Summary: To do the works Jesus did, we have to have the power Jesus had (and we do)

During the course of a week there were probably hundreds and likely thousands that passed this lame man on their way into the temple, and most of them were probably true believers who loved and worshiped God and most likely everyone on them had some kind of experience of what God had done for them, and the difference Jesus made in their lives.

And no one could talk them out of it.

I wonder is there anyone in this house, or under the sound of my voice that has an experience and you know it.

If I were to have a testimony service right now, do you have anything to say that could encourage someone else to believe God?

*Somebody here knows it was a miracle to walk away from that car wreck, they said no one should have survived it, but here you are.

*Somebody else knows that you had enough drugs in your system to kill an elephant, and you should be dead, or worse, strung out in some mental hospital not even knowing your name or how to tie your shoes and now here you are saved sanctified and filled with the Holy ghost and fire.

*Somebody else might want to testify how God restored their marriage, or how God brought their prodigal home.

Then I’m sure someone would want to tell how the doctors had done everything they could do and finally gave up, and doctor Jesus took your case and did a miracle.

I don’t care how long you’ve been saved, if you’ve been wrestled out of the hands of the devil, and washed in the blood of Jesus and transplanted out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. (You have got a testimony, you have got an experience).

And Many of these people may have stopped from time to time and shared an exciting testimony and personal experience with him, but when the testimony was done they went on into the temple and left this man in the same condition he was when they found him.

Why? : Because the testimony was not enough ( the experience was good) But there has to be more than experience, There has to be some POWER

Mat 28:18 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth

Lu 9:1 Then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases.

Mat 10:8 Heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils.

(And they went and did it with a Loan from the Holy Ghost Power Company)

Then one day Jesus said: I am going away, I have to leave you but when I go the power will go to, and I can’t expect you to my work with no power.

So he tells them to Tarry in Jerusalem till ye be endued with POWER from on High.

Then he tells them in Acts 1:8 Ye shall receive POWER after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.

What Jesus is Saying is : I am going away but when I go the power goes with me, so I’m going to send (not) just a loan from the power company, but I’m going to send the power company to live inside of everyone of you that believes my Word.

And every single one of you will have an Onboard Generator.

When Peter and John came walking through that day they had just left the board meeting of heaven, where the power of the Holy Ghost came like cloven tongues of fire and rushing mighty wind and filled them up till they couldn’t contain it.

They didn’t just have a testimony of an experience they had a manifestation

In other words they didn’t just tell him the great thing that had happened to them, they recognized that they had the POWER and they MANIFESTED the POWER of God toward him.

They channeled Gods Power into his life:

Tell your neighbor ( Send it my way)

What was the difference?

Most of those people like the majority of the church today knew they had an experience, something had happened to them, and they were like battery (they could hold a charge)

They could retain their experience ( it was real and it was good) and they could to tell someone about it, but that was as far as their faith would take them.

But Peter and John had gone to another level:

I wish I had a few people in here who were ready to go to another level, I wish I had somebody in here who was sick and tired of the same O same O.

Somebody’s sick and tired of the same old level in your finances, Somebody’s tired of the same old level in your relationships, somebody’s tired of the same old level of the anointing.

I don’t know who I’m talking to but if you’re one those who’s ready to go to another level I want you to make some Kind of Prophetic Declaration, get up on your chair, take three steps away from where you’re standing,

Come to one of these steps on this platform, do something to let heaven know your serious about going higher.

God is getting ready to shift somebody

Peter and John came on the scene and they were a POSITIVE looking for a NEGATIVE to release Gods power and turn it around.

They were a blessing looking for a place to Happen.

They understood when Jesus sent them out: ( He said: Go make things happen, Make the blind to see, make the deaf to hear and the lame to walk, make dead relationships live again, make dead finances come back to life, Make dead dreams live again.

It’s been said there are 3 types of people in the church

1. The ones who Make things Happen

2. The ones who Watch things Happen

3. The ones who Wonder What Happened

Ask your neighbor: Which one are you?

One of the things I love about Peter and John, was they didn’t have to stop and pray or spend 3 days fasting before they could help this man (they were ready)

When I was growing up the first battery I knew anything about was called an


Then over a period of time they made some great technological advances and they decided it needed a new more aggressive name so they called it the ENERGIZER

Wow I like that:

That’s what we need in the church (Some Holyghost Eveready Energizers, Always ready always at full capacity, at 3:00 in the afternoon or 3:00 in the Morning you can call them and their full of fire and ready for action.

When Peter took that man by the hand, and lifted him up ( There was a transfer of energy and the power and anointing of the Holyghost went into his body, and strength came into his feet and ankle bones and muscles that were shrunken and atrophied from lack of use, instantly responded and the man was so filled with the divine energy of the Holyghost that he jumped to his feet and started walking and leaping and praising the Lord.

Jesus said: Ye shall receive POWER after that the Holyghost is come upon you

That word POWER comes from the Greek word DUNAMIS and it’s where we get our English word Dynamite.

Now Dynamite refers generally to a stick, that holds a certain amount of power, and limited to a small confined area = the stick itself, but in comparison to it’s size it’s power is incredible.

The only draw back to Dynamite is you can only use it once, there is one big bang and it’s over.

It reminds me of a lot of Christians, only to be honest a lot of Christians are more like firecrackers than dynamite, they’re always poppin off, they make a lot of racket and their real annoying.

If you want some real mountain blasting power you need dynamite:

Tell your neighbor: You need some power.

Jesus said Ye shall receive Power (dunamis, dynamite, explosive power) after that the Holyghost is come upon you.

But it’s time to take it to another level, (we get our English word dynamite from the greek word Dunamis, but there’s another English word that comes from the greek word Dunamis and it is the word (Dynamo)

Dynamite is awesome and it is powerful, but there is one bang and it’s over, But a Dynamo on the other hand is a GENERATOR

It operates by turning Mechanical energy into Electrical Energy.

When I was a little boy, they put new carpet in our house, I walked across the floor and touched my brother and a spark flew from my fingertip and shocked him.

At first if made him mad, then he found out he had the same power, and so did my other 2 brothers so pretty soon there were four little Dynamos, Four little Generators walking all over the house shocking each other.

We didn’t understand the scientifics of what was happening, all we knew was that Just by dragging our feet across the carpet we were GENERATING POWER

We had learned how to Generate Power

It’s kind of a simple illustration by the principle is the same in the Spirit realm.

God created you to be a Generator, A Dynamo.

You have the ability to Generate Power.

While your sitting around waiting for God to send the power he’s waiting for you to stir up the power that’s already inside you,

Building up yourselves on your most holy faith, Praying in the Holyghost.

We were just kids but we figured it our quick ( If we wanted to Generate Power, we Had to do something).

Tell your neighbor: It’s no mystery, You’ve got to do something.

Something on your part will generate power on his part.

I wish I had some church people that were as smart as little kids rubbing their feet on the carpet to generate enough power to shock someone.

When you look at me your not just looking at a stick of Dynamite, Your looking at a Dynamo.

I’m a generator.

Tell Your Neighbor: I’m a generator.

What I’m trying to tell you, is when you pray you generate power, When you fast you generate power, when you praise and worship God you generate power, when you speak in tongues you generate power.

When you sow you generate power, when you dance you generate power.

I wish I had a few people in here who knew how to rub your feet on the carpet and generate some power.

If I start Speaking in tongues right now, I’m just generating some power If I Break out in a dance right now, you’ll just have to excuse me and I don’t mean to be rude but I’m just generating some power.

If I leave this platform and run around this sanctuary, I’m just generating some power.

Because I understand, Maybe tomorrow, or maybe tonight or maybe today before I get home, I’m gonna meet someone who needs a miracle, who needs deliverance who needs a breakthrough and the Energizer will be Eveready Because I’ve learned How to Generate the Power in my life.

Somebody really needs to see God Move in Grace and bring Completion to something in your life, or it may be a combination of things.

Whatever it is, that’s between you and God, but you need to move your feet and generate some power

Now listen: Testimonies are Good and we all should have one but it’s going to take more than a good testimony to set the drug addict free.

It’s going to take more than good singing to deliver the homosexual and the lesbian., It’s going to take more than just hearing that you love them to deliver those rebellious children.

It Is Gonna take POWER

Behold I give unto you Power

To take it a step Farther: I give you the ability to generate power.

Now I need some people in here who are serious about seeing your children saved and serving God.

Some people that are serious about seeing the drug addict delivered and set free.

I need some people who want to see the cripples walk and the blind eyes opened and marriages healed and broken families restored.

I need some people that know how to generate some power, who know how to tap into the anointing and see the glory of God manifested in this place.

I need some people who know how to walk and pray, some people who aren’t afraid if their mascara runs, or their hair gets messed up, some people that aren’t trying to impress anybody.

Some people that want nothing more than to see the devil defeated and Jesus Glorified.

I need some people that believe what Jesus said and you know you’ve got the power, ( I need you to get on your feet right now and open your mouth and start generating some power, I need you to begin to praise God for your children, praise him for deliverance for the drug addict, praise him for deliverance for the homosexual and the lesbian, praise him for restoration and healing of marriages.

Lift up your voice and start pulling down strongholds, you’ve got the power, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

You’ve got the power company inside of you, let it out

let those rivers of healing and deliverance flow, let those rivers of miracles flow.

You’ve got the power.