.” (NIV)


Are you still a disciple who dreams?

Are you capable of catching new vision?

Does the state of the world, the burden of human need, the hunger for people know purpose, meaning, love, and forgiveness weigh on YOU?

Then, you’re ready to let God equip you for service.

Here is His promise:

"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being," (Ephesians 3:14-16, NIV)

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)