Summary: Study of Revelation, using "the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide. Includes work sheet for participants. boxes & underlined blanks may be missing


The Picture of Things to Come

Revelation 4: 1-11

In Rev. 1: 19 Jesus told John to “write what you’ve seen, about the things that are, and what is to come.:

So far we have looked at what he has seen (the vision of the glorified Christ). We have looked at that which is, (the churches, their condition and the Lord’s personal message to them).

Now we will begin our journey through the things that are yet to come.

In v. 1-2 Five things happen quickly to John in these two verses.

1. John saw an open door in Heaven. What John was about to see was coming directly from heaven. This means that it was coming from God Himself and not some messenger.

According to this scripture this is not John imagination running wild. He is not some mad man on some remote island suffering from hallucinations. You can trust that these things will happen BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!!

There are 3 doors mentioned in Revelation.

a. The open door. This is the door of evangelism. This door is opened by God to the churches for witnessing and sharing the gospel of Christ. See Rev. 3:8 * acts 1: 8.

b. The door of the human heart. When a person hears the gospel it is up to that individual to open their heart to receive Jesus. Every person has a door that must be opened before Jesus can/will enter. see Rev. 3: 20

c. The door of revelation. Once a person has opened his/her heart to Christ, Christ begins to reveal wonderful things about Himself, God, Heaven and of this world. He even shares a few things about what is to come. In other words things that have to happen before He returns. See 1Cor. 2: 12-14

2. John heard a commanding voice. This was the same voice that heard in the first vision.

3. John was called to come up here. where is here? Heaven.

John was called up to heaven so he could clearly see what was to take place.

The word must in verse one is a very important word. We understand from this that the events that have taken place in history and what will take place are not by chance. God is in control and He will work things out as He sees fit.

4. John was immediately in the spirit. John was experiencing something that few will ever experience.

5. John saw the most wonderful sight any one could see. He saw God sitting on His throne.

In verse 3 John tries his best to describe God. He uses two particular gems to describe the brilliance of God’s appearance. Jasper and sardine.

The jasper stone was different from what we may think of today. It was translucent and when light shined through it the light was absolutely brilliant. This represent the penetrating perfection and purity of Go. In the KJV the other stone is called sardine. Red Carnelian

Carnelian is a precious stone of blood-red color that during Bible History was sometimes called "Sardine stone," or "sardius" because in ancient times it was obtained from Sardis in Asia Minor.This stone represents the justice of God

John used what was considered the most beautiful and valued stone of his day to describe the brilliance of God. God is described in terms of light throughout the Bible. see Ps.104: 2 * 1Tim 6: 16 * Jn 12: 35-36

The rainbow, around the throne, was emerald green and represents the mercy of God. We can’t even come close to imagining the light show that John saw.

Can you imagine the most brilliant light you’ve ever seen, shining through the three gems, all at once?

In verse 4 we see the elders around the throne. How many elders are pictured? 24

There are three things that we immediately notice about these twenty four elders.

1. They are seated on thrones that surround the throne of God.

This give us the idea that they were close to God and have been given a permanent place in the very presence and security if God.

2. They are clothed in white. This means that they are clothed in the purity of Christ and there is no imperfection found in them.

3. They have crowns of gold on their heads. This tells us that these 24 hold positions of authority.

Who are these elders? There are a number of arguments on this subject but we look at only three, that are what some believe are the strongest arguments.

a. they are believed to be a combination of the 12 Patriarchs and the 12 Apostles. In other words the heads of the believers, both Old Testament and New Testament.

Scripture that is used to back up this thought: Rev 21: 12,14 tells us that the names of the Patriarchs are found on the 12 gates of the new Jerusalem and the 12 Apostles names are found on the foundations.

Rev. 5: 9 They sing a song that proclaims that God had redeemed “us”

In calling themselves “redeemed ones” it is believed that they can not be angelic being since they have no need of redemption. They are also numbered and crowned. We don’t see angels or spirits being specifically numbered or ever crowned.

b. Some say that the 24 are special counsel of angelic beings that sit around the throne of God.

Here is how they come to this conclusion.

1. Angels are said to organized by rank and order, therefore there must be leaders or elders who are overseeing things. Also angels are seen to be clothed in white.

2. Thrones are ascribed to angelic beings and so if this is correct then angels are wearing crowns, at least the high ranking angels.

3. There is a council of angelic beings surrounding God’s throne.

verses used: Ps.89: 7 * Is.24: 23 * 1Kings 22: 19

4. Angels are more likely to offer up prayers of believers that would some elder believer. Rev. 5: 8

There are more but I think you get the idea.

c. They are simply symbolic representatives of all the redeemed.

In the Old Testament There were thousands of priest. There was no way for all of them to serve at the same time, in one temple. King David divided them into groups of 24. Each group would serve two weeks at a time. see 1Chron. 24 When the 24 priest served their two weeks the entire priestly house was represented.

John does not say exactly who these elders are but this much we know. In this passage.

The elders sit around the throne of God.

The elders cast their crowns at the feet of God.

The elders worship God.

Later we will see more from them.

In verses 5-6 we see an awesome picture of the throne of God.

John shares three things about the throne.

1. There is the voice of God coming from the throne.

What did John say he heard? Lightnings & Thunderings & voices

This is the best description John can give of the voice of God coming from His throne. The description shows us the awesome power and authority with which God speaks. Think about the last powerful storm you witnessed, the sound of the lightning crashing and the thunder exploding across the sky.

This also gives us an idea of the quickness of God’s voice.

2. There are seven torches burning. Remember that this symbolizes the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

3. There is a sea of glass stretching out from the throne.

Others who saw the same sight: Ex. 24: 9-10 The elders of Israel a similar sight Ezk. 1: 22, 26 Ezekiel saw it.

God had instructed that a something that would resemble a sea be place in the temple.

READ 1ki. 7: 23 This was a huge basin that the priest would use for cleaning their hands and feet. It held 10,000 gallons of water. It was made of bronze, so you can imagine how it would glisten when the light would hit it.

You may ask how this would have anything to do with the sea of glass coming from the throne? Remember, the earthly temple and the tabernacle were shadows of the real thing.

The sea of glass would symbolize at least three things.

1. It would show us the value of God’s presence.

It was nearly impossible, in those days to make pure glass and pure glass was considered to be as valuable and precious as gold.

2. It symbolizes God’s ability to see everything clearly.

3. It shows us the purity of God.

In verses 6-9 we see the four living creatures. Three things need to be looked at.

1. Their position: Where does the Bible say they are? In the midst of the throne.

This means they are the closest to the throne of God. These are the angelic beings that are posted as the guardians of God’s throne as well as His presence.

2. Their description:

They have six wings and are full of eyes. Who would be so privileged as to be in the very presence of God day and night? Could they be the same as the cherubim in Isaiah’s vision? Is. 6: 1-3

Or those Ezekiel saw in Ezk. 10: 4.

John uses certain animals to describe the characteristics he saw in each one.

One was like a lion. This was a symbol of supremacy.

One was like an ox. This was a symbol of strength.

One was like a man. This was a symbol of intelligence.

One was like an eagle. This was a symbol of swiftness.

3. Their function:

They were to glorify God day and night.

In verses 10-11 we see the function of the 24 elders.

We see four things in these verses.

1. They yield all they are and have to God.

Notice that they fall down before the throne. What could we learn form this?

Scripture: Rom. 12:1-2 * 1Cor. 6: 19-20 * Ps. 116: 12

2. They worship God as the eternal God.

God is the only hope we have of living forever. Don’t miss out on worshipping Him now.

Scripture: Ps. 95: 6 * Ps. 69: 9 * Mt. 4: 10 * Jn. 4: 24

3. They cast their crowns at His feet.

In true humility and thankfulness, the elders cast their crowns before God. By doing this they acknowledge that God alone is worthy.

4. They praise God with their voices.

The Greek actually reads “Thou art worthy, our Lord and our God.” They praise Him as the Lord of the universe and creation.


The Picture of Things to Come

Revelation 4: 1-11

In v. 1-2 Five things happen quickly to John in these two verses.

1. John saw an open _______ in Heaven. What John was about to see was coming directly from _________. This means that it was coming from God Himself and not some messenger.

There are 3 doors mentioned in Revelation.

a. The ________ door. This is the door of ____________. This door is opened by God to the churches for witnessing and sharing the gospel of Christ. See Rev. 3:8 * acts 1: 8.

b. The door of the human __________. When a person hears the gospel it is up to that individual to open their heart to receive ________. Every person has a door that must be opened before Jesus can/will enter.

see Rev. 3: 20

c. The door of ________________. Once a person has opened his/her heart to Christ, Christ begins to reveal wonderful things about ______________-, _______ ___________ and of this ____________. He even shares a few things about what is to _________. In other words things that have to happen before He returns. See 1Cor. 2: 12-14

2. John heard a commanding ____________. This was the same voice that heard in the first vision.

3. John was called to come _____ here. where is here? _______________.

John was called up to heaven so he could clearly see what was to take place.

The word must in verse one is a very important word. We understand from this that the events that have taken place in history and what will take place are not by chance. God is in control and He will work things out as He sees fit.

4. John was immediately in the ____________. John was experiencing something that few will ever experience.

5. John saw the most wonderful sight any one could see. He saw _________sitting on His ___________-.

In verse 3 John tries his best to describe God. He uses two particular gems to describe the brilliance of God’s appearance. _____________ and ______________.

The jasper stone was different from what we may think of today. It was translucent and when light shined through it the light was absolutely brilliant. This represent the penetrating perfection and purity of Go. In the KJV the other stone is called sardine. Red Carnelian

Carnelian is a precious stone of blood-red color that during Bible History was sometimes called "Sardine stone," or "sardius" because in ancient times it was obtained from Sardis in Asia Minor. This stone represents the justice of God

John used what was considered the most beautiful and valued stone of his day to describe the brilliance of God. God is described in terms of light throughout the Bible. see Ps.104: 2 * 1Tim 6: 16 * Jn 12: 35-36

The rainbow, around the throne, was emerald green and represents the mercy of God. We can’t even come close to imagining the light show that John saw.

In verse 4 we see the _____________ around the throne. How many elders are pictured? _______

There are three things that we immediately notice about these twenty four elders.

1. They are seated on ________________ that surround the ______________ of God.

This give us the idea that they were close to God and have been given a permanent place in the very presence and security if God.

2. They are clothed in _____________. This means that they are clothed in the purity of Christ and there is no imperfection found in them.

3. They have ___________ of gold on their heads. This tells us that these 24 hold positions of authority.

Who are these elders? There are a number of arguments on this subject but we look at only three, that are what some believe are the strongest arguments.

a. they are believed to be a combination of the ______ Patriarchs and the _____ Apostles. In other words the heads of the believers, both Old Testament and New Testament.

Scripture that is used to back up this thought: Rev 21: 12,14 tells us that the names of the Patriarchs are found on the 12 gates of the new Jerusalem and the 12 Apostles names are found on the foundations.

Rev. 5: 9 They sing a song that proclaims that God had redeemed “us”

In calling themselves “redeemed ones” it is believed that they can not be angelic being since they have no need of redemption. They are also numbered and crowned. We don’t see angels or spirits being specifically numbered or ever crowned.

b. Some say that the 24 are special counsel of _______________ beings that sit around the throne of God.

Here is how they come to this conclusion.

1. Angels are said to organized by rank and order, therefore there must be leaders or elders who are overseeing things. Also angels are seen to be clothed in white.

2. Thrones are ascribed to angelic beings and so if this is correct then angels are wearing crowns, at least the high ranking angels.

3. There is a council of angelic beings surrounding God’s throne.

verses used: Ps.89: 7 * Is.24: 23 * 1Kings 22: 19

4. Angels are more likely to offer up prayers of believers that would some elder believer. Rev. 5: 8

There are more but I think you get the idea.

c. They are simply ______________________ representatives of all the redeemed.

In the Old Testament There were thousands of priest. There was no way for all of them to serve at the same time, in one temple. King David divided them into groups of 24. Each group would serve two weeks at a time.

see 1Chron. 24 When the 24 priest served their two weeks the entire priestly house was represented.

John does not say exactly who these elders are but this much we know. In this passage.

The elders sit around the ________________ of God.

The elders ____________ their _________________ at the feet of God.

The elders ______________ God.

Later we will see more from them.

In verses 5-6 we see an awesome picture of the ____________ of God.

John shares three things about the throne.

1. There is the _____________ of God coming from the throne.

What did John say he heard? _________________ & _____________________& _____________

2. There are _____________ torches burning. Remember that this symbolizes the fullness of the _______ _________.

3. There is a sea of ___________ stretching out from the _______________.

Others who saw the same sight: Ex. 24: 9-10 The elders of Israel a similar sight Ezk. 1: 22, 26 Ezekiel saw it.

God had instructed that a something that would resemble a sea be place in the temple.

READ 1ki. 7: 23 This was a huge basin that the priest would use for cleaning their hands and feet. It held 10,000 gallons of water. It was made of bronze, so you can imagine how it would glisten when the light would hit it.

You may ask how this would have anything to do with the sea of glass coming from the throne? Remember, the earthly temple and the tabernacle were shadows of the real thing.

The sea of glass would symbolize at least three things.

1. It would show us the ____________ of God’s presence.

It was nearly impossible, in those days to make pure glass and pure glass was considered to be as valuable and precious as gold.

2. It symbolizes God’s ability to see __________________ clearly.

3. It shows us the ____________ of God.

In verses 6-9 we see the __________ _________ ______________. Three things need to be looked at.

1. Their position: Where does the Bible say they are? In the ___________ of the throne.

This means they are the closest to the throne of God. These are the angelic beings that are posted as the guardians of God’s throne as well as His presence.

2. Their description:

They have ______ wings and are full of _________. Who would be so privileged as to be in the very presence of God day and night? Could they be the same as the cherubim in Isaiah’s vision? Is. 6: 1-3

Or those Ezekiel saw in Ezk. 10: 4.

John uses certain animals to describe the characteristics he saw in each one.

One was like a __________. This was a symbol of __________________.

One was like an _______. This was a symbol of ________________.

One was like a ________. This was a symbol of ________________.

One was like an ___________. This was a symbol of _______________.

3. Their function:

They were to _____________ God day and night.

In verses 10-11 we see the function of the 24 elders.

We see four things in these verses.

1. They yield all they are and have to ________.

Notice that they fall down before the throne. What could we learn form this?

Scripture: Rom. 12:1-2 * 1Cor. 6: 19-20 * Ps. 116: 12

2. They _____________ God as the eternal God.

God is the only hope we have of living forever. Don’t miss out on worshipping Him now.

Scripture: Ps. 95: 6 * Ps. 69: 9 * Mt. 4: 10 * Jn. 4: 24

3. They ________ their ____________ at His feet.

In true humility and thankfulness, the elders cast their crowns before God. By doing this they acknowledge that God alone is worthy.

4. They praise God with their ___________.

The Greek actually reads “Thou art worthy, our Lord and our God.” They praise Him as the Lord of the universe and creation.