Summary: verse by verse through Acts

[2] This week we find ourselves back in the book of Acts learning how we can be the church instead of how we can just go to church. As we continue our studies we keep in mind that our main goal as a church it to help people become mature followers of Jesus Christ.

But let me ask you this, are there certain people, or people groups that you have a hard time reaching out to because they are just so different? Maybe it’s their religious background, maybe it’s their ethnic background, maybe it’s their financial situation or maybe it’s their immoral lifestyle that keeps you at a distance. [3] They are so culturally different that you won’t even attempt to reach out to them with God’s love.

[Liberal family members example.]

And you know what we do sometimes? We don’t even take the time to share God with those people because our cultures clash so much. We write them off and try to convince ourselves that it’s someone else’s job to witness to them. All because we either don’t understand their culture or because we can’t stand their culture.

But if God’s put that person in my life, then maybe God wants me to talk with them.

- I’ll bet if that culturally different person’s in your family – God wants you to talk to them.

- I’ll bet if that culturally different person sits next to you on the bleachers as you watch your kids play soccer every week– God wants you to talk to them.

- I’ll bet if that culturally different person is one of your co-workers – God wants you to talk to them.

You see, when it comes to sharing God’s love with someone, we need to learn how to

[4] become culture-blind. Our differences with people shouldn’t keep us from giving them a chance to know the God of the universe.

Now there are times when we need to take a person’s culture into account. When hiring a babysitter for our kids we wouldn’t hire someone who’s cultural background is that of a criminal. When having a practicing Buddhist over for dinner we wouldn’t serve him a sacred cow on a bun called a hamburger.

There are times when we need to be culture-sensitive. But when it comes to who we share God’s love with, we need to be culture-blind.

In Acts chapter ten the Apostle Peter is going to learn how to be culture blind when it comes to sharing the gospel. You see the church back then was dominated by Jewish leadership and even Jewish tradition. Most of the church leaders believed that even as Christians they still needed to uphold all of the laws and traditions of the Old Testament. They even thought that if a non-Jewish person wanted to become a Christian they too must uphold the Old Testament laws like circumcision and ceremonial washing.

This would be an issue that the church would deal with for a while. You see, when Christ came He didn’t invalidate the Old Testament – He fulfilled it. Therefore there was no need to continue to perform some of the Jewish religious traditions that looked forward to the Savior. This incident in Acts chapter ten would help the church to better understand that.

Now, for a Jew, they weren’t supposed to associate with a non-Jewish, or gentile, person. But here God wants Peter to not only associate with them, but to eat with them, invite them into his home and later stay at their home. All of these were huge social taboos. But God was teaching Peter how to be culture-blind. The first thing we see here is that:

[5] God prepares the unreached. Peter was going to have to witness to someone that he was culturally uncomfortable with. But God had already prepared that person ahead of time just for Peter.

[Read Acts 10:1-8.]

Cornelius was a good gentile man who had converted to Judaism. But even as a new convert, he still felt like there must be more to this. He’d heard of Jesus and the claims made by His disciples and wondered if He was in fact the Jewish Messiah that was long awaited for. So while praying and seeking God an angel appeared to him and told him to have Peter come and tell him what he knew. God was preparing this man for the Truth that he saught so earnestly. God will prepare those who seek Him.

[My life events, U2 music, people, etc…]

God knew I wanted the Truth about Him and so He used various means to get my attention and to prepare me for the Truth.

The people that God wants you to talk with, He’s preparing them right now for when it’s your time to bring them the Truth. And not only is He preparing them, He’s preparing you! Let’s go back to the story and see how [6] God prepares the messenger.

[Read Acts 10:9-23a.]

Peter has this crazy dream of a tablecloth coming down out of heaven and the table’s set with all kinds of food that were considered unclean by Jewish standards. Some things were considered so unclean that a good Jew wouldn’t even touch them, let alone eat them. But the Lord told him three times, quite arguing with me and eat! “What God has cleansed no longer consider unholy.”

While Peter was trying to figure out the significance of the dream, the three gentiles from Cornelius’ house show up and start calling out Peter’s name. The Lord speaks to Peter and essentially says, “I’ve sent them. Be culture-blind and go with them.”

It seems that Peter starts to get it since he invites the men in and even gives them lodging for the night. (It was too late in the day to start their journey.)

By all cultural standards Peter was supposed to send these gentile men away. But they came in with him, probably shared a meal together, and then stayed the night with them. Peter was allowing the Lord to prepare him to share the message with people that he was culturally uncomfortable with.

If God wants us to talk with someone we’re culturally uncomfortable with, He will prepare us. He’ll help us have that heart of love and acceptance that He has. He’ll use His Word, His people and life’s circumstances to get us ready.

Once we are ready, [7] God then enables us to go cross-cultural.

[Read Acts 10:23b-33.]

Peter follows the Lord’s leading and goes cross-cultural. He shows up at that gentile’s home and finds a houseful of people waiting for him. But he doesn’t just show up and start preaching. He starts out by letting them all know that he’s just a man like them and that he’s no better than them because he’s Jewish and they’re not. You see amidst all the cultural differences, Peter found some common ground.

When we talk with someone who’s background is completely different than ours, it helps if we can find some common ground on which to can relate to each with. Instead of highlighting our differences, highlight our commonalities.

When dealing with someone of a different religious background I’ll bet you can find some moral issues that you agree upon. Or some family values you agree upon.

When dealing with someone of a different ethnic background I’ll bet you can find a similar appreciation for food and arts and sports.

Even when dealing with someone who lives an overtly immoral lifestyle I’ll bet you both can agree upon how empty life can be at times when you aren’t living right.

[Homeless outreach story.]

Point is, arguing cultural differences doesn’t help someone get closer to Christ. But finding common ground opens up the channels of communication between the cultures which opens up the door for the gospel message. A message from God that’s the same for all no matter where you’ve been or where you are in life. [8] God’s message is the same for all.

[Read Acts 10:34-43.]

Peter gave them the same message that he’s given everyone – that Jesus is the Savior and forgiveness of sins comes only through belief in Him. This was the message Peter gave to the 3,000 on Pentecost, this was the message Peter gave to the Jewish council that he stood before, this was always the message of the gospel. Jesus is Lord and you must believe in Him to have eternal life.

We don’t have to come up with some unique way to share the gospel with people of a different culture. Sin is sin, forgiveness is forgiveness, and Jesus is Jesus no matter who we’re talking to. If we start to change the content of the message to make it more acceptable to others then we’re not giving them the gospel message at all! Then we’re just giving them more religion. And people don’t need more religion. They need more Jesus!

So we need to just give people the simple gospel message and how it’s changed our life. Because just like God’s message is the same for all, [9] God’s salvation is the same for all.

[Read Acts 10:44-48, 11:17.]

While Peter was giving them the gospel, the lights started going on in the people’s hearts. And one by one they all started to believe. Peter didn’t even finish his sermon or give an invitation! But as they heard the message they were placing their faith in Jesus Christ. As they believed they were receiving the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues as evidence that God’s Spirit was indeed within them!

Peter and his Jewish companions recognized that these gentiles were being saved exactly like they had been. It was clear that salvation was the same for everyone no matter their nationality or culture. The gift of tongues confirmed to them that God was at work in the gentiles just like He was in them. Isn’t that beautiful? These gentiles didn’t have to jump through any Jewish religious hoops to be saved. They simply needed to believe in Jesus Christ! God’s salvation is the same for all!

So in light of this, let me ask you again, are there certain people, or people groups that you have a hard time reaching out to because they are just so different? [10] How’s your vision this morning? When you see people that are different than you do you focus on their differences? Or do you see someone who needs Jesus? How’s your vision this morning?

I John 2:2 says “and He Himself is the propitiation, (the atoning sacrifice), for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”

We need to get this message out. The message that Jesus didn’t just die for the good, church people, but that He died for all people! [11]

[Move to communion table.]

This morning as we remember His sacrifice for our sins, let’s also remember that His sacrifice was for the sins of the world. A world that needs to hear about Him!

[Communion, Matthew 26:26-28.] [12]