Summary: One of the greatest blessings is when God works through you. One of the greatest dangers is when God works through you. Learn how to avoid the penetrating gaze of the Lord and simply rejoice in His work through you.

What’s the hottest thing you’ve ever been close to? I remember once being near a log deck fire that was so hot that it was melting the asphalt under my feet. I’ve seen the effects of intense heat and fire reduce a full house to a pile of ashes and a chimney, with things melted in the yard like, oh, cars. But that’s nothing compared to the searing 15 million degrees Centigrade found in the core of the sun, so hot that hydrogen fuses into helium. But even that is nothing compared to the destructive powers of the gaze of Jesus Christ. Romans 14:10 speaks of something called “the judgment seat of Christ.” Different from the Great White Throne judgment of Revelation 20:11 , this one judges all that we as Christians have done. It isn’t salvation at stake here, but more like an audit, with the IRS burning away everything that was not done of an eternal nature.

That’s the setting for which Paul focuses on the behavior of those who would bring in false doctrine into the church. On the contrary, those that build on Jesus with Jesus can look forward to the “bema” seat as a time of rejoicing in what the Lord has done and receiving reward.

In the balance of chapter 3 we move from talking about the attitude of the members of the church, to the purpose of the worker. The first part of Chapter 3 is about not having a baby attitude, keeping the mold of the world that automatically wants to elevate man and put down others. The world runs on prestige and being served (“it’s all about me”). The kingdom of God runs on humility and serving others. The second part of the chapter focuses on how that service is supposed to be performed and gives us some great lessons if we want to be used by God.

Leaders are:


Servants… (same word for deacon: errand runner). Servants had a higher place than slaves but were not anything important.

With a Role to Play… What is your assignment? That’s what’s important.

Given to us by the Lord. We need to be careful that what we do we didn’t assign to ourselves. The more mature we are the more we should be able to respond to orders, but while we are being trained it is usually enough to do what you feel the Lord calling you to, something you are good at (without being prideful) or that what you want to do. But pay attention as you grow for your role changing.

6 – 7

We are either planters or waterers – starters or encouragers.

My wife plants our garden. I help. Then it’s my job to set up the watering system to make sure that the plants don’t dry up or drown. Then we sit back and watch the plants grow, try to keep the slugs from eating them, and harvest the fruit when it comes on. But neither of us actually causes the beans or squash to appear, we simply supply an environment that encourages growth. It’s the same way with those of us who work in God’s vineyard. We share the gospel or help train disciples in the way of the Lord, but we do not cause them to grow, we merely supply a sound environment where growth can occur.

The problem is that when we see the growth we are so amazed that our human nature begins to lead us to believe we actually did it. We see this over and over in the church today just as it happened in Corinth. And it happens both on the worker side as well as the disciple.� The truth is…

We are not anything of ourselves

John 15:5-6 "I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.

Philippians 4:13 I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.

God causes the growth: it’s the fruit that matters, not the planter or gardener


All workers of God are equal. That sounds rather odd, doesn’t it? Aren’t there some Christians that are better than others? Not in terms of doing God’s work. The standard isn’t how much you accomplish but how much you heard and obeyed the tasks God gives you. Billy Graham is not held to do your work, nor are you judged by whether you did his. That’s very freeing. We each bear our own burden.

Our reward comes from our own labor, not anyone else’s. Reward? Yes. The Bible talks about rewards and crowns that are given to us. In the book of the Revelation, the elders are seen throwing their crowns back down to the feet of the Lamb, and that’s appropriate. It’s really God doing it, but it is so cool that He allows us to be the channel for His work, and then He rewards us for doing it!


Paul here switches from an agricultural motif to that of a contractor. We are co-workers with God (he lets us work with Him – isn’t that cool?)

Our labor is either in the field or the church, but it is God’s work. There is a freedom in that. We are responsible to do a good job for the Lord, but the results are not up to us nor do they reflect on us, but should reflect on the Lord.

John 16:13 �When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears.

So too we should speak and do what we hear, from God’s Word, brought to our remembrance by the Spirit.


Everything we do is not from our own strength, but is God’s grace

We are to excel in those tasks—to be a “master builder”

The beginner and supporter both have roles and each is important


The gospel of Jesus Christ and His Lordship must always be primary and secondary! What is that foundation? That Jesus Christ came in the flesh, led a perfect life and voluntarily gave up that life as a substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf, then rose from the dead to be King of the entire universe, having as His subjects all those who trust in Him as Lord and Savior who are in the process of being transformed into His image through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

12 – 14

Work done by God’s grace, with God’s abilities, in God’s field, for God’s work – will last. The Judgment Seat of Christ will determine what was done by and for God and was done by and for us.

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad NKJV

Also: Philippians 1:6-10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:2

What about the quality of the work?


It is possible to do work “for God” but in the flesh. Nothing will remain of these. You might put into this category those that have gotten their fire insurance, have received Jesus as Lord, and love Him, but have done little or nothing to transform their characters and respond to the call to do God’s work. All they will have left is their salvation. They will come into heaven smelling like smoke. For all that Jesus has done for us, the only thing that will really matter than is what we did for Him.

It is also true that no matter how big or flashy a ministry might be, if it is not built on the foundation of Jesus and using materials that are of sound doctrine, it will be destroyed. There will be many who will stand by what they have considered icons of success that will end up as a pile of smoldering rubble. The surface appearance is not important to God, but the substance of what is taught.

16 – 17

I think Paul here is speaking about the worldly attitudes that had permeated the church and the “false” leaders. If we start out with the gospel but then veer off into worldly values and build in the church on that, it is like defiling the sanctuary of God. God won’t tolerate anyone building (using bad doctrine) His church and will destroy those who build God’s church with anything other than the firm foundation of Jesus Christ and holding solidly to His Word.


Get over yourself

Our job is to be trained in how to plant and water, not amass position and power and followers like Facebook friends and then claim that we somehow did it ourselves.

Get on with the work

Though Paul is addressing an issue with pastor worship, it is a great opportunity to reveal what God is up to with His people, mainly, saving and transforming unusable people into tools for His kingdom. Concentrating on the work, not the workers, will serve us well.

What will be left of you?

How do we tell the difference between gold, silver, and costly stones from wood hay and stubble as it relates to building both personally and in the body of Christ?

Not so good: things that tend to elevate the flesh

Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, 21 envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar, about which I tell you in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Good: things that promote growth into the character of Christ

Galatians 5:22-26 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, we must also follow the Spirit. 26 We must not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another