Summary: Principles you will find in the emerging church.



Jerry Falwell

Five years ago the phrase, “The Emergent Church” was a generic term to describe any innovations, cutting edge technology, or new methods that were being used by new churches to do ministry. However, the generic term emergent church has taken on a technical phrase that is filled with new theology and new methodology.

Many in the emergent church wanted to find new ways to do things, so they turned to new methods. But when they gave up their attachment to biblical methods, they began adopting any and every method to get the work of the church done. They would use any and every kind of music, any and every type of art, and any and every type of speech.

However, we should be careful of attacking the emergent church, because we are in a transition period and we might be attacking some of our friends who think they are innovated because they are using new methods. Five years ago I would have used the word emergent church, but today I would withdraw from it with horror because of what it has become.

The emergent church feels they are under grace, and as such, they are antinomian. Here are the principles you will find in the emergent church:

1. Regarding some in the emergent church tolerate gross language of all kinds.

Better Look Now Because The Rotten Fruit Is Emerging

In a previous article I mentioned that when he was busy warping the minds of the students at Wheaton College last year Tony Jones, a very prominent spokesman for the new cult of liberal theology that is the Emergent Church, defended the absurd position of Christians who think using vulgar speech is perfectly appropriate. During the Question and Answer segment Jones was asked about the EC’s de-emphasis on personal holiness and its toleration of profanity.

And this was his answer: In his best spiritual fourteen-year-old pout Tony Jones said: “People in the Bible swear. And we need to re-think the cultural context of swearing.” So here is a minister who claims to be sent by Christ, whom Zondervan—his publisher—says “is the National Coordinator of Emergent Village . . . [and] also a doctoral fellow and senior research fellow in practical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary,” presenting an apologetic actually endorsing the use of profanity by the Christian.

Amazing; the reasoning held by Jones is that of a child who has gotten into trouble and then thinks he’ll get out of it simply by saying, “Well, he did it too!” Now I draw your attention to Why is the Emerging Church drawn to deconstructive theology? where Jones actually manages to drop the “f-bomb” in regard to God’s Word itself! Jones says:

I think the Bible is a f***ing scary book (pardon my French, but that’s the only way I know how to convey how strongly I feel about this).

Really Tony; don’t you think it’s rather pitiful that your vocabulary is so limited that this is how you speak about the Word of God you are supposed to proclaim to your fellow “Christ-followers?” O wait, I almost forgot that this language is quite common among the subversive emergent “followers of Jesus.” If the reader also finds this kind of talk offensive then please just take my word for it and spare yourself going to the post itself. Ken Silva, see

2. Regarding some reject all types of holiness such as abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and other historical things that represent Christian separation. As a matter of fact they repudiate the idea of separation.

3. Regarding multiple ways of salvation. Some have extreme tolerance for all religions, cults and other ways to Heaven. Spencer Burke was an evangelical who had leanings towards universalism, but in his latest book he became a blatant Universalist.

So what is the bottom line? When the emergent church endorses other ways to Heaven, then they themselves have probably not embraced Christ for Christianity must be Jesus only.

4. Regarding open inspiration. Some in the emergent church believe in open inspiration (non-verbal plenary inspiration), and they have embraced types of human and scientific explanation of the miracles in the Bible, as well as inspiration itself. As an illustration they would not preach the exact words of the gospels because they claim Jesus spoke Aramaic, and the Bible is written in Greek. So they say no one can accurately quote Jesus. This is not only a problem with inspiration, but inerrancy. Remember inspiration guarantees the accuracy of words, inerrancy guarantees the accuracy of content.

5. Regarding sexual abnormalities. Some in the emergent church accept a person’s homosexuality, while they would be against homosexuality as doctrine. This means a person can remain homosexual and be a good Christian. Many would endorse ordination of homosexuals.

They also have an open view of abortion, i.e., they would be against abortion as a principle, but they would support a friend getting an abortion if circumstances are right for them.

6. Regarding extreme methodology. The emergent church emphasizes worship using art, cinema, and many more forms in preaching. They would use film clips in their preaching as an illustration (embracing the arts); however, some of their film clips stretch our view of Christian separatism. They might show explicit sexual scenes and justify it by saying everyone sees those things at the movies. Then they would analyze the scenes to draw on what they think are Christian principles. However, the use of film clips in preaching is not as wide spread as some would think. In addition to film clips, the use of art (sculptures, paintings, etc.) is used in the concept that, “We must reach them where they are and bring them to where they must be.” That is a nice slogan, however it is irrelevant and the slogan does not further Christian belief. We can’t be like a pornographer to reach a pornographer, nor can we be like an idol worshiper, to reach idol worshipers.

The following authors have published books on the emergent church:

A Generous Orthodoxy Brian D. McLaren

The Emergent Church Dan Kimball

Becoming Conversant with the Emergent Church D. A. Carson

Emergent Churches Eddie Gibbs

Church in Emergent Culture Leonard Sweet

*Jerry Falwell preached a sermon at Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University convocation using the above 6 points as talking points. With each point he included the biblical point of view.

If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:

Dear Lord,

I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, God heard you and saved you. I personally want to welcome you to the family of God and rejoice with you.

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