Summary: Exposition of Psalm 28:1-9 regarding David's plea that the righteous not be drug away to judgment with the wicked.

Text: Psalm 28:1-9, Title: No Collateral Damage, Date/Place: NRBC, 11/21/10, AM

A. Opening illustration: Sept 11, 2001 will go down in history…many “good Christian people” died.

B. Background to passage: David again writing, unknown situation, unknown time, but sharing his heart again before God. Seems like the scenario is that there are hypocrites, and two-faced gossips, or just plane ol’ evil men in the congregation; although sins like adultery, murder, idolatry are not mentioned. And David knows that God will exact justice at some point. And David, as king, prays for justice to be carried out, b/c in part he is responsible to see to it. But he knows there will likely be some innocent, godly people who will be carried off to captivity, or die in the plague, or starve in the famine. And so the main part of the plea is to spare the righteous being drug into punishment with the wicked.

C. Main thought: Five pleas as David sees the possibility of sharing the punishment of the wicked

A. Plea for God to Speak (v. 1-2)

1. Again, as in Ps 27, David cries out to God to answer him, but clearly, it is more urgent here. He compares not hearing from God, “silence” to those that go to hell. He says that he is no better than them if he doesn’t hear from God. He also bases his prayer on mercy. The holy sanctuary was the holy of holies where the mercy seat was, and the blood of the lamb was sprinkled b/t the cherubs. He acknowledges that the only reason that he can come before God is that he has been redeemed by a sacrifice and forgiven.

2. Matt 4:4, Ps 35:22, 83:1, Luke 18:4-5, 1 Sam 3:1

3. Illustration: drowning or fasting, personal testimony about God not hearing the prayers of sinners,

4. Are we desperate for the Word of God, for Him to speak to us? Do we dig into the Word of God, listen to preaching, read scripture-soaked books, labor in prayer until breakthrough comes? Do we act as though our spiritual life depended on it? Jesus taught us that it does. Now the only way that we can come in prayer and gain access to God is through the blood of Christ. Share the gospel

B. Plea for God to Spare (v. 3)

1. This is David’s main prayer. Really v. 3-5 deal with the wicked getting what they deserve, but here this is different, because he asks for God not to allow him to be drug down with the wicked. As king he knew that when the people get carried away in sin, God would correct the entire nation sooner or later. And so he prayed that not too many righteous (himself included) would be carried away in their judgment.

2. Matt 6:13, Isa 53:4-6, 2 Tim 4:17-18, Rev 6:10-11, 1 Peter 2:19-25

3. Illustration: national disasters, wars, and sickness are no respecter of persons, AND are allowed by God for the judgment of the wicked, and the purification and glorification of the righteous, think of Daniel as he suffered unjustly while in captivity, but God was exalted,

4. It’s OK for us to pray for deliverance from collateral damage to the saints. If this congregation gets caught up in sinful ways and patterns, and God corrects us heavily, there will be many of you who will bear some of the collective suffering who in essence weren’t a fault. Of course, all of us think we are in that number, but let me encourage you to think of yourself as needing correction in general. But there is also a greater purpose in it for us and the world if God doesn’t deliver. If the world sees you suffering unjustly, or suffering excessively or randomly; and you suffer well proclaiming Christ as your hope, portion, and strength, God as your avenger, forgiveness and peace as your motto, blessing instead of cursing those who are your oppressors; the world will see you Savior as most glorious, valuable, and sufficient.

C. Plea for God to Judge (v. 4-5)

1. Next David prays an imprecatory prayer: give the evil workers what they deserve. He is already plead guilty and claimed mercy. And these were those among the people of Israel, God’s covenant people, who were outwardly supportive while inwardly planning or wishing evil against others. Jesus had the harshest words for “believers” who were not acting as such—Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. He prayed for the salvation of unbelievers, but the judgment and correction of those among the congregation who sin. David is not enacting judgment, but deferring to God to do it. But also note why in v. 5-for evil deeds and disregard of the glory of Christ: not for personal anger, resentment, or injustice. Also remember that he is praying according to the character of God, and asking Him to do what He has said He would.

2. Jer 18:21-23, Acts 8:20, 1 Cor 5:10, 16:22, Ps 58:6-10, 3:7, 10:15

3. Illustration: pastor in 2007 in CA praying for the deaths of two men leading a charged to have the IRS revoke the church’s non-profit status in the wake of the pastor’s letter to the church members to vote for Mike Huckabee,

4. Do you continue the southern hospitable social niceties even while inside you despise another member of the body of Christ? David would pray for your judgment, but not because he personally is angry with you; the NT expressly forbids this. Newsflash: this is not about you, your feelings, your agenda. And most of us are not mature enough to pray this way, maybe we should abstain. So pray for the ability to forgive and God to open the eyes of the lost person in your class or office; but pray for judgment to fall on those that are hypocrites. Of course, our evaluation is subjective, but God’s is not. Leave final assessments to Him. You can also pray both for salvation and for judgment simultaneously.

D. Affirmation of Trust Either Way (v. 6-7)

1. David affirms trust in God either way. If God judges, he will trust. If God chooses not to for whatever reason, he trusts. He says that God heard his plea, but doesn’t say whether or not the enemies were vanquished. Notice that he says that his heart trusted in God after he said that God heard him, but before he says that He helped him. In fact prays later for God to “save Your people.” Notice the progression from “trusted” to “rejoices” to “will praise.”

2. Ps 13:5,

3. Illustration: pastor the other day who knew that God had not called him there to be unproductive

4. We must follow the same truth. We trust Him regardless. We love Him regardless. We worship Him regardless of whether He answers in the way that we pray or not, whether He blesses or not, whether times are good or bad. He is sovereign. His will is good and perfect, and will accomplish all that He desires for it to. And our satisfaction is drawn from Him and not simply His blessings. And it is good to affirm that when and while you pray, that you will receive with gratefulness whatever answer God decides to give. Personal trust in God for leaders is an example for the church.

E. Plea for God to Shepherd (v. 8-9)

1. Finally, as a good king, he speaks about the remnant of the people, those that are following Christ with integrity and passion. And he says that he Lord is their strength, like He was David’s. And he prays for God to shepherd His people, bearing them up, lifting them above the reach of the enemy as a shepherd does a lamb. David knows that these situations will arise, and that there is an appropriate response in them: call on the Lord.

2. Argumentation

3. Illustration:

4. Corporately, when we are under attack, or if we are infested with two-faced, wicked people who are playing the role of the hypocrite, doing wicked things, and wickedly disgracing Christ and thwarting the work of His body, we are to come before the Lord, and pray for Him to shepherd his people. Turn to Him, temptation is to turn away. Allow these situations to draw you close to the Lord, whereas blessing and ease will not. And remember Jesus said he is a good shepherd. So He will never fail to feed, protect, lead, love, pick up, carry, and nurture His sheep. So as a body, corporately, make our collective prayer this: Savior, shepherd Your people.

A. Closing illustration: read this morning about the Civil War in East TN

B. Recap

C. Invitation to commitment

Additional Notes

• Is Christ Exalted, Magnified, Honored, and Glorified?