Summary: Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus be our example as to how we’re to share the message of Jesus’ love and hope w/others.

Intro: In the 1998–1999 NBA basketball season, David Robinson, frequent all-star and veteran center for the San Antonio Spurs, learned to share the limelight with the new dominant player of the league: his teammate Tim Duncan.

-San Antonio won the NBA playoffs in 1999 with Tim Duncan as their star player. In Sports Illustrated, Robinson reflected on what that was like for him. He said, “I can't overstate how important my faith has been to me as an athlete and as a person. It's helped me deal with so many things, including matters of ego and pride.

-For instance, I can't deny that it felt weird to see Tim standing on the podium with the Finals MVP trophy. I was thinking, Man, never have I come to the end of a tournament and not been the one holding up that trophy. It was hard.

-But I thought about the Bible story of David and Goliath. David helped King Saul win a battle, but the king wasn't happy because he had killed thousands of men while David had killed tens of thousands.

-So King Saul couldn't enjoy the victory because he was thinking about David's getting more credit than he was. I'm blessed that God has given me the ability to just enjoy the victory. So Tim killed the tens of thousands. That's great. I'm happy for him.”

-I really don’t think sharing comes too naturally for most people. And the reason why is b/c when you share it means you have to give something up. Today, we’re continuing our series “DNA: The genetic makeup of VillageChurch.” And a part of this church’s mission is to be a church that shares.

-And the one thing that we’re to share more than anything else is our faith in Christ. That brings w/it some pretty big challenges b/c we’ve been told over and over again that our faith is a private matter. It’s something we’re to keep to ourselves. But how can we keep the message of Jesus and the hope He offers to ourselves and consider ourselves to be a biblical community?

-We can’t! Unfortunately, most of us don’t do it for various reasons. We don’t do it b/c we don’t want to offend anyone. We don’t do it b/c we feel like it’s not our responsibility.

-But the Bible says in Rom. 10: 14-15, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear w/o someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!’”

Sermon Idea: Today in our passage of Scripture we’re going to see Jesus be our example as to how we’re to share the message of Jesus’ love and hope w/others. I promise you, you don’t need a degree to tell other people @ Jesus. It’s not as complicated as we make it out to be. I really believe there are a few things we need to understand @ sharing Jesus, sharing our faith w/others that can transform the mission of this church.

TEXT: LUKE 19: 1-10

Bckgrd: The text we’re going to look at took place @ 15 miles northeast of Jerusalem in Jericho. It was probably loaded w/travelers at this time b/c people were going to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Jesus Himself was headed to Jerusalem where He would be executed on a cross. But before He made His stop in Jerusalem, He found it important to share.

-The man He was to share w/was named Zaccheus. And from this text we’re going to see a few things to help us understand the importance of sharing our faith. The 1st thing that will help us understand the importance of sharing our faith is:


Exp: Zaccheus was a tax collector. And I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that people could not stand tax collectors. One of the reasons why is b/c they were typically corrupt. These collectors were supposed to collect taxes for the Roman Empire, but often times they would charge more than the tax to make extra $ for themselves.

A. So Zaccheus was basically a thief. He wouldn’t have been high on anyone’s priority list to get to know! Do you know people like that? But it’s interesting to see that as depraved as this guy was, he still had a desire to see Jesus; he had a desire to get to know Jesus.

1. Why? I can only surmise why, but my guess would be b/c even though he’d made a ton of $, even though he was living at a higher standard than anyone else, he still wasn’t satisfied. There was something missing in his life. At this time Jesus was a well known figure.

a. In v. 3 we’re told there was such a big crowd following after Jesus that Zaccheus had to climb up into a tree to get a look at Him. Pretty evident that Jesus passing thru town was a big deal. He was a celebrity! And Zaccheus was interested in seeing this guy in action.

b. I honestly believe it’s still the same way now. We live in the greatest country in the world. We have more freedom than any place in the world. Our standard of living is so great that people are dying to get here. And yet George Barna did a study a # of years ago and found that most Americans are lonely! Even though we have so much we’re not satisfied.

2. To top it off we’re in an economic downturn right now. And a ton of you have lost thousands of dollars in your retirement accounts. Some of you have lost your jobs. Others of you are taking pay cuts. The very things so many of us have put our faith and trust in have proven themselves not to be trustworthy.

a. B/c of that, there’s an increased intensity in finding something that’s trustworthy; something that’s stable; something that we can count on that won’t be affected by the economy. The time is RIPE for us to open our eyes and see that people want to know Jesus just like Zaccheus. They’re looking for something they can hang on to regardless of what life throws at them. They’re looking for something to fill the hole in their heart.

b. I know the politically correct thing for us to do is to keep our faith to ourselves. But the biblically correct thing to do is understand we have a responsibility to introduce Jesus to the people we’re around. Zaccheus was looking for firm ground to stand on.

B. I don’t know many people who enjoy uncertainty. Most of us are pretty desperate for solid ground; to go after things we can count on!

ILLUS: I’ve always enjoyed going to the fair and riding the rides. It didn’t matter what ride was out there, I’d do it. But that all began to change for me a few years ago. I took Glyn and Janie on the little kiddie strawberry ride. You sit inside this strawberry and it goes in circles and there’s a wheel on the inside you can turn to make it spin faster.

-Well, Glyn and Janie were laughing and having a good time when I grabbed that wheel and started spinning it as fast as I could. It was really fun until this incredible wave of nausea came over me. I honestly thought, “I’m going to throw up on this kiddie ride.”

-Of course the guy running the ride made it extra long and I turned white and was praying for it to stop so I could get back on solid ground.

1. Our world is looking for solid ground right now. And there are people who are anxious to see and know Jesus hoping He can help calm their soul. Jesus said in John 16: 33, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

a. Do you think people are hungry for peace? I do. And b/c of that I believe people are eager to find Jesus.

Reit: The 1st thing that will help us understand the importance of sharing our faith is people want to know Jesus. The 2nd thing that will help us understand the importance of sharing our faith is:


Exp: Zaccheus wanted to see Jesus but he couldn’t at first. Why not? B/c he was short! There was a huge crowd that was standing in front of him and they blocked his vision. As I thought @ that I began to realize there will always be obstacles that stand in front of people in coming to Jesus. And I believe the reason why is b/c Satan’s going to do whatever he can to keep people from following after Christ.

A. Some people have a difficult time coming to Jesus b/c they’ve had a bad religious experience in the past. There was someone or some church that really turned them off and b/c of that they have a hard time seeing past that event to Jesus.

1. Others struggle w/coming to Christ b/c they don’t want to give up control of their lives concerning how they live. They feel like the cost of following Jesus is too great. Others are blinded by the bad testimony of people who claim to be Xians. They see them say one thing and then live another way completely. And so that’s turned them off to Jesus.

a. All those are frustrating things. But here’s the good news. Every obstacle that stands in the way of a person and Jesus can be overcome! You might think, “How do you know that?” Jer. 29: 13, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me w/all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord.”

b. The Lord promises that if we seek after Him then He will allow us to find Him. God’s not playing some big hide and seek game w/us. He wants people to find Him and He won’t allow any obstacle to be insurmountable. A person simply has to be willing to be open to finding Jesus. And God promises that He’ll reveal Himself to that person.

2. On the other side of that is believers have obstacles in reaching out to others to help them find Jesus. Many of us are afraid we don’t know enough to talk to someone @ Jesus, or we don’t want to be viewed as being weird!

a. But let me tell you something. We have a responsibility to help people find Jesus. We have a responsibility to help people overcome their obstacles. We can’t just sit back and say, “Hope they can get over that obstacle and find Jesus.” It’s our job to lend people a hand in finding Christ! Zaccheus had an obstacle. So he climbed up a tree to see Jesus. After he did that, what happened? Jesus came his way and introduced Himself to Zaccheus, which led to some major life changes.

b. Here’s something I find interesting. After he climbed the tree it was Jesus who approached Zaccheus. Jesus didn’t wait for Zaccheus to come running up to Him. He didn’t wait until He was in the temple to talk to Zaccheus. He approached him where he was.

B. VillageChurch, that’s a lesson for us. The greatest impact this church will make on our community won’t occur while we’re inside this building. It will occur while we’re outside this building.

1. Why do you think that is? B/c the stage of life is outside this building and people are curious to see how we perform on it. It’s the testing ground. And when they see us living out our faith not just in this building but also outside of it, they’re going to be a little more open to listening to what we have to say.

ILLUS: The Queen Mary was the largest ship to cross the oceans when it was launched in 1936. It was in service for over 40 years and then was put to use as a floating hotel and museum in Long Beach, California. During the conversion, her 3 massive smokestacks were taken off to be scraped down and repainted.

-But as they started scraping the smokestacks they crumbled. There was nothing underneath the paint! All that remained were the more than 30 coats of paint that had been applied over the years. The steel had simply rusted away. It looked good on the outside but it was empty on the inside.

a. The substance of what we believe, concerning how our faith will impact our lives will be exposed when we’re at work, at home and in our neighborhoods. And when people find that you’re solid in your living, that there’s substance underneath what you say, it’ll give you an opening to bridge the gap between them and Jesus.

b. Now how do we do that? Just a couple of ideas. One, get to know the people you live around. Actually take time to have conversations w/them and to invite them over. Become their friend. Pray for them. Then invite them to a church event, your small group, or church. In one of those places they’re going to hear @ Christ. As the opportunity arises you can even tell them how being a follower of Jesus has made a difference in your life.

2. Everyone has obstacles. VillageChurch has a calling to be a bridge to help people get over those obstacles so they can see Jesus.

Reit: The 1st thing that will help us understand the importance of sharing our faith is people want to know Jesus. The 2nd thing is people have obstacles in coming to Jesus. And the final thing that will help us understand the importance of sharing our faith is:


Exp: I think the real big question is “Why is it a major part of our church’s mission to share our faith w/others?” The answer is found in the verses I just read. It’s b/c Jesus has the ability to transform lives. Zaccheus was a cheat. He was a guy who was only interested in looking out for #1.

A. But when he encountered Jesus in his life, everything changed. In v. 8 Zaccheus made an offer to give half of what he had to the poor and to pay back, w/interest, everyone he’d ripped off!

1. I’m not an accountant, but my guess is that’d pretty much leave Zaccheus broke! Don’t get scared and think, “The pastor’s telling me I have to get rid of everything I have and go live in a tent.” The point is Zaccheus at one time had everything, but it wasn’t enough.

a. But after meeting Jesus he was willing to release his grip on what he thought would make him happy and follow Jesus. You see, for the 1st time in his life Zaccheus realized all he needed was Jesus!

b. People can’t come into contact w/Jesus and not be changed! You can’t become a follower of Christ and not have it impact your life. 2 Cor. 5: 17, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

2. The love of Christ in his life transformed him. Jesus loved Zaccheus even when he was an out and out thief! And people need to know that there is a God who loves them, not when they get better, but who loves them RIGHT NOW!

a. So many people spend their lives wanting to be loved. They think if they have more stuff, they’ll be lovable. They think if they do more good things than bad things that they can earn the love of people and even of God.

b. Yet so much of the love we seek is conditional. Jesus loves us unconditionally. Rom. 5: 8, “In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” We’ve got to get the message out to people that Christ desires to be in relationship w/them. And when that happens there will be people who will willingly lay aside themselves for God. And they’ll discover joy and peace in their lives.

ILLUS: A 24 year old woman from Greenwich, Conn. Drove her Blazer into a railing in Spring Valley, NY. She hopped out of her car, got on the bridge and jumped 140 feet into the water. 21 year old Daniel Santos happened to be driving by when he saw the woman jump. He quickly slammed on his brakes, handed his wallet to a motorist and jumped in after the woman.

-The plunge left Santos and the woman semi-conscious, but he recovered enough to drag the woman to a nearby boat. Now why in the world would anyone do something like that? Why would anyone risk their life for someone who wanted to die? Listen to what Santos’ neighbor said @ him. She said, “He and his father would do work around the house whenever I needed it. I’ve known him since he was small.

-He’s always cared @ people and everybody around here loves him.” Santos emulated what his father taught him.

B. Zaccheus saw the sacrifice Jesus was willing to make to be w/him. People ridiculed Jesus for reaching out to this outcast, yet He was willing to reach out to him b/c He knew He could change his life.

1. And that sacrifice by Jesus enabled Zaccheus to sacrifice his old way of life for Jesus. That’s the sign of a life transformed; one who takes the example of his leader and follows it.

a. Some might not feel like they can measure up to being a follower of Christ. Some believe they have to get their life right before they can come to Jesus, b/c they’re afraid Jesus can’t accept them as they are.

b. But that’s not the way it is. Jesus takes people just as they are. And when they respond to His leadership He WILL change them. You see, if we follow anything other than Jesus then our lives will not be full. Our lives won’t be powerful and won’t be what God intended for them to be.

2. Jesus said in Matt. 6: 33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Conclusion: The DNA of this church is to be a people that shares our faith. And it can make it easier to share when we recognize people want to know Jesus, people have obstacles in coming to Jesus and Jesus transforms lives. My challenge to you is to join w/me in sharing Jesus. I want you to join w/me right now in praying for your neighbors. Pray and ask God to give you opportunities to get to know them.

-Ask God to make their hearts receptive to you. And then be praying and asking God to give you an opening to invite them to the church or to your small group. Others of you may be like Zaccheus and you just needed to know that God loves you just as you are.

-Let me encourage you to become a follower of Jesus today. If you’d like to do that, pray this prayer after me: Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner. I recognize I need your forgiveness and I ask you for it. I am entrusting my life to you and choose to follow your leadership today.”

-If you prayed that prayer, open your bulletin and fill out the right side, tear it out, and place it in the offering basket so we can get you some information in the mail to help you grow in your walk w/Christ.