Summary: Learning how to be the church in today's world through learning from the book of Acts.

[2] Has God ever asked you to do something that was really hard? You knew God wanted you to do something, but you had a difficult time following through. Even though you knew it was the right thing to do; that it was God’s thing to do; but you just couldn’t do it?

[Seeing car with flashers on while going to the office story.]

Sometimes the things God calls us to do are things in the moment. Sometimes the things He asks us to do concern our entire lives.

- What kind of person we’re going to marry

- Career, ministry

- Ministry at church

- Witnessing to family members

- Having kids, fostering, adopting

- Handling our finances, tithing

- Personal purity

Do you ever have a problem doing what God wants you to do?

Well there’s a couple of things we need to understand that will help us obey God more

consistently. We need to understand the inside vs the outside when it comes to obeying God.

You see, there’s always going to be outside pressure to disobey God. Always! Everywhere you go there’s people who try and bring you down; opportunities for unfaithfulness; influences from tv and books and magazines that can change your thinking. Even our own flesh, the outer shell of who we are, will at times try and tempt us away from obeying God.

But, if who we are on the inside is strong enough, it doesn’t matter what outside pressures come. The core of who we are will enable us to obey regardless of the obstacles that stand in our way. We can do what God wants us to do.

Now you might think that God has called you to do something that’s impossible. Something that’s so hard you just don’t know how it’s going to get done. But as we look at the obstacles the early church had to go through, we’re going to get some principles that will help us do what God wants us to do.

Turn with me to Acts chapter five as we remember what’s going on with the early church. Very early in the church’s history their leaders, Peter and John, were thrown into jail and warned to quit preaching about Jesus Christ. But of course that didn’t stop them. They were on a mission to help as many people as possible come to faith in Jesus Christ and nothing would slow them down. And really, they were accomplishing that mission.

[Read Acts 5:12-16.]

Things were going so well. They were doing what God had called them to do. But opposition to their obedience was coming. The Jews wanted them silenced and were willing to do whatever it took to destroy the early church.

Would it work? Could harsh opposition get these Christians to turn their back on God? No way. You see these believers were inwardly filled with [3] purpose that moved them to obey despite the obstacles.

[Read Acts 5:17-23.]

The Apostles were in the Temple preaching as usual. It seems that this time instead of just Peter and John going to jail, all twelve of them made the trip. In the middle of the night an angel walked them through the locked prison walls and right past the prison guards without anyone noticing. Once they had their freedom the angel tells them to go right back to the Temple and continue preaching the gospel. And that’s exactly what they did.

They didn’t go home to take a nap. They didn’t run off into hiding. They didn’t argue with the angel about evangelistic strategy. They simply obeyed. They went right back to the Temple and did the same thing that’s gotten them thrown into jail two times already!

Now, they knew the risk. They knew it wouldn’t be long until the authorities found out where they were. They knew they’d probably be thrown back into jail and this time they might even be executed. But nothing was going to stop them from fulfilling the mission Christ had given them. They were so committed to their purpose of helping people get saved that their own personal comfort or even safety was a non-issue. Purpose moves us to obey despite the obstacles.

[Kokou Locou story.]

When God calls you to do something, no matter how big or small, don’t let the outside obstacles stand in your way of obedience. Let the purpose God has given you move you to fulfill whatever it is that God’s called you to.

- Staying married

- Ministry

- Lifestyle

- Finances

Purpose moves us to obey despite the obstacles.

Well just like they thought, the religious rulers caught up to them and once again they’d be standing before a powerful, angry council having to answer for their actions. But instead of caving in or apologizing in an attempt to save themselves, they allowed their [4] principles to keep them obedient when questioned by the opposition.

[Read Acts 5:24-32.]

“You killed Jesus. He was the Savior. God raised Him from the dead. God’s exalted Him to Heaven. We’ve seen it for ourselves. And we’re going to obey Him instead of you!”

No politically correct answers from the Apostles on that day. They weren’t ashamed of what they were doing in the least. You see their principles instructed them to continue in their obedience to God even when in the heat of the moment of opposition. Instead of making an emotional decision based on circumstance and pressure, they relied on their principles – the principle of following God supremely.

Now, all throughout the Bible people are called upon to obey the governing authorities above them. Unless of course the government is forcing us to sin against God.

You have the example in Exodus chapter one where an evil Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all newborn baby boys. The midwives didn’t heed that order and disobeyed the Pharaoh.

Another example is in Daniel chapter six where king Darius decreed that only he could be worshipped as a god. But Daniel ignored that law and continued to worship the One True God. Now it did get him thrown into the lion’s den, but God helped him with that.

The point is, when opposition comes and the pressure is on to disobey God we must rely on our principles from God’s Word to keep us level-headed and obedient to the Lord.

Sometimes its difficult to make a good decision in the heat of the moment. When our emotions are running high, when we’re scared, when there’s people actively opposing us, or even when we’re sick or tired, it’s tough to make good decisions. So when the pressure’s on to disobey God we need to step back and remember our biblical principles for life that will instruct us to remain obedient.

[Duggar’s kid’s purity during courtship story.]

Often when we make an emotional decision we’re simply trying to satisfy our feelings in the moment – whatever they may be. We want the pain to stop, we want the loneliness to end, we don’t want to wait until we can afford it, we want to be popular, we want revenge.

But instead of giving in to the opposition that’s trying to break our spirit, step back and remember your biblical principles for living and let them help you remain obedient to the Lord. Principle instructs us to obey when opposition questions us.

Well the Apostles have stood their ground. Remembering their purpose and principles have served them well. They’ve remained obedient to the Lord despite the opposition. But they are going to pay for it. They will receive some wrath from the ruling authorities they were opposing. But through it all their [5] perspective encouraged them for obeying even though they were severely persecuted.

[Read Acts 5:33-39.]

This respected rabbi Gamaliel advised the council to basically let the apostles go. This was definitely a political move since the disciples had such a large following. But he did have some good reasoning in explaining that if the movement was of men, it would die out on its own. But if it was of God, nothing they could do would stop it.

The council took Gamaliel’s advice. But before they let the Apostles go they flogged them which means each Apostle received 39 lashes, 39, with a whip.

[Read Acts 5:40-42.]

These believers had a perspective that caused them to rejoice even when they were persecuted. To them it was an honor to suffer for Jesus. To them it was an honor to be recognized as true believers. To them it was an honor to be seen as a threat to the spiritually dark world. They didn’t see this as a defeat – they saw this as a victory! Look at what Peter later wrote about suffering for Jesus in I Peter 4:13-16.

[Read I Peter 4:13-16.]

The Apostles understood that they were being opposed for their faith because God was using them to change the world! They were opposed because they were effective. They considered it an honor to be soldiers in this spiritual battle.

You know sometimes when we’re trying to do what is right opposition will come. Whether it’s demonic forces working against us, or other people wanting us join them in sin, or even when it’s our own flesh fighting against us. Opposition will come our way. But when we allow ourselves to be motivated by purpose and steadied by principle we can lean into the wind and break through opposition.

But when we break do through, when we remain obedient to the Lord, there still might be some unpleasant fallout as a result of our obedience. This world is ultimately not our home and is usually not a fan of someone trying to consistently live for God.

[Mel Gibson, Pres. Bush, Miss California examples.]

So when we do right and fallout still comes our way, rejoice that God has counted you worthy to suffer for Him. He’ll help you though it and the pain will eventually cease.

(And you know what, the pain of persecution is nothing compared to the pain of personal failure. That kind of pain hurts way deeper than what opposition can bring.)

So is there something that God wants you to do that you’re having a hard time doing? Let purpose move you, let principle steady you and make sure you keep a proper perspective to help you never look back in regret.

[6] James 4:13 reads - Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does

not do it, to him it is sin. What does God want you to do? [7]