Summary: Pentecost 4(C) - Our loving Lord preserves his church by imperfect messengers who proclaim God’s perfect message.


June 28, 2009 --


1 Kings 19:14-21

INTRO: Accidents happen daily in our sinful world. Philosophers teach about the theory of chaos. Scientists would have people believe that everything just fell into place at the right time and thus life began. Everything is different for the believer. There may be accidents but nothing happens accidentally. Our Lord God Almighty keeps us safe in the shadow of his hand. We make plans but it is the Lord who directs our footsteps on his path. Our living, breathing, and believing are not accidents. "Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come" (2 COR. 1:21,22). It is the Lord our God who guarantees “what is to come”. The future God provides for us is eternal life.


I. Through imperfect messengers.

II. Through his perfect message.


A. Biblical heroes make great role models. Even religious role models have their ups and downs in life.

1. Elijah was no different. Verse 14. Elijah complains about Israel’s disobedience and loneliness.

a. Amazing. See chapter 17. The Lord miraculously provides for Elijah’s life.

b. Amazing. See chapter 18. Elijah defeats Baal’s prophets, 450 are killed. God wins!

2. In spite of all this, Elijah is throwing himself a pity party. He is in the depths of despair.

B. Verse 15. The Lord still speaks. Elijah is to anoint a foreign king to be a thorn in the side of Israel.

1. Verse 16. There would also be a new king and new prophet in Israel. God’s word continues.

2. Verse 17. Jehu would defeat Hazael. Elisha would put to death any enemy that escaped Jehu.

3. All of these men would be imperfect messengers of God: some for judgment, others mercy.

C. Verse 18. Elijah was not alone. The Lord had provided many who were still believers in Israel.

D. At times we may be like Elijah. We might feel forsaken and forgotten. We might even want to blame the Lord for our lot in life. We begin to grumble and complain. Soon we forget to be thankful and filled with joy because of the Lord’s many undeserved blessings. Complaining is easy because of our sinful nature. Someone once said, “People are not happy unless they are complaining”. Does that describe you? Take an honest look at the things we constantly complain or grumble about. More often than not these complaints are about very insignificant things. Consider Job. He lost everything: possessions and even his sons and daughters (JOB 1). Yet, his complaining was very limited. "I loathe my very life; therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul" (JOB 10:1). May we never get to the point where we would complain because of “the bitterness” of our soul.

E. Faith overcomes the ingratitude of grumbling and complaining. A father came to Jesus to ask for a healing of his son. In humility he came before the one who could help his son. This man believed in the power of Jesus. Listen to his plea. "Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’" (MARK 9:24). This is a good thought for our daily lives. Satan would have us doubt God and his promises. The world would have us cast aside complete trust in God. Our own sinful flesh desires earthly pleasure more than divine blessings. Whenever sin attacks we would and should and can boldly say, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!” Cast out our doubt.

F. Role models rise and fall. They face the same challenges as everyone else. Sin is alive and well. We cannot overcome temptation by our own strength alone. We are imperfect messengers and members of God’s kingdom. But it is God who preserves his church. God equips us. God empowers us. All this the Lord does with gift of faith. With this faith we boldly believe God is always with us. In faith we pray.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints"(EPHESIANS 6:18). We pray for those in authority. We pray for others. As we pray for others, others will be praying for us. Our prayers need not be too selfish.

OUR LORD PRESERVES HIS CHURCH in spite of imperfect messengers and members.


A. No matter the loneliness that Elijah thought he experienced, the Lord had never left him alone.

1. Verse 18. There were still 7,000 faithful to the Lord in Israel. God’s message lived.

2. The Lord sent Elijah on a mission (verses 15,16). Elijah listened to God’s perfect message.

3. Verse 19a. Elisha was busy plowing. Elijah went to Elisha just as the Lord commanded.

B. Verse 19b. Elijah places his cloak around Elisha. Immediately Elisha is changed, verse 20.

1. Elisha follows Elijah. He leaves behind his oxen and plowing. Elijah sends Elisha back.

2. This is the beginning of the power of the perfect message of God’s word changing Elisha.

C. Verse 21. Elisha makes an immediate and complete break with his past in order to follow God.

1. Elisha kills the oxen, cooks them, and shares the meat. This is Christian charity, generosity.

2. Elisha is not returning to plowing. There is nothing left. He follows Elijah to learn.

D. The Bible is God’s word. People have attacked the Bible for generations. But God’s word will never pass away. The Holy Scriptures have been rejected, denied, and scoffed. The Bible still remains the number one book sold every year -- year after year. The great comfort and encouragement for us today is that we can still hold in our hands the very words of our Savior, Jesus Christ. "Above all, you must under-stand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" (2 PETER 1:20,21). Find a translation that you like to read, one that you will use on a daily basis.

E. Our Lord preserves his church through his perfect message. The perfect message of God’s powerful word changes our hearts. God’s powerful word also dramatically changes our lives. We gather together in worship to be strengthened by God’s word. Hear, reading, and studying God’s word together encourages us to worship God with our daily living. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship" (ROMANS 12:1). Christian charity, generosity, honesty, and kindness are our spiritual acts of worship.

F. We are only imperfect messengers of God’s grace. Thankfully we have the power of God on our side. The power of God is the strength of God’s perfect message that we hear, read, and study. This word of the Lord is living and active. The word of the Lord accomplishes great things. "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" (ISAIAH 55:11). First and foremost among God’s desire and purpose is the very fact that our faith is strengthened. Faith comes by hearing God’s message!

CONC.: We live in a world of great changes. Every day brings some new news about things that seem almost beyond belief. In the midst of this world the Lord gives us his never-changing word. When everything else seems to be failing and falling apart our Lord still preserves his church. Our Lord preserves his church for the benefit of believers – that they would be strengthened. Our Lord also preserves his church for the benefit of the people in this world. As believers are blessed so are the people and the world around them. This is God’s promise and God’s guarantee. God’s perfect message is to be shared by imperfect messengers and members. "As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?" (PSALM 18:30,31). OUR LORD PRESERVES HIS CHURCH. Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

SERVICES: 1:00pm @ NCF Min. (Sat) / 12:00pm @ NCF Medium (Sun) / 9:30am @ Redeemer (Sun)

BIBLE STUDIES: TUES. -- 6:00pm (Min) + 7:30pm (Med) @ NCF / 10:55am @ Redeemer (Sun)

/ Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:05am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM

PENTECOST 4 readings:

EZEKIEL 17:22-24;


MARK 4:26-34;

(PSALM 92)