Summary: James is presenting practical Christianity. He has told us faith without works is dead. In other words a prayer that doesn't change our practices is powerless. Meeting Jesus changes us permanently and continually. This impacts our works and our words.

Intro: We dive in again to the depths of James practical teaching. He has given us tests and teachings on practical faith in a personal Jesus. Remember that James and Jesus want us to not only be born again of the word but have it to take root in our lives and cause us to trust God more fully and faithfully. James is giving some stern instruction but as a loving father and pastor.

In chapter three he is giving us warnings about the terrible danger and destructive power of our words. But after the warnings he will give us the warm teaching of a spiritual father to show us there is hope. Our mouths can be mastered!

Why would we say there is great danger in our words? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. If you have ever been on the receiving end of a verbal stoning you know the untruth of this statement. If you are average you will spend 1/5 of your entire life talking. On an average day you engage in 30 conversations, in an average year you fill 66 books with 800 words each. It is obvious that there are many opportunities to bless or curse.

James talks more about the tongue than anyone else in the New Testament. You might remember Jesus saying “from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Why would James focus on the tongue? Isn’t he being legalistic and attacking the symptom instead of the source. Ancient Hebrews did not differentiate the member from the source. Proverbs 1.16 for their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed blood.” 1 John 2.16 “lust of the eyes.” Once again James is not merely being legalistic but tying the sin to the source the heart.

James has taught us thus far that words are empty if they are not followed by works. The faith is evidenced by the works. However in each of the chapters of this letter James speaks of our words. So that we will not be mistaken that words don’t matter James addresses the mouth and its ability to either build or break.

If we watch our words we can get a gauge for our faith. Because our words drag up what is in the well of our hearts.

Aesop, the ancient storyteller, told this fable: Once upon a time, a donkey found a lion’s skin. He tried it on, strutted around, and frightened many animals. Soon a fox came along, and the donkey tried to scare him, too. But the fox, hearing the donkey’s voice, said, "If you want to terrify me, you’ll have to disguise your bray." Aesop’s moral: Clothes may disguise an ass, but his words will give him away.

We have such an opportunity to be agents of healing and reconciliation and the power often flows through our words. So we learned a few weeks that in light of faith words are cheap. However in light of our commission the task Jesus has given to His bride the church is to communicate healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation in Jesus’ name.

I. Prudent warning for teachers/preachers

James 3.1 “Don't be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards. And none of us is perfectly qualified.”

A) Make sure your motives are pure

The context of James warning is found in the great honor show to Rabbis or teachers in Jesus’ day. There were many ambitious to be recognized as great “teachers” of the position, privilege, and prestige.

“Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.

James is warning people not to teach for public attention and approval. Instead we are to teach the hard truths of God’s word. Some had a great desire to be seen as more intelligent, wiser, than others. James is not trying to reduce the number of teachers/preachers but is challenging all who teach to be certain of the right calling and motivation.

B) Make sure it is ministry minded

Jeremiah 20.9 “I think to myself, "I can forget the LORD and no longer speak his name." But [his word] is inside me like a burning fire shut up in my bones. I wear myself out holding it in, but I can't do it any longer.”

Jeremiah felt that God had deceived and overcome him. He felt like he was always shouting messages of coming disaster, these announcements led to the people criticizing and ridiculing him constantly.

Jeremiah got so tired of the opposition he faced that he would no longer tell the people what God had said. But God had called Jeremiah and the message burned in His belly until he couldn’t hold it in any more. If you’re a teacher do you want to know when you’re sharing what God wants you to share? It’s not when people think you’re gifted and great or that was a really good one. It’s when you grate someone and they get upset. No matter the response if God has placed a fire in your belly a message for the conviction, encouragement, enrichment, or enablement make sure it is to first serve God’s purposes and then it serves to equip and edify the church.

Ephesians 4.29 “No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.”

Ephesians 4.11-12 “He also gave apostles, prophets, missionaries, as well as pastors and teachers as gifts to his church. Their purpose is to prepare God’s people to serve and to build up the body of Christ.”

The speaking gifts were designed by God to build the body spiritually in order to serve. However Ephesians 4.29 tells us that all of us as part of the body of Christ are to have ministry minded speech.

II. The powerful working of the tongue

A) Its ability to display (James 3.2)

The tongue has the ability to show everyone what you are really made of. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. If you are able to control your tongue it is a significant sign of a mature relationship with Jesus Christ. James told us in 1.26 tells us that anyone who can’t control their tongue has a useless religion. Some say it is how you control your money, or your time, or your talents that make you mature. Some say you have to speak in tongues to be mature. James says your tongue must be controlled and then you are mature. You tongue is like a barometer that displays your spiritual maturity.

B) Its ability to direct (James 3.3-5)

James beautifully uses two illustrations. The bit in the horse’s mouth and the rudder that directs a large ship. Proverbs 18.21 tells us that “the power of life and death are in the tongue.” The tongue has power to direct us toward or away from God. Life is the presence of God. Death is the absence of God. Something as seemingly insignificant as our tongue can change the course of our life and the lives of others. Take for example your stupid; you’ll never amount to anything. I’m stupid, I can’t do it, and nobody loves or wants me. Those are the types of lies the devil wants to direct our life. They lead to paranoia, depression, distrust of God’s promises and person, disruption of relationships.

C) Its ability to destroy (James 3.5-6)

James is saying the tongue is like fire. It only takes a small spark to light a gigantic fire that can destroy everything in its path. Gossip is a dangerous spark. Someone said gossip is spreading the truth about someone’s faults or failings. It is so easy to spread gossip under the pretense of ministry and prayer, carelessness, callousness, Christ- less comments lead to destruction.

Simple words can assassinate reputations. Simple words can permanently rip relationships.

Nothing seems to trip up a believer more than a dangling tongue.

D) Its ability to develop

Words can be encouraging, enabling, equipping, edifying. It really depends on what

III. The purpose designed for the tongue (9-12)

A) Communication of the gospel

All of us are called to make disciples. Matthew 28.19-20 In your normal day of living make disciples. Not a special or specific time of evangelism that gets people baptized. It is instead a lifestyle that sees the opportunity to tell what God has done and is doing in your life to someone who has not surrendered their life to King Jesus. The tongue was designed for communication and the highest form of that communication is telling someone what Jesus did for you!

B) Glorification of God (3:9)

With it we bless God and curse men who are made in God’s likeness. James says this should not be.

Hebrews 13.15 “Therefore, through Him let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that confess His name.”

When you give allegiance to Jesus the natural or supernatural outgrowth for your lips is praise, thanksgiving. Do you want to have a way to know whether or not your relationship with Jesus is real and not religious? Then take the time to search your speech life.

Why is thanksgiving and praise so important in our speech? Thanksgiving shows we enjoy the gift but praise shows we enjoy the giver. Fruit comes from a root of relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we have gotten dirty and fallen off the trestle. Allow God to pick you up dust you off and let his light remind you of His person and promises. When this happens you don’t have to conjure up religious talk no one will be able to hold back your righteous praise.

C) Edification of God’s church

1 Thes 5.11 “encourage each other and build up each other

1 Thes 5.14 “Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.

1 Peter 4.11 “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.” Hebrews 10.24, 25 “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Adrian Rogers said it so well, “Exalt the savior, edify the saint, and evangelize the sinner that is what we are here for.”

IV. Practical helps for the tongue

A) Surrender your will to the ministry of the Holy Spirit

“No man can tame it”

James is not being negatively realistic. He is saying that any true change will result as Jesus becomes the master of your mouth.

B) Specific prayer time to the area of greatest difficulty

“You have not because you ask not” As a rule we as Christians don’t have the wisdom to keep our mouths shut because we don’t ask for the wisdom to see the need or to fulfill the task.

C) Set a guard over your mouth

Psalm 141:3 "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips."

Proverbs 21:23 “The one who guards his mouth and tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”


FB Meyer

Will each reader and hearer of these words carefully bear this in mind. If you express what is uncharitable (unloving) or wrong, you gratify the evil nature that is in you, and you strengthen it. If, on the contrary, you refuse to express it, you strike a death-blow at the cursed thing itself. When you guard your mouth you keep your life, because you weaken that which is gnawing insidiously at the root of your life.

Aside from the abiding power of the Holy Spirit, “no man can tame his tongue.” You must be born again to have the gift of the Holy Spirit. It can only be tamed by a perfect man Jesus. Allow Jesus to control your tongue then you will communicate the good news, glorify God, and edify His body.