Summary: ❶ Because of the Blood of the Lamb - v.6-7, 22 ❷ Because of the Promise of God - v.13 ❸ Because of the Act of Faith - Slaying the lamb - Taking the blood - Applying the blood

- First Sunday in October is the “Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem”

- Why because of various events of the Jewish people

Dates for 2009

Rosh Hashanah - Sept 19

- Means, literally, "head of the year" or "first of the year."

Yom Kippur - Sept 27

“Day Atonement,”

- For sins between man and God

Sukkot - Started Sat Oct. 3 lasts until Fri Oct 9.

- means "booths,"

- "The Feast of Tabernacles,"

- 5th day after - Yom Kippur” Sept 28

Shemini Atzeret Sat Oct 10

- Meaning "Rejoicing in the Torah."

- Last of the Torah readings before the cycle begins again

Also now remember the Passover in the Spring

Can we be sure of heaven as thou we were there?

— Ex 12

- Imagine you are first born sons

- You have heard the word of the Lord

- Ex 6:6-6 — “I” 10x in 3 v.

- Begins & ends with “I am the Lord”

- Again though out the 10 plagues

- “I am the Lord”

6:29, 7:5, 7:17,8:22, 10:2

- You have seen 9 plagues - ch. 7-11

- Blood, Frogs, Lice, Flies, Cattle, Boils, Locust & Darkness

- Remember you are the 1st born

- Now 14th day of the 1st month v.2 & 6

- Could you go to sleep knowing you would wake up in the morning?

You could have more certainty that night than any other night

❶ Because of the Blood of the Lamb

- v.6-7, 22

- Hyssop used for blood

- Hyssop at the cross

- To give Jesus vinegar Jn 18:28

- On the door way - Here was the entrance for salvation

❷ Because of the Promise of God

- v.13- When I see the blood I will pass over your

❸ Because of the Act of Faith

- Slaying the lamb

- Taking the blood

- Applying the blood

- On the door post and lintel

(The entrance to the home)

Certainty of Death Upon each of us

1. Christ the lamb of God slain

2. The promise of God

— John 3:15KJv That whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have eternal life.

— Romans 6:23KJV For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

— Hebrews 9:22KJV ... without shedding of blood is no remission.

— 1 John 1:7KJV ... the blood of Jesus

Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

3. Our Act of faith is Believing