Summary: What in the world are you doing with the Church Jesus built? Are you playing games or taking this very seriously?


08-01-2010 New Liberty Christian Church with Rich McQuinn, Minister

TEXT: REVELATION 7:9-17 and ACTS 13:15-33

INTRODUCTION: A brand new music teacher at the Junior High school had just organized a band. It was going to be perfect in every way. Her heart was in the students and in what she could help them make of themselves. The principal came by the classroom and asked the students if they would mind putting on a mini-concert for the rest of the school folks and of course their parents. The whole band was excited about this first concert. The date drew near and they practiced and practiced. The teacher was not quite sure they were really ready. Right before the concert she gathered all of her students in the band room and went over some rules to follow. You know, the eye contact to the teacher at all times, no hitting, no goofing off, being good mannered and that kind of stuff. But one thing she brought up was this---“If you are unsure of the note you want to play, then don’t play it. Those next to you will play it and it will sound better than a note that is off key. That took the pressure off of every one.

The night was full of excitement. The students marched in and took their seats in a grand form. The teacher addressed those in attendance and got ready to lead the band. She turned around and faced her students. She motioned to them to sit up straight and smile, have a good time. She raised her baton up, captured the attention and the band was ready. As she brought the baton down---you know---where the first notes are to begin playing, there was nothing. No sound came out of any instruments. They were all, 100%, not sure of the first note they were to play.

There are times when the church is like that. We look good, we put on a very nice appearance, but when it comes time to play our tunes for Jesus, we try to fake it or do nothing at all. Does that sound like you?

We know what the Elders do, the Deacons do, the Ministers do, but we lack the confidence in knowing what we should be doing. There are times in many churches that no one knows where they should be heading. Does the church of Jesus Christ have a plan or are we just maintaining what we have?

Let’s you and I turn to the back of the Bible to see where we are heading as a church. We have to understand the story that God has written for the church to follow.

Revelation chapter 7 tells us of things that are to come. It is a book of mystery. John the person whom Jesus gave witness to, to write this great book for all of the churches. He sees a great innumerable multitude of persons, drawn from every tribe and nation. They are standing around the throne and before THE LAMB, which we know to be Christ Jesus our Lord. They are all dressed in white robes, waving palm branches and shouting, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!”

One of the elders reveals to John who these multitudes dressed in white are: “These are those who have come from the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

The book of Revelation tells us the church, where we are heading. We are in the grand company gathered around the throne of God.

Now that we have seen ahead, let us peek at where we began. The book of ACTS tells us about our beginnings. Here we see a handful of believers, afraid to come out and witness about their faith in the Lord. But, on the day of Pentecost received the blessing of the Holy Spirit and began testifying first to Israel and later to the Gentile world that Jesus Christ is the long awaited Messiah. Even though some were murdered, they no longer stood silent. God had assembled a great sympathy and He raised the baton. Get ready to play, preach, baptize, teach, and witness. They marched all over the Roman Empire .

The response was so great by the end of the second century Tertullian could write that “the outcry is that of the state is filled with Christians—that they are in the fields, in the cities—people of both sexes, every age and status, even those of high rank, are passing over the news that Jesus is The Christ.” They were not ashamed of who they were and what they had to say to help save mankind. How eager are you---to play your first note in this great sympathy and begin the quest to witness to the world about what is burning inside you about the love of God and His love for you?

If we now know where we are headed and we now know how we began what is it then that we are to be doing NOW? In my opinion there are three simply tasks that seem obvious.


We are to maintain the body of Christ. We are to keep the church strong, healthy, and growing. It is our duty to maintain the love, the evangelism, the fellowship, the family, the caring, the teaching, the giving of the church. No one has ever told us we could stop and rest.

Each time we take part in the Lord’s Supper it is a reminder of what Jesus did for us. He died to save us from damnation and fire. Each time we have communion it ought to bring out the fire inside us, rekindle that cause, and inspire us to tell someone else about Him.

If we let this building take over itself and we did nothing, what shape would it be in in about a month, a year or even in 5 years. No maintenance at all. No sweeping, no dusting, no mowing the grass, no painting. What would this be like if we did nothing? At the same token I have to ask the question as to what you are doing to help the church, your church, the church of Jesus Christ stay strong, healthy, and vital to you and the community.

It is why we come, sing, pray, and give. We are all body guards of the Church of Jesus Christ. What are you doing with the Church? What are you doing to take care of it, to promote her growth, to help the lost see the clear picture of the Bride of Christ?

You and I are carrying on what Christ initiated and the Holy Spirit confirmed us to do. There is no quitting, or sulking, or back biting or going on vacation from the services for 3-30 years because you did not get your way on something. There is no room in the church for power struggles, for hidden agendas, for secret alliances. You work for satan and his powers when you do that. We are here to promote the church of Jesus Christ as He instructed us to do.

You don’t have to be good to be a church member—a member of the body of Christ, you just have to be honest. Jesus died for you while you were in sin and He still loved you.


One of the verses of the New Testament was “See, how the Christians loved one another” This is a task of ministry. Serving each other. Being a Doulos---a servant.

The church has always been a witness in a world that did not want them, need them or despised them. The church was not wanted, but very much needed. Same as of today. The world needs the church even more.

Do you remember that Jesus said that when we gather in twos or threes that we gather in His name and He will be with us?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us that two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow, but woe to him who is alone and when he falls and has not another to lift him up.

I have heard the same thing through the years of Up with Jesus, but down with the Church. If you do not put anything into the church, you sure are not going to get anything out of it. Look around you this morning, on both sides of the isles and on both sides of the pulpit. Every person you see needs encouragement. When life drags you down, then you need a fellow friend to help lift you up no matter how you fell.

The church needs to realize that we need to minister to one another. There is no time in any church for petty bickering and back biting. Do we really think that we are paying our respects to the man who gave His life for us, by our non caring attitude about the church?

You can not go on saying that you do not care, or it is their business, or you will mind your own business, or the church is full of hypocrites or no one is perfect and you are just as good as any church member. Of course you are. Jesus died for all of us equally.

How do you treat your church today? How do you maintain it, care for it, love it, and honor the King of Kings. If you are doing nothing, I urge all of you to repent of that and take notice. I am trying to warn you that satan is doing his best to confuse you or turn you away from the church. Does the church have problems? You can safely bet on that one. We are made up of unperfected people. There are no saints in the church per se. We are all sinners. We need each other for encouragement, fellowship, teaching and pure guidance.


The church is like a three legged stool. When it seems too wobbly it is because the mission leg is too short. If you do not have missions in your church, then it is a matter of time before your church dies on the vine.

The church is a rescue station for the world. Today’s churches become social halls instead of doing anything for missions.

We have air conditioning, we have indoor plumbing, we have padded pews, a sound system, musical instruments, a fellowship basement, we sometimes become too comfortable about what we need to do. We say that someone will do it and we keep saying it until no one does anything for missions.

Jesus says for us to go into the world and preach, teach, baptize, and teach some more. The more missions we do the more we are alive. The more we give, the more we do for others, the more we receive. That is a promise from the Lord to us.

The Master did not tell us that only the Whites are going to heaven, or all the Spanish folks were going to heaven. Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Everyone who calls: Red, Yellow, black and white. It means that the church is the part of salvation that Jesus talks about.

Are you going to get a white robe in heaven for your work of maintaining the church, for encouraging others in the church, for your part in giving to missions and supporting those in your church who have a heart to go to missions and work?

We all need to repent of our lack of carrying for the church. Don’t have the attitude that it is Jesus’ church; let Him take care of it himself. Phooey! That won’t work like that. He told YOU to be His witness both here and abroad. He told you to teach, to preach, to baptize. He gave you the order. You will have to answer to Him when you are called home to face the judgments.

Now what are you doing for the cause of Christ in your church?

Amen and Amen