Summary: Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus addressing the issue of heaven w/His disciples. And what we’re going to discover are some reasons we can have confidence that heaven is an actual place.

Intro: Lee Strobel had an interview in his 1994 book “What Would Jesus Say?” w/Donald Trump. This interview took place in 1989 when Trump was on top of his game. One writer asked Trump what else there was left for him to conquer in the business world. He very confidently responded, “Right now, I’m genuinely enjoying myself. I work and don’t worry.” The writer then said, “What @ death? Don’t you worry @ dying?”

-Trump quickly replied, “No. I’m fatalistic and I protect myself as well as anybody can. I prepare for things.” After he said this, Trump started walking upstairs to have dinner w/his family.

-When he got to the top of the staircase, he turned back around and looked at the writer and said, “No, I don’t believe in reincarnation, heaven or hell—but we go someplace.” Again there was a pause and he said, “Do you know, I can’t for the life of me figure out where.”

-I think one of the major questions every person thinks @ at one time or another is “What happens to me after I die? Is there life after death or is this it? Is there really a place called heaven?”

-Today we’re beginning a new series of messages entitled “Heaven.” And thru this series it’s my hope we’ll have a better understanding of heaven and also a confidence that it’s a real place and we can get there.

Sermon Idea: Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus addressing the issue of heaven w/His disciples. And what we’re going to discover are some reasons we can have confidence that heaven is an actual place. We’re going to discover some reasons why VillageChurch holds to the teaching that heaven isn’t just a figment of the human mind’s imagination.

TEXT: JOHN 14: 1-4

Bckgrd: At this point the disciples were distraught. Jesus had just told them He was getting ready to be executed and that one of His disciples was going to betray Him. This was tough for these guys to swallow. They’d looked to Jesus to be the conquering hero. They’d looked to Him to be the one who was going to bring freedom to their nation. Not only that, but they saw Jesus as being invincible.

-But now He was telling them He was leaving. And I’m sure they began to wonder, “What’s going to happen to us? What does this mean for our futures? Do we even have a future?”

-It’s in the midst of this that Jesus gave them assurance that He was going to take care of His people. Now you might be like the disciples wondering if you’re going to be taken care of. You may have the real basic question of, “Do I have any reassurances in the Bible that there’s going to be life after death? Do I have any reasons to believe that heaven is a real place?”

-Well, here’s the good news. Our Scripture points out to us 3 reasons we can have confidence that heaven is an actual place. The 1st reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c:

DIV. 1: JESUS SAID IT WAS (vv. 1-2)

Exp: Now I’m not a proponent of believing everything you hear. As a matter of fact I’d encourage most people not to take others words at face value. Before you place your confidence and trust in someone I think it’s wise to find out how they’ve operated in the past. B/c a person’s past performance is typically a good indicator of their future performance.

A. If someone has a track record of lying in the past then you need to be cautious w/what they tell you in the future. So what did Jesus tell the disciples in our text?

1. He told them He was going to prepare a place for them. Where was this place? Was it somewhere in Israel? Was it some tropical paradise He was talking @? No! Jesus had just told His disciples that He was getting ready to die! He wasn’t getting ready to go on a building frenzy in Israel. He wasn’t going to be staying on earth much longer.

a. So where was He going? Jesus was returning to heaven. And it’s here Jesus said His followers would join Him after they died. Now here’s the big question. Why in the world should we believe what Jesus said? I think it’s a great question to ask. Let’s take a look at Jesus’ record on speaking the truth.

b. Heb. 4: 15 says of Jesus, “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize w/our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet w/o sin.” Jesus never sinned, which means He has never lied! He always tells the truth. Titus 1: 2 tells us God cannot lie.

2. I tell you all of this to let you know that one reason we can trust heaven is real is b/c Jesus said it was. Where we get into trouble is when we start trusting in our own reasoning above what Jesus says.

a. Let me tell you something. There is no good reason for you to place your trust and confidence in yourself over God. Prov. 28: 26, “He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.”

b. John 1: 1-3 lets us know that Jesus is God; that He’s infinite; that’s He’s the Creator. And it’s a reminder to me of my position. I’m finite. And I should be totally dependent upon Jesus. John 1: 1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was w/God, and the Word was God. He was w/God in the beginning. Thru Him all things were made; w/o Him nothing was made that has been made.”

B. Jesus sees the big picture of life. We don’t. And when you don’t have help in seeing the big picture of life, you’re going to find yourself being very frustrated.

ILLUS: A man awoke one morning to find a puddle of water in the middle of his king-size water bed. In order to fix the puncture, he rolled the heavy mattress outdoors and filled it w/more water so he could locate the leak more easily. The enormous bag of water was impossible to control and it began rolling on the hilly terrain.

-He tried to hold it back, but it headed downhill and landed in a clump of bushes which poked it full of holes. Disgusted, he threw the water-bed frame and moved a standard bed into his room. The next morning he awoke to find a puddle of water in the middle of his new bed. The upstairs bathroom had a leaky drain.

1. Jesus said heaven was a real place. Now from our point of view it seems impossible to believe. All we know is what life is like from this vantage point. It’s hard to trust and believe in things you haven’t seen or experienced. But just b/c we can’t see or experience some things doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

a. Jesus said heaven was real. And taking a look at His track record, that statement is something we can take to the bank.

Reit: The 1st reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c Jesus said it was. The 2nd reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c:


Exp: Heaven isn’t some ethereal concept. It’s not a reference to when you feel really good. I’ve eaten Emily’s red velvet cake before and thought, “Man, I’m in heaven.” But that’s not what heaven is.

A. Heaven is a real place. How do I know that? B/c Jesus spoke of it as being a specific location. As a matter of fact He spoke of it as being a place where He’d dwell and where His followers would live also.

1. You have to remember the context of this text. Jesus was getting ready to die, but before He did He wanted to comfort His disciples to let them know that everything was going to be okay.

a. And He did this by telling them He wasn’t going to be abandoning them, but instead He was going to heaven in order to prepare a place for His followers to come and live w/Him.

b. I don’t know @ you but one of the 1st things I think of when I move is, “How big is the house going to be? Will there be enough room for me and my family?” Notice that in v. 2 Jesus said in His Father’s house are many rooms. “Rooms” can also be translated “mansions, or dwelling places.” But when Jesus refers to “many” rooms He’s emphasizing the point that there will be room enough for everyone who places their trust in Him.

2. So we don’t have to worry @ it being cramped in heaven. We don’t have to worry @ being uncomfortable in heaven. Jesus tells us He has a specific for EACH of His followers. Isn’t that awesome?

a. Another question I have whenever I move is “What kind of shape is the house in?” When you move you want to make sure the house is durable. The last thing you want to do is move into a new home and discover the foundation is cracked or find out that it’s eaten up w/termites.

b. Well, here’s another cool thing @ heaven. The home’s Jesus is preparing for us in heaven are built to last! The word “rooms” is in reference to durable rooms. So the point Jesus is making is that our homes in heaven aren’t going to be leased out to us for a certain # of years, but our homes in heaven are eternal.

B. If Jesus is going to go thru the trouble of building His followers dwelling places in heaven that are going to last forever, I can guarantee you He’s going to make sure He has people to fill the places He’s built.

1. Jesus promised His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be w/Me that you also may be where I am.” Do you believe that? Do you believe Jesus is going to be true to His Word? Do you believe when you trust Jesus w/your life that you can have every confidence in the world that He has eternal life waiting for you?

a. Some of us say we believe in the promises Jesus makes to us, but in stead of living life w/confidence b/c of His promises to us, we creep along in life nervously wondering if we can put our full weight on the promises of Jesus.

ILLUS: In the early days of our country a weary traveler came to the banks of the Mississippi River for the 1st time. There was no bridge. It was early winter, and the surface of the river was covered by ice. He was nervous @ crossing over the river. He wondered if the ice would be able to bear his weight. As he sat there for a period of time trying to figure out what to do, night time was quickly approaching.

-It was becoming more and more urgent to reach the other side. Finally, after much hesitation he began to creep cautiously across the surface of the ice on his hands and knees. He thought he might be able to keep from breaking thru the ice if he did this.

-About halfway across he heard the sound of singing behind him. Out of the dusk there came a man, driving a horse-drawn load of coal across the ice singing as he went. And here he was on his hands and knees, afraid the ice might not be strong enough to hold him up.

-Like this weary traveler, some of us have learned only to creep upon the promises of God just hoping they don’t come crashing down.

b. VillageChurch, it’s time for us to boldly stand on the promises of God! We don’t need to live this life in fear. Jesus has promised that He’s prepared a place for us in the next life that’s going to last forever.

2. So how should that affect your living? It should cause us to start living w/abandon. Invite your friends to come to church w/you. I promise they’ll hear the message of how to begin a relationship w/Jesus.

a. That may make you a little nervous, but you have no reason to be nervous. In the big picture, Jesus is going to take care of you. In the big picture, Jesus has given you the power and security to live w/boldness.

Reit: The 1st reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c Jesus said it was. The 2nd reason is b/c Jesus spoke of heaven as an actual place. And the final reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c:


Exp: You know, it would’ve been awfully cruel for Jesus to talk @ the greatness of heaven and eternal life and yet not share w/His followers how to get there. It would be like someone finding a cure for cancer and then not telling anyone what it was. But what I notice in our text today is Jesus talks @ the greatness of heaven and then He shares w/His disciples how to get there.

A. At 1st the disciples weren’t too sure. Thomas said in the next verse they didn’t know how to get there. Thomas was also known as “doubting” Thomas but I think a better name for him would be “Honest” Thomas. He basically says the things everyone else is thinking but is afraid to say.

1. After Thomas’ statement that the disciples didn’t know how to get to the place God had prepared for them, Jesus totally clears it up for us in v. 6 by saying, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except thru Me.”

a. Jesus isn’t very interested in hiding things from us. You’ll notice throughout the Bible that Jesus is very upfront and honest w/the people He comes into contact with. Why is that? B/c when Jesus came to this earth He came here to reveal to us the path to God.

b. Why is that so important? B/c the path to God leads to eternal life. The path to God leads to heaven where Rev. 21: 4 says, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

2. Sounds like a place I’d like to be. And the great thing to discover is that Jesus has given us directions on how to get there. Now the world has made this whole issue a lot more confusing by saying there’s more than one way to heaven.

a. Some say it doesn’t matter what God you worship, we all end up in the same place anyway. But that’s strictly refuted by God’s Word. Jesus said in v. 6 He’s the only way to heaven. Acts 4: 12, “There is no other name under heaven by which man must be saved.”

b. The 1st commandment says, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” So if you’re looking to go to heaven, pay attention to the guide, Jesus, who says He’s blazed the path to get you there.

ILLUS: A story is told of a missionary traveling to a remote village to train leaders of the local church. A guide was selected to take him to the village b/c the only way to reach this remote place was to walk thru the jungle.

-The journey started out w/o much of a problem; the path was good and easy to follow. Soon, however, the path literally disappeared as the guide cut away at the overgrown jungle w/his machete. The missionary grew concerned and asked, “Where is the path?” The guide smiled. He then looked up at the missionary and said, “I am the path.”

B. Looking for directions to heaven? Jesus tells us He’s the way, the truth and the life. Your best bet for heaven is to follow Jesus and no one else.

Conclusion: A lot of us wonder from time to time, “Is heaven real? Is it an actual place or did some guy come up w/this concept to be a crutch for him to get thru life?” Today, we have seen Jesus share w/us 3 reasons we can have confidence heaven is an actual place.

-The 1st reason is b/c Jesus said it was. The 2nd reason is b/c Jesus spoke of heaven as a specific location. And the final reason we can have confidence heaven is an actual place is b/c Jesus gave directions to heaven.

-Now here’s my question for you. Do you want to go to heaven? If you do, there’s only one way to get there…thru Jesus Christ. If you’d like to ensure the fact that you’re going to heaven, prayer this prayer after me:

-Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. I trust you died and rose from the grave for me and I’m asking you to be the Lord and Savior of my life.

-If you prayed that prayer, open your bulletin and fill out the section on the right side and place it in the offering basket. That will allow us to get you some information in the mail on how to grow in your walk w/Christ.

-Others of you may have been creeping on the promises of God, worried they might not be true. Talk to Jesus and ask Him to help you trust His Word; to believe what it says. Not b/c you’re checking your brain at the door, but b/c you know His past record is flawless and you can trust His Word.

-Heb. 11: 1, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”