Summary: They say seeing is believing, but to receive the best things from God you must believe to see.

2 Ki 4:8-17 The Prophet symbolizes (The Word and the Power of God).

The day that you hear the Word of God is the most important day of your life.

The Word of God is the Power of God, Your healing is in the Word ,Your deliverance is in the Word

Your joy is in the Word, Your Prosperity is in the Word, Your anointing is in the Word

Your destiny is in the Word.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God, all things were made by him (The Word) and without him (The Word) was not anything made that was made. John 1:1-3

Everything begins with the Word.

You can shout dance, run, holler, talk in tongues and jump pews, but you haven’t even got started until you get in the Word.

I don’t know what your situation or condition or problem is, but I know what your answer and your solution is (It’s the Word of God).

He sent his Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destruction's.

Ps 107:20

Faith is the hand that reaches out and takes hold of the blessings of God, but it is the Word of God that quickens the hand of faith.

Stretch forth thy hand, was Jesus command to the man with the withered hand, and at his word faith came alive.

Elisha passed to Shunem where was a great woman.

Elisha represents the Presence of God, and the Power of God, and consequently every good thing you can receive from God.

Oral Roberts was known to say: Miracles are coming toward you and passing by you every day.

Tell 3 people there’s a miracle coming your way.

Prophesy to someone and tell them: restoration is coming your way, financial breakthrough is coming your way, salvation for your house is coming your way.

I came to tell someone: There’s a miracle in the house right now

Lu 5:17 It says that Jesus delivered the word and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

The Word is in the house, the miracle power of God is in the house.

The bible says In Shunem there was a great woman.

If Elisha was here right now, he would say (In Muskogee there is a great woman, or a great man.)

Tell your neighbor: Your looking at a great man, (your looking at a great woman)

One of the things that made this woman great was, she made a place for the Prophet ( in other words she made a place for The Word to live in her house).

It’s not enough for The Word to pass by you every Sunday, you have got to take hold of The Word and pull it into your world.

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Pro 4:20-22

The only Word the bible promises will bring life to you and health to your flesh is the word that you listen intently to, that you look at continuously and that you keep in the midst of your heart.

In Shunem there was a great woman:

*This woman had a reputation of being kind, and generous and hospitable

(but what really made her great was her insight, her spiritual perception, her ability to discern where God was at work.)

No telling how many houses Elisha had passed by and they failed to identify the anointing and recognize the presence of God in his life.

He passed by many Houses where no doubt there were great needs present, but they received no miracle because they did not perceive God in the Prophet.

One of the greatest gifts you have as a child of God is Perception (perception is not just sight) I’m sure many people saw Elisha pass by their houses and maybe even said hello to him.

*But Perception is more than sight ( It is the ability to see deeper, to see beyond the surface, to grasp with the understanding).

To See with the Heart and not with the head.

Tell your neighbor: Could you get your head out of the way, I’m trying to see something.

Tell your neighbor: You’ve got to get your head out of the way. (You’ve got to get this with your heart)

There’s a revelation waiting on you, but you’ll never get it with your head you have got to get it with your heart.

*Have you ever felt like you’re on the verge of a revelation?

On the verge of something from God that could totally change your life?

Something that has the power to shift you to another dimension, another level in your faith, another level in your anointing, another level in your finances, another level in your ministry? ( and you know it’s right there, your on the edge of it?

*There’s Something about knowing your that close to something can have a very powerful affect on you, it tends to make you very aggressive, some might even call it pushy,

Tell your neighbor: I don’t mean to be rude, But I’m close to something big and I don’t want to miss it.

You see I know in my spirit that I’m on the verge of a breakthrough, I know by the spirit that I’m on the edge of a miracle, I’m standing on the brink of a revelation that is going to revolutionize my life and I don’t want to miss it.

What I’m saying is: I’ve missed it before, (the miracle passed by my house and I never even recognized it,) the glory came by me, but I was too carnal to see it, ( the power of God was right in front of me but I was too focused on my problems to recognize the power).

Now tell your neighbor: I missed it the last time

What do you mean preacher? (The last time the man of God passed by me, I missed the revelation, the last time the glory came by I missed it, the last time the power of God was present I missed it ) I missed my breakthrough, the water moved but I wasn’t looking and I missed it.

But I made up my mind: The last time, was the last time.

I’m not going to miss it again, I’m watching now, I’m listening now, I’m preparing now,

( I’m going to do whatever I got to do to get my revelation) I’ll fast I’ll pray, I’ll dance, I’ll roll in the floor, I’ll shout my hair down, I’ll cry.

But by the help and grace of God {the last time was the last time} I’m not going to miss it again.

No doubt many people in Shunem missed their miracle for one reason (Pride)

Many of them were too proud to admit they needed anything from God.

What a contrast from the widow who was losing her sons to pay off a debt, ( She put her pride aside and came running to the man of God and presented her case) The end result was she got out of debt and had money to support herself and two kids for the rest of her life.

Some of you have missed your miracle, and your breakthrough just because you were too proud, (Your pride cheated you out of your blessing)

It didn’t come on your terms and so your ready to throw a fit, get mad at God, mad at the preacher, mad at your neighbor just because God didn’t do it your way.

Just like Naaman: He comes to the man of God, and instead of the man of God meeting him, he sends out his servant and tells Naaman to go jump in a lake (go dip seven times in the Jordan river).

But the bible says:

II Ki 5:11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the LORD his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper.

Naamans pride and his presumption almost cost him his miracle.

He already had it figured out how he wanted his blessing, he already had it figured out how far he would go to get his breakthrough.

And when God didn’t come to his terms he was angry

Naaman said: I’m not going down there and dip 7 times in that puny mud puddle

Pride almost cost him his deliverance and his miracle.

Tell your neighbor: Pride will cost you

(The woman Said Now I perceive that this is a Holy man of God that Passeth by our house continually.)

We don’t know how many times he may have passed their way before she saw with the eyes of her spirit.

We miss miracles, we miss anointings, we miss revelations and visitations many times because we can’t get our heads out of the way of our hearts.

Sometimes God hides his anointing in a shepherd boy, sometimes in a Gideon hiding out behind the wine press,

Sometimes God puts his anointing in a stick, like Aaron s rod that budded, and blossomed and yielded almonds. And sometimes God puts his anointing in a bush that burns with fire but refuses to be consumed.

and sometimes he takes a nobody from nowhere who nobody ever expected to do anything or go anywhere and he puts his anointing down on the inside of them and uses them to change the world.)

Tell your neighbor: Don’t miss this

One day this woman looked at her husband and said: Now I perceive (Now the eyes of my spirit are open).

(Now I see something that was already there but I didn’t know it, I didn’t recognize it.)

Is anybody understanding what I’m trying to say?

*Many times what you need is right in front of you:

What do you have in your house ( just a little pot of oil) That’s all you need, the miracle was already in the house.

What’s that in your hand Moses? (it’s just a rod) Stretch it out and I’ll divide the red sea, smite the rock and I’ll bring water out of it.

What’s that in your hand David? (it’s just a slingshot,) let me help you with it and we’ll kill every Goliath that raises up his ugly head.

What’s that in your hand Samson? It’s just the jawbone of an ass, (let me help you with it and we’ll kill a 1000 philistines with it.

What you need is a revelation, what you need is an unveiling, what you need is spiritual perception (The ability to see what is already there.)

You don’t need more faith, you need to use what you’ve got

You don’t need more power you need to use what you’ve got

You don’t need more money you need to learn how to use what you’ve got

You don’t need more authority you need to use what you’ve got

What you need is a revelation:

With the revelation to see what is already there comes the ability to put it to use.

When you came to this earth: Everything that you need to fulfill your destiny was put inside you

What you need is a revelation of what’s in the house.

Put your hand over your eyes and say:

Lord let me see it, open my spiritual eyes.

In between passings of the prophet this woman got a revelation,

she recognized the anointing of God in Elisha’s life.

And basically she said to her husband (next time I’ll be ready, next time I’ll be watching, next time I’ll be listening, next time I’m going to be looking with the eyes of my spirit.

Next time he passes by, I’m going to reach out and get a hold on him.

I can hear this woman say: I missed it the last time, but the last time was the last time.

I refuse to let him pass me by one more time, this time I’m going to make some room for him.

I’m going to clear the clutter out of my life and create an environment for the man of God, the Word of God, the anointing to be comfortable in.

*Excuse all the commotion neighbor, but I’ve got to make some room, I’ve got to move some things around I’ve got to get my priorities straightened out, there’s some excesses in my life that have to go.

There’s some movies I got to throw out, some music I got to get rid of , and there’s some friends I’ve got to cut loose that are holding me back.

This woman was great because her spiritual eyes were opened and she recognized the authority of the Word of God and the presence of the anointing of God. because she pursued the anointing

Every time we come to church we should be looking for where God is moving, pulling on the anointing pulling on The Word of God.

Constraining him, seeking him out,

Tommy Tenney Calls the kind of people I’m talking about (God chasers) Because they want more than religion, more than church, and more even than the blessings of God, they want the manifest presence of God.

To Possess the blessed abundant life that Jesus came to give (you must be able to see it) and to go a step farther, you must be able to see yourself living it.

It is impossible for a person to live in a manner inconsistent or contradictory to their perception, or their self image.

We must see ourselves as Jesus Sees us (through the word)

When it was time for Elijah to ascend into heaven he asked his faithful servant what he desired from him: Elisha said I want a double portion anointing, (a double portion of thy spirit) Elijah said you have asked a hard thing, but if you see me when I go it shall be so unto you, but if you don't you won't get it.

In other words Elijah was saying: This is all about spiritual perception, you have to be able to see it with your spirit.

As the whirlwind of fire and fiery chariot and horses separated the two of them, Elijah went up into the heavens and the bible said (Elisha saw it).

The bible was making specific reference to the fact that Elisha had stepped over into that spiritual dimension where he saw into the supernatural.

Then Elijah's mantle fell to the earth, and Elisha picked it up and started walking in a double portion anointing.

There are so many of Gods people who are living the dwarfed life, they are living on crumbs, they are like the 31 kings who were under the table of King Adoni Bezek they were crawling around under the place of blessings and provisions living like beggars,

There is a saying in the advertisement world ( perception is everything.)

That’s not totally true, but it does carry a lot of weight because regardless of what is seen with the natural eyes, what is perceived by the heart to be true is the ruling and determining factor.

It is the picture on the inside of you that determines the world around you.

So many people are living the small life, the puny life

The first generation children of Israel looked at the giants in their promised land, and they perceived themselves to be grasshoppers.

They saw themselves as helpless little grasshoppers waiting to be stepped on by the giants.

Their perception of themselves made them losers, without ever entering the fight.

They could not see themselves winning, they could not see themselves living in the land of abundance and overflow, they were like so many today (Though they are saved they are being controlled by a mindset of inferiority, a warped perception of who God is and who they are.

That’s why there are so many women who stay in abusive situations, being abused sexually, verbally, emotionally.

Why ? Because their self image tells them they don’t deserve anything better

So they go from one bad relationship to another allowing themselves to be put down and used and abused.

There are so many beautiful young ladies who are abusing their own bodies, cutting themselves, piercing their bodies, allowing themselves to be used sexually with no commitment, because they see themselves as unworthy of a good and honest and faithful man.

And there are so many young men, that are smart and talented and good looking that end up in prison because somewhere down the line it was pounded into their minds that they were stupid, and no good, and couldn’t do anything right.

There are people right now frying hamburgers and flipping pizza’s that should be in the corporate world making huge amounts of money, but somewhere somebody messed up their perception of themselves, and they believe that’s all their qualified to do.

I came to this house tonight: To change your perception, it’s time to for you to see through to the real you.

The real you tonight

If you have been born again then you are somebody in God,

and I want to introduce you to the real you.

You are an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ

You are a Son of God

You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

You are the redeemed of the Lord

You are a new creature

You are the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, above only and not beneath

You are the apple of his eye

You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world

You are saved Sanctified, justified,

You are a partaker of his divine nature

You are the healed of the Lord

You are an Over comer

You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.

I want you to join me around the front of this building tonight,

We are going to believe God for a divine revelation tonight (not of who God is) But who you are

Put your hand on your eyes: and say Lord (Let me see me) Let me see the real me,

Let me see the me you created me to be.

Not the me this world has called me

But the me I was in you before I was ever born.

When this woman perceived the divine nature of God that was in Elisha She tapped the potential and the power of God.

When you perceive the divine nature of God that is in you, you will tap the potential and the power of God.

Ask your neighbor: Can you see it? If you can see it you can have it.