Summary: 7 part study in revelation 14 using "The preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible, along other resources. the hand out may be missing underlined blanks and check boxes.


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part I: The 144,000 stand with Jesus

Rev. 14: 1-5

Chapter 14 deals with the assurance that the Lamb of God will be victorious in the end. John is given a seven part vision that assures him of this fact.

We have just seen some of the most horrific scenes anyone can ever imagine and John has witnessed these, first hand. By now I’m sure he could use a break and so could we.

Chapter 14 is the intermission that both John and we need, in order to be able go on with this study.

V. 1: The redeemed will be with Jesus or the Lamb.

Here is another one of those mind pictures we set up when we read the book of Revelation.

John looks up and sees a Lamb standing. When some read this they actually see a little lamb standing there.

Who does the Lamb represent? I like the title “The Lion of Judah became Calvary’s Lamb.” The Lamb is Jesus Christ, the one who died to take away the sins of the world.

Where is He standing? Mount Sion. This is another name for Jerusalem.

Sion has always been used to refer to Heaven. Here Mount Sion is used to refer to the heavenly city of God.

Who is standing with Jesus? 144,000 People from USA The total # of those who are saved Jewish believers.

Let’s look back at our study from chapter 7

Who are these 144,000?

I don’t understand the confusion over who they are, but look at what others say.

Jehovah’s Witnesses distinctly believe that only 144,000 people will be raised to heaven, and will thus spend eternity with God. They do not believe that this number necessarily comes from descendants of Jacob, but from early Christians, and those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who profess to be "anointed" (or "spiritual Israel").[4] Witnesses believe that the 144,000 have been selected by God from the time of Jesus’ apostles through to today. They believe that the 144,000 (those having a "heavenly hope") will reign with Christ in heaven, while all other people accepted by God will live forever on a paradise earth (an "earthly hope").

Traditional Christian teaching Corresponding Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching[5]

1) 12,000 and 144,000 are symbolic numbers representing all of God’s people; or 2) Literally 144,000 people (12,000 from each tribe) will be chosen from the tribes of Israel. 12,000 is symbolic of balance.[6] 144,000 is seen as literal.[7] It refers to "spiritual Israel," not the physical nation. [8] (i.e. the "anointed" ).[9]

All Christians are born again and will thus spend eternity with God. Only 144,000 believers are born again. They will be raised up and spend eternity in heaven with God. [10]

One cannot see God’s Kingdom or enter into it without being born again. Only the 144,000 can enter the heavenly kingdom. Those with an "earthly hope" will live on a paradise earth. [11]

Approximately 9,105 of the 144,000 anointed ones are alive on Earth today, according to the latest figures posted on the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website [12]. However, they believe that Jesus is Shepherd and Savior over both those with the "heavenly hope" (the 144,000) and those with the "earthly hope" (to live on a paradise earth).[13]


The Christian Skoptzy sect in Russia believe that the Messiah would come when the Skoptsi numbered 144,000, and all their efforts were directed to reaching this total.

New Age movements

The number 144,000 is also significant in various New Age religious movements.

The Church Universal and Triumphant teaches that Sanat Kummara and the Lords of the Flame also brought 144,000 souls with them from Venus.

The new age religion called Raëlism also states that there are 144,000 chosen people to continue humanity in case of an upcoming disaster.[14]


1^ See "Numbers in the Book of Revelation" as an example of this view.

2^ "144,000 sealed in Apocalypse [Revelation] 7:4ff; 14:1 ff: This is [[12 (number)|]], the number of the tribes of Israel, multiplied by itself and then multiplied by [[1000 (number)|]], the number of a military unit in the ancient Israelite army. The number indicates the fullness of Israel; the Church in the New Testament is conceived as the fullness of Israel, and this is the heavenly Church in its final completion."--Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J., p. 621.

3^ "The earth-dwellers will stand in rebellion against God, but the 144,000 as slaves of God will faithfully proclaim the gospel." Robert L Thomas, "One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand: Who Are They?", Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

4^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

5^ For the full table of doctrinal differences or comparisons, please see Controversies regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses#Doctrinal differences

6^ "Since natural Israel consisted of 12 tribes, it logically follows that spiritual Israel would be spoken of as having 12 tribes to show that it was a complete spiritual nation, with no part or tribe missing. There is no numerical imbalance within spiritual Israel, for the Bible book of Revelation symbolically reveals that an equal number--12,000--is sealed from every tribe. (Rev. 7:4-8) Commentary on the Letter of James, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1979), pp. 12,13.

7^ The Watchtower © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | 9/1/04 p. 30 Questions From Readers | “Note, however, the contrast that John draws between verses 4 and 9 of Revelation chapter 7. He states that the first group, “those who were sealed,” has a definite number. However, the second group, “a great crowd,” is without a definite number. With that in mind, it is logical to take the number 144,000 to be literal. If the number 144,000 were symbolic and referred to a group that is actually numberless, the force of the contrast between those two verses would be lost. Thus, the context strongly indicates that the number 144,000 must be taken literally.”|

8^ “Reasoning From The Scriptures” –1985 © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | p. 224 - p. 225 Jews | “Among whom do the prophecies about restoration of Israel have fulfillment today?” “Gal. 6:15, 16: “Neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.” (So “the Israel of God” is no longer determined on the basis of conforming to the requirement laid upon Abraham for all the males of his household to be circumcised. Rather, as stated at Galatians 3:26-29, those who belong to Christ and who are spirit-begotten sons of God “are really Abraham’s seed.”)”

9^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

10^ The Watchtower, 2/1/1986, p. 17, ¶ 17 (see also

11^ The Watchtower, 2/15/1986, p. 14 (see also

12^ "2007 Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide". Retrieved on 2008-02-15.

13^ Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" 1986, p.11 paragraphs 18-20

14^ The message, Intelligent Design, page 298

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Now what does scripture teach us?

There will be 144,000 Jewish believers sealed, by God, in the end time. Which tribe stands out with more, who will be saved?

There will be 12,000 from each tribe.

Back to chapter14: 1

The redeemed will be sealed with God’s name. These will refuse to give in to the demands of the antichrist. They will make a vow to serve God alone and will take His seal rather than the seal of the antichrist.

v. 2 There is a voice coming from heaven.

John hears the voice of God, coming from heaven. Notice how John describes the sound of the voice.

a. The voice sounds like many waters. When you read this what comes to mind about “many waters”?

Most of the time we think of the loud noise of the crashing water falls or the rapids that flow through the many rivers. We don’t often think about the fact that those violent, rushing streams can also be quiet, peaceful and

extremely comforting streams.

When we hear the voice of God we can know that it is Him, because His voice will be both powerful and comforting at the same time.

b. The voice sounds like great thunder. When God speaks, His voice will demand our full attention.

c. The voice sounds like harps playing. When I think of a harp being played, or even many harps at one time, I think of soothing music. I think of relaxing and restful tones.

The voice of God can and will clam our troubled hearts.

v.3 The redeemed will sing a new song.

This song will be a song that no one has heard before. We are not given the words to the song here because the time has not yet come for the song to be heard.

Vs. 4-5 The redeemed are clearly identified.

Notice five things:

1. They have never been married. [virgins] They may have taken a vow. But also the days of the end time will not be filled with flirting and marriage; there just simply will not be time.

2. They are called the servants of God. They are completely given over to serving God. While there is ungodliness and evil all around, they will be witnessing and encouraging, they will be ministering to those who will be fleeing into the wilderness, looking for a hiding place.

3. They are redeemed from among men. They are called the first-fruits What does this mean?

They will be the first to farm during the tribulation They will be the first in line to pick the fresh fruits that will be growing in a war torn land they will be the first Jews to be saved during the tribulation.

This is what many believe to be part of the restoration of Israel.

Scripture: Rom. 11: 2 * 11: 15 * 23-24 * 25-26

4. The redeemed will be truthful. It will be tempting in the days of the antichrist to lie and say that you are loyal to the state and just keep worshipping God in secret, but the 144,000 will not be willing to do this.

Scripture: 1Jn. 2: 22 * Zeph. 3: 13

5. The redeemed will blameless. Can you imagine living in a time when deception is normal behavior and not being effected? OH THAT SOUNDS LIKE 2009!!!

To be called blameless will be a great achievement, especially during the “great tribulation”

We are called to be blameless in our world, in 2009 and beyond…

Scripture: Ro. 6: 13 * Ro. 12: 1-21Cor. 6: 19-20 * 2Cor. 6: 17-18 * Eph. 1: 4 * 1Pt. 1: 18-19


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part II The Gospel Will Be Preached to the Whole World

Revelation 14: 6-7

This may very well be the last altar call known to man. There will be a final plea for repentance and the gospel will be preached to the whole world. You and I can be assured that Christ will triumph over Satan and every man; woman, boy and girl will be given a chance to receive salvation through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said in Mt. 24: 14 “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

V6. The messenger who shares the gospel with the world will be: ˜Billy Graham ˜Jimmy Lee ˜An angel

The question is, does the angel preach the gospel himself, or does he have the gospel to give to believers to preach?

Some say that during the end time, the believers will be on the run from the antichrist and will not be able to preach the gospel. They feel that God will have to change His method of spreading the gospel and go back to using angels as He did in the Old Testament.

Some believe this is a vision, symbolizing the preaching of the gospel to the world.

Some have a hard time believing that God would use an angel to preach the gospel, but remember what Jesus told the religionist of His day, in Lk.19:40

“And He answered and said unto them, I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”

I believe that true believers, even in the days that we have been studying, will always be true to the gospel. They will share with others the way of salvation. Jesus Christ will be preached, right to the end. We know that the 144,000 will be spreading the gospel message.

Even today we have a command from Christ and testimonies of others that the gospel must be preached and has been preached. We must continue to call every person to repent and come to Christ.

Scripture: Mt. 28: 19-20 * Mk. 16: 15 * Acts 1: 8 * Col. 1: 28 * Acts. 4: 20 * 2Tim. 1: 8 * 1Pt. 3: 15 *

Jer. 20: 9

V7. The message is short but to the point.

It has been said that most Baptist preachers feel that we have to have three points and a poem or we haven’t preached. Some of us, like me, can get a little long winded but here the message is short, with only two points.

1. Fear God and give Him glory.

Why would you think this to be the final altar call? What doe the verse say is the reason behind the first point in this message? The hour of HIS Judgment is come. Who is HIS? –Antichrist –False prophet –God

The problem today is that people don’t fear God or give Him glory for who He is. We must understand that God may be tolerating our rebellion right now but His tolerance will not last forever.

Scripture: Mt 10:28 * Lk. 1: 50 * Rom. 11: 20 * 1Pt. 1: 17 * Dt. 10:12 * Josh. 24: 14 * PS. 31: 19 *

Eccl. 12: 13

2. The second point is to worship.

Worship Who? Him who > read the remainder of the verse

As my dear friend Billy Deason would say; “The Bible makes it clear and the Bible makes it plain”

We are to worship God ALONE.

Scripture proof: Mt. 4: 10 * Jn. 4: 21 * 1Chron. 16: 29 * Ps. 29: 2 * PS. 95: 6 * Ps. 96: 9 * Rev. 14:7


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part III Babylon will fall

Revelation 14: 8

Jesus is going to triumph over the godless society and the corrupt religion that will take over this world.

Verse 8 does two things; 1.announces the fall and 2. Gives us the reason the fall takes place.

v.8 Babylon is fallen!

In the Old Testament Babylon was the might enemy of Israel. The very name, Babylon came to be known for,

1. A corrupt political system that rose up against God

2. A corrupt economic system that was against God

3. A corrupt religious system that stood against the one true God

Babylon symbolized all that a godless society stands for, right down to defying God. Here, in Revelation, Babylon stands for the city of the antichrist. The government that he has established has become a one world government, with all his economic and political policies in place.

It also stands for the religious system of the second beast. This new religion has become the universal religion, which will become the only acceptable religion in the world.

According to verse 8, this Babylonian style government and her religious system is on borrowed time. They will be destroyed in the end.

Scripture: Is. 21: 9 * Jer. 50: 2 * Jer. 50: 22-25

v. 8 The reason for the fall

Is a one-world government really all that bad? allow group to discuss these questions

What’s wrong with having the same religion for the entire world?

Would it not bring absolute utopia to the world?

Babylon will be destroyed for one reason: She will make the nations drink of the wine of her fornication. There are two pictures to look at in this statement.

1. Babylon, or the end time government, will be like a prostitute who lures men into her bed by giving them so much wine that they are unable to resist her seduction. Babylon will seduce the governments of the world to join her in her corruption. What will this corruption look like? Look back at Rev. 9:20-21

a. There will be the corruption of idolatry. The antichrist and his government will be set up as the first loyalty of the people, who will be forced to worship him and his government. Rom. 1: 20-22, 25

b. There will be the corruption of murder. Millions who refuse to worship the state or the antichrist, will be murdered.

c. There will be the corruption of sorcery. People will be using more witchcraft than ever before. There will be even more interest in the horoscope, in astrology and in demons than even now.

Where does God stand, when it comes to these things? 1Chron. 10: 13 * Is. 8: 19-20 * Mic. 5:12

d. There will be the corruption of fornication. Immorality will run rampant, among those who have signed on with the antichrist. Remember, those who are refusing to give in to the antichrist won’t be able to participate in the free- for- all of immorality; why?

It‘s hard to participate when you are running for your life their world view will be Biblical rather than worldly this may the first time that believers will be true to the commands of God, keeping themselves from such things.

Scripture: 1Cor. 6: 18 * Eph. 5: 3 * col. 3: 5

e. There will be the corruption of thievery. Today we see things like what AIG and others have done with their “bail out” money. Madoff and what he has done is appalling to most, but not all… Seems that only the hard working honest folk think this is wrong.

How many of you have a “safe place” that place where you can hide your valuables from everyone? In the end time there will be no safe places to hide your valuables. Because of the godless society that will be set up, all of these things will happen and on an even larger scale than we see now.

2. Then comes the wrath. We read that the godless government of the antichrist, this Babylon, will seduce the world and cause the world to drink of her wrath.

Babylon may be thinking that the wine she offer will bring that utopia that the world longs for. Those who follow Babylon, may truly believe that she can make their dreams come true BUT the Bible, the Holy Word of God says different.

Mt.25: 31-32, 34, 41 Jn.3: 36 * Rom. 1: 18 * Rom. 2:8 * Eph. 5: 6 * 2Pt.3: 7 * Jude 14-15 * Job 21: 20 * Ps. 75: 8 * Is. 51: 17 * Jer. 25: 17 Get the picture?


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part IV Justice Will Be Executed

Revelation 14: 9- 12

v.9 the judgment of God will fall on those who follow the beast.

In every generation there have always been people who believe that man controls his own destiny. To those the important things in life are good government, good education, good medicine, good social services and such.

All of these things are actually good things but they are not going to do you any good after life is over.

In the end time the people will make the same mistake that so many have made in every generation. They will worship man and government instead of God. The biggest difference will be the fact that the government of the end time will demand the people’s devotion and worship to be given only to the state and to the antichrist.

The end result will be the massive slaughter of those who refuse to give their loyalty to the state and beast.

v. 10-11 four things are said about the judgment of God.

1. The ungodly will drink:€Fine wine and party hard €only pure bottle water €the wrath and anger of God

Notice what verse 10 says about the drink.

It will be poured without mixture. This means it will be full strength. Sometimes we need to water down strong medicine, in order to get it down. People today want the gospel watered down, so that it will be more politically correct. The gospel is what it is and must never be watered down to make it easier to swallow. A weak salvation is no salvation at all.

In the end time, the wrath of God will be poured out FULL STRENGTH, no mixing with anything so it will be easier to deal with.

2. The ungodly will be tormented with fire and brimstone.

Picture a volcano erupting, with the molten lava spraying into the air and flowing from the mouth of the volcano. This would be a terrible way to die but those who are caught under the judgment of God will not die. They will spend eternity under this kind of torment.

We need to remember a couple of things here.

a. These are not the words of some “turn or burn” preacher.

b. This is the day of grace, the day of repentance and we don’t know how many more we will have. Verse 10 is the beginning of the judgment of God.

Scripture: Rev. 19: 20 * 20: 10 * 21: 8 * Gen. 19: 24 * Ezk. 38: 22

3. The ungodly will be tormented in the presence of the holy angels and Christ.

Christ will give the order to throw the ungodly into hell and the angels will carry out that order. I’m not sure if the ungodly will be in single file, as they pass by Christ or if they will be grouped in a bunch. I do know that every eye of every unbeliever, including the beast and the antichrist will be on the Lamb of God.

Scripture proof: Mt. 24: 30 * Mt. 25: 31-32 * 2Th. 1: 7-8 * Jude 14 * Rev. 1: 7

4. The torment will last forever.

Scripture proof: Mt. 25: 41, 46 * Mk. 9: 47-48 * Mt. 3: 12 * Mt. 13: 41-42 * Rev. 20: 10, 15 * Rev. 21: 8 *

Is. 33: 14 * 66: 24

v. 12 some will escape this judgment.

There are three things we need to know about the person who escapes.

1. They are called saints, who exhibit tremendous endurance. The word saint means to be set apart or separated unto God. This person will be one who has totally separated himself from the world, even if it means death.

2. The one who escapes keeps the commandments of God. Obedience is the proof of our love for God.

Scripture: Mt. 7: 21 * 7: 24- 27 * Jn. 14: 23 * 15: 10, 14 * Acts 5: 29

3. The one who escapes remains faithful to Christ.

This is the person who has put his trust in Christ. To have this kind of faith means that we put our very lives in the hands of Christ, trusting Him to guide our lives and our eternity.

Scripture: Jn. 11: 25discuss * Jn. 20: 31 * 1Jn. 5: 4-5 * Rom. 10: 9-10


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part V Rest and Reward

Revelation 14: 13

v. 13 Those who die in the Lord are blessed or rewarded. There are two rewards mentioned here.

1. The reward of rest from their earthly labor.

There will be the rest from the exhausting work done here, on the earth. That is, the work of witnessing and providing, or simply trying to survive.

In this verse the word rest means to be refreshed or recharged. It means to free from all trials and tribulation and being comforted while being refreshed.

Scripture: Job 3:17 * 2Th. 1: 7 * Heb. 4: 9

2. There will be a reward of heavenly work to do.

What do you think of when you think of heaven? Some think of floating around on fluffy white clouds, playing a harp. One of the reasons it has become hard to reach our younger generations is because of the picture we paint for them. Some have painted a picture of heaven as being nothing more than one long worship service, where we will be standing around singing praises.

Our fellowship with God will certainly be unbroken, in heaven. But I don’t believe God would have us just sit around and sing to Him. He is worthy of so much more.

Heaven is going to be a place of worship and of service.

Why would God create “new heavens” and a “new earth” if we are not going to be active? The Bible tells us that we will be made “Priest and Kings” and that we will reign and rule with Christ. These are action words that tell me we will not be lounging around in heaven.


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part VI The Harvest of the Godly

Revelation 14: 14-16

v. 14 The Harvester is described as looking like “the Son of Man.

The first time Jesus came to the earth He came in grace and mercy. This time He is coming in Glory and Majesty.

He is coming as the final Judge and when the world sees Him they will realize that He is who He said He is. He is

The Son of God, the one who came to take away the sins of the world. By this time it will be too late.

Let’s look at how Jesus will return:

1. Jesus will return in a white cloud. White symbolizes purity.

2. Jesus will be wearing a gold crown. Gold symbolizes value and the crown symbolizes royalty.

3. Jesus will be holding a sharp sickle in His hand. The sickle is a long, sharp tool that is curved and is

used for harvesting grain.

Scripture: Mk. 8: 38 * Jn. 5: 26-27 * Acts. 7: 56 * Acts. 17:31 * 2Th. 1: 7-8

Vv.15-16 The harvest begins.

Notice that the angel comes out of the temple and says that the harvest is ripe. The time the Son of Man has been

waiting for has finally come and the harvest, of the believers, is about to begin.

This harvest is the separation of the believers from the ungodly that Jesus spoke of in scripture.

Scripture: Mt. 13: 30 * Mt. 13: 49 * Mt. 25: 32 * Lk. 3: 17 * Lk. 16: 26


The victory of the Lamb is assured

Part VII The Harvest of the Ungodly

Revelation 14: 17-20

v. 17 The harvester of the ungodly will be: Jesus John An Angel

John said the angel came from the temple of God. This means that the angel came from the very presence of God. What does the angel have in his hand? Book The white flag of surrender a sickle

Vs. 18-19 The harvest of the ungodly begins.

We see another angel coming on the scene. This angel came from the altar. The altar is the place where the prayers of God’s people are kept and where the martyred saints of God are stationed. The angel symbolizes that those prayers are about to be answered.

This angel has power over fire. Which means that he has been given the fire of God’s judgment to be cast out upon the earth.

He cries out fore the judgment of God to begin.

If we are not careful we could misread these two verses. Notice that the angel uses clusters of grapes on a vine to describe those begin harvested.

Look at John 15:5 “I am the Vine, Ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.”

What is the angel gathering the clusters from? A vine.

We need to understand that just like there are two different world views, Biblical view and a secular view; there are two vines to which we must choose. We are either attached to the Vine that is Jesus Christ or we are attached to the vine of this world.

In verse 19 we get the picture of the angel raising his sickle high into the air and with one swift stroke of God’s awesome power he thrust it deep into the earth, administering the judgment of God on the ungodly and evil of the earth.

The ungodly and evil are cut down and gathered together.

The ungodly and evil are cast into the winepress of the wrath of God.

What is the winepress of God’s wrath? A winepress was a trough, usually made from stone or brick that was set over a vat. When the grapes were harvested they would be thrown into the trough, then people would climb in and trample the grapes. The juice would flow through the holes in the bottom of the trough and into the vat below.

God’s wrath will be like the trampling of grapes. When you stomp on the grapes you are not being gentle, trying not to harm the grape. There is no mercy no compromise. There are a couple of things to look at here.

1. The trampling will be deliberate. The trampling of the grapes has one purpose and that is to squeeze out every ounce of juice from the grapes. There is no love shown to the grape, no compassion or feelings for the grapes. So the judgment of God, upon the evil, will be without mercy, without compassion.

2. The trampling will be thorough. Every single grape will be put into the winepress and crushed. God will show

no partiality, when it comes to the judgment of the ungodly.

v. 20 Armageddon, the place where the wrath of God will fall.

The winepress of God’s judgment will be “outside the city.” The “city” refers to Jerusalem.

This is a reference to what we call the battle of Armageddon or the great day of the Lord.

All of the world’s military might, led by the antichrist, will gather outside of Jerusalem for the final battle of this

world. They have come, believing they will be victorious but they will be destroyed.

The scene will not be very pretty. Verse 20 describes the scene as a bloody battle, with blood flowing from the

Wine press. We are told the blood will be as high as a horses bridle; which most agree is between 2 to 4 feet high.

The blood will cover a space of 1600 furlongs. Or about 184 miles. This is the approximate length of Israel.

[use the map]

The picture being painted here is that of absolute judgment. It will be thorough, not one ungodly person or deed

will go unpunished. Scripture: Is. 63: 1-6 * Joel 3: 9-17 * Rev. 19: 13-21 * 2Th. 2: 8-12