Summary: A gate is a very important part of a building or house. A gate is for security and protection. In the Bible, the gate was a focal point of power. Business was conducted at the gate. Military strategy was planned at the gate. Judgment and punishments we

This week, we are looking at the message entitled, “The gate of your life.”

Genesis 28:12 says, “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”

According to the verse in the foregoing, Jacob saw a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it reached the heaven and the angels of the Lord were ascending and descending on it. Verse 13 says, “And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac; the land wherein thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.”

Beloved, before you read further, I would like you to talk to the Lord: “Every land that belongs to me, that is presently in the hand of the enemy I recover it by fire, in the name of Jesus.”

Verses 16-17 say, “And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”

Matthew 16:18-19 says, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


A gate is a very important part of a building or house. A gate is for security and protection. In the Bible, the gate was a focal point of power. Business was conducted at the gate. Military strategy was planned at the gate. Judgment and punishments were delivered at the gate. The Bible says, “The husband of a virtuous woman was known at the gate” (Proverbs 31:23). Abraham’s Nephew, Lot sat at the gate of Sodom as an elder. So, in ancient times, gates were very important because the safety of a city was determined by the strength of the gate. If the enemy stormed the gate and succeeded, the horses and chariots of war would enter into it. So, when the gate came down, the city was conquered.


There are physical gates and there are spiritual gates. There are visible and invisible gates.

A gate is an opening in a wall or fence. It is an opening in a city or house. And normally it is built with defensive structures. It is a means of entrance or exit. It is an area of departure or arrival. A gate is a door or any mechanism for controlling passage. Just as physical gates and spiritual gates have their own important values, there are gates that lead to the city of a person’s life.

These truths are sometimes not clear to us. But the truth is clear to the children of darkness. Everyone has what is known as human gates through which the enemy can go in or come out. When the enemy has gained entrance and is already inside but you are fighting an external enemy, you are writing express letter to defeat. Many people are fighting the enemy outside when the enemy has already entered inside. Before you deal with the external enemy, you must deal with the internal one. There are nine major gates that open up the life of a man.


1. The head gate: The Bible says, “Lay hands suddenly on no man, so that you will not be a partaker of his iniquity” (1 Timothy 5:22). Generally, people pray for others while laying hands on their heads. Likewise people are generally anointed on the head. The Bible says, “Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over” (Psalm 23:5). The head is a means through which anointing is imparted into the body. The head is an access route to the anointing. A holy man of God can lay hands on you and the anointing of God will fall upon you and you will receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That head is the symbol of your destiny. Negative or positive anointing can flow through your head to the rest of your body. A lot of people have been attacked through the head gate. And if you are passing through this kind of trouble, you may be noticing memory loss, you are no longer as sharp as you used to be. You may find that you are forgetting what you should not forget. You may find sinning and all kinds of other negative things going on inside the head. You may find that you are becoming sick and sick always. You may discover that any where you go, bad luck follows you, because the gate of the head has permitted something to enter. Remember the head is the symbol of your destiny. You can cut off a person’s leg and the person will still survive. I have even seen somebody that has no hands and legs still living. But I have not seen a person who has no head still alive. So, you have to be careful, who lays hands on your head. You have to be careful, who puts hands on your head. Before many people got born again they have had evil hands laid on their heads. Many people too have poured all kinds of thing on their heads. Many have shaven their heads because of the dead. Many have incisions on their heads. Many iting an Many have used their heads to carry sacrifices. Many have put all kinds of negative things on their heads. Many have been careless with their hair; the enemy has cut their hair away and has polluted it. Remember your head is the storehouse of your brain and this can be manipulated. That is why deliverance of the head is a serious matter.

2. The gate of the eyes: The eye gives light to the entire body. Your eyes can push you to hell fire. Jesus said, if your eyes would make you go to hell fire, you better pluck it out. It is better to go to heaven blind than for you to have eyes and go to hell fire. Job said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes…” You should be careful what you behold. The eyes are like the lens of a camera. It takes pictures and transfers the image to your spirit man. The eye is therefore a major spiritual gate that can receive both positive and negative messages. Messages from the eyes are so quick to transfer because they are closer to the brain. For example, lust enters into the body through the eyes. There are some people who see negative things that others do not see. These things enter into their spirit man and cause trouble for them. Lay your hands on your eyes and pray like this: “Every spiritual padlock assigned against my eyes, die, in the name of Jesus.”

3. The ear gate: Hearing comes through the ear gate. The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God.” The reverse is also true. Doubt too can come by hearing and hearing the voice of the enemy. A person’s spiritual ears may be blocked and he cannot receive information from heaven. You may pray and as you are praying, your ear is tinkling and you cannot hear anything. It means that God wants to speak to you but there is blockage in your ears. The enemy can programme somebody’s ears to be receiving satanic messages. I pray that if the enemy has taken over your ear gate, you shall receive deliverance, in the name of Jesus.

4. The mouth gate: The mouth gate is dangerous in two ways. The mouth has a big fish swimming inside it. That big fish is called the tongue. If the word you speak are terrible, it means the enemy is using your mouth gate against you. Beloved, I want you to know this very well: We live on words and we die on words. We grow on words and we disintegrate on words. If you get a degree from a university, you got the degree because of the word of a teacher. The mouth gate does a daily destruction. Your mouth can kill or make alive. That is the first danger. The second danger is the food you put in the mouth. The mouth gate put our forefathers Adam and Eve in trouble. A lot of people love drank concoctions, they ate what they should not eat and it has put them in trouble. I decree that any problem that has entered into your life through the mouth gate shall die, in the name of Jesus.

5. The gate of the hand: Your hand is the symbol of your labour. The Bible says, “God can teach your hands to war and your fingers to battle.” Some people complain that they find cobwebs on their hands in their dreams. It means that the enemy is attacking the works of their hands. Evil can come to a person through the hand. The enemy can give you an evil handshake and spoil the works of your hands. I decree by the decree of God that any arrow fired into your hands to remove your prosperity shall go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.

6. The heart gate: The heart is the control room of power. It is a bank, a storehouse of good and bad things. Once satan gains access into the heart, all other departments of one’s life will collapse. Evil thoughts and evil imaginations generate from the heart. The heart gate has destroyed so many people.

7. The navel gate: This is where you had connection to your mother for supplies when you were in the womb. It is the gate where evil blood, evil spirits and evil inheritance can pass into a child. Many people suffer today because of inherited problem. Many had their placentas manipulated. Many need to carry out personal deliverance on their navels. You can pray that any evil thing that has entered into your life through the navel should be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

8. The sex gate: The sex gate is the most successful gate used by satan. There is practically nothing the enemy cannot do to the destiny of a person who is sexually loose. The enemy has destroyed so many useful destinies through this avenue. Demons and satanic materials can be programmed into a person through the sex gate. Once you engage in sex outside marriage, you open a door to the enemy. This is why so many young men are not doing well. The enemy has already gained access to their lives. However, if you are a victim, you can pray for deliverance and the Lord will deliver you.

9. The gate of the legs: Your legs are the symbol of walking. Therefore, you must be careful where your legs take you to. If they had done satanic feet washing for you or you have put beads or chains on your legs or you stepped on charms or evil people picked dust from your feet, the enemy can gain access through your legs. There are many people that have cursed feet. Your feet are supposed to establish your dominion in the garden of your destiny, but if it is not able to do that and you are always walking into trouble, you need to pray against it today. I know a man; as he was going to work one morning, he did not look quite carefully. He just found that something hot was swelling on his legs, by the time he would look; he found that he had dipped his right leg into a pot of sacrifices and beginning from that day his life was upside down. You can pray that you shall travel the map of your destiny, in the name of Jesus. You can also decree that your legs will bring you into uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.


1. Surrender your life to Jesus.

2. Repent of every known sin.

3. Send out the strangers that have already gained access to your life.

4. Remove the property of the strangers that has been dwelling inside your life.

5. Barricade your life and set a watch over your gates so that the enemy does not gain access again, so that affliction will not rise again.

To deal with the problems of the gates of your life and to receive deliverance from the influx of the enemy into the gates of your life, you need to give your life to Christ if you have not done so. If you are ready to surrender your life to Jesus, make the following confession: “Lord Jesus, I come before you now. I surrender my life to you. I know that I am a sinner. Forgive me and wash me with your precious blood. Take absolute control of my life. Thank you Lord Jesus, in Jesus’ name. Amen."


1. (Lay your right hand upon your head). Every power of my father’s house that does not want me to lift my head, die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Lift up your right hand to the heavenlies and declare this: Every power that has stolen from me, I recover what you have stolen, in the name of Jesus.

3. Thou power of wickedness assigned against my breakthrough, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.