Summary: This sermon examines some of the conditions that open the way to a God event.

Last week we examined some conditions that open the way to a God event. Throughout history we have heard and read accounts of significant God events.

- It was a God event when Moses led the Israelite people out of Egypt.

- It was a God event when Moses was used of God to part the waters of the Red Sea.

- It was a God event when David defeated Goliath.

- It was a God event when Daniel survived the night in the lion’s den.

- It was a God event when Jesus rose from the grave.

- It is a God event when God answers your prayers and meets your need.

Last week we used, as a text, Acts 1:15 and 2:41. The number of disciples multiplied from 120 to 3,000 almost over night. This was a significant move of God. I pointed out the first two conditions last week. First, the disciples were involved with Jesus. Jesus mediated for them. Second, the disciples waited on God. They trusted Him to lead them.

The third condition I see present is that the disciples were serious about prayer. I want to draw your attention to three aspects of their prayer.

1. There was oneness. When you join a local body, called the church, you are to become one with that group. I realize the word church refers to the universal church that is made up of all believes of all religious groups who follow Jesus Christ. However, the way you live your faith is with a local body of believers. We are to be one. We laugh together. We cry together. We serve together. We hurt together. As you study Acts 1 & 2 you see the concept of oneness permeating the chapters. Notice 1:14 “these all continued with one accord.” Notice 2:1 “they were all with one accord in one place.” Notice 2:44 “all who believed were together, and had all things in common.”

Illustration: The church is called the body of Christ. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if the members of our physical bodies behaved like the members of the spiritual body sometimes do? HEART - "You know, I’m just stuck in a rut. For the last 45 years all I do is beat and beat. Lub, dub... lub, dub... lub, dub... I’m tired of it. It’s time for someone else to step up and do this job. Okay, feet, it’s up to you. You pump the blood. LUNGS: We are so under-appreciated around here. I don’t think the other organs realize that they couldn’t do their jobs without us. If we quit doing our job for a few minutes, everyone will finally see how valuable we are to this place. The brain thinks he’s big stuff. Humph! Let him do without some oxygen for a while and we’ll see how important he is! LIVER: "Why do I get all the dirty work? You think it’s fun making bile? I’ve been in this body for 45 years now and do you think anyone has ever asked me to make any decisions, pump any blood, or perform any functions that are noticeable outside the body? Sometimes I wonder why I bother." APPENDIX - "Ha! Just watch the rest of those organs work. Day after day, hour after hour, they work themselves to death. I’m just along for the ride. Why contribute when I can sit here and get the same nutrients and oxygen that they get? Why get involved?"

(Contributed to Sermon Central by Greg Warren)

2. There was perseverance. The second aspect of their prayer was perseverance. The Bible says they continued in prayer. This refers to steadfastness and endurance.

I have asked you to join me every night at 9:13 in an act of prayer. We started this on 9-13 and are praying for a breakthrough: in reaching people, in selling a portion of our land to meet financial obligations, in seeking a children’s minister, and in renewed energy among the church family. We are asking you to persevere in prayer with us. These disciples persevered. In 1:14 we are told they “continued” in prayer. In 2:42 were are told they “continued steadfastly.” The Bible is very specific in its instructions to persevere. In I Cor. 15:58 it tells us “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” These early believers faced trials, persecution, and hardship but they remained steadfast.

Charles Allen once wrote a poem that expresses the need to persevere.

Keeping On

I’ve dreamed many dreams that never came true,

I’ve seen them vanish at dawn;

But I’ve realized enough of my dreams, thank God,

To make me want to dream on.

I’ve prayed many prayers when no answer came,

I’ve waited patient and long;

But answers have come to enough of my prayers

To make me keep praying on.

I’ve trusted many a friend who failed

And left me to weep alone;

But I’ve found enough of my friends true-blue

To make me keep trusting on.

I’ve sown many seeds that fell by the way

For the birds to feed upon;

But Ij’ve held enough golden sheaves in my hand,

To make me keep sowing on.

I’ve drained the cup of disappointment and pain,

I’ve gone many days without song,

But I’ve sipped enough nectar from the rose of life

To make me want to live on.

------Charles Allen, The Secret of Abundant Living

(printed in Swindoll’s Ultimate Book of Illustrations & quotes. P. 438)

Winston Churchill once gave a speech at Harrow School that lasted less than a minute but it drew a standing ovation. With his unforgettable, deep, gruff voice he said, "Never give up. Never, never give up! Never, never, never give up!" was all he had to say.

(Contributed to Sermon Central by Owen Bourgaize)

3. There was a hunger for God. A few years back I participated in a mission trip to Brazil. While there a group of us got food poisoning. That was the sickest I have been in my life. I thought I was going to die. I had chills and I will leave the rest to your imagination. I went for about two days when I was unable to eat anything. During that time period my father had a heart attack and I had to fly home from Brazil. I had no desire to eat any more food in Brazil. When I landed in Miami the first thing I saw was a McDonald’s. I consumed a Big Mc, a vanilla shake, and a large fry. I was starved (I thought). Nevertheless, nothing mattered to me when I was hungry. I wanted to fill my appetite.

Jesus disciples were starved for a word from God. They had been through an emotional roller coaster. They had put their hopes and dreams in Jesus. He had died on a cross. Three days later he rose from the grave. Their hopes were freshly aroused. Then he began to talk about going away again. They were confused and looking for answers. They went to an upper room and began to pray.

They were hungry for answers from God. They needed direction.

I went through a period of time years ago when I doubted my salvation. I was a young preacher boy and pastor of a church. I struggled to find assurance of my salvation. During that period I desperately sought a word from God. I poured out my heart to God. I cried out to Him like a desperate man. Nothing else mattered except to get a word from God. I did not care if I had to resign my church. I did not care if the pastor needed to be re-baptized. I did not care what other people thought. The only thing that mattered was that I get in touch with God.

The fourth condition I see present is that the Holy Spirit was in charge. Look at verse 5 “you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Look at verse 8 “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” Let me highlight the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.

a. The Holy Spirit gives passion. In chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 the filling of the Holy Spirit is compared to a “fire” and “wind.” Both fire and wind are active forces. They are not passive. If your house were burning down you would not stand by in an unconcerned manner and watch it burn. Fire consumes. I imagine the people in California wish that fire was not so active. The Holy Spirit will consume you with passion. When the Holy Spirit is at work in your life He will give you passion.

b. The Holy Spirit gives power.

c. The Holy Spirit gives victory.

Illustration: A few weeks ago Judy and I attended a conference at the Cove. The Cove is a Christian training center located in the mountains east of Asheville, NC. On the last night of the conference, Cliff Barrows spoke for a few minutes. Cliff Barrows was worship leader for the Billy Graham crusades. At the conference Cliff told this story. He said in 1946 the Graham crusade team was in England leading a crusade. While in England they met a man named Stephen Olford. Stephen Olford was teaching on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Cliff Barrows said no one had ever shared such in depth teaching about the work of the Holy Spirit. He went on to say that Billy Graham’s preaching was never the same after that event. He had a new unction. He had a new passion. He had a new power.

The same gift is offered to us. Many times we are guilty of serving in our own power. Many times we are guilty of striving and using the world’s ways to accomplish God’s work. God wants us to surrender and relax and allow the Holy Spirit to take control.

Do you need a God event? I cannot give you an exact prescription that works in every situation. However, I am certain that abiding in Jesus, waiting on God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit’s empowering will make a huge impact on your life.