Summary: God has given you spiritual gift(s) to build and bless others in the body of Christ.

Question: How many ministers does CWBC have? 1? 4? Everyone? Nowhere does the Bible teach the pastor is the only minister. The Bible teaches all Christians are ministers. READ 1 Peter 4:10-11. “Each one” received a gift. God is a giver.



1. God gives you eternal life. When I open my life to Jesus Christ I am given eternal life. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” I never have to worry about my future; I know I am going to heaven. My future is solid and secure.

2. God gives you His Holy Spirit. The moment I give my life to Jesus Christ, God gives me the Holy Spirit to live inside of me. The Bible teaches that God has given us His Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. And he will never leave you nor forsake you and you will never be alone. Most of you know about these two gifts. However, there is a third gift that God gives you the minute you give your life to Christ.

3. God gives you a gift to use for His purpose. It is a spiritual gift. In Romans 12:6 the Bible says, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” Ex. God has richly blessed one of our friends who attends another church. He is an extremely wealthy man. He uses God’s blessings to RICHLY bless others.

When you are saved you become a follower of Jesus Christ. And He never asks you to do something He doesn’t give you the ability to do. So when He gives you a new life purpose, He also at the point of salvation, gives you a special gift or gifts to fulfill that purpose.

The Bible teaches that every Christian has at least one gift. This spiritual gift differs from our natural ability. Everybody has natural abilities. But only believers have spiritual gifts. READ ROMANS 12:3-8

God chooses the ones you are going to get. They are given by grace—you don’t earn the gift. It is just God’s free gift to you. Any time you are serving God, and you are bearing fruit, and you are enjoying it, you are demonstrating giftedness. (1 Peter 4, Romans 12, 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 4).


Why is it important that you know your spiritual gift? There are at least five reasons:

1. God’s gifts show His plan for your life.

2. God’s gifts build your self esteem.

3. God’s gifts fulfill your life.

4. God’s gifts build His church

5. God’s gifts bring Him glory!

1. God’s Gifts Show His Plan For Your Life.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 “4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.”

Your spiritual gifts determine how God wants you to serve Him. Once you understand what your spiritual gift is, it answers a lot of questions for you. “What is God’s will for my life? “What does he want me to do now that I am a Christian?” “What should be my ministry?” “How should I spend my time?”

All of these questions begin to be answered when you understand your gift. Every Christian is called to serve the cause of Christ, but your spiritual gift shows how you are to particular serve Him.

If you are gifted to organize, then God wants you to be an organizer. If you are gifted to teach, then you need to be a teacher. If God has gifted you in music, then you ought to be in some kind of music ministry. If God has gifted you in drama, then you ought to be in a drama ministry. If you are gifted in reaching people for Christ then you need to be in a witnessing

evangelistic ministry.

In the Scripture we read a moment ago, notice the word “differences.” It is used three times. It says there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, different kinds of services, and there are different kinds of working. Every gift in your life is unique.

You are not to copy other people’s spiritual gifts. God doesn’t want you to copy anybody else. You need to be the very best “you” you can be to the glory of Jesus Christ. He knows the gift that is best for you. That is why He chooses it.

Gifts explain why Christians who believe the same thing sees things differently. If you are gifted in evangelism, all you can think about is reaching non-Christians. If you are gifted in teaching and growing people, all you can think about is discipleship. If you gifted in mercy, then you focus on helping people who are hurting. There are those who have the gift of giving. They enjoy giving to causes which help advance Christ’s kingdom.

We are all different. Each church is different. Some churches emphasize the gift of teaching, evangelism, service…the important thing is that Jesus Christ is at the center of the church and all its members have a desire to be obedient to the Lord’s purpose, plan.

Sometimes denominations focus on certain gifts and talents and exclude the others. If you don’t have the same view you might be like the following man who penned these words:

Believe as I believe - No more, no less - That I am right - And no one else confess - Feel as I feel - Think as I think - Eat as I eat - And drink as I drink. Look as I look - And do as I do, For then and only then - Will I have fellowship with you.

2. God’s Gifts Build Your Self-esteem

Every human being who has been saved by God’s grace and indwelt by the Holy Spirit has the desire to accomplish something.

Stephen Covey says, “People want to live, learn, love, and leave a legacy.”

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:27, “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” You are needed. You are important. God gives you a spiritual gift to bless others. If you don’t use it, other Christians are cheated. God designed you to make a unique contribution.

David Hubbard in his book, “Unwrapping your Spiritual Gifts” says not only do we rob the church of a blessing, but we rob ourselves of the blessing when we fail to use our gifts.

He wants you to have the joy of working with Him to build up the body of Christ and build a bridge to people who need Him. Each child of God needs to say, “I can make an important contribution to the body of Christ with my life.”

3. God’s Gifts Fulfill Your Life.

In John 15: verses 8 and 11 we read these words, “This is how my father is glorified—in your becoming fruitful and being my disciples. I have told you this so that you can share my joy and that your joy may be complete.” Joyful Christians serve the Lord and others.

Some of you are great encouragers. Some are talented in administration. Our church is gifted with ladies with the gift of service who enjoy cooking and ministering to hurting families.

Spiritual gifts are given to help other people. God gives me one to bless you. God gives you one to bless me. The thrill of being used by God is the greatest feeling and thrill you can experience in life.

4. God’s Gifts Build His Church – Ephesians 4:11-16

5. God’s Gifts Bring Him Glory – 1 Peter 4.11, “so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever.” The purpose of your spiritual gift from the Lord is not to bring you praise, but God!


What does God want you to do with your spiritual gift today? Three things:

1. Discover it.

In 1 Corinthians 14:1 the Bible says, “Eagerly desire spiritual gifts.” One of the marks that you can know that you are a Christian is that you have a desire to know your spiritual gift and use it serving God.

In 1 Corinthians 12:1 Paul writes, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.”

How do I discover my spiritual gifts? Two ways—by examining and by experimenting. By examining my Christian life and by experimenting with different kinds of service.

First, I discover my spiritual gifts my looking back over my Christian life and saying, “In the ways I have served God so far, what have I enjoyed doing?” What has God blessed? Where have I seen results? If you have never gotten involved in any ministries since you have been a Christian, then there is no way you can know your gift. Often when you get involved in something, other people will recognize your spiritual gift before you do.

When I first became a believer, the last thing that I thought I would be doing is standing before a group of people and teaching them the Word of God. The only way you can discover your gift is to get out there and start doing something.

2. Develop it.

The second thing you do, once you have discovered your gift is to develop it. Paul tells Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:14, “Do not neglect the gift that is in you…” Note “neglect.” A lot of you already know what you are good at. You know how God has gifted you. But you have never sharpened your skills.

Sometimes if you have a gift of counseling people, it is helpful to take some extra courses in counseling. If you have a gift in singing, then get someone to give you voice lessons. If you want to increase your skills in witnessing, then take a witnessing course. If you want to learn almost any skill, ask someone to mentor you. Ask someone to coach you.

When I started seminary, I did not know God would one day call me to be a pastor. I’m now earning a doctorate in pastoral studies. I’ve got to develop, sharpen that gift God has given me.

It takes humility to confess that you don’t know everything, and it takes a teachable spirit to learn. It also takes courage to risk and to get out of your comfort zone and to risk failure.

I read a little poem that reminds me that life is about taking risks.

There once lived a man who never risked, He never tried. He never laughed, He never cried. Then one day, when he passed away, His insurance was denied. They said since he never really lived, Then he never really died.

You can develop your gifts by using them. In 2 Timothy 1:6 Paul writes, “Fan into flame the gift that God gave you.”

3. Deploy them (Use them).

First, we discover our spiritual gift. Second we develop them. We sharpen our skills. Third we use them for the glory of God.

In 1 Peter 4:10 the Bible says, “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Note the word “use.” God wants you to find a local church where you can discover and develop and use your spiritual gift. One of the purposes of our church is to help every member who is interested to find their spiritual gift and use it.

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:11-13, “11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.”

In the average church, 20% of the people do 80% of the ministry. Can you imagine a football team where only 20% play.

Ask yourself, what ministry am I actively involved in right now at CWBC? How am I using the gift God has given me to serve the Lord and minister to others?

What will make Gods’ church happy, enthusiastic, exciting? How can we have a greater impact on our community for the glory of Jesus Christ? “Every Member Involved in Ministry” in the strength of God and for the praise of God.


The first gift God wants to give you is the free gift of eternal life. ABC. You must give your heart and life to the Lord for He gave His life for you. PRAY.

Would you ask God to reveal your spiritual gift to you? If you are using that gift, the know that God is being glorified.

If you are a believer, a member, and are not serving, why not? God has blessed this church with numerous ministries…one with your name on it. PRAY.

Only one life, ;twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Thanks to George Dye, Rick Warren for outline help