Summary: A sermon on Leadership and the Installation of new officers in the church. The focus is on every member being a minister. How an encounter with Christ can give you someone new to follow.

“To Equip People For Ministry”

"And Jesus said to him, "Go your way. Your faith has healed you." And instantly the blind man could see!

Then he followed Jesus down the road." Mark 10:52 (NLT)

Intro: A young man, who had worked for years on the railroad,

wanted a job as the lead signalman for a train company.

For his interview the track foreman asked…,

"What would you do if you realized that two trains were heading toward each other on the same track?"

The young man said,

"That's easy. I would push the switch button and switch tracks for one of the trains."

"The foreman asked, "What if the switch button did not work?”

The young man said,

“Then I would jump down out of the switchbox and use the manual lever to change one of the tracks.

The foreman asked, “What if the manual lever broke?"

The young man said,

"Then I'd would call the next signal box and let them know what was happening."

The foreman continued on, "What if the phone was busy?"

The young man said, "Well, in that case, I would rush across the track to the emergency phone and call.”

Then, the foreman asked, "What would you do if the emergency phone had been vandalized?"

The young man said, "Well…, then I would run into town…, and get my uncle."

The foreman was a little puzzled by his answer

So he asked, "Why would you go get your uncle?"

The young man answered, "That's simple. Because my uncle…, has never seen a train crash before."

Where do people turn…, when they feel like their life is headed toward a crash?

I’ll tell you where they turn…, they either turn to the things of the world,

or they turn to the church and the things of God…

What do people do…, when life feels like two trains are headed directly toward each other

And…, there…, is…, really…, nothing…, they can do…, to stop it from happening?

[Today is a very special day in the life of the Liberty United Methodist Church

It is the day we install the church leaders for the New Year.]

You have often heard me talk about the mission and purpose of the church in terms of “Five Ships”

Worship…, Membership…, Discipleship…, Leadership…, and Partnership

Today we are going to talk about Leadership.

I want you to listen to me very carefully and to this sermon

For it is the most important sermon I have preached so far in 2011.

(Some of you will get that in a minute…)

In Mark 10:46-52, Jesus gave us an example of a man who must have felt hopeless,

…like there was no way out…, like life was unfair and had dealt him a crashing blow…

But Jesus came along and turned his life around.

In this passage we can see how one person’s life can be miraculously changed by an encounter with Jesus.

Encountering Jesus is always the beginning point of a fresh start…

The man in this story was named Bartimaeus.

Bartimaeus had very little going for him.

Mark tells us that Bartimaeus was begging on the side of road just at the edge of the city of Jericho.

He may have very well been homeless.

There did not seem to be any chance that things were going to get much better for Bartimaeus…

There did not seem to be any way for him to break out of the cycle of poverty, and hunger,

and dependence upon someone else…, even dependence upon total strangers to take care of him.

Bartimaeus was blind.

I can only imagine what it would be like to be totally blind…

Because even when I close my eyes I can see a glow of light…a glimmer of light

The nearest I ever came to understanding what total blindness was like…

Was during a tour of Mammoth Cave National Park.

After walking down…, down…, into the deep part of the cave…,

They turned off the lights…,

In the pitch black of the underground cave…, there was absolute darkness.

There was no glow or glimmer of light…

Combined with the utter helplessness of not knowing your way back out of the cave…

The thoughts of having to feel your way along blindly…

Not knowing whether your next step could be your last…

That you might fall over the edge of a cavern

Or make a wrong turn and instead of going toward the surface and the light

You would only go deeper into the underground earth.

The other things to imagine is not seeing the sun rise…, not seeing the sun set…

A star shine, or the moon…

To not see a smiling face in the crowd…, a family members face…, or someone familiar to you…

The Gospel of Mark leads us to believe that Bartimaeus had been blind for some time.

We also know that Bartimaeus was poor.

There was no way he could work…

And in those days there was no kind of government relief…

In fact "Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet." Mark 10:48

You see, the crowd had Bartimaeus stereotyped.

In their eyes, he would never be anything more than a blind beggar.

In their eyes, he would never be anything but a burden.

Blind Bartimaeus had become totally dependent upon others.

Blind Bartimaeus had to be led around…

Blind Bartimaeus had to be led by someone to the well for a drink of water

Blind Bartimaeus had to be led by someone to the shade during the heat of the day

Blind Bartimeaus had to be led by someone to the roadside to beg…

Blind Bartimeaus had to be led back to the place where he slept….

All that Blind Bartimaeus could do…, was to stumble through life blindly

or be led by someone down the road.

And he would sit along the side of the road…, and beg.

Hoping for a kindhearted traveler…, to share a few coins with him.

Life for Bartimaeus was seemed hopeless.

Bartimaeus was a man who was simply trying to survive from day to day…, hour to hour…, minute by minute.

No joy

No success

No vacation from his troubles…

No peace from his sorrows

No hope for his future.

No Bartimaeus’ major concern in life was simple…, to survive.

That’s the way life is for a lot of people who live around you in the world today…

Life can be so out of control…, so beyond your means…, that they feel like what is the use of trying…,

because no matter how hard you try…, there is always going to something that you can NOT do anything about.

Like two trains steaming full speed…, out of control…, straight for each other…

Being a leader in this kind of world is difficult…

Leadership is a great challenge.

Knowing what to do in an emergency can save lives…, reduce damage to property…,

protect investments…, and comfort people who are going through crisis.

Leaders who know what to do when things are headed toward a crash…, can sometimes do things to stop it from happening.

The same in true in the life of the church.

The crash may be a crash in a marriage

A relationship that is broken…, heartaches and children caught in the middle of a separation or divorce…

I have counseled with hundreds of people…, some of them were thinking about getting a divorce.

Not all marriages can be saved, but most can. With a little help and communication. Many have been.

When Christian leaders offer support to families…,

When Youth leaders encourage teenagers to focus on their faith…

And Children’s workers…, are leaders who hug and care for young kids in a Christ like way…

Then the church is fulfilling its call of duty and call from God to be in ministry.

It may be a crash or it may be a temptation…

It may be a drug crash…, where your son or daughter is addicted to Weed, Meth, Alcohol, or Prescription drugs

The one thing they need in life is the leadership and ministry of the church.

It may be a financial crash…, where you lost your job,

or you just made the wrong choices and you are over extended…

It may be a medical crash…, where the doctor says Cancer, or Heart Attack, or incurable discease…

My sister Brenda was recently diagnosed with the worst kind of Rheumatoid Arthritis

She was told she would have to live with a certain amount of pain for the rest of her life…

I hope someone in Indiana will minister to her…

It may be a phone call and on the other end comes the news that someone you love has been taken from you.

It may be a personal crash…,


You might even experience a spiritual derailment…, in your life…

Where temptations and sin, are headed straight toward faith and victory…

AND There is only room for one of these on the same track…

Faith and temptations often collide

And whether the result is a partial derailment, or a spiritual disaster

Often depends on the leaders your church family.

When Christians encourage one another and pray for one another…

Then the outcome is more likely to be repentance, forgiveness, healing and restoration…

Learn this Lesson: The Every Member of the Church is Called to Ministry

When the church is able to step in and intervene…, that’s when people can find a way out…

When the Christians step up and act like Christ…, that’s when they can find hope…

When the Church really is involved in ministry… that’s when they can find answers…

In Christianity…, ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith

Where will they find the answers?

Where will they turn?

How do they stop the crash?

They will either turn to reading their horoscope

Or they will turn to reading their Bible

They will consult a fortune cookie

Or they will ask for counsel from someone they trust and believe in as a Christian

They will either call their psychic

Or they will call their pastor…

There is nothing like being a leader, and there is nothing like leading as a Pastor.

This week on Facebook I read this post from Rev. Shannon Cain, the Pastor of Middleburg Methodist

“In 2010, I saw the absolute best in people and the absolute worst.

I had more than I needed and I had absolutely nothing.

My faith soared to new heights and was shaken to its core.

It was marked by new friendship gained and loved ones lost.

I experienced great success and monumental failure.

In it all, I am abundantly blessed!”

You don’t have to be a Pastor to be a Minister…

Let me say again…, Every Member is a Minister…

Every Christian is a leader for somebody who needs your help…, your encouragement…, your compassion…,

Your smile…, your enthusiasm…, your joy…, your hope.

There is no excuse good enough when it comes to NOT serving God…

Moses first excuse was he had a stutter

His second excuse was he had a short fuse, and murdered an Egyptian in anger…

Hosea’s wife was a prostitute.

Jacob lied

David had an adulterous affair.

Abraham and Sarah were too old.

Timothy was too young.

Naomi was a widow.

Jonah ran from God.

Thomas doubted.

Jeremiah was suicidal.

Samson had long hair.

Noah got drunk.

Paul consented to the death of Stephen

As far as God is concerned…, being His servant leader…, is simply people who are willing

People who are willing…, to be used…, by Him…, to establish and grow His kingdom.

Leadership in the church…, is to “Equip people with the skills they need to Lead in Ministry.”

Jesus’ gift to the church was people…, let’s look at Ephesians 4:11

"He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: (NOT gold…, NOT silver… but people)

the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers." Ephesians 4:11 (NLT)

The gifts Jesus gave to the church was people…

Two weeks ago David Grider came down to help put up the tent out front of the church for the nativity….

1. I got out the tarp, poles, and ties…, and had them on the back of the truck

2. David laid it all out…, I helped hand him pieces…

Several times…, I started to say…, that’s not the way I would do it…

Several times…, I started to say…, it want work like that…

Several times…, I started to say…, I would never do it that way…

3. BUT I DID NOT SAY A WORD…, I did not grumble or complain.

In this matter…, David was clearly the leader…, I was…, the follower…

It only took about 10 minutes to set up the tent…,

(those who have put up the tent before know that sometimes it has taken over an hour with 5 or 6 people).

Learn this lesson: Being a good follower…, is just as important…, as having a good leader…

The Best way to lead in ministry is to see the value and meaning in things you CAN do.

For example: Help decorate the church for special occasions, and meals and gatherings is a form of outreach. People who come through the door notice how nice things look and they say to themselves this is God’s house.

Working with children and youth.

- When young couples know the church cares about their kids…,.

It says we care about the entire family.

A simple thing like regular attendance can be a ministry.

Do you know that when a visitor comes into this building and sees you worship here…

And they have met you at a cookout…, or grocery store…, or at a ball game, and they see you here…

Then that says, something about this being a great place to worship.

And so you can make a difference

The key to ministry is “being there” for each other…

WHEN the time comes…, and the time will come…,

when you are the one who needs…, one of the other members of this church…,

No matter how good you have things right now…,

Someday you will be on the other side…,

You will be the one needing to receive the ministry of the church

Going through a difficult time…

Suffering a loss…

One simple ministry of the church is the ministry of presence…,

You don’t have to say a word to be in the ministry of presence…,

Just being there when a loved one passes away and going to the funeral home… is enough…

Every member of this church should go to the funeral home when one of our members dies…

To visit…, to just be there…

Or take by food…,

Or send a card…,

Or make a phone call.

When we minister to people in their time of need…

They will know that we have experienced the love of God in our own life…,

and that this is a great church to belong to…

People are drawn to places when Christians are friendly…

And they will say to others when they visit…

"I really felt at home." "I felt welcome.” “I felt like I belonged.”

Then one day special passerby, named Jesus, came along.

Jesus gave Bartimaeus something money could not buy...

a gift that would change his life forever.

He gave Bartimaeus someone new to follow in his life….

With the miracle of sight also came the miracle of changing who Blind Bartimaeus would follow

No longer would Bartimaeus have to be led by someone to the well for a drink of water

No longer would Bartimaeus have to be led by someone to the shade during the heat of the day

No longer would Bartimeaus have to be led by someone to the roadside to beg…

No longer would Bartimeaus have to be led back to the place where he slept….

Now Bartimaeus could follow who he chose to follow…

Now he would be able to walk beside Jesus down the road…,

And now Bartimaeus would become the kindhearted traveler…,

Now Bartimaeus would become the one who would reach into his pocket

and pull out a few coins to share needy.

Life for Bartimaeus changed from hopeless to giving hope to others…

From no Joy to Sharing Joy

From no Peace to telling others about the peace that come through Jesus Christ…

From a person of many sorrows with no hope for his future

To a person with an eternal future…

Bartimaeus’ major concern had change from his own self…

To how to care and minister to others…

From simply trying to survive from day to day

To trying to help others…

That’s the change that sets Christian apart from other people

That’s how we tell if Christ has made a difference…

When we help others, I believe, is when we are closest to really saving and helping our own self.

Today everyone of us here has the opportunity to follow Jesus…

To follow Jesus may start out as a first time giving your heart and life to Christ…,

Confessing your blindness by sin…, and selfishness…

To follow Jesus for others may be a rededication of your faith

A recommitment of your life… a kind of a fresh start for a New Year…

Then there is the place of service in the church…,

Where you step out from being someone who just sits back and watches while others do church ministry

To someone who is actually following Jesus down the road…, doing church ministry.

With an encounter with the Almighty Jesus Christ…, the Saviour of the world…

Comes to call to duty…, and the call to service…, the call to ministry…,

the call to be a leader in your church…,

And your community…

"And Jesus said to him, "Go your way. Your faith has healed you." And instantly the blind man could see!

Then he followed Jesus down the road." Mark 10:52 (NLT)

• The service continues with An Order For The Installation Of Leaders In The Church from the United Methodist Book of Worship (pages 599-601)