Summary: God wants us to hear his voice and heed what we hear. Matthew 2 provides good examples of those who listened and one who didn’t.

Matthew 2 tells the story of Jesus’ birth and early childhood. Jesus is in danger as soon as he comes into this world. Herod wants to kill him, later the Jewish leaders will pick up where Herod left off and eventually succeed in having Jesus killed. Jesus has entered enemy territory as the Son of God in the midst of sinful people, sinful people that he came to save from their sins. Jesus is Emanuel, God with us, but most people do not want God with us. Why? No one can control him! In fact, he comes here and takes control! He comes with authority in his words and works. Jesus is not like other religious leaders that quote other authorities and take pride in themselves and their positions of religious leadership, no! Jesus enters the world as a lowly baby born into a lowly family and he accepts the lowly position of servant, but he is anything but weak. His words are not quotes of scholarly human authorities, he speaks with God’s authority. His lowliness does not mask his majesty and Messianic authority. Jesus is the very essence of the King of Israel. You have heard that it was said, but I say to you... Jesus may be lowly, but he is also holy, the Holy Savior of the world. He is the servant/King who is above all; but he is not above humbling himself and coming to earth to walk among us, to teach us about walking with God’s rule in our lives, and to give himself as our saving sacrifice. Matthew unfolds the ministry of Jesus. But there are certain preliminaries that Matthew lays out for us up front, the first of which we saw last week in the genealogy. Jesus comes from the right family line: Son of Abraham, son of David, son of man and Son of God. Jesus has the right connections. Second, as we will see in today’s lesson, Jesus was announced by three signs: a unique star in the heavens, dreams to Joseph and the Magi, and most of all biblical prophets. These three will help us form our lesson from this chapter.

I’m calling this lesson: Listening to God, because of the three ways God communicated in Matthew chapter two. Before we get into these three, let me note one other thing:

It is interesting what Matthew leaves out. Matthew doesn’t tell us about the angels that announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds. He doesn’t talk about a manger or the angelic visitations to Zechariah and Mary by the angel, Gabriel. Matthew doesn’t record the songs of Elizabeth and Mary and Zechariah and the angels. Those are in Luke and they are very awesome and beautiful, feminine even. Matthew’s whole story is much more regal, more masculine. Danger, death, and villainy are in Matthew’s account.

Ok, back to the point of listening to God. First, God speaks through the stars. Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God. Here in Matthew 2 the heavens also declared the coming of God’s Son.

Chapter 2 of Matthew opens with wise men from the east that come to Jerusalem seeking a king. They have seen his star and have come to worship this heavenly King. I noted as I studied this chapter that the word star occurs four times in this chapter. Look at verses 2, 7, 9 & 10. The heavens declare Jesus is coming. It just so happens that Israel already has a king named Herod, and he is viciously protective of his power and position. He has killed a wife and sons whom he considered as threats to his throne. Herod is no one to mess with. The timing and placement for Jesus’ birth came under a heavenly sign that spoke of a heavenly king who would be born. God used this star to call these wise men to meet Emanuel, the heavenly King of kings. Herod is not listening to God, he is only threatened by this message and attempts to wipe out the child God has announced through the star.

You know what? Let me just cut the chase and give you the nuts and bolts of this and make the applications.

First, four times Matthew talks about the star that led the wise men to Jesus. (2,7,9,10)

Second, four times Matthew talks about dreams that guided Joseph and the wise men to rescue Jesus from danger. (12, 13, 19, 22)

Third, four times Matthew quotes the prophets to point out that what is happening, even the tragic deaths of the children of Bethlehem, is fulfillment of the scriptures. God has already told us these things would happen. (5-6, 15, 17-18, 23)

What is going on with all these groups of four? I find that interesting. God is getting his message out in various ways to those who will hear him.

Now, here is your lesson. God wants to be heard. He wants us to listen to him. He spoke through the stars, through the dreams and especially through the scriptures. God has sent Jesus to us to speak through His Son to us. God wants us to hear him. Notice something else that is very important. The message of the star and the dreams were in full harmony with the message in the scriptures. Matthew makes it clear: God isn’t going to give you a star or dream that will contradict what he has spoken in scripture. Jesus, himself will strictly adhere to everything that is written in the scripture. He is the fulfillment of it! He calls us to follow him.

Now the application:

How do you listen to God? Do you hear his voice? What do you do with God’s message when it threatens your comforts or calls you to submit your life in areas you want to keep and protect? Herod didn’t like what God was saying so he tried to oppose God’s message. He actually seemed to think he could undo God’s word. He is the villain in the story, isn’t he?

First, the Star

Now, look at the example of the wise men. The wise men traveled at their own expense, took risks, left behind home and comforts, and even gave expensive gifts when they found Jesus. Just think, all because they saw a light in the night that called them to a king they believed in. What a dim piece of evidence! Yet they showed amazing wisdom in following the light they had until it led them to the Lord.

What light has God given to us here today? How much information has he provided for you to know his will and follow it? Jesus said, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” Are we listening to God like the wise men? Are we willing to leave home and familiar surroundings to follow the light God has given us? Who is willing to follow Jesus, the light of the world, where ever he leads? Who will face danger, risk, and sacrifice wealth for Jesus Christ? Who will store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust don’t destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal it?

I know people who will spend time and money and take risks to go to Boneroo or River Bend. I know people who will follow the foot lights of the devil’s messages and abandon the light of heaven. Is there a star leading you away from these things to Jesus? It isn’t popular. Three were only a few wise men that came. I wonder how many Magi stayed home. I wonder if those that came were scoffed at by friends and family that didn’t believe. I don’t know, but I’m thankful for the example of these that came. I want to be wise like them and follow the call of God for my life, don’t you?

Second, the Dreams

And what about Joseph, the dreamer? He’s already taken on a pregnant wife who is carrying a baby not his own. Why? Because God told him to in a dream. Think of how much Joseph trusted that God was speaking to him through his dreams. Perhaps God had been doing this before this in Joseph’s life. We don’t know. God spoke to the wise men in a dream too, and they listened and obeyed. But Joseph takes Mary as his wife because of God’s word through a dream. Then Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to Egypt for two years because of another dream. They Joseph takes Mary and the baby Jesus to Nazareth guided again by dreams.

Does that strike you at all? How committed is Joseph to obeying God’s word? Is it any wonder that God chose this man to be the father of his Son? What a great example of faith and obedience! These were not easy matters to accept! From the marriage to the trip to Egypt to the return and diversion to Nazareth, Joseph had to be committed with unusual depth and faith to do these things.

How about you and me? How is our demonstration of commitment to God’s will? Let’s just start with commitment to the church and coming to services. How many of you are already planning on not being here tonight? How many already have decided not to come back to join us for Bible study this Wednesday evening? Now, let me say that if you are sure that you are doing God’s will in whatever other plans you have, I’m not talking to you. But why is it that out of 150 people who can join the body on Sunday morning, a good third can’t be here for our evening services on Sunday and Wednesday?

Would God chose you to take care of his Son when you won’t assemble with the body of Christ as often as it meets?

I know people who will not miss a favorite sports event or TV series, or movie release. I know people who will gladly spend hours attending these things who feel burdened and bored with worship services, prayer meetings and Bible studies. God’s word says that the church is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, and that the assembly of God’s church is important and not to be forsaken. How does it become a burden?

When what happens at church is foreign to daily life it becomes a burden. How many of you read the Bible at home on a regular, if not daily basis? How many of our families here have devotionals together at home? Parents, one day you will look at your children and they will be grown! Will you have shared your faith and God’s word with them regularly, faithfully, and carefully?

I can’t help but think about the entertainment that is going on right now in town. River Bend! How many of our children will be going there? How many of you parents will be with them when they go? Do you realize how dangerous that is spiritually for your children? Do you arm them with prayer and fill their hearts and minds with God’s word so that they are protected?

Isn’t it amazing that we will feed and clothe and educate our kids and take them to sports because we are committed to them... but what about leading them to Christ? Do you share your faith and prayer and the word of God with them regularly? Daily? If not, the Church will be a burden! Whatever is low on the family and home priority will be low on the Sunday, Wednesday priority in their hearts.

Third, the scriptures

Four times in this chapter Matthew quotes the prophets. Each time the scriptures back up the sign of the star or the historical event that just occurred, all in reference to Jesus’ life.

God’s word is the standard by which to measure any other sign from God. God has given us scripture so that we can clearly know his will and walk in it. Who needs a vision when you have a verse?

Perhaps we need a vision or star to stir us up to look in scripture and find God’s instruction, but mostly we need to be listeners to God, period!

God is not silent. He has spoken and now speaks to us. Everything he created declares his power, wisdom and glory. The scriptures declare specific instructions from God about walking according to his power, wisdom and glory. If we will listen to his word, we can discover what he speaks to us through other means. But if we are not willing to listen to his word, how can we expect to hear his voice anywhere else?

One thing I desperately want for my children and grandchildren is that they know and follow Jesus Christ! More than anything else in their lives, I pray they will be faithful to the Lord and be saved by his grace. I know that this means that they must be listening to God and obeying him, no matter what the cost. You can’t be faithful to Christ and unfaithful to his church. You can’t know Jesus and neglect his people.

When God looks for someone to talk to, he knows who will listen and how will not. God looks for people to lead to life, and he calls those who will follow. Joseph and the wise men are great examples of this. God also knows that some will not listen to him. He writes about them in his word. God knows that there are Herods who will not only refuse to listen, they will be threatened by God’s very call and will seek to silence God’s voice and control God’s will.