Summary: This the second part of the series.Not oly does God wantto touch others thru you this Christmas, e desire to give you a fresh touch


Luke 1:5-25


Christmas remains one of the most significant seasons of the year for reaching our neighbors and friends with the love of Jesus.

Last week we began a new series, The CHRISTMAS TOUCH.’ In our first message we considered the topic, TOUCHING OUR NEIGHBOR WITH THE LOVE OF CHRIST.

In summary then As we considered the example of the innkeeper, we have learned that What we do for others is, in essence, a kindness done to God. When we give of ourselves to people in need, it is as if we are giving to God.

From the example of the inn keeper, we discover that to best touch our neighbors with the joy, peace, and love of Christmas we must fist,

RECOGNIZE THE NEED OF PEOPLE IN FRONT OF YOU. There is need al around us. In fact we do not have to look hard and far. Most often the people God wants us to reach are right in front of us. They are our neighbors, friends, family.


There will be a lot of stuff that will keep you and I occupied this Christmas season. Banquets to attend; Dinners to prepare, places t travel. Yet in all of our busy-ness we need to keep this one thing in focus, “In everything we do let’s do it as unto the Lord.

Finally, as we reach out to our neighbors God wants us to USE WHAT YOU HAVE TO TOUCH OTHERS. God does not ask us to give what we do not have. However, He does require that we use what He has given us to touch others with the love of Jesus.

People are more sensitive and more willing to talk about spiritual things at this time of the year than at any other.

One of the lies that Satan has used to silence the testimonies of Christians, is the lie that “No body is interested in church, God or spiritual things.” I would like to begin today by dispelling this common misbelief.

Dr. Thom Rainer wrote the article for entitled Ten Surprises About the Unchurched based on three years of research. His team covered the entire United States and Canada and interviewed a number of ethnic groups. The results of the survey may surprise you:

Surprise #1: Most of the unchurched prefer to attend church on Sunday morning if they attend.

Surprise #2: Females are likely to be either the most antagonistic or the most receptive to the Gospel.

Surprise #3: Most of the unchurched feel guilty about not attending


Surprise #4: 82 percent of the unchurched are at least “somewhat

likely” to attend church if they are invited.

Surprise #5: Very few of the unchurched have had someone share with them how to become a Christian, and Christians have not

been particularly influential in their lives.

Surprise #6: Most of the unchurched have a positive view about pastors, ministers and the church.

Surprise #7: Some types of “cold call” evangelism are effective, but

many are not.

Surprise #8: The unchurched would like to develop a real and sincere

relationship with a Christian.

Surprise #9: The attitudes of the unchurched are not correlated to

where they live, their ethnic or racial background, or their


Surprise #10: Many of the unchurched are far more concerned about the spiritual well-being of their children than of themselves.

There are times when you feel there is nothing to give. We continue to serve out of duty. You obediently go through the motions. However, your heart is not into it. Add to this the disappointments which have piled up from times we have failed or people have failed us.


God wants to make an appointment with you about your disappointment.

I don’t know what lays heavy on your heart today. But I assure you that God does know and that God cares. And I know that He desires to touch you with His grace.

We will find in the story of Luke 1:5-25 3 principles that show God’s desire to touch us.

The First principle is…


If there is one word to describe the day into which Jesus was born, the word would be DARKNESS.

Spiritually, the nation was dark. There had not been a prophetic word for more than 400 years. Not since Malachi prophesied the coming of Elijah ( Mal. 4:5-6) had anyone heard anything from God.

The nation was being ruled by Herod the Great. A puppet king set up be Rome. History tells us he was a self absorbed despot, who was devoid of any moral scruples. Add to this, the religious leaders of the day were more interested in lining their pockets than serving he people. It truly was a dark day for the nation of Israel.

But no matter how dark the day, God always has His obedient and devout people.

Zacharias and Elizabeth were a godly couple. Dr.Luke tells us that

Together they lived honorably before God, careful in keeping to the ways of the commandments and enjoying a clear conscience before God.( The Message )

IN a day when corruption was the rule rather than the exception, Zach and Eliz., lived lives of integrity, purity and honesty both in private and in the public square. No one could point a finger at them.

Nevertheless, Zacharias and Elizabeth knew the pain of personal darkness and disappointment.

Luke adds this caveat to their lives, …but, they had no children because Elizabeth was barren.’

To have children was considered a blessing from God. In fact the more children, the more God’s favor was upon you. On the other hand, to be barren opened the door to all sorts of speculation.

Add to this they were both well beyond the physical point of being able to conceive. It would appear in the natural, that all hope was gone.

I imagine they had their encouragers. You know, those well meaning saints who only have your best faith interests at heart. Like many of you, they probably had people say things like,

“Just relax.”

“Don’t try so hard.”

“Take an extended vacation.”

“Why don’t you adopt a child?”

“Have faith.”

“Just trust God.”

“There isn’t any unconfessed sin in your life, is there?”

Zacharias and Elizabeth knew the blessing of God, and the pain that life can bring. They understood that even while you are serving god with all your heart, there will be times of barrenness and pain. There will be disappointment!

This is a hard lesson for us. I hear the questions every day, “Why do preachers get cancer? Why am I having so many problems when I love God? I serve God with all my heart, but I’m just feeling empty inside.

I could be very theological, but that would not be the answer you need to hear.

I think the point is that you understand that you will experience disappontments in your life. I know there are times you want to hide. I know some of you feel that life is unfair.

But don’t miss the point, even though they were experiencing a dark moment in their life, ZACHARIAS AND ELIZABETH REMAINED FAITHFUL!

The text here reveals, that they are faithful to God. You see, the infertility is not the end of the story. God had not written them off.

This is what the bible reminds us in Galations 6:9

9Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up

Here is the point, ‘God rewards faithfulness in His time and in His way - if we are willing to wait upon Him.

This leads us to the second principle…


Zach. was one of out of 20,000 priests in Israel. He served at the temple in Jerusalem for two one-week periods each year.

Now…when it came to offering the incense at the daily sacrifice, a priest could only do this once in his lifetime. It was an honored ministry, for the priest stood in the Holy Place alone.

And as the worshippers prayed outside, the priest offered the incense inside, symbolically offering the prayers of the people to God. This was a task of prestige because there were some that would never have the opportunity to enjoy this privilege.

On this day, it finally happens to Zechariah. He was so lucky! Was HE?

Just think about it. Zacharias spent his entire ministry career waiting for the opportunity to, TURN THE LIGHTS ON IN THE TEMPLE AND LEAD A PRAYER MEETING!

Has that ever happened to you? You trained, waited, prayed, and finally THAT DREAM JOB seemed to just fall into your lap. Then when you started your first day, you found out it was not all that it was cracked up to be.

Listen, Nothing happens to the child of God by accident, chance, luck or kismet. You are where you are by Divine appointment. God has placed you where you are for this time for His purpose.

Furthermore, while God calls you to be content in His will, we are warned about being complacent. Complacency says ‘I don’t care.’ Contentment says, ‘I’m not worried”

The Apostle Paul wrote that, “… I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Think of who it is who wrote this. This isn’t some university graduate, stepping into a new career with a 7 figure income. This isn’t a man who has worked all his life to accumulate wealth, and is now sitting back enjoying the fruit and luxury of his labors. This is a 60-plus-year-old preacher chained to a Roman guard. He is under house arrest, not knowing if tomorrow he will be killed, brought to court, or set free. Though he is without the comforts of home and the privileges of privacy, he is happy. Though he doesn’t have a clue about his future, he is content.

In verse 11, Paul says, “I have learned to be content.” I have learned to be content.

First my friend, I want you to know that contentment must be learned. Contentment is not something that comes naturally. Paul said that he had to "learn to be content".

This is indirect contrast to the world’s way that says, “Get all you can, any way you can and keep as much as you can.”

God’s says, “Contentment with godliness is great gain.”

There are 3 things we must learn in order to find contentment.

We must learn to trust:

1. The overruling providence of God – Gen. 45:5-7

Read the story of Joseph. At the end of his life he makes this famous statement, to his brothers, who years earlier had sold him into slavery,

“It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives… God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors.

Nothing is an accident. These things happen according to the providence of God. HE is in control and is leading. We must trust His providential care. Moreover

We must seek:

2. The unfailing power of God – 4:11-13

My friend, you will not find contentment apart from Jesus Christ.

Listen to what Paul says in verse 13, For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

That sounds great doesn’t it. But what about when there is no food n the refrigerator, and you have just paid all your bills. Will you still trust God? R when the economy takes a downturn and your rsp’s tank, will you trust God with your future?

The acid test of faith is, will we trust in the power of God when life seems causes us to doubt. Listen to the entire statement Paul makes,

for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

That’s what Paul learned, and that is what I believe Zacharias was learning. Seek God’s strength and finally,

We must believe:

3. The unfailing promise of God – Psalm 73: 25-26

25 Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.

It really seems that contentment begins to grow when we come to understand that our greatest treasure is our relationship with the Savior.

This brings us to…The PROMISE OF GOD”S PROVISION


It is at this point that Zechariah’s life takes on new meaning.

You know, Zechariah and Elizabeth had probably prayed for a long time for children.

The answer, though, had always seemed to be “no.” Was it that God didn’t care?

The truth is…God cared more than they ever possibly thought.

He was preparing a surprise for them all along.

But, the time had to be right (and God always get the timing right!).


Zechariah gets some unexpected news.

Can you imagine this scene for Zechariah? He gets all the proper priestly garb on.

He works to remember all the steps he must follow (because he never has done this before).

He is probably a bit nervous. And being a faithful man, he was very much humbled by the whole process.

Just as he is in the routine, there is an angel who must have startled the daylights out of him, for the angel says, “Don’t be afraid!”

You know why he says that?

He says it because Zechariah was really scared. This is not what he expected to face when he entered.

And then, the angel gives the gracious part of this message, “Your prayer has been heard.”

There is going to be a child after all! Yes, it had looked hopeless, but this is the very thing that God specializes in.

Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son. And he was to name him John. John was shorter form of the Hebrew name, Jochanan.

Jochanan means “God is gracious.”

It was a name full of meaning, for God was not only being gracious to Zechariah and Elizabeth, God was being gracious to all the people of the world.

For this son, John, was going to be a prophet in the spirit and power of Elijah. He was going to prepare the way for the Messiah.

For Zechariah, this was the dawn of a new day. For 400 years God has been silent, and on this day, he is the first to hear from God.

It didn’t all make sense. He was an old man and Elizabeth was no spring chicken. How would it happen? Why now? Why them? What would people say?

You and I have asked those questions haven”t we? WE heard from the Lord that He had a plan. Nothing about our situation seemed to fit that plan. Maybe you heard His voice, but could not believe it and so you ignored the Word of the Lord. Now things are more confusing then ever.

Listen, we are not expected to understand all of the details of God’s plan right now. We are only called to know that He has a purpose for our lives, believe His word and commit our lives to following His plan.

God’s plan isn’t always what we thought it was going to be. But God’s plan is always best. Even if we don’t understand it at the time. Even if we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if we would never have chosen this path for ourselves.

For example, I don’t think there are too many people who would say, “Thank you God, that I lost my job today. I needed for this happen so that you could fulfill your glorious plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!” I doubt that anyone would pray that prayer. But we know that in all things, God works together for the good of those who love Him. We know that when God shuts a door, he opens another door. We know that God is working through every event in our lives to make us more and more dependent on Jesus for everything we need. My friends, God’s plan is not always the easiest plan. But it is the BEST plan.

And that brings us to Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. ‘

I think if we knew everything that was going to happen to us ahead of time, we would go crazy. We’d be doing everything in our power to change things to make them go the way we would want them to go. (And that’s probably why God doesn’t tell us everything at once.)

But verse 11 reminds us that even though we don’t know all the plans for our lives, GOD knows the plans He has for us. God sees our tomorrows before they become our ‘todays.’


Let God touch you today…realize that God calls you for something very special; He calls you to meet Him.

Let God touch you today…the Master’s hand wants to touch you because you are a soul of worth and the change is worth the cost.

Let God touch you today…so that you can leave in speechless wonder and find contentment in knowing that the Lord is near.