Summary: God can turn our Pains into Praises!


Bouquet of roses! Yeah. It is a common and a beautiful gift that a man could give to his lady. Man, you could win her heart. Believe me on this one. A bouquet of roses is made up of several single rose in bloom. But it is interesting to note that a rose, whatever color it is, has a stem that is studded with prickly thorns. It makes me think that everything beautiful has a twin risk – anything lovely has threatening thorns. That notion proves true the saying, “Every rose has its thorns.”

In our spiritual life, anything promising and beautiful that a believer would receive by grace has its own thorns. The apostle Paul was not deferred from the thought. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” has drawn a lot of interpretations from bible commentators. “Skolop” is the term used in Greek. It simply speaks of a pointed thing. But it, allegorically, depicts something of a bodily annoyance and disability. In a broader concept, we can interpret “thorn in the flesh” as something that bothers us…. physically, mentally, emotionally…. even spiritually. I would render a “thorn in the flesh” as a “pain” that annoys us in any area of our life.

Paul prayed that his “thorn” be taken out. But God seemed to have responded, “Let the Pain Remain, Paul, it’s good for you”. I firmly believed that Paul understood well the idea that “God can turn our pains into praises”. And that is exactly the message that I am aiming to deliver to you – “Let the Pain Remain” and implore God to turn all your pains into praises.


But to allow God to transform those “thorns of pains” into “horns of praises”, I would suggest that we undertake few steps:

1. Simply Accept the Presence of your Pains.

2. Humbly Appreciate the Essence of your Pains

3. Wisely Apply the consequence of your Pains

In going through these three steps we can open our lives and allow God to accomplish His work, transforming our pains into praises.

1. Simply Accept the Presence of your Pains!

v.7..To keep me from becoming conceited, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.

Paul’s pain was not an offer. It was given. God gave it. And if God gave it, it must be good for Paul. Indeed, we can read through the Pauline epistles that his thorn turned out to be good. Most of the times we overlook; actually, more often than not; that our pains are God-given. We are a comfort-oriented and a success-driven generation. We view the presence of pain and problems to be unwanted, let alone unneeded, ingredients of life. But that is not one of the injunctions of the Bible. Pains and problems are essential components of Christian life, and there are uncontestable gains that we can expect from our pains.

a. Pain keeps our Feet on the Ground. “To keep me from becoming conceited”… v.7.

The word used in the original text is “huperairomai”, which can be translated literally as “to exalt self above measure”. Do you know someone who can be labeled, “from rags to riches” through mere luck or hard work? There are people who are self-made and luck-made wealthy people. And a number of them have become big-hats – bigger than their success and luck. But when they found themselves into a hopeless situation – say, terminal illness, irretrievable loss, and any downgrading event in their life… they begin to realize that they are still walking on earth where the other lowly creatures tread.

The same is true with Christians – leaders and followers alike. Sometimes they get engrossed overwhelmingly with success in their ministries. Some simply receive blessings, both material and spiritual, in a manner and volume far and beyond their expectations and supplications. To reach to that level is self-damaging. Pain becomes an eye-opener. Pain is God’s tool to protect us.

b. Pain keeps our Faith on the Grind! “A messenger of Satan to torment me…” v.7

The word used in the original text for “torment” is “kolaphizo”, which can be translated literally as a “strike with a fist”. We have a saying, “strike the iron while it is hot”. It was meant to put Paul in the anvil of God, and turned out to be a useful experience when he went through diverse situations of life, both life-threatening and life-ravaging.

One good reason to simply accept our pains – they sharpen our faith. A Christian who went through series of trials eventually becomes a believer who possesses a faith that can conquer the most dreadful trials. Pain is God’s tool to perfect us.


Years ago in the northeastern United States codfish was a big commercial business. There is a market for eastern cod all over, especially on the West Coast. The demand posed a problem to the shippers. At first they froze the cod, then shipped them elsewhere, but the freezing took away much of the flavor. So they experimented with shipping them alive, in tanks of seawater, but that proved even worse. Not only was it more expensive, the cod still lost its flavor and, in addition, became soft and mushy. The texture was seriously affected. Finally, some creative person solved the problem in a most innovative manner. The codfish were placed in a tank of water along with their natural enemy - the catfish. From the time the cod left the East Coast until it arrived at its westernmost destination, those ornery catfish chased the cod all over the tank. And, you guessed it, when the cod arrived at the market; they were as fresh as when they were first caught. There was no loss of flavor nor was the texture affected. If anything, it was better than before. Each one of us is in a tank of particular and inescapable circumstances. It is painful enough to stay in the tank. But in addition to our situation, there are God-appointed "catfish" to bring sufficient tension that keeps us alive, alert, fresh and growing. It’s part of God’s project to shape our character to be more like his Son. (sermoncentral/illustrations/Stephen_sheane).

When you are in times of pains and problems that seem unbearable, you should not pray that God would take the weight of your burdens. Pray that God would strengthen your back. Don’t ask God to give you smooth pathways but ask God to give you strong feet. Don’t ask God to give you less problems but ask God to give you more solutions to your problems.

2. Humbly Appreciate the Essence of your Pains!

v.9… I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

This is a bold statement. How could one sane person appreciate pain? But this is literally what the apostle Paul was saying, “boast all the more gladly about our weaknesses”. It is totally opposed to what we usually do when we find ourselves confined into four-corner high walls of difficult situations. But there are biblical and practical reasons on how and why we must humbly appreciate the impact of our pains.

a. Pain is a Projection of Christians’ Gladness. “I will boast all the more gladly…” v.9

The word used in the original text for “boast all the more” is “kauchaomai”, which can be translated literally as “to rejoice in the highest degree”. Interestingly enough, Paul was not just emotional but rational in his explanation, for to rejoice in the face of trials and sufferings is not dependent on the situation but the result of our situations. The level of happiness of a person whose extreme situation has been resolved is much higher than the one whose slight situation is mended. Pain is God’s workshop of joy.

b. Pain is a Platform for Christ’s Greatness. “…Christ’s power may rest on me…” v.9

The word used in the original text for “rest on me” is “episkenoo”, which can be translated literally “to house upon or to abide”. The power of Christ is our fortress that is built-in in each believer – a refuge that we can run to every time we are threatened by a gloom of worry and fear. Pain is God’s workshop of peace.


Pierre Auguste Renoir is a famous French artist who lived in the late 19th century to the early 20th century. He was known for his paintings, mostly depicting family life. But there was one disease that tormented this gifted artist – he had arthritis that plagued him to the tip of his fingers. Every time he painted, each stroke of brush meant grimacing pain due to his arthritis. It took him quite a time to finish one painting, a masterful work of art. One of his friends pitifully consoled him to stop painting and shift his passion in arts and focus on his health for it did seem a great struggle against pain whenever he held his brush and start another piece of art. But Renoir, with great display of passion, answered, “The Pain passes away but the Beauty remains”.

My Christian friend, remember this. Pain is inevitable but misery is optional. I would say with Renoir that every time we face a brunt of painful experience, we must answer with pride on our faces, “The pain will pass away ultimately, but the beauty of character that it would produce in me will remain.”

3. Wisely Apply the Consequence of your Pains!

v.10… for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

We live today with the lessons learned yesterday. The best result of pain that we face is a refined character. It is not what life circumstances bring that counts but what kind of attitude and lifestyle we exude when we face them. There are a thousand ways to apply the consequences of our pains.

a. Our Pain Enhances our Contentment! “I delight in weaknesses…” v.10

The word used in the original text for “delight” is “eudokeo”, which can be literally translated “to be willing and to take pleasure”. Sometimes we are willing to go through difficult times but we painstakingly go through with gloom and loathe the fact of it. God uses pain as a measure of our fulfillment.

b. Our Pain Increases our Confidence! “For when I am weak; then I am strong” v.10

Here is a paradox but a theologically correct statement. The bible declares it. Spiritual strength is in no relation at all to human capabilities. Instead, it is when we strip ourselves of human strength that we can be useful and mighty in the Lord.

The word used in the original text for “weak” is “astheneo”, which denotes “impotency or unable to do anything”. Whereas, the word used for “strong” is “dunatos”, which connotes “potency or able to do everything”. Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi, “I can do all tings through Christ who gives me strength.” God uses pain as a measure of our faith.


Ever noticed granite countertops? I like them. They’re classy and elegant. But if we would look at a raw granite rock we would never appreciate it. It’s rough. It doesn’t offer sheen. Granites must pass through a process of cutting and lengthy periods of grinding in order for it to become a stylish countertop. And when it is used as a countertop we seldom remember how it looked when it was a raw granite rock. The same is true with our trials and pains.

There is a Chinese proverb, “A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man made better without trials.” Sure it doesn’t feel good to go through abrasive moments of trials and problems. Sometimes they are recurring. Remember this, my Christian friend; life is full of rubbing shoulders and exchanging words. Every time life would seem to cut you and grind you, it means God is working in you to make you a better you.


You may be going through a situation that you think is the most gruesome moments of your life. Your thorns could be that of a physical illness that the doctors say you would be struggling with the rest of your life. It could be a strained relationship with a loved one, a spouse, a bother, sister, a colleague or a friend. It could be a bad habit that you have struggled with for a long time but always ended up defeated. Or, worse by far, a consequence of past sin that you are unable to conquer. A thorn. A pain. God can turn your pain into praise. Allow Him. Simply accept the Presence of your pain. Humbly appreciate the essence of your pain. And, wisely apply the consequence of your pain.