Summary: encouragement

Verse 9

1) There is no place on earth even the farthest corners that can keep us away from God. There is no place that God cannot reach.

2) Because of Gods love for us he calls us from the farthest corners of our sin. He has chosen us. We are his children. We are his one desire.

3) We are apart of his family. We are fully his even with all our short comings he did not reject us but he loved us and made us his.

Verse 10

1) God is ours to take hold of. He has called to us to be his. He has given us the power to over come; He has given us the power to live a victorious life in him. We do not have to live our lives in fear for he is always with us. He is our God and we belong to him.

2) When fear arises we can claim the promise that God is with us and will make us over comers. God will strengthen us and he will help us to grow in knowledge, truth and trust.

3) God want to fill our cup to full and over flowing. He wants us to live an abundant life in him. Christ came to give us life and to give it to us abundantly. We are not to be a people of poverty but to be a people of the most high God that will enable us to live abundantly.

4) So when :

a) The enemies are at our door do not fear for God is with us

b) The snares of live are mounting do not fear for God is with us

c) The bills are piling up do not fear for God is with us

d) The debt is over flowing do not fear for God is with us

e) When hope is looking grim do not fear for God is with us

f) Satan brings you False Evidence Appearing to be Real claim the promise of God that He will sustain you.

g) Your strength is all but gone stand strong in God and allow him to carry your through.

h) Satan tries to get you to live below you inheritance stand strong in God knowing that you are a Child of the most high God and claim what is rightfully yours.

5) God wants to fills us up and overflowing. He wants to bless us in all that we do when we turn it over to him. We need to open our selves to his blessings.

6) We need to expand our faith and see God move and work in a might way.

7) When need to take that cup of faith and turn it in to a bucket of faith, we need to expect God to fill our bucket of faith to over flowing and turn it in to a barn full of faith. God wants to bless us beyond what we can hold and it is up to us to claim that blessing. God will up hold us with his righteous right hand. A hand that will never let go, a hand that will never cramp, a hand that will never tire, a hand that we can not slip out of or be dropped from. A strong, safe and secure hand.

8) We are not the children of a poverty stricken father but of the father who owns it all. Free yourself to live up to the life God wants us to live. Claim this year to be the year of blessing from God. Claim your life to be a life that is truly favored and richly blessed by the one true and living God. Claim the strength that is yours in the Lord. DO NOT FEAR FOR GOD IS HERE!